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And Gulliver Returns Book II : Are We Digging Our Ecological Crypt

By: Bob Oconnor

Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, and even some wars. In the year 2020 Commander Lemuel Gulliver XVI returns from a twenty year odyssey around the solar system, searching for sites where the world's excess people can be re-located. He found none. On his return he vows to search for solutions to the planet's most pressing problem. He has written six books of his planned fourteen book series and invites you to read them....

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And Gulliver Returns Book VII : Book 7 Visit to Indus

By: Bob Oconnor

Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, and even some wars. In the year 2020 Commander Lemuel Gulliver XVI returns from a twenty year odyssey around the solar system, searching for sites where the world's excess people can be re-located. He found none. On his return he vows to search for solutions to the planet's most pressing problem. He has written six books of his planned fourteen book series and invites you to read them....

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And Gulliver Returns Book III : A Visit to Kino

By: Bob Oconnor

Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, and even some wars. In the year 2020 Commander Lemuel Gulliver XVI returns from a twenty year odyssey around the solar system, searching for sites where the world's excess people can be re-located. He found none. On his return he vows to search for solutions to the planet's most pressing problem. He has written six books of his planned fourteen book series and invites you to read them....

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Qu Es Ser Salvo Qu Es Nacer de Nuevo

By: Maria P. de Milla

Este libro es una Invitaci¢n a experimentar estas dos realidades. Ense¤a en forma clara y sencilla el significado de cada una de ellas y su efecto en nuestra vida terrenal y celestial....

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The Open Book

By: Rav Michael Laitman

The Open Book presents the principles of the ancient scientific wisdom of authentic Kabbalah, along with explanations of its basic rules. Kabbalah is a practical method for transcending the limits of one's senses and acquiring a new sense that opens the gate to the Spiritual World, while still living in this world. Rav Laitman clearly explains what goes on behind the scenes in the development of one's soul and the step-by-step attainment of the Upper Worlds. For anyone who wants to understand why our lives develop the way they do, and what we should do to make them develop differently, Laitman sheds light on every stage in the corporal and spiritual life of one who wants to be exposed to this wondrous wisdom. Throughout time, man has sought answers to the fundamental questions of life: who am I? What is the purpose of my being here? Why was the world created and is there life after death. Each of us tries our best to find the answers in our own unique way and through the sources of information at our disposal. Each of us creates his or her own unique perspective on life, depending on what we discover, and the confidence we place ...

Excerpt: But sooner or later everyone finds out that they can no longer deny reality. Humanity continuously seeks logical justification to our existence. Man has tried to inquire and interpret nature for thousands of years. Contemporary scientists have learned that the more they progress in their scientific research, the more the picture of the world that they discover becomes obscure and difficult to grasp. Contemporary science books look more and more like science fiction, but still they fail to provide us with a clear answer as to the essence of the meaning of life. The wisdom of Kabbalah, offers a clear and proven method to understand the meaning of our lives and our objective in the universe. That method focuses on the development of man?s ability to sense a hidden part of reality. The word Kabbalah stems from the Hebrew word lekabel (to receive), and it expresses man?s aspiration for higher knowledge, to feel and see the broad and real picture of the universe. Kabbalists tell us about practical methods that are based on their own personal experience. Their books convey the method to investigate the reality of that world, to at...

Table of Contents 1 The Meaning of My Life 2 View on Evolution from the Perspective of Kabbalah 3 Reincarnation 4 Kabbalah is a Science 5 About the Structure of Creation 6 About the World 7 The Purpose of Reincarnation According to the Zohar 8 The Language of the Spiritual World 9 To Feel Another World 10 The Language of the Kabbalists 11 Four Degrees in the Development of the Desire 12 Some Thoughts 13 Freedom of Choice 14 Some Questions 15 The Aim During the Study Shortens the Time of Correction 16 The Contemporary Generation of Kabbalah 17 Introduction to the Zohar, Who is to Blame?...

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Interview with the Future

By: Rav Michael Laitman

What is the source of our personal suffering and the suffering of humanity? The vicious circle of human suffering has been idly turning for thousands of years as if without cause, and with no escape. Is this really so? Today we are learning that the wisdom of Kabbalah offers both the answers and a practical way to avoid suffering and lead a wholesome and happy life. Now, the wisdom of Kabbalah is being revealed like an open book, to all people of all backgrounds. The wisdom of Kabbalah is a contemporary method that reveals how to achieve the best in life. An Interview with the Future is intended for every person who wants to learn about Kabbalah. It is clear and concise in presenting authentic Kabbalah terminology and practice that will lead one to the purpose of life....

Preface: Part 1: A Science to Understand Reality // 1. A Hidden World // 2. Gravity // 3. The Power of a Directed desire // 4. Proper Development // 5. The sin of Creation and the Correction // A. The Sin // B. The Laws of Correction // 6. In the End of Days // 7. The Spiritual Gene and the Reshimot ......

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Pitfall of Space Expansion: Comprehensive Study of Mysteries in Science

By: Cres Huang

Studies the pitfall and paradoxes of inflation theory, including big-bang, dark energy, and dark matter. We know car will not drive on frictionless surface. Space has no surface and completely frictionless. It will not carry anything along, even if space could expand. Invisible matter, normal or dark, has to be felt since it has to occupy space. Normal matter would not move freely in space occupied by dark matter and dark energy. If there is interaction between normal and dark, it will be shown by normal matter. It is meaningless if there is no interaction. Only SPACE can occupy same space with matter without interaction, isn't it? ...

If you are riding on a craft, it will not carry you away if you there is no friction between you and the craft. Space is completely frictionless. It has no surface, and can only be regarded as absolute zero viscosity. Expansion of the space, if possible, will not drag anything along. It would just flow through and zip away by itself....

Contents Abstract i Contents ii List of Figures iii List of Tables iii 1 Introduction 1 2 Paradox of Space Expansion 5 3 Real Life Analogy of Inertia in Expanding Space 9 4 Paradox of Redshift & Expanding Space 4.1 Real Life Analogy of Radiation Trap 5 Paradox of Constant Pulsating Quasars in Expanding Space 6 Conclusion 7 Appendix - A Brief Experiment of Space 7.1 Space and Vacuum 7.2 Space and Friction 7.3 Space and Motion 7.4 Space and Expansion 7.5 Space and Compression 7.6 Space and Energy 7.7 Summary 8 Appendix - Mind-Bending Questions References...

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Driving Force of Tectonic Plate: Comprehensive Study Of Mysteries In Science

By: Cres Huang

Monitoring the trembler of the ground provides warning. However, it could be too late. I believe it is possible to advance our early prediction to a comfortable level; if we can obtain the variations of centrifugal force before it is strong enough to cause trembler. The good news is centrifugal and wave force are consistent and easier to predict; and well understood by science. The difficult is the composition of the crust perplexes the distribution of force. ...

It is possible that the centrifugal force of spiraling motion made Earth oblate spheroid, and the main driving force of waving mantle along with crust, water and air. I believe it is possible to advance our early prediction to a comfortable level by studying the wave behavior of the crust. ...

1 Introduction 2 Centrifugal Force 3 Jelly Ball Earth 4 Hula Hawaii 5 Summary

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A Brief Experiment of Space: Comprehensive Study of Mysteries in Science

By: Cres Huang

We have learned to manipulating matter and energy since our first existence on Earth, however, never space. Luckily, there is vacuum sharing some properties of space. We can create and shape vacuum to some extent. This experiment will observe the actions of vacuum, mass and energy to derive a logical understanding of space....

Here, the properties of space is summarized as: • Playing-field for mass, energy, and action. • Massless, shapeless, and weightless. • Actionless or absolute zero. • Contains no energy. • Frictionless or zero viscosity. • Incapable of any interaction. • Coexists with all objects. • Beyond measure. • Absolute independent. • Absolute integrity. It’s properties and location never alter....

Abstract i Contents ii List of Figures iii List of Tables iii 1 Introduction 1 2 Outline of The Experiment 4 3 Space and Vacuum 5 4 Space and Friction 7 5 Space and Motion 9 6 Space and Expansion 12 7 Space and Compression 14 8 Space and Energy 16 9 Summary 18 10 Appendix- Fundamental Principles 20...

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Event and Information: Comprehensive Study of Mysteries in Science

By: Cres Huang

Information is only the description of the event, not the source event. When continuous information are sent from different locations, and the observer is moving from place to place; It would not necessarily reach the receiver in same order and interval initiated by the event....

The issue is, sometime we can not separate the event and it's information, and even fooled by it.

Abstract Contents List of Figures List of Tables 1 Introduction 1 2 Event and Information 2.1 Information and Virtual Reality 3 Event and Information Analogy 4 Information Transport Analogy 4.1 Approaching Pitcher 4.2 Departing Ball Pitcher 4.3 Dynamic of Moving Pitcher 5 Dynamic Observation Simulation 6 Summary References...

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The Brussels Legacy

By: Mrs. Leanne Adrienne Delehanty

‘The Brussels Legacy’, represents 10 years of work on a series of short stories, the appropriate recipes to accompany them, as well as the book’s full-colour illustrations which were painted on canvas and paper. ‘The Brussels Legacy’ is a satirical romp through European and American art history. Most textbooks on art are rather weighty, but in Delehanty’s stories, recipes, and illustrations, absolutely nothing is taken too seriously. The short stories are based upon the iconic presence of Brussels sprouts in art and history. There are puns, subtle visual secrets in the illustrations, like reflections of one of the characters in a wine glass, or a timid, Mediaeval figure with a spoon in his hand and a bowl of sprouts. The 22 short stories with their accompanying recipes, contain surprising and sometimes heart-breaking twists of events, but most of them end on a positive note. Author: Leanne Delehanty Pages:273 Hand-Painted illustrations:44...

From: The Spartan Comedian:‘Silence,’ bellowed Pissistrates. ‘I’ll interrogate this boy! Tell me, sugar, where is the Ancient Shield of Perseus, the one he used to kill the Medusa? Where does it lie?’ ‘I didn’t take it,’ replied Zakaris calmly. ‘It wasn’t me.’ ‘What did you say, boy?’ ‘I swear I didn’t take it, Master.’ The other boys smirked and snorted. They whispered behind their hands. Zakaris was about to get the first beating of the year. ...

Table of Contents Prologue Chapter 1: The Painted Hands Chapter 2: Phtatatuti Chapter 3: The Spartan Comedian Chapter 4: The Noble Racer Chapter 5: Arthur and the Song of Love Chapter 6: Geoffrey Chaucer’s Prioress Chapter 7: Machteld’s Lament Chapter 8: Leonardo’s Invisible Invention Chapter 9: The Seer’s Unforeseen Retreat Chapter 10: The Dutch Solar System Chapter 11: Saskia’s Awakening Chapter 12: Julie the Sweep Chapter 13: The Unbearable Melancholia of Sprouts Chapter 14: Christmas in Paris Chapter 15: Another Letter from the Coalfields Chapter 16: The Scholar Who Wouldn’t Eat Chapter 17: The Eyes of Alfred Célerie Chapter 18: Pablo and the Fish Chapter 19: The Corned-Beef Thief Chapter 20: Diary of Two Fossil Hunters Chapter 21: A Very Modern Cabbage Farmer Chapter 22: And Bingo Was His Name-O Glossary Acknowledgements ...

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The Quantum Brain : Pulse Series

By: John Freitas

An IT contractor finds out that a great disaster is going to strike earth and uses the opportunity to commit a crime that will set him for life. He comes up with an ingenious and infallible plan. Or so he thought. This short story book includes two book previews....

Mark left the ground and soared up from the street between the buildings. He was at the wrong angle and feared he might continue into the sky even after all his preparation only to fall to his death once the wave had passed. He gritted his teeth and leaned into the building. His calculations were perfect and he was going to hit twenty just as planned. He had to. Beyond the floors of the building flying by him, he saw cars twisting up into the air. It hardly looked real. “Real life has terrible special effects.” His own laughter hurt his ears inside his helmet. He saw benches, stone, manhole covers, and other debris he couldn’t identify twisting up from the ground and out through the top of the city. He saw other bodies writhing through the air without suits – without being prepared. If the cars were flying away, what chance did people have in this perversion of gravity? Mark’s back hurt as he leaned harder and saw the building racing toward his face. He was tempted to pull back, but that wasn’t the plan and the plan was perfect. Mark heard his own screams as he slammed into the window for twenty. It was the fourth window from ...

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The Creator and The Creation are one.

By: Avinash Patra, Sr.

This uncreated being ascends and descends into every being. From his limb come all things both animate and inanimate: animals of every type, liturgical formulas, hymns and melodies, various meteres, the Four castes of men, the cosmic powers. From his mouth Indra (God) and Agni (fire), from his naval the air, from his head the sky, from his feet the earth, from the ears the points of the compass – nothing, nobody is omitted. ...

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Wright Flyer Paper : The Expeditionary Airfield as a Center of Gravity; Henderson Field during the Guadalcanal Campaign (August 1942–February 1943), Vol. 19

By: Maj Jeff D. Philippart, USAF

This study explores the contemporary relevance of the Guadalcanal campaign to current military operations. Specifically, it uses expeditionary joint air operations flown from Henderson Field during the period August 1942 to February 1943 as a case study for the employment of airpower from an austere airfield. Henderson Field provides a historical example of the expeditionary airfield as a center of gravity for joint military operations, and it demonstrates that key force enablers provide critical capabilities for the use of airpower from austere airfields....

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The Life of a Dying Mind

By: Abhishek Dutta

After reading the novel “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” (Leo Tolstoy – 1886), my mind was flooded with thoughts and then came the idea for this blog post. Unfortunately, I have never had a near-death experience. Fortunately, I also do not have the experience of death. Therefore, for me, what can be more difficult to grasp than “Death”?, thought I and wrote this post....

Both types of death have the same destination but slow death chooses a more poetic journey to the end — a longer route on a slower train. Which type of Death do you wish for?...

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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, and even some wars. In the year 2020 Commander Lemuel Gulliver XVI returns from a twenty year odyssey around the solar system, searching for sites where the world's excess people can be re-located. He found none. On his return he vows to search for solutions to the planet's most pressing problem. He has written six books of his planned fourteen book series and invites you to read them....

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And Gulliver Returns Book I : Touchdown

By: Bob Oconnor

Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, and even some wars. In the year 2020 Commander Lemuel Gulliver XVI returns from a twenty year odyssey around the solar system, searching for sites where the world's excess people can be re-located. He found none. On his return he vows to search for solutions to the planet's most pressing problem. He has written six books of his planned fourteen book series and invites you to read them....

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When Biospheres Collide : A History of NASA’s Planetary Protection Programs: A History of NASA’s Planetary Protection Programs

By: Michael Meltzer

The history of planetary protection is presented by tracing the responses to interplanetary concerns on NASA's missions.

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Absolute Theory of Relativity and Parameterized Special Theory of Relativity and Noninertial Multirelativity

By: Florentin Smarandache

In the first chapter of this book we discuss Einstein’s thought experiment with atomic clocks.

Preface (Many Relativities ) In the first chapter of this book we discuss Einstein’s thought experiment with atomic clocks: A rocket travels at a constant speed v with respect to the earth. In the rocket, a light pulse is emitted by a source from A to a mirror B that reflects it back to A where it is detected. The rocket’s movement and the light pulse’s movement are orthogonal. There is an observer in the rocket (the astronaut) and an observer on the earth. The trajectory of light pulse (and implicitly the distance traveled by the light pulse), the elapsed time it needs to travel this distance, and the speed of the light pulse at which is travels are perceived differently by the two observers {depending on the theories used in this book}....

C O N T E N T S Preface (Many Relativities): 7 Chapter 1. On Einstein’s Thought Experiment with the Light Clocks: 19 1.1. Einstein’s Thought Experiment with the Light Clocks: 20 1.2. Relativistic Addition of Velocities: 23 1.3. Counter-Intuitive Results of the Relativistic Addition of Velocities: 23 1.4. Contradictory Results of the Relativistic Addition of Velocities: 24 1.5. Relativistic Addition of Superluminal Velocities: 26 1.6. Extension of Relativistic Formula for the Addition of Many Subluminal Velocities: 27 1.7. Generalization of Einstein’s Thought Experiment with the Light Clocks for Arbitrary Ultimate Velocity K: 35 1.8. Generalization of the Relativistic Addition Formula for Arbitrary Ultimate Velocity K: 37 1.9. Generalized Lorentz Factor: 39 1.10. Generalized Minkowski Norm: 39 1.11. Generalized Time Dilation: 39 1.12. Generalized Length Contraction: 40 1.13. Generalized Relativistic Momentum: 40 1.14. Generalized Energy: 40 1.15. The Generalized Total Energy: 40 1.16. Generalized Kinetic Energy: 41 Chapter 2. A Hypothesis: There is No Speed Barrier in the Universe and One Can Construct Arbitrary ...

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O Ka Hulipoepoe (The Globe)

By: L. Andrews

This volume contains information on world geography and also touches on some astronomy. It explains our environment here on earth as well as the objects we observe from Earth in the sky....

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Records: 41 - 60 of 155 - Pages: 

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