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Vellithirayilennapole : Collection of Short Stories

By: Harikumar Edasseri

The story Amme Avar Nammude Akaasam Katteduthu is about women laborers, who over the past few decades were being phased out of work, mainly by automation, and then by influx of cheap labor from neighboring states. In this story the houses where women from the colony across the road works as household help, are being razed to the ground to give way to four colossal multistory buildings. The women lose their job and find life hard going, especially when their drunkard husbands do not help them, instead try to fleece them. They are pinned to the wall, and naturally finds way for a living, which is not very desirable, but unavoidable....

Making sure that Arun doesn’t hear her, Jyothi asked Mathu. ‘Your husband does not come any more, eh?’ ‘No,....’ She said with visible comfort. ‘I wish he does not turn up any more. What about your husband?’ ‘He came last month, and then I said I am jobless and that I need money. He went back immediately and never again turned up. I never said I got a job in the building work.' (Amme, Avar Nammude Akasam Katteduthu)...

Stories: Vellithirayilennapole Lavanya Kelan Oru Chocolate Viplavam Kalathinte Adayatha Vathilukal Stree, Avasanarangathil Mathram.... Oru Santhushta Kudumbam Sreeparvathi Iniyum Maduthittillatha Oru Samakalika Katha Daivathinte Swapnangal Amme Avar Nammude Akasam Katteduthu Kurey Chithrangalulla Oru Rathri, Athil Oru...... Ee Nirathil Thavalangalilla Oru Nalu Vayassukarante Prasnangal...

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Sookshichuvacha Mayilpeeli : Collection of Short Stories

By: Harikumar Edasseri

This anthology of short stories won the Nalappadan Award (instituted after the famous poet Nalappat Narayana Menon) in 1998. The story Alakkuyanthram is about the plight of child labor in India. A ten year old girl is forced to do menial job in a wealthy house because her mother falls ill. It is about her interaction with the 4 year old daughter of her mistress. One day she takes the little girl to her shabby looking hut much to the chagrin of the little girl. She faces reality hereto unimaginable in her wealthy surroundings....

‘How come you didn’t get even a single order?’ John Mathew could not get it. ‘You say you have visited 10 - 15 houses, and yet no order. You have gone to a wealthy area. Venu closed his eyes without having to utter a word. And slowly he drifted into a slumber. In sleep, he saw dark skinny children with small chests and big unhealthy belly. In front of them poverty was strewn around like dirt in carpet of affluence, and he with his machine with unlimited capabilities sweeps the poverty and the children become handsome and pretty. Watching the smile on his sleeping friend, John Mathew became thoughtful. (Aparasadhyathakalulla Oru Yanthram)...

Stories: Pazhayoru Bheeshanikkari Sookshichuvacha Mayilpeeli Sultante Makal Aaro Oraal Pinnil Alakkuyanthram Oru Tapdancer Amma Valeduthavan Bhagyathinte Vazhikal Theeppettikkollithumbile Jeevitham Oditta Oru Cheriya Veedu Oru Urula choru Nair Magnanimity Aparasadhyathakalulla Oru Yanthram Kallichedi...

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Canadayilninnoru Rajakumari : Collection of Short Stories

By: Harikumar Edasseri

Dr. Gourami’s Hospital is a delivery ward for fishes. The story deals with a motherless child of five and his sorrowing father, both of whom finds solace in the aquarium. The new born babies that swim in the tank give cue to Biju about his own mother who left him couple of years ago. The Sunflowers is the story of a boy who was destined to toil at the age of 17 in a far away city, i.e. Calcutta. He supports his mother as well as the family of her brother too. Though unwilling Dasan finally finds his sacrifice most rewarding, as he finds a garden of sunflowers in a mountain valley he saw on his way home....

After taking bath he got dressed up fast. Renu announced breakfast. He went to call his son Viju. He was standing in front of the aquarium, the same way he left him when he went to the bathroom. ‘What happened Viju?’ He asked. He didn’t say anything. He was just watching the newborn fish babies. He was thoughtful. Finally he asked: ‘Dad do these fish babies really get the smell of their mother in the water?’ ‘Yes dear, all living beings are like that. Children can recognize the smell of their mother.’ Suddenly he stopped. He saw Viju’s face darkening and his eyes becoming watery. He was incapable of wiping those tears or soothing the boy with words of solace; he just hugged him. His eyes were also filling. Then in between sobs, Viju said. ‘Dad, let’s not change this house. We will continue here only.’ (Dr. Gouramiyude Asupathri)...

Stories: Gouramiyude Asupathri Sooryakantipookkal Kattikombu Cheppadikkaranum Njanum Canadayilninnoru Rajakumari Oru Viswasi Puthiyoru Velipadinuvendi Muzhumikkatha Yathra Nagaram...

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My Philosophical Ideas

By: Antonio Pinto Renedo

This book represents a journey through the world through meditation.

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Online Company Formation in India : Pvt Ltd Company Registration,

By: Sir. Swarit Adviser, Performer

Get your company registration done in the shortest possible time. Contact us today. Our business services include – Pvt Ltd company registration, one person company registration, Limited Liability Partnership registration and more. Start your business today and let us handle the registration process for you. At easy prices and fast services, we are highly recommended for company registration in India. More info visit

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Prophecy Mongering: Prophecy Shall Cease

By: Ms. Rochelle A Laura

Commentary on everyone over-using 'Apocalypse' is a beginning...

This is in response to recent accusations of my beliefs. When I encountered opposition concerning a social media Pastor’s interpretation of prophetic events I was barred from commenting. There was no rudeness or profane laden rhetoric, but suggested with strong intent a new perspective and alas, was restricted. Many Pastors are not the best teachers. The author has come to the realization that some current Pastors and Bible teachers may not even be aware of what the word apokálypsis refers to the 1 “unveiling,”and that of the new nature of Jesus the Christ being a ‘star’ or the One that took on the form of a supernova burst to atone for the discovery of E=MC 2 of (Jewish scientists) 1940-48. ...

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Journey Thru America : My Quest For Peace

By: Gary L Beer

Travelling the back roads across America in a seven month, eighteen thousand mile journey brought out survival instincts and a perception of life in Gary that we all possess and rarely experience in this modern world that we live. The result is clearly written in Journey Thru America, My Quest for Peace, in which Gary describes his incredible journey in such a way that the reader experiences the excitement and travelling as if they are experiencing it themselves. Gary speaks his mind of America and American people that is controversial at times and thought provoking. ...

My journey really begins in Virginia, in the ‘Bible Belt’ of America in September 2002 living with a witch of the Wicca cult called Tigerlilly. Tigerlilly had no appearance of being a witch, being blonde and dressing in middle class American clothes. Tigerlilly drove a new metallic silver coloured Dodge car and lived in a trailer on a large trailer park a few miles from the city. By all outward appearances all appeared normal from the outside of her trailer home; with flowers and shrubs surrounding the 60 foot long white trailer. Wooden steps led up to the front door where a large black and white plastic owl stood guard from the top of a railing post. The inside of the trailer also appeared to be middle class American; the lounge was nicely decorated in wheat coloured wallpaper with patterns of dried grass. Pictures of a bearded Jesus were on every wall, tending his flock of white sheep and generally looking holy. The trailer also had 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen diner and a room that was dedicated to the worship of her gods. Fierce upright blood coloured dragons about a foot tall stood upon large shiny black columns that f...

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By: Gary L Beer

Burying her husband in the garden under the runner bean patch seemed the best idea. At least burying him there she would be able to keep an eye on him. Suzy had not meant to kill him and then she meets her old friend Lewis, would he help her, or make things worse?...

SUZY Preview Chapter One Opening the hot oven door Suzy puts her gloves on and takes out the cooking joint of beef. Putting the hot tray onto the top of the oven Suzy turns the meat over and adds potatoes and parsnips to the tray. Putting the tray back into the oven she frowns as she stands up and thinks if all this effort is worth it; Doug, her partner had been very moody lately. Sometimes he came home with a smile, but that was rare these days. Doug's behaviour towards her recently had become nasty, aggressive and he was constantly accusing her of being unfaithful and calling her a liar. Suzy had not done anything wrong and could not understand why he had changed so much recently. Hoping that cooking his favourite roast dinner would make the evening a pleasant one Suzy lights the gas under the vegetables as she hears Doug's car pull up out front. Checking herself in the mirror Suzy shouts a cheery welcome as Doug opens the front door. Hearing no reply the frown returns to her forehead as she busies herself with getting two plates out of the cupboard. Doug slams the front door and stomps down the hall into the lounge as Suzy'...

Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen...

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Guardacaminos: Armando José Ramos : Ensayo literario: Ensayo literario

By: Valentino

Ya casi me había dado por vencido con la poesía; ni siquiera era capaz de apreciarla, la sentía insípida, machacada y repetitiva. Me parecía que todos los poetas del mundo se habían puesto de acuerdo para escribir y cantar sobre los mismos motivos de siempre: un mal amor, unas metáforas y analogías poco convincentes, e indiscutiblemente un gusto desbocado por la obviedad de las cosas, cautivados, sabrá Dios por qué, por frases de redes sociales del tipo: “He caído pero me levantaré con los pies” ((((Obvio))))....

Ya casi me había dado por vencido con la poesía; ni siquiera era capaz de apreciarla, la sentía insípida, machacada y repetitiva. Me parecía que todos los poetas del mundo se habían puesto de acuerdo para escribir y cantar sobre los mismos motivos de siempre: un mal amor, unas metáforas y analogías poco convincentes, e indiscutiblemente un gusto desbocado por la obviedad de las cosas, cautivados, sabrá Dios por qué, por frases de redes sociales del tipo: “He caído pero me levantaré con los pies” ((((Obvio))))....

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Moscas el Sicario - Valentino

By: Valentino

El Moscas era sicario, y de los más atroces. Su pelo encanecido le daba una áurea de sabio y bonachón. Tenía cincuenta años, una mente lúcida, y una singular condición física que no había perdido siquiera un ápice de su habilidad juvenil. Era una leyenda viva en el bajo mundo de la mafia. Como la antigua Roma, se decía que todas las historias de muerte, y las sentencias de los moribundos, llegaban a él. Célebres eran sus cancioncitas corrosivas que solamente él era capaz de disfrutar y su largo, pero no menos espeluznante, historial profesional: sus manos habían acabado con la vida de diez mil personas, una muerte al día desde que comenzó su mortal carrera, descontando los fines de semana, que ocupaba en desempolvar su viejo Roll Royce de los años sesenta. Semejante constancia le exigía la utilización de los métodos criminales más creativos. Era implacable. Jamás se le cruzó por la mente la palabra ‘arrepentimiento’ y se ufanaba de nunca haber jurado en vano. ¿A qué santo sentarse a llorar por la muerte de un tipo más imbécil que yo?, exclamaba, ahogándose en una sonrisita torcida, jugando con un puro cubano en la mano, que encendía...

El Moscas era sicario, y de los más atroces. Su pelo encanecido le daba una áurea de sabio y bonachón. Tenía cincuenta años, una mente lúcida, y una singular condición física que no había perdido siquiera un ápice de su habilidad juvenil. Era una leyenda viva en el bajo mundo de la mafia. Como la antigua Roma, se decía que todas las historias de muerte, y las sentencias de los moribundos, llegaban a él. Célebres eran sus cancioncitas corrosivas que solamente él era capaz de disfrutar y su largo, pero no menos espeluznante, historial profesional: sus manos habían acabado con la vida de diez mil personas, una muerte al día desde que comenzó su mortal carrera, descontando los fines de semana, que ocupaba en desempolvar su viejo Roll Royce de los años sesenta. Semejante constancia le exigía la utilización de los métodos criminales más creativos. Era implacable. Jamás se le cruzó por la mente la palabra ‘arrepentimiento’ y se ufanaba de nunca haber jurado en vano. ¿A qué santo sentarse a llorar por la muerte de un tipo más imbécil que yo?, exclamaba, ahogándose en una sonrisita torcida, jugando con un puro cubano en la mano, que encendía...

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El billete negro

By: Valentino

Nunca me había atrevido a escribir esta historia por dos razones: la primera, porque le parecerá inverosímil al leyente, y la segunda, quizá la más tétrica de ambas consideraciones, se debe al contrato perenne que somete a aquel que lea el mensaje contenido en el dorso del billete negro que cayó en mis manos ese día oscuro de noviembre. Decía así: «Si usted está leyendo estas palabras, le sucederá todo aquello que desee su corazón. Ríase si quiere, pero ciertamente ocurrirá»....

Nunca me había atrevido a escribir esta historia por dos razones: la primera, porque le parecerá inverosímil al leyente, y la segunda, quizá la más tétrica de ambas consideraciones, se debe al contrato perenne que somete a aquel que lea el mensaje contenido en el dorso del billete negro que cayó en mis manos ese día oscuro de noviembre. Decía así: «Si usted está leyendo estas palabras, le sucederá todo aquello que desee su corazón. Ríase si quiere, pero ciertamente ocurrirá»....

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Una vez en Virginia

By: Valentino

Cuentan que Amukhori, a los doce años y en las gradas de la catedral, fue el primero en desafiar a los curas del pueblo. Su nombre, anómalo en aquel lugar tras quinientos años de conquista española, pasó a ser motivo de respeto y asombro, en unas por su simplicidad y en otras por su rareza, puesto que nadie logró encontrarle nunca el significado, «el secreto», ni siquiera su madre Sigfrida. Su padre don Policarpo, que era el cartero de la comunidad, se justificaba diciendo que lo había leído en una revista venida del «Sol Naciente»; nadie le creyó, pero sí que lo asociaron con los viajes que el viejo repartidor hacía por el país entero, entregando cartas, y del que se sabía había vivido un tiempo con los hicaques en la Montaña de la Flor y los chortís que todavía se esconden en algunas partes de la provincia. Amukhori, aunque era suertudo, no la tuvo desde el principio. Don Policarpo murió estando él en pañales, y lo único que recuerda de su artrítico anciano fue lo que le contó un día la abuela: que al nacer, su progenitor había gritado al viento con orgullo y risa chabacana: «Acaba de nacer uno que va a llegar a ser el papá de muc...

Cuentan que Amukhori, a los doce años y en las gradas de la catedral, fue el primero en desafiar a los curas del pueblo. Su nombre, anómalo en aquel lugar tras quinientos años de conquista española, pasó a ser motivo de respeto y asombro, en unas por su simplicidad y en otras por su rareza, puesto que nadie logró encontrarle nunca el significado, «el secreto», ni siquiera su madre Sigfrida. Su padre don Policarpo, que era el cartero de la comunidad, se justificaba diciendo que lo había leído en una revista venida del «Sol Naciente»; nadie le creyó, pero sí que lo asociaron con los viajes que el viejo repartidor hacía por el país entero, entregando cartas, y del que se sabía había vivido un tiempo con los hicaques en la Montaña de la Flor y los chortís que todavía se esconden en algunas partes de la provincia. Amukhori, aunque era suertudo, no la tuvo desde el principio. Don Policarpo murió estando él en pañales, y lo único que recuerda de su artrítico anciano fue lo que le contó un día la abuela: que al nacer, su progenitor había gritado al viento con orgullo y risa chabacana: «Acaba de nacer uno que va a llegar a ser el papá de muc...

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By: Christian Sorensen

There is no good war. All war is hideous. munir is a novel about Baghdad under Occupation. It is a story detailing the tragic intersection of intelligence personnel, militants, and Iraqi millennials....

“Ah!” Majid exclaimed, realizing where they were. Spying their favorite nook in the city, Majid approached the cozy concrete to kick back. Munir had noticed this quotidian wonder many years ago when he was working part-time as a delivery boy. One ‘precision’ strike in 1991, courtesy of a 35-year-old B-52 bomber, had taken out a homeless shelter. The blast had also carved the ideal reading nook out of an adjacent wall. The shelter was eventually rebuilt, but the wall remained damaged and crumbling....

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Sundara Kãnda: Hanuman’s Odyssey

By: BS Murthy

While Mahabharata's Bhagvad-Gita is taken as a philosophical guide, Ramayana's Sundara Kãnda is sought for spiritual solace. What is more, many believe that reading Sundara Kãnda or hearing it recited would remove all hurdles and usher in good tidings! Well miracles apart, it's in the nature of Sundara Kãnda to inculcate fortitude and generate hope in one and all. After all, isn't it a depiction of how Hanuman goes about his errand against all odds! Again, won't it portray how Seetha, on the verge of self-immolation, overcomes despair to see life in a new light? Besides, how Hanuman's Odyssey paves the way for Rama to rescue his kidnapped wife! One is bound to be charmed by the rhythm of the verse and the flow of the narrative in this sloka to sloka transcreation of Valmiki's adi kavya - the foremost poetical composition in the world. After all, it was the saga of Rama that inspired Valmiki the barbarian to spiritualize the same as Ramayana in classical Sanskrit! ...

Canto 20 - Womanizer at Work To fair Seetha he confined Spoke then Ravan in disdain. With thy pair of lovely hands Why block sight of thy bosom Hope it’s not the fear of me Prompts thee squat in like fashion. Is a beauty like thine ever And a lover than me better! What to fear in this Lanka Lost whose Lord his heart to thee. Fair it’s not for thee to blame Granted when it’s to our ilk Force we might all women we fond Never mind ever their state of mind. Crave as I for thine embrace Wait I though for thy consent. Fill thy heart with love for me Let not fear ever grip thy mind. Having known my love for thee Don’t thou know that it’s not fair That thee should fail thy upkeep And thus make me sad for thee. From heaven I fetch garments such To make thee best dressed dame on earth. For thy wear I get jewels Not even by angels worn. Thou being the crown jewel Of the feminine world at large How come then thou shun jewels! Knowing as well youth is like River that courses to the seas Why not grant me thy favour And thus make the best of life. Since there none to rival t...

This audio rendition of the encounter between Ravan and Seetha, whom he kidnapped to Lanka. as depicted in Cantos 20 thru 22 of Sundara Kãnda: Hanuman’s Odyssey. ...

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The Teapot, Voyage to the Centre of the Galaxy : Part One

By: Donald Harry Roberts

science fiction at its finest

a voyage of epic proportions

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Living Without Regrets

By: Sopuruchukwu Chukwudi Okafor; Sopuruchukwu Chukwudi Okafor

This book is a guide for anyone who wishes to live a happy life which will be free of regrets.And If you are the person, do not hesitate to download this book because it will reveal to you the practical steps you are to take in order to live a happy life. Remember that this life is too short and for that reason it's not worth living in regrets...

This book will help you a lot to live a life free of regrets

Proper planning Utilizing one's opportunity Avoid making wrong choices Manage your time properly

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The Stone

By: Donald Harry Roberts

A time when a boy faces himself in alternate realities

The boy walked along the river bank quietly, watching the fish labour up river against the current. He wondered why nature had made them work so hard to spawn, while other animals mated without more than minor rituals, especially humans. As he moved further down steam he spied many fish who had died on the journey but there was one that was caught among the rocks and struggling to get free. The boy waded into the shallow water to free the fish but when it turned over the boy saw that it's belly was torn open. "You are dying." Said the boy sadly. 2 But then he saw a shining blue stone in the fish's stomach....

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Exploring, Exploiting

By: Manohar Asija

This novel is based on the plot that describes the life of a young lady having worked as Assistant Professor at the University level. These days, she is engaged by a Trust, interested in promoting `mental illumination through peace of mind and self-confidence. She is going places to deliver lectures, keep in mind the aims of the organization as well as the composition of the audiences. In fact, since her infancy she is on the move from one part of India to another, even having no idea of the identity of the couple who parented her. Having been reared up by a domestic maid, she was obliged to inherit this type of job to earn for her livelihood. The onset of puberty in the proximity of unrelated men was to be withstood with caution and care for her chastity. These tours of lecturing around, once make her find a known lady in her audience in Delhi. This incident opens her the way to meet many people in this big city and take her to the person who fathered her. Here, she also gets the truthful information about her mother. ...

Dear Madhu Ji, On my way back home I recapitulated, as my routine exercise, the discussions at the Coffee House. Can you recall the reaction of Mr Malik to Lal's outburst against the final outcome of Dhananjay Chakrovarty's legal battle to ward off the Capital punishment pronounced on him for rape and murder of a minor girl, when he himself was just 21 years? ……………..." I suppose Mr. Malik came out with some amusing retort, which made almost the entire group at the table giggle and I could not make out anything but only observe Mr. Malik move towards the toilets. Respected Sir, I clearly heard your `Guruji`, I mean Mr Malik, murmur aloud, “Is there any punishment available to your civilized society to punish an errant woman who voluntarily and actively seduces and commits rape on an innocent, uninitiated and in the prime of his youth?” “Do you mean a rape amongst a Lesbian fraternity?” Mr. Lal Singh speaks out smilingly. Mr. Malik simply hung his head down and spoke in his normal pitch, “I mean, on a companion belonging to the opposite sex.” Having uttered these words Guruji peacefully got up and moved in a gentle pace towards pu...

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Absolute Evil : and other Paradoxes of Objective Ethics

By: Илья Свободин

Popular introduction to objective ethics.

Гомо-сапиенс — рациональное животное озабоченное выживанием. Ему нужны здоровье и счастье. Он читает книги о том, как быстро добиться успеха и разбогатеть. Или вообще не читает. Человек — творец, он стремится стать лучше и сделать лучше окружающий мир. Ему нужны идеалы, он ищет ответы на вечные вопросы. Эта книга для людей, а точнее для подрастающего поколения. Ее автор — создатель «обьективной этики», моральной системы предлагающей наиболее правдоподобное обьяснение мира и помогающей найти упомянутые ответы. Книга повторяет структуру авторского видеоблога — она состоит из 36 бесед, которые могут послужить чтением на досуге или, предпочтительнее, быть использованы в качестве пособия по саморазвитию. Текст каждой беседы желательно внимательно прочесть, обдумать доводы за и против, а также по возможности обсудить с кем-нибудь дабы сформировать собственное обоснованное мнение....

1 Зачем нужна мораль? 2 Что значит "хороший человек"? 3 Откуда взялась мораль? 4 "Жертвенная" мораль 5 "Героическая" мораль 6 Личный успех или общее благо? 7 Обьективная этика 8 Закономерен ли прогресс? 9а Гомо-сапиенс против человека 9б Абсолютное добро 10 Цели и время 11 Общественный договор 12 Достоинство, честь, презрение 13 В чем смысл правил? 14 Зачем живет человек? 15 Существует ли свобода (воли)? 16 Сущее и должное 17 Зачем познавать мир? 18 Истина и правда 19 Куда идет эволюция? 20 От пользы к красоте 21а Каждому свое? 21б Справедливость 22 Власть, управление, эффективность 23 Универсальные ценности 24 Надо ли любить людей? 25 Как улучшить человека? 26 Моральные сферы общества 27 Границы и люди 28 Где начало (и конец) подвига? 29 Что такое зло? 30 Причины зла 31 Личность и стадо 32 Страх 33а Борьба со злом 33б Соразмерность, ложь, компромисс 34 Этика и личное счастье 35 В поисках морального закона 36 Итоги Приложение 1. Социальный проект Приложение 2. Манифест...

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Timothy Chyme : Part Two

By: Donald Harry Roberts; Donald Harry Roberts

Timothy Chyme continues his fantasy journey

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