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Dubai International School Courses Schedule

By: Donald Sega

Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, established in 1859, is among the nation's oldest and most distinguished institutions of higher learning. The organization, the legacy of Peter Cooper, occupies a special place in the cultural fabric of American life. Founded by industrialist, inventor and philanthropist Peter Cooper, Cooper Union houses schools of art, architecture and engineering, as well as a world-class faculty of humanities and social sciences...

Dubai International School English Department 2015-2016 Grade 11

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Salary Summary : For Taxation Students

By: Pratik Kaushikkumar Kikani

Summary of Salary head under the Income Tax for Taxation Students of India. This book will serve for last minute revision. This book is prepared with five effective pages of Summary which only one need to read to recapture the concept covered in Salary Head....

5 Effective Pages for Quick Revision

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Medical Biochemistry and Biotechnology : Biochemistry for Medicine, Dental, Pharmacy and others

By: Dr. Amanullah Mohammed

This book has been prepared for students of undergraduate courses in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, laboratory medicine, physiotherapy, veterinary science, agriculture, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, biotechnology, molecular biology, etc. The main purpose is to provide an understanding of the basic concepts in biochemistry and biotechnology which are required for them in a simple and interesting manner. Though there are a lot of books providing extensive knowledge of these subjects in the market , it has been observed that most of the students, especially from non-English speaking countries feel intimidated by the complexities of these subjects. Hence, this book is an endeavor to fulfill their needs. Care has been taken to explain various topics in as simple a language as possible, without compromising on the quality of the subject matter. The text is supported with clear diagrams. Students, who are appearing for various competitive exams, will find this book equally helpful. This book will also serve as a handy tool for teachers and postgraduate students....

Biochemistry for undergraduate medical students is no less than a terror. Hence, this book brings them out of this nightmare.

CONTENTS Ch. No. TITLE PAGE No. 1. BIOCHEMISTRY-Scope and Importance in Medical Sciences 1-2 2. GENERAL CHEMISTRY 3-10 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Water Acids And Bases pH Buffers Colloids Osmosis Radioactivity 5 5 6 6 8 8 9 3. CELL -Structure and Function 11-13 4. CARBOHYDRATES 14-24 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Classification Monosaccharides Disaccharides Polysaccharides 14 15 21 23 5. LIPIDS 25-31 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Fatty Acids Classification of Lipids Simple Lipids Compound Lipids Derived Lipids Chemical Properties of lipids 25 26 26 27 29 30 6. PROTEINS 32-43 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Amino Acids Classification of Amino Acids Reactions of Amino Acids Primary Structure of Protein Secondary Structure of Protein \Tertiary Structure of Protein Quaternary Structure of Protein Properties of Proteins Classification of Proteins 32 32 34 38 38 39 40 42 42 7. NUCLEIC ACIDS 44-56 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Functions of DNA Packaging of DNA Properties of DNA Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) 48 49 50 52 52 8. ENZYMES 57-69 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Classif...

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Επιλογή πολιτικών άρθρων που ο Αντόνιο Γκράμσι δημοσίευσε μεταξύ 1916 και 1925 σε διάφορα έντυπα. Μετάφραση από τα ιταλικά Χρίστος Αλεξανδρίδης. Selected political articles published by Antonio Gramsci in various newspapers and journals between 1916 and 1925. Translation fron italian by Christos Alexandridis....

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If I Were... (2007)

By: Brandon Huang; Cres Huang, Compiler

A little book to his father by a third grader on Father's Day, 2007.

If I were a car, toolbox, flashlight, computer, monkey, solar panel, goat, or tow truck.

If I Were A Car If I Were A Toolbox If I Were A Flashlight If I Were A Computer If I Were A Monkey If I Were A Solar Panel If I Were A Goat If I Were A Tow Truck I Am Your Son...

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If I Were... (2004)

By: Ms. Karissa Huang; Cres Huang, Compiler

A little book to her father by a third grader on Father's Day, 2004.

If I were a firefly, bee, hummingbird, puppy, wolf, kitten, hammer, or pencil.

If I Were A Firefly If I Were A Bee If I Were A Hummingbird If I Were A Puppy If I Were A Wolf If I Were A Kitten If I Were A Hammer If I Were A Pencil I Am Your Daughter ...

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By: Ms. Mehreen Ahmed

In the cold grip of death and high alert, stands the silent land of the Lost Winds. Moral degradation has triggered a mass exodus. Those who were at great risk and in imminent danger have fled the atrocities of the regime by a boat called the Blue Moon to seek protection in a new land. Battling over the high seas through many violent tempests, their sea unworthy vessel, Blue Moon sailed for days until one evening it was spotted under the roaming beam of the light house on murky waters. The boat has finally reached the shores of Draviland. In the meantime, unfathomable pondering rage in Nalia’s head in Lost Winds, as she explores the chaotic, dark fate of her mates. Unpredictable times have created such people, deemed as riders of the howling seas....

"The presence of the paradoxical absence of the ONE, and His selective random process as to who won and who didn’t was one of those many unresolved puzzles. However, His existence was as immutable as the law of gravity to the faithful. P. 131."...

Red Tempests Ash Woodlands Black Streams Orange Soils White Vines Purple Waves Gold Foliage Turquoise Roots Emerald Luminosities Sapphire Skies Crimson Fields Pink Honeycombs...

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The Geopolitics of Energy & Terrorism, Part 6

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

The following chapters are independent essays that were written between July 2015 and February 2016. They appear in random order, and therefore they do not have to be read in the order they appear. The issue in all the essays is the connection between the energy policies of various countries, their foreign policies, and the wars that break out at various parts of the globe, since all three are closely related. I describe many economic interests and many alliances in my essays. But alliances change and so do economic interest. Therefore what is more important for the reader is to have an idea of the global resources i.e. oil and natural gas in my essays, because global resources change at a much lower pace than economic interests and economic alliances. The alliances and conflicts I describe in my essays might not exist in the near future, but if you have an idea of the global resources you will be able to see the alliances and the economic interests that will exist in the future....

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Psalmen : Das Brot der Seele

By: Ralf Peter Reimann, Editor

Ps – so lautet das Kürzel für das Buch der Psalmen in der Welt der Wissenschaft. Ihre Kraft haben sie bis heute erhalten. Pfarrerinnen und Pfarrer, Prädikantinnen und Prädikanten, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, Christen und Juden schreiben über die verbindenden Themen, die den Psalmen zugrunde liegen: Hoffnung etwa, Trost, Trauer, Leid, Zorn, Klage oder Musik. Die Autorinnen und Autoren spüren diesen Begriffen im Buch der Psalmen nach. Die Grafiken in diesem Buch ergänzen die Texte und regen zur Meditation an. Wenn die Grafiken aus diesem E-Book auf eine Leinwand projiziert werden, können sie zur gemeinsamen Andacht genutzt werden....

Die 150 Psalmen haben bis heute ihre Kraft erhalten. „Die Psalmen sind für mich eins der wichtigsten Lebensmittel“, schreibt die evangelische Theologin Dorothee Sölle. „Ich esse sie, ich trinke sie, ich kaue auf ihnen herum, manchmal spucke ich sie aus, und manchmal wiederhole ich sie mitten in der Nacht. Sie sind für mich Brot. Ohne sie tritt die spirituelle Magersucht ein, die sehr verbreitet unter uns ist und oft zu einer tödlichen Verarmung des Geistes und des Herzens führt.“ Das Sölle-Zitat ist Leitmotiv für das Onlineprojekt, das nun auch als E-Book veröffnetlicht wird. Die Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland als Herausgeberin stellt Texte und Bilder zu den Psalmen zur Verfügung, um diese Impulse aus den Psalmen für unsere Gegenwart neu zu entecken....

1. Erlösung Katrin Keita: Für kein Lösegeld dieser Welt 2. Frieden Max Koranyi: Eine Straße ohne Kanonen 3. Geborgenheit Bärbel Krah: Ein vertrauter Klang 4. Gerechtigkeit Wilhelm Otto Deutsch: Einsatz für die Schwachen 5. Glaube Christoph Melchior: Ein Halleluja auf die Schöpfung 6. Gnade Ekkehard Rüger : Das unverdiente Geschenk 7. Hilfe Thomas Symank: Kein blindes Vertrauen 8. Innerlichkeit Rainer Fischer: Der Coach des Psalmschreibers 9. Jerusalem Lisa Sedlmayr, Bethlehem: Stadt der Hoffnung 10. Lob Michaela Geiger: Teil einer lebendigen Beziehung 11. Macht Hana Fischer: „Wir alle bilden das Volk“ 12. Musik Veronika Kabis: Klänge des Psalteriums 13. Mut Susanne Krahe: Strategie für bedrängte Menschen 14. Not Katrin Keita: Stricke des Todes 15. Prüfung Susanne Krahe: Wenn der Glaube schwindet 16. Schöpfung Ekkehard Rüger: Das fortwährende Staunen 17. Sünde Susanne Krahe: Entfernt von Gott 18. Wahrheit Rabbi Jehoschua Ahrens: Beim Gebet des Schma 19. Weisheit Martin Bock: Eine Lebenskunst mit Überraschungen 20. Zorn Bärbel Krah: Nicht verdrängen! 21. Zuflucht Rabbi Jehoschua Ahrens: Als in ...

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Fall Out

By: Boris Ratko Bugarcic

Chapbook of poems made in past few months. Randomly selected. I hope that you would enjoy in them. Cheers.

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Crush OCPD : Help for Couples Hindered by Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

By: J. B. Snow

Crush OCPD helps a couple to navigate through the difficulties that are common with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder. Rigidity, critical nature and criticism are hallmark traits of OCPD. Many people suffer for years in a marriage in which their partner is difficult to deal with. This ebook (and others in the J.B. Snow collection - available on iTunes, Amazon and Audible) are crucial in helping the OCPD person's partner understand and respond appropriately to their condition....

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The Hero's Chamber

By: Mrs. Ian Andrew Newton; Marcia Adams Ho, Illustrator

This book was written after having an epiphany. I literally woke up from a dream and began writing. This story is appropriate for any reader age 9 and above. You'll find no gratuitous violence, foul language or nightmarish scenes. What you will discover on these pages is an adventure unlike anything I had ever dreamed about before; a fantasy tale worthy of reading aloud and a cast of characters that could only have come from deep within a creative mind. In The Hero's Chamber, two young men take a reluctant journey to find something that hasn't existed in thousands of years. Their guide may not be trustworthy, their fate is almost certain death but without this effort their world, the original Earth, will die. Our adventurers are led by a young woman who must remain unseen, she is forbidden to speak and yet without her there can be no success. Join this unforgettable group as they struggle through an epic journey that none of them expected, none of them asked for and none of them may survive....

In the early morning hours of July 5th 2006, I woke up from a dream. Since then, I’ve tried to write down what I experienced; to express what I saw, to tell the story of my dream. The reason for my effort and the purpose of this book is to get the images, the story, the characters, and the emotions out of my head. With my dream finally down on paper, at least the first half of it, I know that I will be able to put aside the unreasonably detailed visions that have danced through my head for years. After you read it, I hope you understand why I had to write it down. ...


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Musical Mnemonics

By: Steven Allan Wheelock

Mnemonics for music. Intended as entertainment.

If your memory of the bass clef conflicts with your memory of the treble clef (and vise versa), then perhaps associating the notes above Middle C (treble clef) with famous women, while associating the notes below Middle C (bass clef) with famous men, would possibly help to reduce this problem for you??...

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Silver : The Silver Series, Book 1: The Silver Series Book 1

By: Cheree Alsop

Silver, book one of the Silver Series, is a coming of age story about a teenage werewolf whose father is murdered. He has to come to terms with his new life, new school, and new friends while trying to prevent more killings. Attempting to make peace with the territory’s pack and falling in love with a werewolf hunter’s daughter make his new situation even more perilous....

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Moneta's Past

By: William B Nix

Arthur Mcnair climbed to the top of society with his world changing invention: The Memory Chip. This device, implanted above the user's right ear, can erase any memory or group of memories. The chip gave the world a chance to forget their problems and pain, and the world bought it. After many years of successfully leading the company as CEO, Arthur found himself faced with divorce papers from his wife and a lawsuit from his partner. On the eve of the court trial that would decide the fate of his company, Arthur was mugged, his memory chip hacked and the last twenty years of his memory erased. Risking his life and sanity, he undergoes an experimental treatment to retrieve the precious memories. Looking for clues about his enemies, his wife’s dealings and his company’s past, Arthur might not like what he finds....

The rain covered the sound of footsteps behind him. He did not shout for help as a strong arm grabbed him from behind and another blow hit him square between the shoulders throwing him to the ground. He made no struggle as his arms were pinned behind his back. A car pulled up and he was thrown headfirst into the backseat. A female voice commanded his attacker, “Quick give me his head.” His head was lifted from the floor of the car and twisted to give unobstructed access to his memory chip. “How far are you going to go back?” Someone asked from the front seat. “Twenty years.” Arthur felt a code being punched into the memory chip on the side of his head, an instant later his vision was clouded by darkness and he sunk into unconsciousness. Time to start over again. ...

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Συλλογή δεκατριών σύγχρονων ιταλικών διηγημάτων διαφόρων συγγραφέων. It's a collection of thirteen modern italian short stories written by various authors. ...

Πατέρας, 1944 Mario Puccini Κυριακάτικη εκδρομή Carlo Montella Το σχολείο των χωρικών Saverio Strati Η εξέταση Leonardo Sciascia Οι ποδοσφαιριστές Roberto Pazzi Αμφισβήτηση των πάντων Dino Buzzati Μαλαστράνα Edgarda Ferri Γυναίκες στην πισίνα Sandra Petrignani Μια βραδιά στους Νάρντι Alcide Paolini Ο γαλάζιος άνθρωπος Giorgio Vecchietti Τα εφταμηνίτικα της Βαβέλ Giampiero Comolli Το φεγγάρι και το GNAC Italo Calvino Τα παιδιά του Αϊ-Βασίλη Italo Calvino ...

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شخصية المختار الثقفي عند المؤرخين القدامى

By: سالم الغزي

مقدمة اللجنة العلمية المختار الثقفي... رجل الأسطورة في نصرة الحق لم تعد شخصية المختار بن أبي عبيدة الثقفي شخصية درامية يتخذها البعض في تصوير مشهد تاريخي ما، بل فرضت هذه الشخصية نفسها على الحدث الإسلامي لتكون مفردة تاريخية مستقلة، وهذا يعني أن المختار ذو القابليات المتعددة صار مسرحاً للنقد والدراسة والتحليل، ومنه يُعلم مالهذه الجهود من تجاذبات فكرية تتفقُ أحياناً وتتقاطع أخرى، لتزيد المشهد التاريخي تعقيداً فوق كل تعقيداته المختلفة فهذا المختار الذي تعددت قراءات فكره وتوجهاته بين كيساني النزعة، إلى زيدي الهوى حتى إمامي الانتهاء، وفي نطاق السياسة فهو بين زبيري حتى مرواني إلى علوي الاصطفاف، وهكذا هي دوامة تاريخية لا تنتهي إلاّ بقناعات غير قطعية محالة على الظن أو التهمة أو الكراهية وحتى عبثية التحليل، وينتمي كل دارسٍ إلى ثقافته القبلية التي تفرض عليه ترسيم حدود الشخصية التاريخية التي لم تجد مجالاً للنقد أو التروي حتى تتحكم في تعريفها هذه الدواعي غير العلمية، وتتجه نتائج البحث أخيراً لتؤشر على الحالة الانتمائية التي يبتلي بها الكاتب أو المحلل التاريخي الذي تستهويه هذه المطاردات لتسقط أخيراً من مضمار الهوس والتسابق الذوقي حتى تحط رحالها إلى حيث انتهت معه التؤدة في التحقيق، والتروي في معالجة البحث، وتخرج الجهود التحقيقية بنتائجها القيمة م...

المقدمة الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على خير خلق الله أجمعين إمام المرسلين وخاتم النبيين سيدنا محمد وعلى آله الطيبين الطاهرين وصحبه المنتجبين، اللهم إنك ثقتي في كل كرب ورجائي في كل شدة، وبعد: مما لاشك فيه أن موضوع الرسالة: (شخصية المختار بن أبي عبيد الثقفي عند المؤرخين القدامى) ذو أهمية كبيرة لما لتلك الشخصية من دورٍ محوري ومهم في الحقبة التي تلت استشهاد أبي الأحرار الإمام الحسين (عليه السلام) وارتباطها بقضية آل البيت والأخذ بثأرهم من قتلتهم وأعدائهم وما آل إليه ذلك من إدخال السرور على آل بيت النبي (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) وشيعتهم ومحبيهم. ومن البديهي أن يضم التاريخ الإسلامي في طياته الكثير من الروايات الصحيحة إلا أنه لم يخلُ من التناقضات التي لا تخفى على مطلعٍ فضلاً عن الاجتهادات والآراء الشخصية التي تحكمّت بها أهواء مَن كتبوه وميولهم منذ بدايته وحتى يومنا هذا؛ مما نتج عنه تشويه للحقائق ظُلمَ بسببها العديد من رجاله العظماء لاسيما الموالون لآل البيت، فإذا كان بنو أمية قد سبّوا الإمام علياً (عليه السلام) لأكثر من ثمانين عاماً على منابر المسلمين في كل البلاد التي حكموها دون رادع أو خوف من أحد فمن الهيّن واليسير إلصاق التهم وطمس فضائل وتغييب ملامح كل مَن سارَّ في ركبه (عليه السلام) أو نهج خطاه. وشخصية المختار من أكثر الش...

المحتويات الإهداء 2 مقدمة اللجنة العلمية 2 المختار الثقفي... رجل الأسطورة في نصرة الحق 2 المقدمة 2 الفصل الأول المبحث الأول: ولادته ونشأته 2 أولاً: نسبه وقبيلته 2 ثانيا: نشأته 2 المبحث الثاني: عقيدته وولاؤه 2 أولا: المختار والولاء العثماني 2 ثانيا: المختار ومذهب الخوارج 2 ثالثا: المختار وولاؤه للزبيريين 2 رابعا: المختار والكيسانية 2 خامسا: المختار بين الزيدية والرافضة 2 الفصل الثاني المبحث الأول: الموقف من نهضة الإمام الحسين (عليه السلام) 2 أولاً: موقف المختار في عهد الإمام علي (عليه السلام) 2 ثانياً: موقف المختار في عهد الإمام الحسن (عليه السلام) 2 ثالثاً: موقف المختار من الشهادة ضد حجر بن عدي 2 رابعاً: موقف المختار أثناء نهضة الإمام الحسين (عليه السلام) 2 خامساً: موقف أهل الكوفة من الإمام الحسين (عليه السلام) 2 المبحث الثاني: موقف المختار من حركة التوابين 2 المرحلة الأولى: موقف المختار من حركة التوابين أثناء شخوصهم إلى بلاد الشام 2 المرحلة الثانية: موقف المختار من التوابين بعد عودتهم من المعركة 2 المبحث الثالث: موقف المختار من حركة عبد الله بن الزبير 2 أولاً: بداية حركة ابن الزبير 2 ثانياً: قتال المختار مع عبد الله بن الزبير 2 ثالثاً: سيطرة المختار على الكوفة 2 رابعاً: أوجه الخلاف العلني بين المختار وا...

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The Geopolitics of Energy & Terrorism, Part 5

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

The issue of the book is the connection between the energy policies of various countries, their foreign policies, and the wars that break out at various parts of the globe, since all three are closely related....

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O Princípio : os meus primeiros 16 poemas

By: Sr. Garcia Mbenza Matos

"o principio" é um livro de poemas, ideal para quem gosta de ler e também mostrar-lhe que a poesia nos transporta para um universo maravilhoso de sonhos e fantasias, além de possuir certa musicalidade......

“As melhores e mais bonitos coisas no mundo não podem ser vistas, ouvidas, ou mesmo tocadas. Elas devem ser sentidas pelo coração.”

1. Agradeço a ti meu Deus …….……………..…………………………………… 5 2. De manhã ……………………………….……………………………………… 6 3. Esta noite ………………………….…………………………………………… 7 4. Estou de volta …………………………………………….……………………. 8 5. Para o meu amor ………………………………………………..……………… 9 6. Somente escrever ……………………………………………………………... 10 7. Só queria escrever …………………………………………………………….. 11 8. Amor-perfeito …………………..……………………………..……………… 12 9. Desespero ………………………………...…………………………………… 13 10. Lamento de volta ………………………………….………………………….. 14 11. Foi o que eu senti ………………………………………...…………………… 15 12. Superação ………………………………………………………….………….. 16 13. Angola …………………………………………………………………..……. 17 14. O teu abraço ……………………………...…………………………………… 18 15. Por amar-te tanto ……………………………………………………………... 19 16. O principio ………..…………………………………………………………... 20 ...

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Life's Word : Enhance Your Life

By: Master Sujay Uday Rittikar

Poetry Collection

For turns will say stop but go taunt them up As failure's shadow comes with a barn full stocks But when stocks are turned into gains It creates capability of burning the ice of failure ...

Contents The One 6 Strife Turnaround 7 The Big Extents 8 Tree too an Invention 9 Dreams, the imaginary creators 10 Hopes, the enemy and friend of Life 11 Small Makes It Large 12 Struggle, don’t give up 13 Ways matter a lot 14 Burn thy ice of failure 15 Trek thou road of Sorrow 16 Wish for the failure 17 My Towntry(fusion of town and country) 19 The Heaven's Trek 20 Being True 21 Pyramid, a quest of Science 22 Behave to achieve 23 Captured Shadows of Invisible Minds 24 Song of the Warrior 25 Change, a major enhancer 26 The World is ONE 27 There is something, somewhere in you 28 Creations 29 God 30 Word been Mistaken 31 The Segregated Memory 32 Failure- a teacher 33 Shadows of joy 34 Be Exemplar and not GREAT 35 The Wall to be broken 36 Simple Presence, a Complexion Past 37 It's your Kismet 38 The Days Lost 39 Life- Nerd to World 41 Sip of Lender Land 42 Mother Earth 43 ...

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