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The Reverse Perspective : Fifteen Years of EcoDesign at Philips Consumer Electronics (1993-2008)

By: Ab Stevels

This book describes what happened in the field of EcoDesign at the Consumer Electronics Division (PCE) of Philips Electronics in the years 1993-2008. Fifty stories illustrate the five overlapping stages of its development: Get the facts, stimulate creative thinking, implement and validate, integrate into design and production, and communicate results effectively. EcoDesign has been introduced to PCE through a bottom-up approach with an emphasis on common sense. This ensured a wide acceptance and a strong participation. As a result, EcoDesign turned out to have a significance which went far beyond just environmental improvements. Apart from direct cost reductions, it turned to be an effective concept to critically review decisions taken in the past. In its mature form it has grown into a powerful general management tool. ...

The electronics industry has been dealing with EcoDesign as of the early nineties of last century. There has been a variety of drivers to do so, varying from ethics to complying with (new) environmental legislation. After 25 years a new generation of EcoDesigners has entered the field. This generation operates from the wider sustainability perspective, that is taking apart from environmental also social and economic considerations into account. It is supported by a knowledge base which can be accessed through internet and through smart phones. This is quite a difference compared with the period when EcoDesign started. The scene has therefore changed but many issues to be addressed by EcoDesign have not. The key issues are still energy, materials, packaging and transport, chemical content and recyclability. Making EcoDesign successful in the business is facing similar hurdles as twenty years ago....

1. In what kind of company was EcoDesign being introduced in 1993? 2. EcoDesign inside companies in the Electronics sector. 3. What is EcoDesign? 4. EcoDesign at Philips Consumer Electronics: a special case. 5. The 50 Stories about the development of EcoDesign at Philips Consumer Electronics. 6. Stage 1. Get facts, why are things as they are? 7. Stage 2. Fostering Creativity. 8. Stage 3. Implementation and Validation. 9. Stage 4. Structure. 10. Stage 5. Communication and Green Marketing. 11. Teaching Applied EcoDesign. 12. Looking back and looking forward. ...

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American Politics in the Age of Oil : The Bernie Sanders Phenomenon

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

This essay explains the rise of a socialist politician in the United States, i.e. Bernie Sanders, and how his rise is related the American energy companies....

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The Geopolitics of Energy and Terrorism, Part 2

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

The following chapters are independent essays that were written between July 2015 and February 2016. They appear in random order, and therefore they do not have to be read in the order they appear....

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The Geopolitics of Energy & Terrorism, Part 4

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

The issue in all the essays is the connection between the energy policies of various countries, their foreign policies, and the wars that break out at various parts of the globe, since all three are closely related. I describe many economic interests and many alliances in my essays. But alliances change and so do economic interest. Therefore what is more important for the reader is to have an idea of the global resources i.e. oil and natural gas in my essays, because global resources change at a much lower pace than economic interests and economic alliances. ...

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The Geopolitics of Energy & Terrorism, Part 3

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

The following chapters are independent essays that were written between July 2015 and February 2016. They appear in random order, and therefore they do not have to be read in the order they appear. The issue in all the essays is the connection between the energy policies of various countries, their foreign policies, and the wars that break out at various parts of the globe, since all three are closely related. I describe many economic interests and many alliances in my essays. But alliances change and so do economic interest. Therefore what is more important for the reader is to have an idea of the global resources i.e. oil and natural gas in my essays, because global resources change at a much lower pace than economic interests and economic alliances. The alliances and conflicts I describe in my essays might not exist in the near future, but if you have an idea of the global resources you will be able to see the alliances and the economic interests that will exist in the future. ...

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The Geopolitics of the Energy & Terrorism, Part 1

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

The following chapters are independent essays that were written between July 2015 and February 2016. They appear in random order, and therefore they do not have to be read in the order they appear. The issue in all the essays is the connection between the energy policies of various countries, their foreign policies, and the wars that brake out at various parts of the globe, since all three are closely related. I describe many economic interests and many alliances in my essays. But alliances change and so do economic interest. Therefore what is more important for the reader is to have an idea of the global resources i.e. oil and natural gas in my essays, because global resources change at a much lower pace than economic interests and economic alliances. The alliances and conflicts I describe in my essays might not exist in the near future, but if you have an idea of the global resources you will be able to see the alliances and the economic interests that will exist in the future. I.A. 18.2.2016 ...

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Introduction to Computer Science

By: Mark McIlroy

This book is an introduction to Computer Science and the craft of computer programming. It contains the basic information from a first-year Computer Science course....

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A Guide to Writing Excel Formulas and VBA Macros

By: Mark McIlroy

This book is an introduction to writing Excel formulas and VBA macros. It contains all the information you need to write basic or advanced Excel formulas and macros....

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Introduction to the Stockmarket

By: Mark McIlroy

This book is an introduction to investing in shares. It is suitable for all persons who are interested in the stockmarket but do not know where to start. The author is based in Melbourne, Australia however the book is suitable for all international markets....

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The Wars for the Silk Roads

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

The Silk Roads are the trade routes that connect Asia with Europe and Africa since the ancient times. Due to their importance of the Silk Roads for trade there were many wars for their control over the centuries. The following chapters refer to some of these wars. Each chapter is and independent essay, which was written at different date, and therefore the booklet’s chapters can be written in any order....

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The Asylum Seekers in Heaven : or Mephisto and Pheles

By: Voyen Koreis; Voyen Koreis, Illustrator

A fantasy fiction, based on the legend about dr. Faust.

THE SONNET Give those Immortals who’ve become swollen With pride, the benefit of the doubt, ‘Twas through their doings that they have fallen, This is what their sojourn was e’er about. Yearnings of going back to their own sphere, Within themselves intensely they’ve carried, Ad infinitum bound to interfere, In human affairs for’er stay buried. Tho’ longing for their abode o’er cloud nine, Anacamptic sound of harps in their hearts, They can’t evade it, but must lay supine, Unable to outsmart the Cupid’s darts. Knowing not what picking up this cherry Entails, they moan: Enjoy life, be merry! Meph ...

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The War for the Oil of Libya : 1955-2015

By: Iakovos Alhadeff

Libya is the richest African country in oil reserves and one of the richest in the world. The following seven chapters are independent essays that were written on different dates, and therefore you should not expect some kind of connection between the chapters. On the other hand all chapters deal with same issue, i.e. the Libyan energy industry, her foreign policies, and her wars for oil, and therefore they are somehow connected....

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Damaged Goods

By: Barry Rachin

Twenty-eight year-old Jesse Caldwell is painfully shy, lives at home and hates his moronic life. Miranda Huffington suffers from a gimpy leg and equally stunted personality. This is not your standard Harlequin romance....

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التقية عند مفكري المسلمين

By: كاظم الفتلاوي

قال المؤلف في المقدمة: الحمد لله رب العالمين، باعث النبيين والمرسلين رحمة للعالمين، وجاعل الأوصياء أمناء على الدين، وصلاته وسلامه على نبيه الهادي الأمين محمد وآله الطاهرين. وبعد... ثمة شبه إجماع في الفكر الإنساني على توصيف مبدأ (التقية) بأنه لازمة من لوازم هذا الفكر، وحاجة من الحاجات التي تعد إحدى ركائز الوجود البشري. والفكر الإسلامي - بجميع أحواله - لم يخرج عن هذا التوافق الذي يشكل أحد أعمدة الفكر الإنساني. بل يكاد أن يكون - وبسبب من ظروفه الخاصة - الأكثر احتفاءً لهذا المبدأ - والأشد احتضاناً له - إلى درجة اقترب فيها أن يكون ظاهرة استرعت أنظار الكثير من الدارسين والباحثين من تخصصات مختلفة وبتوجيهات ورؤى متباينة، بحيث تعددت المداخل، فتشابه أو اختلف تفسير هذه الظاهرة بين الدارسين تبعاً لذلك. ولعل هذا الاختلاف في تفسير وتحليل، ومن ثمّ تقييم مبدأ (التقية) في فكرنا الإسلامي، يثبت لنا بما لا يقبل الشك بأنّ هذا المبدأ هو مسألة عقلائية قابلة لتعدد الآراء، ولاختلاف التأويل بين مثبتيها ومنكريها من مختلف المذاهب والفرق الإسلامية. وكانت دواعي اختياري لهذا الموضوع - التقية عند مفكري المسلمين - تكمن في عدة أمور منها: 1- إن التقية قبل أن تكون رخصة أو وظيفة شرعية، بدليل الكتاب الكريم والسنة النبوية وأحاديث أهل البيت عليهم السلام، هي حالة...

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The Faerie Queene : The Reader's Library,Volume 16

By: Edmund Spenser; Neil Azevedo, Editor

Edmund Spenser (1552?-1599) was an English Renaissance poet often considered to be the foremost poet of his time by many of his contemporaries. His early career, much like Virgil's, was spent writing pastoral and elegiac verse, but The Faerie Queene is his masterpiece, an unfinished allegorical epic intended to depict Aristotle's twelve moral virtues (twelve also being the number of books subsequently divided into twelve cantos for a proper epic), though he was only able to finish six. The poem is written entirely in what has come to be known as the Spenserian stanza: nine lines, eight of iambic pentameter followed by one of iambic hexameter rhyming ababbcbcc. The fairy queen, Gloriana, represents the glory of heaven and Queen Elizabeth I simultaneously. She is holding her twelve-day feast, each day of which the adventures in the twelve books were to take place, though in keeping with the epic tradition the first book does not begin at the beginning of the first day, but in medias res with the Red Cross Knight already on his adventure. Subsequently each book is meant to portray—in the embodiment of its corresponding knight—one of th...

I Lo! I the man, whose Muse whylome did maske, As time her taught, in lowly shephards weeds, Am now enforst, a farre unfitter taske, For trumpets sterne to chaunge mine oaten reeds, And sing of knights and ladies gentle deeds; Whose praises having slept in silence long, Me, all too meane, the sacred Muse areeds To blazon broade emongst her learned throng: Fierce warres and faithfull loves shall moralize my song. II Helpe then, O holy virgin, chiefe of nyne, Thy weaker novice to performe thy will; Lay forth out of thine everlasting scryne The antique rolles, which there lye hidden still, Of Faerie knights, and fayrest Tanaquill, Whom that most noble Briton Prince so long Sought through the world, and suffered so much ill, That I must rue his undeserved wrong: O helpe thou my weake wit, and sharpen my dull tong. III And thou, most dreaded impe of highest Jove. Faire Venus sonne, that with thy cruell dart At that good knight so cunningly didst rove, That glorious fire it kindled in his hart, Lay now thy deadly heben bowe apart, And with thy mother mylde come to mine ayde: Come both, and with you bring tri...

Introduction THE FAERIE QUEENE Commendatory Verses Dedicatory Sonnets Book I: The Legend of the Knight of the Red Crosse Canto I Canto II Canto III Canto IV Canto V Canto VI Canto VII Canto VIII Canto IX Canto X Canto XI Canto XII Book II: The Legend of Sir Guyon Canto I Canto II Canto III Canto IV Canto V Canto VI Canto VII Canto VIII Canto IX Canto X Canto XI Canto XII Book III: The Legend of Britomartis Canto I Canto II Canto III Canto IV Canto V Canto VI Canto VII Canto VIII Canto IX Canto X Canto XI Canto XII Book IV: The Legend of Cambel and Triamond Canto I Canto II Canto III Canto IV Canto V Canto VI Canto VII Canto VIII Canto IX Canto X Canto XI Canto XII Book V: The Legend of Artegall Canto I Canto II Canto III Canto IV Canto V Canto VI Canto VII Canto VIII Canto IX Canto X Canto XI Canto XII Book VI: The Legend of Sir Calidore Canto I Canto II Canto III Canto IV Canto V Canto VI Canto VII Canto VIII Canto IX Canto X Canto XI Canto XII Book VII: Two Cantos of Mutabilitie Canto VI Canto VII Canto VIII About the Editor Also from William Ra...

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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Looking at The Light, Supplementary C

By: Anthony James Kemp

The original Books are a series of filly illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level. This also apples to these supplementary papers. This is done to allow people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series....

MOVEMENT OF ENERGY In this section we are going to look in more detail on how this energy is passes between the subatomic world and the three dimension world. We look at the affects this has on the atomic structures of large atoms and the way this changes atomic interactions. Heat is a tipping effect of an atomic structure when it reaches an upper absorption limit of energy storage, where it has to expel this energy or break down and be destroyed. Heat is effect of this energy being pushed out of the atomic body into nearby atomic structures with a lower energy quotient. So how does energy move around, in Book 2 we saw how the primary energy nodes took and gave energy to each other by dynamic contact. When we got to strings, rings and atoms we saw how these semi-stable elements bonded to form a closed stable units. These units however are still reliant on the exchange on external energy to maintain an internal balance and interaction with each other....

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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Energy and Heat, Supplementary B

By: Anthony James Kemp

The original Books are a series of filly illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level. This also apples to these supplementary papers. This is done to allow people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series....

In this section we are going to look in more detail on how this energy is passes between the subatomic world and the three dimension world. We look at the affects this has on the atomic structures of large atoms and the way this changes atomic interactions. Heat is a tipping effect of an atomic structure when it reaches an upper absorption limit of energy storage, where it has to expel this energy or break down and be destroyed. Heat is effect of this energy being pushed out of the atomic body into nearby atomic structures with a lower energy quotient. So how does energy move around, in Book 2 we saw how the primary energy nodes took and gave energy to each other by dynamic contact. When we got to strings, rings and atoms we saw how these semi-stable elements bonded to form a closed stable units. These units however are still reliant on the exchange on external energy to maintain an internal balance and interaction with each other....

Supplementary B - Energy And Heat In Section - Introduction - 1 Movement of Energy - 2 Energy Ring Vortex - 3 Transference of Energy to Atoms - 4 Energy Storage in Atoms - 5 Energy Altering Atoms Properties...

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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Why North is North and How Magnets Work, Supplementary A

By: Anthony James Kemp

The original Books are a series of filly illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level. This also apples to these supplementary papers. This is done to allow people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series....

Here we have to focus down onto the planetary model and see how the vectors that produce gravity also produce the sub forces that we describe as Magnetism. Now any large body of atomic matter compresses itself by mutual attraction of the atomic structure of a collective of the atoms with in it. This bundle of energy attracts energy nodes from the surrounding Dark Energy cloud, it needs this energy to maintain its coherence or it will fall apart and be absorbed back into the cloud. As seen in Book 7 this attraction has a halo bubble where this force is active, however the attraction is offset by the emission of excess high energy particles being thrown out of the mass is it tries to loose energy....

SUPPLEMENTARY A - WHY NORTH IS NORTH AND HOW MAGNETS WORK Introduction - 1 Gyroscopic Effect - 2 Particle Flow - 3 Magnetosphere Reversal - 4 Sub Atomic Particle Flow - 5 How Magnets Work - 6 Properties of Elements - 7 Atomic Core Stacking - 8 Iron Magnets - 9 Magnetic Lines of Force - 10 The elephant in the room - 11 Why Similar Magnetic Poles Repel - 12 Ferrous Or Non Ferrous - 13 Magnetic attraction...

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Thoughts from Inside the Temple

By: Matt H Blevins

This book is a set of contemplations designed to create a different and more universal philosophy by which modern man can live a deeply meaningful life....

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The Divine Codes- Issue 2 : An Untimely Journal of Timely Matters., Volume 2nd: An Untimely Journal of Timely Matters.

By: Alok Jagawat, Editor; Rakesh Jamwal

THE DIVINE CODES An Untimely Journal of Timely Matters. The divine codes journal is an untimely periodical related to Many divine subjects. This includes Vedic Jyotish, Nadi Jyotish, Sariraka Sastram (Palmistry), Sthapathya (Oriental Architecture), Art related topics (Includes photos, paintings, art installations), Yoga, Ayurveda and Spirituality. The primordial being have encrypted many matters of life and Jyotish is a light that enlightens the path to unknown. The Divine Codes Journal is a free periodical with no time limits attached. It is completely free and downloadable from the following links. The articles in the magazine are well researched and carry a well-balanced scientific approach....

“The best creations in the world are the one that belong to the unsung spiritual powers that manifest as elysian or almost divine forms. The words further are just an assimilation of the alphabets that belongs to the anonymous mentor. We are simple mediums for this vast ocean of knowledge” - See more at:

• dasham bhava, karmas and the boomeranging 1 • saturn & rahu’s unique combination - impact on native’s health 8 • |-- எழுத்தாளர்:கின்னரன் --| 11 • kaalchakra ; effects of planetary transits on lunar mansions. 31 • the biggest obstacle to world peace • the math of lines: jeeva rekha, the journey of a soul 54 • love marriage: an astrological upshot 58 • navamansha strength of grahas valid? check out punya chakra! 66 • planetary combinations for a successful astrologer 69 • yanavichara: types of vehicles in vastu 79 • robin williams, tony scott. suicides: an astrological case study. 82 • astro meteorology research study on monsoon 2015 86 • the man who saw tomorrow 104...

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