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Operation Theater Techniques : Obstetrics & Gynecology

By: Dr. Shashank Vyankatesh Parulekar

The book is meant for resident doctors who are starting their training. Obstetrics & Gynecology is a subject that involves a lot of operative procedures. Just knowledge of which instruments to use and which steps to perform is not enough to perform an operation successfully. A lot depends on manual dexterity. A basic knowledge of the technique of holding different instruments correctly and passing sutures, ligatures, and tying knots is essential for performance of all types of operations. This aspect has not been dealt with by any book so far. I have written this book to bridge that gap in the educational resources available to students....

For resident doctors who are starting their training in Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Section 1 Holding Surgical Instruments Section 2 Preparing Self For Operating Section 3 Suturing Section 4 Ligatures Section 5 Surgical Knots

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The Life(s) of I' 'Me' 'You' 'Us' Book 2 : The abuses of the innocents, Volume 2

By: Tom Dobbie

Poetry about child abuse, domestic violence and the cover up of these by social workers and police and the secret family court.

in all my life i never expected what happened next pray that you and your children are never subject to social workers ..................................... Introduction Specific to Book2 of the series. Should we discuss tragedy and the bad things that do happen in life ? No, we should not dwell on it or make it our entertainment. Yes, we should know it, how it occurred and how we can prevent it. My life has had such profound joys and beauty, that part of me says it is only natural that life should also have had the dark side in all of its menace........... and so the menace came....

Item Title 1 General Introduction 2 Introduction to Book 2 3 Index Warning. Abuse & Violence On Children by their Mother On Children and adults by Social Workers Beware of triggering. Note Poem numbers start from where they stopped in the last book in this series. Poem123 My Little Boy Is Taught To Fear His Mum Again. Poem124 My Little Boy Is Assaulted By His Mum Again Poem125 Ken’s Slime In Your Pants Poem126 Ken’s Triumph. Poem127 Protecting My Children Poem128 Don’t Hate The Child Poem129 How A Toxic Mother Poisons Her Child. Poem130 SS Only Tick Boxes Poem131 Abusive Authorities Poem132 Abusive Authorities 2. Poem133 A Policeman Assumes Poem134 Agitated: Should the victim be agitated ? Poem135 Golf Ball Stories Poem136 Fear For My Children Poem137 I Despair Without My Children Poem138 Callous Cankers Of Mankind Poem139 Fretting For My Children Poem140 The Struggle With Suicide Poem141 The First Judgement Poem142 The Sentencing Poem143 Probation The ...

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Prey on the Prowl (A Crime Novel)

By: BS Murthy

Synopsis Madhu and his mistress Mala were poisoned and Pravar, Mala’s brother, implicates Madhu’s wife Radha in the double murder. Radha seeks Dhruva’s help even as Kavya, rescued by him, takes to her kidnapper Pravar. The series of death by poisoning that follow puzzle Dhruva no end....

That June evening, the crimson sun gave in to the dark monsoon clouds to let them end its long summer reign over the Deccan skies. What with the thickening clouds thundering in triumph, Dhruva woke up from his siesta, and by the time he moved into the portico of his palatial bungalow at 9, Castle Hills, the skies had opened up to shower its sprawling lawns. It was as if the eagerness of the rainfall matched the longing of the parched soil to receive its fertile mate in an aroma of embrace, and in the ensuing echoes of that seasonal union, the roots of the garden plants devoured every raindrop, that is, even as their leaves shed the overburden to accommodate the new arrivals....

Agenda for Revenge 1. Prey on the Prowl 2. Shakeel’s Fixation 3. Ranjit’s Predicament 4. Rags to Riches 5. Dhruva’s Dilemma 6. The Gatecrasher 7. Operation Checkmate 8. Foul on Pravar 9. Stockholm Syndrome 10. An Aborted Affair 11. Psyche of Revenge 12. Victim of Trust 13. Backyard of Life 14. Cuckoo’s Nest 15. ‘Untried’ Crime 16. Kavya’s Quagmire 17. Murders to Mislead 18. The Other Woman 19. Shakeel’s Demise 20. A Perfect Murder 21. Deaths in Spandan 22. Arraigned in Remand 23. Depressing Discovery 24. The Red Herring 25. Wages of Abuse 26. Decoding the Crime 27. A Poignant End ...

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Failure to Launch : From Big Data to Big Decisions; Why velocity, variety and volume is not improving decision making and how to fix it

By: Forte Wares

The key to making big data initiatives a success lies within making the produced data more digestible and usable in decision making, rather than making it just ‘more,’ resulting in the creation of an environment wherein information is used to generate real impact. Put another way, the survival of Big Data is more about making the right data(not just higher volume) available to the right people (not just higher variety) at the right time (not just higher velocity)....

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My Russian Side

By: Alex Gilbert

Alex was followed on a New Zealand TV Documentary in 2013 while he was doing the search on his Birth Parents. He was adopted out of Russia at 2 years old and brought to NZ. Without any knowledge on who his Birth Parents are Alex decides to do a search on them 20 years later. He manages to find them using social media with the only information on them were their names on paper. He travels to Russia late 2013 to meet them for the first time in his entire life....

Hello! Let me start this book by introducing myself. My name is Alex Gilbert and I was born in a small town in Russia, called Arkhangelsk, on the 1st of April 1992. I was adopted from a small orphanage in my birth town and brought to NZ in 1994 when I was 2 years old. I was raised in Whangarei by my wonderful parents Mark and Janice Gilbert. I have a brother called Andrei who was also born in Russia in the same orphanage and adopted with me. Growing up in Whangarei, for me, was easy-going and the years went by fast. I have a lot of great memories from growing up there that I always want to revisit....

Chapter 1 First Search Chapter 2 First Contact With My Biological Mother Chapter 3 It Just Keeps on Getting Better Chapter 4 First Call with my Birth Father Chapter 5 1st Trip Planning Chapter 6 Hold Back! Chapter 7 Only the Beginning! Chapter 8 Leaving NZ Chapter 9 Meeting My Birth Mother Chapter 10 Meeting My Birth Father Chapter 11 Conclusion ...

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Onto the Stage : ‘Slighted Souls’ and other stage and radio plays

By: BS Murthy

With boundless gratitude to the peerless Chatla Sreeramulu, the director–actor of Telugu theatre, who had opened the wide windows to the grand stage the sneaking view of which enabled me to shape these plays ...

Scene – 1 Voice Over: Under the British Raj in India, the self-indulging Nizams of Hyderabad abdicated the administration of their vast principality to doralu, the village heads, letting them turn the areas under their domain into their personal fiefdoms. While the successive Nizams were obsessed with building palaces and acquiring jewelry, the village heads succeeded in ushering in an oppressive era of tyrannical order. Acting as loose cannon from their palatial houses called gadis, the doralu succeeded in foisting an inimical feudal order upon the downtrodden dalits. Besides making these dalits toil for them as cheap labor without impunity, the doralu had no qualms in making vassals out of the hapless women folk. What with the police patels and the revenue patwaris in nexus with the landed gentry and the moneyed shaukars making a common cause with the doralu in their unabated exploitation, their sub-human condition ensured that the dalits were distressed economically, degraded socially and debased morally. Ironically, lending the privileged few the muscle power to perpetrate the inimical social order were their henchmen f...

Slighted Souls A political stage play by BS Murthy On one side Dramatis Personae On the other Muthyal Rao, Dora of Rampur. Yellaiah, a peasant. Papa Rao, Police Patel. Mallamma, Yellaiah’s wife. Rami Reddy, Patwari. Narsimma, Yellaiah’s son. Papi Reddy, landlord. Sarakka, Yellaiah’s daughter. Shaukar Suryam, moneylender. Maisamma, Mallamma’s mother. Veeraiah, Head Constable. ...

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The Time Rippers : Book 1

By: Pete Bertino

Two 21st century men travel through time and alternate universes recovering UFO debris from the 1947 Roswell crash.

The air pulled out of his lungs, a moment of breathlessness and it is over. The lyrics to a Pink Floyd song fill his head. “home, home again” "Home.." AM Lincoln said as he steps through the wormhole, older but not aged, his gray-green eyes betray his youth. A sense of weightlessness fills his body every time he rips. The cube glows a florescent green. The journey although less than 5 seconds is 13 years across 1 universe. He looks at the familiar beige wall that stands before him. Water dripping into one of the many drains that kept the labyrinth from flooding and the hum of traffic above ground were the last things he heard when left and were still here to welcome him back. Quake, his cousin, would be waiting in the safe-room. The entry back to his present time left him feeling airy, almost light on his feet as it always did. The sensation you might feel after a long flight on a airplane, AM didn't feel queasy, not a bit, just a little off. Although not the first rip back in time, this rip had given him the years that would never show on him. He put the Q pad back in his backpack. Quake and AM purchased a half dozen 2...

Table of Contents Chapter 1:2002 Chapter 2:2010 Chapter 3:2011 Chapter 4:1829 Chapter 5:1993 Chapter 6:1992 Chapter 7:1993 Chapter 8:1992 Chapter 9:1993-2011 ...

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Travesía Panameña : Ha llegado la hora de contar nuestra historia

By: Rodrigo Coloane

Travesía panameña es un libro de carácter divulgativo y científico, donde lo imaginario, aventurero y lo verdadero, se interpolan junto con lo coloquial. En él se relata la herencia humana proveniente del Reino Animal, el origen africano y los viajes épicos que ha desarrollado hasta colonizar el Istmo de Panamá. Travesía panameña intenta retomar las preguntas clásicas filosóficas del ser humano: ¿Quiénes somos? ¿De dónde venimos? Y sus respuestas las integra con la exploración de nuestra historia panameña. Rescata de igual manera, algunos héroes indígenas: Paris, Natá, Escoria, Careta, Comogre, entre otros; de quiénes poco se habla en Panamá. Cuenta, cómo, con tenacidad y persistencia, nuestros hermanos españoles llegaron y contribuyeron a construir nuestra identidad. Las evidencias presentadas con rigurosidad detallan que Panamá prehispánico estaba al mismo nivel cultural que nuestros hermanos europeos colonizadores. La obra integra importantes publicaciones científicas de arqueólogos, genetistas, lingüistas, historiadores y otros científicos, con información de la época narrada por los actores del momento, que vivieron e...

Con esta historia he querido reforzar nuestro linaje africano, quienes realizaron una travesía épica desde África hasta llegar y asentarse en el Istmo de Panamá hace unos 12,500 años. Igualmente, he querido contarles, desde el punto de vista panameño, cómo llegamos aquí desde norte América y, luego, recibimos la influencia de nuestros hermanos europeos. Con este relato, creo haber recopilado las pruebas arqueológicas, genéticas e históricas para entender que el 83% de los panameños del siglo XXI tenemos sangre indígena. Y a pesar, de que hablamos español y nuestra cultura es occidental, sólo el 2% de los panameños conservan aun su acervo genético europeo intacto. Es una afirmación que contrasta, significativamente, con lo que la gente panameña percibe hoy. Por ejemplo, según los datos del Censo 2010, sólo el 12,3% de la población panameña se reconoce de origen indígena. Se ignora además, que el 9% de la población panameña, tiene como lengua materna una variante moderna del chibcha; cuya integridad y antigüedad sobrepasa el castellano que hablamos el resto de la población. También he querido rescatar algunos héroes indíge...

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English Grammar Exercises

By: Tanzil Al Gazmir

Free English grammar exercises, rules, lessons, worksheets, games, quiz and tests online. Learn English grammar & practice. You will find this book helpful if you are searching for one or more of these keywords: grammar english grammar grammar english learn english grammar learning english grammar english grammar rules english grammar exercises english grammar lessons english grammar online grammar rules grammar exercises grammar test english grammar book english grammar worksheets grammar book grammar practice grammar worksheets grammar quiz english grammar practice english grammar exercise...

Free English grammar exercises, rules, lessons, worksheets, games, quiz and tests online. Learn English grammar & practice.

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The Marriage of Wisdom and science

By: Hynotherapist Hynotherapist Jack Velazquez; Jack Velazquez

INTRODUCTION THIS IS AN INVITATION TO UNDERSTANDING. THIS IS AN INVITATION TO YOU. NOT YOU AS THE READER OF THESE WORDS ONLY, BUT TO THE (GENERIC YOU) ALL AND EVERY YOU. Millions are ready today to understand who they are and how they operate as a HUMAN BEING. There are a number of steps necessary in the learning process. 1.The individual must be ready (desire) to learn. 2.The individual must be able (potential) to learn. 3.The individual must practice (motivation) that which is being learned. 4.The individual must be (acceptance) the learned. ...

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Roopam Nashtappetta Mrigangal : Collection of Stories Portraying Children as Characters

By: Harikumar Edasseri

The stories are presented in a novel way. They are rich with the original illustrations as appeared in the leading periodicals when publishing these stories. These sketches have been drawn by creative, talented artists, and this book is an attempt to preserve those rich sketches, which otherwise would be lost from readers’ memory in course of time....

‘Where are my stories?’ Her mother asked ’Oh that?..... Are they stories?’ ‘Yes, where are they?’ ‘What type of stories are they?’ Mother asked with a smile on her face. That question sounded silly like asking what kids are they to a mother. ‘What all have you written. I tore them off.’ ‘Tore them?...... My stories?’ Suchitra could not control her agony. The estrangement and insensitivity of the postmodern writers are confined to their stories alone. In personal life, they are full of emotions and senses like any other human being made of flesh and blood. Or else why mix up the creations and the personal life of the creator. Crying aloud she ran to her room bolted the door and lay down crying. She did not open the door even though her mother kept knocking at it repeatedly. After a while she got up, pulled a sheet of paper from her Social Science notebook and started writing under the banner ‘Female butcher’ and her very first sentence was naturally ‘Mother is an evil character’. (Stories with Evil Characters) ...

Dinosarinte Kutti (The Dinosaur’s Baby) Vishu (The Malayalam New Year) Oru Kung Fu Fighter (A Kung Fu Fighter) Canadayilninnoru Rajakumari (A Princess from Canada) Doctor Gouramiyude Asupathri (Dr. Gourami’s Hospital) Pazhayoru Bheeshanikkari (An Old Female Blackmailer) Alakkuyanthram (Washing Machine) Ammu Paranja Katha (The Story Told by Ammu) Puzhakkakkare Kochuswapnangal (Teeny Weeny Dreams Across The River) Dushtakathapathrangalulla Kathakal (Stories with Evil Characters) Kalikkalam (The Play Season) Oru Onathinte Katha (An Onam Story) Chuchiyum Inampichiyum (Chuchi and Inampichi) Aa Paattu Nirthu (Stop That Song) Roopam Nashtappetta Mrigangal (The Animals that Lost Contour) Oru Nalu Vayassukarante Prasnangal (Problems of a 4 Year Old Boy) Arunthathiyude Paikkilikavithakal (The Silly Poems of Arunthathi) Nagaravasiyaya Oru Kutti (A City Dwelling Boy) Daivathinte Swapnangal (Dreams of God) Enthokkeyo Nashtappetta Oral (A Man Who Lost A Lot) Thullikkoru Kudam (Raining Cats and Dogs) Odikkappedunna Balyam (The Childhood On The Run) Pachhappayyine Pidikkan (To Catch a Grasshopper) Ettavum Mahathaya Kazhcha (T...

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Pachhappayyine Pidikkan : Collection of Short Stories

By: Harikumar Edasseri

The story Pachhappayyine Pidikkan (To Catch a Grasshopper) won the Padmarajan Award in 1997. Padmarajan was a well-known film director and film maker. The story is about a five year old girl who goes out to catch a grasshopper on her elder sister’s wedding day. The situation in the family is so desperate that the girl thinks she should do something to have more money. There is a belief that if a grasshopper enters your house, it brings wealth also....

The impatient horn of the car was heard outside. She said, ‘Raju I never expected all these.’ She took her suitcase and walked to the door. She kept the suitcase on the floor and turned to Rajasekharan. He was standing motionless. She went to him. ‘Are you sad ?’ Again the car horn was heard and he did not say anything. ‘They’re calling, shall I go?’ She went through the door, and stood for a moment holding the door; then taking out a key from her hand bag said. ‘This key........’ She stopped abruptly. That key for her was a private property. She has never felt it that way before. The quarters allotted to her in the hotels never gave her this intimate feeling. There is intimacy, privacy and solace in this key. ‘This key.......’ she asked, ‘shall I keep this with me? Whenever I feel extremely unhappy and sad I might need this.’ (Santhwanathinte Thakkol)...

Stories: Nishaadam Ammu Paranja Katha Ettavum Mahathaya Kazhcha Asramam Urangukayanu Moolode Urappikkunnathile Vishamangal Desatanakkilipole Aval Oru Thanutha Kattayi Avan Pachhappayyine Pidikkan Veruthe Vanna Oral Santhwanathinte Thakkol Arunthathiyude Painikili Kavithakal...

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Koorakal : Collection of Short Stories

By: Harikumar Edasseri

The story Koorakal is about a middle class family. A wife, husband and two children. The unwilling wife is forced to terminate her third pregnancy much to her wishes, since their financial background does not allow them to have one more child. She is in a dilemma, and finally had to give in....

It’s the conscience that troubles me, she thought. I now have a guilty conscience. But it has got to be done. There is no other go. These days you have to live, and live happily too, for which, at least, you have to pay a deaf ear to this beat of the wings. You will be happy tomorrow when memory of this nightmare ceases to haunt you. We should bring our children back, she thought. I am missing them very much. Fifteen days seemed longer, and I can’t stand this solitude any more. I should have them around me. .........She overslept, and when woke up sunray crept into the room. On the floor she saw the dead cockroaches, hundreds of them lying on their back. She thought of the crumbled leaves which fall dry in the cold winter mornings from trees in her native home, and of her mother who passed away years back, and of her children, and of the tiny particle of life brewing in her womb, which was deprived of its right to exist, and she was sad. (Koorakal)...

Stories: Koorakal Unakkamarangal Parunthukal Vattomchuttumbol Sisiram Iruttilude Mazhayulla Oru Rathriyil Kariyaduppu Iruttinte Makal Madhuvidhu Njan Ninnil Ninakkuvendi Vellakkuthirayude Rajakumaran Daivam Jnjaniyavunnu...

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Ayanangal : Novel

By: Harikumar Edasseri

Mumbai in the early 1970. Juhu-Vile Parle Scheme was the nerve center of film activities, since people related to cinema - producers, actors and actresses, other artists and technicians lived here. Walking in the morning through the streets of Juhu, you will come across light boys holding reflectors, actors and actresses in the act of shooting a take, camera, generator van, director sitting on a chair under a garden umbrella...... People greet each other with the words ‘where’s shooting today?’ That was the time when technology had not invaded the film industry, and the film makers still paid heed to the artistic values. I was living in Juhu, and it is in this atmosphere that I had come across the characters of this novel....

The leading lady Sunanda glanced once again through the photos strewn on the table. The figure of the new girl is indeed remarkable, and the snaps in bikini were excellent. Her young body is better than mine, Sunanda thought. My bosom is heavier and firmer, but the other parts of the body have grown out of proportion. Yoga and other exercises didn’t help much to stall the onslaught of aging. This girl’s face is also cherubic, a trait leading lady should possess. Is director Chainani showing me a veiled threat, just to bargain on my price, or even telling in his own style, in too many words, that I will be marginalized? Merged in thought she didn’t realize that Chainani was standing just behind her, and she startled when he touched her shoulder. He asked. ‘Why did you startle?’ She only shook her shoulder. Her glass of dry martini was empty. ‘Shall I fix Scotch for you?’ Chainani asked....

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Praise The Lord, Always : Novelette

By: Harikumar Edasseri

Story of an orphanage for girls, their miserable life under a warden. Finally the Church realize their folly and appoints a new warden, who is young and energetic. The reforms he made changed the atmosphere so drastically that the countenance of the inmates changes. The Church is happy with him, but then the new warden has his share of problems and the priest helps him solve it....

Sir, it is Jisy’s turn tonight. I came because she’s not well.’ ‘Turn?’ She nodded. ‘Turn for what?’ ‘Today is Tuesday, and it is her turn to come to you, Sir. The old Warden Sir had made it like that. Tuesday it is Jisy, Thursday me, Saturday Deepa and if in between he wants somebody he will tell it. ‘What for?’ The moment it was blurted out he understood the absurdity of his question. In a moment a lot of things rushed into his mind, like standing in front of a bursting dam and being swept away with the torrent. He was tired. He was thinking of the hapless animals that are forced to go to the animal king one a day as his prey. Today is the turn of this fawn, or she is substituting for a fellow being....

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Rough Justice

By: Rigby Taylor

Rough Justice is both a thriller and love story in which two young men in subtropical Australia discover that love is about more than sex. In his new school, Robert has trouble conforming to the expectations of his peers and is severely provoked by a fellow student; an acolyte of the fundamentalist Headmaster whose dogmatic Old Testament beliefs have led him to the brink of insanity. Relationships, morality, values, courage, friendship and what it takes to be a ‘man’, are but some of the themes explored in this gripping tale. When he falls in love, Robert's life falls into place - until attempts on both young men’s lives force them to take extreme measures, the consequences of which pose an ethical dilemma that could destroy their new found happiness. ...

With brain and conversation on autopilot, Robert didn’t realise until Aaron thumped him on the shoulder, thrust a bit of paper into his hand and said, ‘That’ll be extra-shagabodacious, Rob me boy! Phone number’s there in case you come adrift,’ that he’d accepted an invitation to a party. Blood drained. Fingers froze. What the hell to do? The last thing he wanted was to go to a bloody party! Shit! Shit! Shit! He’d have to think of an excuse. A shadow made him look up. ‘I’m glad you’re going, Robert. Aaron’s parties can get a bit frantic.’ What the hell’s her name? He smiled vaguely at the thin, wide-eyed girl who asked lots of questions in class. Oh yeah, Maria. No, Marcia. What’s she on about? She hardly knows me. I could be a frigging rapist. ‘Why’re you going then?’ he asked lazily. ‘I heard you say you were going.’ ‘You’re joking!’ ‘How’d you guess?’ Marcia gave a tinkling laugh, tossed her curly black hair and joined a gaggle of girls at the jukebox. Cold sweat trickled underarm. What’s the matter with me? Why don’t I want to go to the party? Because you’re a fuckwit. Get out and have a good time like everyone else! But yo...

Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty-one Chapter Twenty-two Chapter Twenty-three Chapter Twenty-four Chapter Twenty-five Chapter Twenty-six Chapter Twenty-seven Chapter Twenty-eight ...

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Crossing the Mirage : Passing Through Youth

By: BS Murthy

If passing through youth was like crossing the mirage of life for Chandra and Nithya, it proved to be chasing the mirage of love for Sathya and Prema though for plain Vasavi, Chandra's pitiable sibling, it was the end of the road. As life brings Chandra, who suffers from an inferiority complex for his perceived ugliness, and Nithya, who was bogged down being jilted by Vasu, together, they script their fate of fulfillment. And as poetic justice would have it, Sathya, who caused Prema's heart burn, himself was led down the garden path by Kala, doing a "Sathya on Sathya". Just not that, life has in store just deserts for Vasu owing to Nithya's retribution as he tries to stalk her. Besides, after many a fictional twist and turn, the way the story ends, challenges the perception that fact is stranger than fiction. ...

As if all this was not enough for his tender psyche to cope up with, he had to contend with the sternness of the paternal strictness. Thus, it was only time before the seeds of alienation towards his father were sown in his impressionable mind. But the support he got from his sister and the solace he felt in his mother’s lap helped soothe his ruffled feelings a little. In time, he reached the threshold of youth, but couldn’t cross the despair of adolescence. Oblivious of the possibilities of life, man goes through his journey of disarray, in the itinerary of the past, chasing the mirages of malady even amidst the sands of hope. And that despairs him forever. Into his puberty, as his biology induced in him sexual curiosity, owing to his ungainliness, his youthful urge for reciprocity remained unfulfilled. Being naïve to the feminine nuances, his eyes couldn’t comprehend the emanations of their indifference. When in dismay, as he turned to the mirror for a clue, the reflections of his self-doubts stared him in his face. Yet, goaded by desire, he ogled women but to no avail. And as he went back to the mirror to reassess h...

Shackles on Psyche End of the Tether Burden of Freedom Onto the Turf Respite by Death Lessons of Life Naivety of Love Dilemma of Disclosure Perils of Youth Absurd Proposal Crossing the Mirage Setting the Pace Oasis of Bliss Busy bees in Honeycomb Twist in the Tale Love in the Bind Turn for the Worse Shadows to the Fore Spurring to Err Tempting the Fate Stooping to Conquer Fouling the Soul Poetic Justice Agony of Penitence Embrace of Love Life of a Kind Just deserts?...

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Light Star : When All Else Fails, Part 1 of 4

By: Anthony J Kemp

In this section Part 1 we are introduced to the area of space where the action takes place. We are told about the major event that provokes an unprecedented response from the Central Council of the empire. So we begin a journey following John Harris into an adventure the likes of which he could never have imagined in his wildest dreams, or for that matter, his worst nightmares. It started with a red flashing mail message on his computer screen....

Lieutenant Major John Harris was sitting at his desk on the twenty-third floor of the Astor Central Processing Building. He was busy classifying documents for levels of security clearance before entering them into the main archives. On his computer screen flashed the mail icon. Normally you have to open the icon to see your mail; high priority mail, however, flashes up instantly in red. The message flashed up in red. Messenger arriving. Harris was still looking at the message wondering what it meant when the doors at the far end of the large office opened with a rattle. A courier entered, followed by two of the station’s security guards. It seemed to take forever for the three men to walk the whole length of the room to where Harris was sitting. Naturally, all activity in the room stopped as everyone watched the three men to see where they were going. Eventually, the men came to a halt by Harris's desk. They stood in silence towering over Harris. Not that they were particularly tall, it was just that Harris was still sitting. “Lieutenant Major John Harris,” said the courier. “That’s me,” said Harris. ...

INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 - - THE JOURNEY BEGINS Chapter 2 - - MORSTAN Chapter 3 - - ADMIRAL BAINBRIDGE Chapter 4 - - RAFTOS Chapter 5 - - LIGHT STAR Chapter 6 - - THE JUMP Chapter 7 - - PACKETS STORY Chapter 8 - - KIMLON'S STORY About the Author ...

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Who is God? Where is God? What is God?

By: AiR AtmanInRavi

AiR - Atman in RVM or the Soul in Ravi V. Melwani is an embodied soul whose only mission in life is to realize God. He was born on October 15, 1966 in Bangalore, as Ravi V. Melwani. At a very young age, he mastered the craft of business and became a very successful businessman who revolutionized retailing in India with the stores Kids Kemp, Big Kids Kemp, and Kemp Fort. After making millions, he realized that life is not just about making money. He shut down his business at the age of 40, transformed his life to RVM living by the RVM philosophy – Rejoice, Value Life, and Make a Difference. He set up the RVM Foundation and started doing H.I.S. work – Humanitarian, Inspirational, and Spiritual work. His mission was to “Make a Difference” in this world before his journey was over. ...

AiR - Atman in RVM or the Soul in Ravi V. Melwani is an embodied soul whose only mission in life is to realize God. He was born on October 15, 1966 in Bangalore, as Ravi V. Melwani. At a very young age, he mastered the craft of business and became a very successful businessman who revolutionized retailing in India with the stores Kids Kemp, Big Kids Kemp, and Kemp Fort. After making millions, he realized that life is not just about making money. He shut down his business at the age of 40, transformed his life to RVM living by the RVM philosophy – Rejoice, Value Life, and Make a Difference. He set up the RVM Foundation and started doing H.I.S. work – Humanitarian, Inspirational, and Spiritual work. His mission was to “Make a Difference” in this world before his journey was over. ...

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The Road to the New Era

By: Antonio Pinto Renedo

In this book the keys to reach the new era are explained.

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