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الآداب والأخلاق : نشرة شهرية تعني بشؤون الدين والاجتماع, Volume السنة الثانية: نشرة شهرية تعني بشؤون الدين والاجتماع

By: السادة لفيف فريق من الروحانيين

كلمة القسم الحمد لله الذي وفقنا لخدمة الثقافة والمثقفين، ونشر العلوم التي تهتم ببناء عقل الإنسان والصلاة والسلام على المعلم الأوحد المصطفى الأمجد محمد وعلى آله الذين التزموا نهجه ونشروا علمه وحفظوا دينه. دأبت وحدة التزويد في قسم الشؤون الفكرية والثقافية للعتبة الحسينية المقدسة, بالبحث عن كل ما كتب في المجلات والدوريات لترفد الباحثين بما ينفع فتكلل بحثها أن ظفرت بأسماء المجلات التي اعتنت بنشر ثقافة الإسلام وتراثه, وكان من بينها مجلة (الأخلاق والآداب) هذه المجلة التي سطر كتابها مواضيعهم على مدى خمسين سنة ليرفدوا طلاب العلم بما لذ وطاب من الأخلاق والآداب التي تجسدت في أحاديث أهل البيت عليهم السلام. ولاهتمام قسم الشؤون الفكرية والثقافية المتمثل بوحدة التزويد فيه بنشر تراث أهل البيت عليهم السلام وتسليط الضوء على ما كتب في المرحلة الزمنية السابقة في محافظة كربلاء المقدسة بادر هذا القسم إلى طبع هذه المجلة لتعم الفائدة لما فيها من العلوم التي تعتني ببناء العقل والروح. الشيخ علي الفتلاوي ر.ق. الشؤون الفكرية والثقافية في العتبة الحسينية المقدسة...

آية الله السيد حسن الشيرازي صاحب مجلة الأخلاق والآداب بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على محمد وآله أجمعين تحتفل الأوساط العلمية في كربلاء كل عام احتفالاً مهيباً بمناسبة حلول الذكرى السنوية لاستشهاد السيد حسن المهدي الحسيني الشيرازي بمشاركة عدد كبير من الشخصيات العلمية والأدبية الكربلائية وشعرائها، وكان لي شرف المساهمة في إحدى تلك المناسبات، كما شارك عدد آخر من الكتاب والأدباء العراقيين والعرب الذين عرفوا الفقيد من خلال فكره الدينية وثقافته الأصيلة، فهو من الذين رفعوا راية الفخر بما دبجته براعته في نشر المعرفة والفكر والثقافة الإسلامية بحثاً عن فلسفة الحياة ومعانيها السامية. وقد جمعت كلمات السيد حسن الشيرازي وبوبت فكانت بمجموعها تشكل عدة مجلدات وزعت في مكتبات الوطن العربي والإسلامي، منها على سبيل المثال لا الحصر: كلمة الله، كلمة الرسول الأعظم، كلمة الإسلام، كلمة الإمام الحسن.... الخ. على أنه ليس من حاجة تدعونا هنا إلى الأدلاء بأدلة كافية وبراهين ساطعة على ما لكتاباته من تأثير قوي ينم عن ذوق رفيع وبراعة فائقة وبيان ساحر، فقد كان من دعاة الإصلاح الذين رفعوا راية الجهاد في العالم الإسلامي، وبذلوا الجهود الجبارة من أجل الوصول إلى طلب الحرية وتحقيق آمال وطموحات الشعب المسلم وحمايته والذب عن كرامة الكيان ...

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الآداب والأخلاق : نشرة شهرية تعني بشؤون الدين والاجتماع, Volume السنة الثالثة: نشرة شهرية تعني بشؤون الدين والاجتماع

By: السادة لفيف فريق من الروحانيين

كلمة القسم الحمد لله الذي وفقنا لخدمة الثقافة والمثقفين، ونشر العلوم التي تهتم ببناء عقل الإنسان والصلاة والسلام على المعلم الأوحد المصطفى الأمجد محمد وعلى آله الذين التزموا نهجه ونشروا علمه وحفظوا دينه. دأبت وحدة التزويد في قسم الشؤون الفكرية والثقافية للعتبة الحسينية المقدسة, بالبحث عن كل ما كتب في المجلات والدوريات لترفد الباحثين بما ينفع فتكلل بحثها أن ظفرت بأسماء المجلات التي اعتنت بنشر ثقافة الإسلام وتراثه, وكان من بينها مجلة (الأخلاق والآداب) هذه المجلة التي سطر كتابها مواضيعهم على مدى خمسين سنة ليرفدوا طلاب العلم بما لذ وطاب من الأخلاق والآداب التي تجسدت في أحاديث أهل البيت عليهم السلام. ولاهتمام قسم الشؤون الفكرية والثقافية المتمثل بوحدة التزويد فيه بنشر تراث أهل البيت عليهم السلام وتسليط الضوء على ما كتب في المرحلة الزمنية السابقة في محافظة كربلاء المقدسة بادر هذا القسم إلى طبع هذه المجلة لتعم الفائدة لما فيها من العلوم التي تعتني ببناء العقل والروح. الشيخ علي الفتلاوي ر.ق. الشؤون الفكرية والثقافية في العتبة الحسينية المقدسة...

آية الله السيد حسن الشيرازي صاحب مجلة الأخلاق والآداب بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على محمد وآله أجمعين تحتفل الأوساط العلمية في كربلاء كل عام احتفالاً مهيباً بمناسبة حلول الذكرى السنوية لاستشهاد السيد حسن المهدي الحسيني الشيرازي بمشاركة عدد كبير من الشخصيات العلمية والأدبية الكربلائية وشعرائها، وكان لي شرف المساهمة في إحدى تلك المناسبات، كما شارك عدد آخر من الكتاب والأدباء العراقيين والعرب الذين عرفوا الفقيد من خلال فكره الدينية وثقافته الأصيلة، فهو من الذين رفعوا راية الفخر بما دبجته براعته في نشر المعرفة والفكر والثقافة الإسلامية بحثاً عن فلسفة الحياة ومعانيها السامية. وقد جمعت كلمات السيد حسن الشيرازي وبوبت فكانت بمجموعها تشكل عدة مجلدات وزعت في مكتبات الوطن العربي والإسلامي، منها على سبيل المثال لا الحصر: كلمة الله، كلمة الرسول الأعظم، كلمة الإسلام، كلمة الإمام الحسن.... الخ. على أنه ليس من حاجة تدعونا هنا إلى الأدلاء بأدلة كافية وبراهين ساطعة على ما لكتاباته من تأثير قوي ينم عن ذوق رفيع وبراعة فائقة وبيان ساحر، فقد كان من دعاة الإصلاح الذين رفعوا راية الجهاد في العالم الإسلامي، وبذلوا الجهود الجبارة من أجل الوصول إلى طلب الحرية وتحقيق آمال وطموحات الشعب المسلم وحمايته والذب عن كرامة الكيان ...

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الآداب والأخلاق : نشرة شهرية تعني بشؤون الدين والاجتماع, Volume السنة الرابعة: نشرة شهرية تعني بشؤون الدين والاجتماع

By: السادة لفيف فريق من الروحانيين

كلمة القسم الحمد لله الذي وفقنا لخدمة الثقافة والمثقفين، ونشر العلوم التي تهتم ببناء عقل الإنسان والصلاة والسلام على المعلم الأوحد المصطفى الأمجد محمد وعلى آله الذين التزموا نهجه ونشروا علمه وحفظوا دينه. دأبت وحدة التزويد في قسم الشؤون الفكرية والثقافية للعتبة الحسينية المقدسة, بالبحث عن كل ما كتب في المجلات والدوريات لترفد الباحثين بما ينفع فتكلل بحثها أن ظفرت بأسماء المجلات التي اعتنت بنشر ثقافة الإسلام وتراثه, وكان من بينها مجلة (الأخلاق والآداب) هذه المجلة التي سطر كتابها مواضيعهم على مدى خمسين سنة ليرفدوا طلاب العلم بما لذ وطاب من الأخلاق والآداب التي تجسدت في أحاديث أهل البيت عليهم السلام. ولاهتمام قسم الشؤون الفكرية والثقافية المتمثل بوحدة التزويد فيه بنشر تراث أهل البيت عليهم السلام وتسليط الضوء على ما كتب في المرحلة الزمنية السابقة في محافظة كربلاء المقدسة بادر هذا القسم إلى طبع هذه المجلة لتعم الفائدة لما فيها من العلوم التي تعتني ببناء العقل والروح. الشيخ علي الفتلاوي ر.ق. الشؤون الفكرية والثقافية في العتبة الحسينية المقدسة...

آية الله السيد حسن الشيرازي صاحب مجلة الأخلاق والآداب بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على محمد وآله أجمعين تحتفل الأوساط العلمية في كربلاء كل عام احتفالاً مهيباً بمناسبة حلول الذكرى السنوية لاستشهاد السيد حسن المهدي الحسيني الشيرازي بمشاركة عدد كبير من الشخصيات العلمية والأدبية الكربلائية وشعرائها، وكان لي شرف المساهمة في إحدى تلك المناسبات، كما شارك عدد آخر من الكتاب والأدباء العراقيين والعرب الذين عرفوا الفقيد من خلال فكره الدينية وثقافته الأصيلة، فهو من الذين رفعوا راية الفخر بما دبجته براعته في نشر المعرفة والفكر والثقافة الإسلامية بحثاً عن فلسفة الحياة ومعانيها السامية. وقد جمعت كلمات السيد حسن الشيرازي وبوبت فكانت بمجموعها تشكل عدة مجلدات وزعت في مكتبات الوطن العربي والإسلامي، منها على سبيل المثال لا الحصر: كلمة الله، كلمة الرسول الأعظم، كلمة الإسلام، كلمة الإمام الحسن.... الخ. على أنه ليس من حاجة تدعونا هنا إلى الأدلاء بأدلة كافية وبراهين ساطعة على ما لكتاباته من تأثير قوي ينم عن ذوق رفيع وبراعة فائقة وبيان ساحر، فقد كان من دعاة الإصلاح الذين رفعوا راية الجهاد في العالم الإسلامي، وبذلوا الجهود الجبارة من أجل الوصول إلى طلب الحرية وتحقيق آمال وطموحات الشعب المسلم وحمايته والذب عن كرامة الكيان ...

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Qashidah Jaljalut : dan Nilai Nilai Pendidikan Islam di dalamnya, Volume 1: dan Nilai Nilai Pendidikan Islam di dalamnya

By: M.Pd.I Jamal Abdul Nasir

Buku ini membahas mengenai qashidah jaljalut yang bait baitnya saya ambil dari kitab manba ushul hikmah dan dari lembaran bait versi Turki. saya fokus membahas dan mendalami aspek pendidikan Islam di dalam qashidah jaljalut ini dengan komparasi dalil quran dan hadits, saya mengkonstruksi teori sesuai harapan saya yakni mendapatkan nilai nilai pendidikan Islam yang terkandung dalam bait qashidah Jaljalut, memang qashidah ini sudah didukung oleh pengarangnya yakni Ali bin Abi Thalib yang beragama Islam, sehingga memudahkan saya sebagai penulis untuk merangkai teori, semoga buku ini dapat memberikan pencerahan dan wawasan bagi para pembaca mengenai apa itu qashidah jaljalut....

Qashidah Jaljalut adalah qashidah karya Ali bin Abi Thalib, bait baitnya merupakan kombinasi antara bahasa Arab dan bahasa Suryani, di dalam bait qashidah ini mengandung banyak sekali aspek keilmuan seperti aspek ilmu ma'rifatullah, ilmu ghaibat, mantra dan doa memohon agar diberikan khodam dari jenis malaikat untuk membantu manusia......

Kata Pengantar Abstrak Bab I Pendahuluan Bab II Kerangka Teori Bab III Metodologi Penelitian Bab IV Hasil Penelitian Bab V Penutup Daftar Pustaka Curriculum Vitae Penulis...

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Reality Redux : Unlocking Homo Communicans: unlocking Homo communicans

By: Dr. Henk L.C. Meuzelaar

A few years ago I started editing my notes on experiential reality. Having to navigate the ever-shifting contours of reality made me forego free-flowing blog styles in favor of a tightly structured, synoptic format. Iterative winnowing and condensing (while allowing space-saving jargon or acronyms but no SMS lingo) gradually produced the version in front of you. For those who never laid eyes on single-page chapters before; behold a triad of four-page Synopses, plus Prelude and Postlude, for a grand total of fourteen poster-style pages... Reality Redux is too highly condensed to serve as an introductory textbook. Unpacking its contents requires a firm understanding of basic scientific principles and methods as well as willingness to fill in blanks on-the-go; e.g. via internet searches or science & technology fora. It does not serve up ready-to-eat 'reality tv' dinners but, rather, a choice of key ingredients and methods with which to compose, or merely spice up, one’s own favored cuisine. Bon Appetit! ...

"Socrates’ haunting cave scenario, immortalized by Plato, exposes reality issues that still bewitch us today: duality, dimensionality, experiential vs agreement reality, free will and our quest for purpose"............ "Now, 2,500 yr later, billions of humans chained to reality TV are de facto agreement reality prisoners like the hapless souls in fig 30.".................. "Direct brain-to-brain (b2b) communication of experiential reality objects, scenes and events sounds perhaps farfetched but is a reasonable extrapolation from recent advances in nSPEC, GUI & MDA techniques (e.g. figures) that do not require quantum jumps in science & technology. Our smartphones already incorporate all elements of “universal translators”, viz. speech-to-text and text-to-speech conversion plus language translation." ................ "Mark Zuckerberg’s recent prediction that future Facebook users will communicate by telepathy [71] may have caused consternation. However, the b2b route outlined in figs. 31c and 32 essentially leads to that same endpoint." ...

Prelude: Into the Blue Yonder (an experiential reality check) ~ Weighing Anchor ~ Experiential Reality ~ Tsunami Warning! ~ Philosophy Dead? ~ Synopsis I: Exponential Virtualization (the price of human self-awareness) I.1: Retrospective I.2: Man’s Midas Touch ~ virtualization by symbolic communication I.3: Data Transmission Tsunami ~ mankind faces functional dementia I.4: Freeze, Flee or Fight ~ innate responses to existential threats Synopsis II: Saving Experiential Reality (by preserving intrinsic dimensionality) II.1: Perspective II.2: Brain Activity Patterns ~ our (3+1)D link with experiential reality II.3: Multichannel Spectroscopy ~ n-dimensional detection & processing II.4: Multivariate Data Analysis ~ navigating & manipulating hyperspace Synopsis III: Redesigning Agreement Reality (using n-dimensional language) III.1: Prospective III.2: A Holographic Principle ~ information, energy & mass equivalence III.3: The ALIAS Hypothesis ~ am I already living inside a simulation? III.4: Jailbreaking Mankind ~ nascent brain-to-brain communication ~ Postlude: Quo Vadis H commu...

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الوعي الاسلامي

By: السيد حسن المهدي الشيرازي

مقـدمة المؤلف: المبدأ – الذي ينبثق منه نظام وعقيدة واجتماع – هو مقياس عظمة الشعب وحضارته وثروته الفكرية والمادية ومدى خلوده ومقاومته للشعوب المناوئة له.. والمبدأ هو شارة الانتصار او الفشل في كل ميدان والمبدأ اعظم ثروة يرثها الجيل من ابائه، ويخلفه لابنائه. اما الحضارة والثروة المادية والعلمية، فانها تتبع المبدأ في تكونها وبقائها على تقدير وجودها قبل ذلك. فالامة التي لها مبدأ صحيح – تسير على ضوئه – تستطيع ان تحتفظ بما لديهامن حضارة وثروة.. ! حتى ولو اتفقت الظروف المعاكسة ان تعصف بها وتبدد ثروتها، وتدمر حضارتها وتقوض كيانها من القواعد وتكتسح كل غال ورخيص، فسرعان ما تستعيد قواها المسلوبة وتلملم نشاطها المنهوب بتوجيه من ذلك المبدأ – لتجدد كيانها، وتهتدي الى حضارتها مرة اخرى فتعود الى مقرها الآمن الوديع حتى ولو ابتدأت الامة بلا حضارة، ولا ثروة مادية أو علمية، فمن الهين عليها – بقيادة المبدأ الصحيح - ان تكوّن الحضارة والثروة وكل شيء وأن تتخذ البرامج – التي تساعده على التوسعة والاخضاع، واصهار الشعوب الاخرى في بوتقتها بكل سهولة وبساطة. كما ان الامة الاسلامية في ابتداء بعثة الرسول الاعظم لم تكن تملك حضارة ولا ثروة ولكنها حيث سارت على خطط الاسلام والقرآن حكمت في ربع المعمورة وانشأت الحضارة والثروة الهائلتين. اما الامم التي تدين بمبدأ فاسد...

فهرس محتويات الكتاب مقدمة الكتاب 13 الاقتصاد 13 تصدير: 15 الرأسماليون 19 الرأسمالية الجديدة 83 الاقتصاد الشيوعي 93 حساب الشيوعية 131 الاقتصاد الاشتراكي 163 مناقضات الاشتراكية 189 مذاهب اشتراكية مبتورة 241 الاقتصاد الإسلامي 247 الجزاء بلا عمل 263 برامج العمل 275 الزكاة 285 الخمس 303 خاتمة 313 إعتذارات 317 من المصادر 319 فهرس محتويات الكتاب 321 ...

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"Leviathan" by Thomas Hobbes : The Behind the Book Lecture Series: The Behind the Book Lecture Series

By: Behind the Book

Behind the Book Presents: The Lecture Series Discover the stories behind history's greatest books. A World eBook Library Production

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Travel Guide for Budget Travelers

By: Raul Fattore

This free travel guide gives you an overview to all things Barcelona, with tips and secrets that will help you save money and get the most out of your visit. This eBook is a quick travel guide oriented to budget travelers who want to travel to Barcelona and get the most out their visit, without having to break the bank. Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, or have a tiny budget, we’ll provide comprehensive, insider tips....

In this free eBook you will find the kind of valuable insider information on every Barcelona activity under the sun, and how to save big at the same time. With this travel guide you will learn the secrets that other guides wish they knew or flat out refuse to tell you....

Travel Guide for Budget Travelers Other books by this author Copyright and Disclaimer Introduction A QUICK GUIDE TO BARCELONA Why choose Barcelona? What is there to see and do in Barcelona? Shopping History Animals Architecture Sports HOW TO PLAN YOUR OWN BUDGET TRIP TO BARCELONA How to get there Transportation Accommodations What to do while you’re there FOUR GREAT TRAVEL TIPS FOR EXPLORING BARCELONA WITH LESS BUDGET 1. Why pay for regular transportation when you can get your transportation and sightseeing done in one? 2. Why not combine lunch and a walking tour in one? 3. Take the budget-friendly version of the art tour. 4. If you really want to make the most out of your trip to Barcelona while also saving the most, visit our website today. TEN TRIP-SAVING TIPS FOR THINGS TO DO IN BARCELONA History, Art and Architecture 10 Top Places to See and Things to Do 1. Las Ramblas 2. Columbus Monument 3. Gothic Quarter 4. La Sagrada Familia 5. Paseo de Gracia, Casa Batlló and the Modernist Buildings 6. Parc Güell 7. The Magic Fountain of Montjuïc 8. Tibidabo 9. Port Olímpic 10. Montjuic Hill GUIDE TO B...

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  • Cover Image to be lucky? : Steps to happiness #1

By: Tergel Buyannemekh

Luck comes in many forms, but the highest form of luck seems to be obscured by other material luck.

you ARE lucky.

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Optimism Out of Control : A Clarification of the Gospel

By: Jeff Martin

Years ago I shared a thought with a friend, an incredibly awesome thought. He responded by saying that perhaps my optimism had just gotten out of control. The phrase was so peculiar that it has stuck with me all these years. I am thankful for my friend's comment, which he has likely long forgotten. It served the good purpose of encouraging my deeper reflection. Also, the phrase has since developed a life of its own as the title of several articles in my Optimism Out of Control series, and now this concluding Optimism Out of Control book....

Romans 11:32 answers the three biggest questions that mankind has ever had or will ever have for God our creator. How did sin enter the world? What is God's purpose in sin and salvation? Who is ultimately saved from God's wrath against sin? One warning before we continue. These questions are answered clearly and simply, but most people refuse to accept the answers....

1. Optimism Abstract 2. Salvation Inception 3. Christendom Confusion 4. A Thought 5. Let's Celebrate! 6. Wait Another Minute! 7. Eternal Destiny 8. Evangelism & Discipleship 9. Optimism Study Guide 10. Appendix...

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A Visit to the Cinema

By: Vougar Aslanov

The most interesting and important event for the boys of the old, already semi-derelict school of the small town was going to the movies and the following discussion of the new film. But most had rarely the opportunity to go to the cinema and everyone who was lucky to see a new film retold for days again and again the contents until all the others knew the whole movie by heart without seeing it themselves. Especially the younger pupils lacked the money, but even the older ones had often not enough to by a ticket. Because for a ticket one had to pay twenty kopeks, otherwise one could not enter the cinema....

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Mystery Ulysses (And A Fiery Snowman)

By: John Lennard Lee

Dedicated to Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, William Faulkner and James Joyce, this new novel (2016) has been praised by many readers as a post-modern 21st century classic. Structured as a triptych (a painting with Three Panels), it is an intriguing novel about an English Literature teacher being locked up by a sculptor and the strange events of their lives. It is rich in metaphors and filled with symbolic significance on the meaning of life and the importance of the Arts. It has been positively compared to the best writings of Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, William Faulkner and James Joyce. Acclaimed by teachers of literature as a 21st century classic treasured by lovers of literature and the arts for years to come....

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By: Dale Stromberg

In 1999 in Valentina, California, a young man named Will Herrera, whose inability to control his methamphetamine use leads him to join a recovery program, there befriends Rodney Toth, an older recovering addict with a similar history. When Will and Rodney learn that Keiko Tsuhara, a young woman with whom Will is infatuated, is being battered by her boyfriend, their well-intended plot to avenge her goes awfully wrong. In five chapters, the novel explores the minds and histories of the characters, particularly Will’s, as they seek to understand how to know, and do, what is right....

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Pillbug, Vol. 1

By: Warren R Smith

Join us for Volume 1 of Pillbug. In this book Warren R. Smith trundles down the path of flash fiction and short stories. Among other anecdotal excursions, you’ll find within; the story of a Taxi driver who must come to terms with the truth depth of his daughter’s independence. Read the Speckled Egg, magic realism wherein two children, in saving their lives, must change shape. In Jack-O’-Lantern and old woman invites herself to be haunted. In Pillbug, the story is about the risks of day labor. In Purple Hippo, a Hippo decides it's time to shake the world up. Jack and the Magpies is written in defense of a worthy appetite. Contemporary mainstream and humorously literary, you’ll find this collection chock-full of five-minute wisdoms and imagination....

Yes, it was a crazy season for rabbits. Everywhere they hopped and nibbled — even in the office. Daily I had to sweep them off the desk before I could get a thing done — and I leaned into the task with the whole of my arm and an imprecating grunt because sometimes that’s all there was....

Introduction The Red Paint Flaking English As A 2nd Language Like Caffeine Sweet Nothings Individually Wrapped The Speckled Egg Troder of the Mish'dee Orb Dotting Tigers Jack-O'-Lantern Candy-Corn Angel On Religion Pillbug A Walking Tour Paused Purple Hippo No Man Left Behind Laundromat The Last Thing A Memory Without Name The Girl With the Sheep Animal Magic Jack and the Magpies About The Author...

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The Milkman

By: Vougar Aslanov

The book keeper of the hospital of a small provincial town came one day home very tired. He had not the least desire to have dinner and so he decided to lay down at once and to sleep. In recent years it often happened, that he, after coming home in the evening, had dinner and immediately went to bed without a word to his already grown up children or his wife. She became more and more grumpy in view of his seclusion. He only wanted to sleep, to sleep soundly till daybreak of the next and probably again undesirably day which he always impatiently anticipated, only to immerse again in his coma. For any reason he remembered this evening his childhood in a state between vigil and slumber....

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Tony on the Moon's Children’s Picture Book : The Sparrows Brothers - Breakfast, Level 1 Book 8

By: Tony Moon

This series is arranged in levels of reading difficulty ranging from 1 to 5. The easiest is level 1, the hardest level 5. All these books are royalty free and can be copied used printed and distributed, scrawled on walls, acted out in plays and told (very slowly) to your pet dog, if you don’t have a dog a cat will do, but hamsters do not listen as they only speak Spanish. They are designed to be easily read on a computer and can be printed on standard A4 size paper (landscape format) There is no bad language or offensive words anywhere in these books....

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The Geopolitics of Energy & Terrorism, Part 7

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

The issue of the book is the connection between the energy policies of various countries, their foreign policies, and the wars that break out at various parts of the globe, since all three are closely related....

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Social Reformation and Anti-Colonial Struggle by Sayyid Ahmad Raibarelvi : Circumstances and Implications

By: Mohsin Khawaja

Sayyid Ahmad was among the foremost visionaries who realized the scale of British conspiracies and diplomacies, and launched a systemic struggle to counter the effects. He communicated with political figureheads of that time to make them realize of British intrusion. He also worked for social reformation of Muslim communities in far-off places in subcontinent. Sayyid Ahmad traveled throughout the Subcontinent, into Afghanistan and North West region of Subcontinent to create awareness for the cause. He eventually lost his life in a battle against Sikh army at Balakot in May 1831. This in-depth inquiry provides insights on Sikh & British alliance established at that time and how British pursued their colonial agenda in India....

We see from the life of Sayyid Ahmed that he disrupted the status quo of society at various levels. He was not a passive preacher or a Sufi living in isolation. He not only challenged the oppressors but also the oppressed. For this he faced opposition from both. When Sayyid Ahmed stepped out to reform socio-religious thought in India, that included matters related to general ignorance of basic tenets of Islam, sufi ideologies and pilgrimage; he met with resistance from those “internal” agents whose interest relied on the then state of affairs. Similarly, when he refused to compromise with the political hostility of colonizers and their allies, he faced challenges. This makes the study of his movement a very special case in history of South Asia. A keen researcher thus needs to understand the context of every comment that is placed in favor or opposition of Sayyid Ahmed. In this study, I have kept focus on the macro aspects of the life of Sayyid Ahmed and his movement and its historical context....

List of illustrations Introduction Chapter 1 Early Life of Sayyid Ahmed and Political Chapter 2 Colonization of India during life of Sayyid Ahmed Chapter 3 Anti-Colonial Struggle of Sayyid Ahmed and Reformation Efforts Conclusion Bibliography ...

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By: Rigby Taylor

One would expect a young man whose single mother skipped town a couple of hours after his birth, to have a few problems, but Mortaumal [Mort] doesn’t seem to, thanks to his grandfather. However, when that support is gone and foster parents fail, and there are nasty people demanding he do evil deeds...things begin to look pretty desperate. From the age of ten to eighteen Mort lives with and meets an extraordinary variety of people, gets himself into and out of very hot water, sees rather too many people die, learns to defend himself both physically and mentally, and ends up unimpressed with humanity in general, while loving the few who come up to scratch. This is a light-hearted, not too serious tale about death and dying, affection and callous indifference, independence and love somewhere in tropical Queensland. There’s sentiment but not sentimentality, social criticism, excitement, fun and a bit of everything else in a fast paced yarn that suggests ways to live that are more interesting and natural than those we see on our screens. ...

1 Mortaumal According to his grandfather, Mortaumal was a smart kid. According to Mortaumal, Simon was a brainless bully. So why wasn’t it Simon lying on his belly, face pressed into the dust, scarcely able to breathe? Surely twice as big should be beaten by twice as clever? Obviously not, or Mortaumal wouldn’t have had his head flushed in a toilet bowl yesterday, and he wouldn’t have had to endure six months of increasingly unpleasant torment. On this relentlessly sunny afternoon, Simon had ambushed Mortaumal from behind a billboard advertising the benefits of ‘Jezebel’s Gymnasium for Fabulous Fitness’, dragged the object of his unwanted attention behind it, thrown him on his face in the dust and sat on his legs. When fruitless flailing of arms failed to free him, Mortaumal had just decided to humiliate himself by screaming for help when Simon dragged his shorts down. Shocked, or perhaps excited at the absence of underpants, the bully allowed his grip to slacken enough for his victim to slither away and tear down the street, school bag flying, shorts barely back in their usual place when he was stopped by a busy road. A q...

Table of Contents 1 Mortaumal 2 Leon 3 Shrude Aywun 4 Confidences 5 Death 6 Mrs. Pettie 7 Dying 8 The lawyer. 9 Self Defence. 10 Pissed Off 11 Leon and Hugh 12 Family life 13 Fystie 14 A day at the river 15 School 16 School work 17 Mr. Brawn on Women 18 A visit 19 Beach Bully 20 Debriefing 21 Abuse 22 Rescue 23 Marshall on Childhood 24 Paying for It 25 Fystie Returns 26 Life with a lawyer 27 Further Education 28 Sergei 29 Zoltan’s Mother 30 The God Question 31 On Top of the Mountain 32 Marshall meets Angelo 33 Perdita 34 The Beach 35 Bullies 36 Ultimatum 37 Farewells 38 A Change of plans 39 Impersonation 40 Julian 41 The Truth 42 Elbert 43 A Social Occasion 44 A Room With a View 45 School 46 Mr. Preggy 47 The Basement Flat 48 The cop 49 Miss Bussty 50 Brawl 51 Perdita’s present 52 Stefan 53 Perdita Perdue...

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By: Rigby Taylor

A revolution replaces the Queensland government with a coalition of religious fundamentalists who have strong ideas on how their subjects ought to live, and how to enforce compliance with their draconian laws. Readers have asked what happened to Robert and Bart, the heroes of Rough Justice. They thought I had left them in a bad place…and so I had. Others wanted to know what happened to Sebastian and Jarek between the end of Jarek and the beginning of NumbaCruncha. A good question that requires an answer because what happened could all too easily be the political future for us. So, Fidel is a prequel to NumbaCruncha, and a sequel to my other five novels—Rough Justice, Dome of Death, Sebastian, Jarek and Mortaumal. Fidel is fifteen when the story begins sometime in the near future. He’s running away from home to the big city where he falls into trouble, then miraculously falls out again, and grows into a sturdy, well-liked young man. Like most people he is too busy living to notice that a relatively quiet revolution is taking place, replacing the government with a coalition of religious fundamentalists who have strong id...

1 Fidel Fidel was scared. Shit scared. He felt like throwing up and probably would have if he'd had any breakfast. He had to stop thinking about it or he’d chicken out. His whole life had been one long worry that he’d done something wrong and would be punished…but this was sharper, more urgent, more exciting too if he could only stop thinking about all the possible consequences. Taking a deep breath he shouldered the backpack that had been hidden in a corner for weeks, let himself out of the shed, crossed the back lawn and tapped on his brother’s open window. Hylas appeared, rubbing at sleepy eyes. ‘Fidel! What’s the matter?’ ‘I’m off.’ ‘Now? But you…’ ‘Shhh! You'll wake Mum. I just wanted to say goodbye and tell you I love you.’ ‘Where are you going? I love you too! Will you write?’ ‘Brisbane. Of course I’ll write. Don’t tell Mum anything. Pretend to be surprised I've gone.’ With a cheery wave that even Hylas knew was fake, Fidel adjusted his pack and ran off before his courage ran out. Twenty minutes later he was sticking out his thumb on the David Low Way. Almost immediately an elderly couple in a battered T...

Contents 1 Fidel 2 City Centre 3 The Karims 4 What to do? 5 Bart’s enterprise 6 Arnold Jurgenz 7 Bart and Robert 8 Lance 9 Luck 10 Arnold’s Gym 11 Natural Fitness 12 Hylas 13 Brothers in Brisbane 14 Hylas Meets Natural Fitness 15 And Hylas Makes Five 16 JECHIS 17 Lance Returns 18 Disintegration 19 Inspection 20 Plans 21 The Administrator 22 Ciao Natural Fitness 23 Peter and Jon 24 A Forest Retreat 25 On The Run 26 Unpleasantness 27 Travelling On 28 A Meeting 29 Justice 30 F.N.Q. 31 Protectors 32 A Blast From The Past 33 Oasis 34 Tests 35 Developments 36 Job Interview 37 The Vote and After 38 Sanity – Insanity 39 Nothing Lasts Forever 40 Decisions 41 Ciao Oasis 42 Research 43 Solutions 44 The Institute 45 Settling In 46 Endgame ...

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