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Ghid web design pentru administratia publică

By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Compiler; Nicolae Sfetcu, Editor

Ghid privind realizarea paginilor web pentru administraţia publică centrală şi locală din România. Acest ghid se adresează administraţiei publice care utilizează IT&C în vederea interacţiunii atât între cetăţeni, mediile de afaceri şi administraţia publică, cât şi în raportul interinstituţional, cu scopul creşterii eficienţei şi operativităţii, a îmbunătăţirii accesibilităţii web la serviciile publice. În vederea garantării calităţii şi utilităţii site-urilor web ale autorităţilor şi instituţiilor publice din administraţia publică centrală şi locală, se recomandă o planificare meticuloasă a proiectării, realizării şi întreţinerii site-urilor înainte de demararea proiectului. Imaginea respectivelor autorităţi şi instituţii publice, precum şi cea a României depinde şi de calitatea site-urilor web proiectate. Mai multe formate:

Ghid privind realizarea paginilor web pentru administraţia publică centrală şi locală din România.

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Validate Digital Signature in Adobe : A Step by Step Guide with Snapshots

By: Pratik Kaushikkumar Kikani; Pratik Kaushikkumar Kikani

The book will show how to validate Digital Signature in Adobe reader. It covers two methods of validating along with snapshots of screen and step by step guidance....


Index Content Page No E-book Page No Introduction 5-5 6-6 Few Basics of Digital Signature 6-7 7-8 Methods of Validating Sign-Brief 8-9 9-10 Which Method Suitable 10-10 11-11 Method 1 with Snapshots 11-16 12-17 Method 2 with Snapshots 17-28 18-29 Document after Validating Sign 29-29 30-30 ...

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Ghidul Google SEO

By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Editor; Nicolae Sfetcu, Performer

Acest document a fost lansat iniţial ca un efort pentru a ajuta echipele Google, însă este la fel de util şi pentru webmasterii începători în domeniul optimizării pentru motoarele de căutare, şi care doresc să îmbunătăţească interacţiunea site-ului atât cu utilizatorii, cât şi cu motoarele de căutare. Deşi acest ghid nu vă va dezvălui niciun secret prin care site-ul dvs. să se claseze în mod automat primul pentru interogările de pe Google, respectarea celor mai bune practici prezentate mai jos va simplifica atât accesarea cu crawlere, cât şi indexarea conţinutului dvs. de motoarele de căutare....

Ghidul de iniţiere Google privind optimizarea pentru motoarele de căutare, Versiunea 1.1, 13 noiembrie 2008

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Libraries of the Future

By: J.C.R. Licklider

This report of research on concepts and problems of "Libraries of the Future" records the result of a two-year inquiry into the applicability of some of the newer techniques for handling information to what goes at present by the name of library work— i.e., the operations connected with assembling information in recorded form and of organizing and making it available for use....

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Ghid Utilizarea Calculatoarelor

By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Compiler

Utilizarea calculatorului şi a serviciilor electronice – Ghid pentru funcţionarii publici Acest ghid se adresează funcţionarilor publici care utilizează calculatorul şi Internetul în activitatea lor. Scopul acestei lucrări este de a familiariza funcţionarii publici cu posibilităţile şi avantajele oferite de utilizarea calculatorului şi a internetului, inclusiv prin potenţialul guvernării electronice (e-Guvernare) pentru activitatea instituţiilor publice. Lucrarea porneşte de la prezentarea, în primul capitol, a câtorva concepte de bază legate de calculatoare şi Internet, cum ar fi tipurile de programe pentru calculator şi utilitatea lor, documentele şi organizarea lor, tipuri de reţele şi rolul Internetului ca reţea globala, serviciile disponibile prin Internet, respectiv câteva considerente legate de drepturile de autor şi utilizarea legală a programelor de calculator. Capitolul 2 descrie utilitatea calculatorului si aplicaţiilor pentru activitatea de birou, fiind structurat pe două componente: Internetul si aplicaţiile software. Capitolul 3 prezintă o serie de concepte, reguli şi sfaturi destinate unei utilizări cât ma...

Acest ghid se adresează funcţionarilor publici care utilizează calculatorul şi Internetul în activitatea lor. Scopul acestei lucrări este de a familiariza funcţionarii publici cu posibilităţile şi avantajele oferite de utilizarea calculatorului şi a internetului, inclusiv prin potenţialul guvernării electronice (e-Guvernare) pentru activitatea instituţiilor publice....

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Wright Flyer Paper : Unmanned Intratheater Airlift, Vol. 45

By: Major Kevin J. McGowan, USAF

This paper investigates the DOD’s tactical logistical challenges and each service’s tactical lift requirements, especially with respect to the movement of supplies from forward supply hubs to forward forces. To address these challenges and requirements, the author suggests the use of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) as a potential solution. Focusing on existing and quickly emerging technologies as well as the joint operating requirements, the author proposes RPA performance and design characteristics along with a concept of employment that increases tactical lift capabilities and meets all current service requirements....

1 INTRODUCTION . . . .1 Notes . . . . . 12 2 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS . . . .15 Notes . . . . 26 3 TECHNOLOGY REVIEW/PROOF OF CONCEPT . . .27 Notes . . . .41 4 PROPOSED SOLUTION . . . . 45 Notes . . . . .51 5 SYNOPSIS OF CONCEPT OF EMPLOYMENT . . . .53 Notes . . . . 59 6 CONCLUSION . . . . .61...

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Supervivencia en VoIP

By: Gustavo Cardelle

Buenas prácticas, conceptos, configuraciones y métodos a tener en cuenta en un proyecto de VoIP para evitar interrupciones en las comunicaciones.

Dirigido especialmente a técnicos e instaladores en IP PBX.

01. Introducción Visión general de las plataformas de VoIP en el mercado 02. Que es supervivencia? Conceptos y soluciones de supervivencia 03. Primeros pasos Ejemplo de proyecto. Diseño y planificación 04. 2 WAN Dos ISP (Internet Service Provider) 05. Router 2 WAN Configuración del router 06. IP PBX Local Red centralizada Vs multi centrales 07. Plan de numeración Planificación integral de las funciones de nuestra PBX 08. Redundancia Duplicidad en hardware 09. Comunicaciones Unificadas Web Service y Softphone 10. PBX Hibrida Centrales analógicas con enlace IP 11. Bypass FXS/FXO Conmutación de líneas 12. Líneas IP Registro de líneas IP en red 13. ARS | Selección automática de ruta Configuración de ruta alternativa 14. Telulares Red de celulares 15. Resguardo eléctrico Planificación de switch POE 16. Conclusión Uso de buenas practicas Links de interés Sitios recomendados Acerca del Autor...

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X-15 Research Results

By: Wendell H. Stillwell

This semi-technical summary of the X–15 program is directed toward the less publicized aspects of its achievements.

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Marketing ecologic în Uniunea Europeană

By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Editor

Într-o economie globalizată, nivelurile medii de consum sunt în creştere ca urmare: a populaţiei mondiale în creştere; sporirii numărului de consumatori cu venituri medii şi mici şi extinderii unei culturi generale a consumului; sistemelor economice din societăţile industrializate bazate pe consum şi producţie. Modelele actuale de consum nu sunt durabile, iar îmbunătăţirile aduse eficienţei energetice şi apariţia de noi tehnologii nu reuşesc întotdeauna să le contrabalanseze (aşa-numitul „efect de recul" (Nivelul de economisire a resurselor creat de creşterea eficienţei, de exemplu prin noi tehnologii, restituit consumatorilor ca urmare a unui grad crescut de utilizare a serviciilor şi a unui consum crescut)), având drept rezultat o creştere a deteriorării mediului. Prin urmare, consumatorii trebuie orientaţi către produse şi servicii mai ecologice. Sunt necesare modificări în modul nostru de viaţă. În cazul consumatorilor, aceasta presupune modificarea modurilor în care aceştia aleg, utilizează şi elimină produsele şi serviciile. În acest context, comercianţii cu amănuntul, producătorii şi alţi actori trebuie să ajute societatea ...

Modelele actuale de consum nu sunt durabile, iar îmbunătăţirile aduse eficienţei energetice şi apariţia de noi tehnologii nu reuşesc întotdeauna să le contrabalanseze (aşa-numitul „efect de recul"...

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Telelucru (Telework)

By: Nicolae Sfetcu

Telelucrul, ca un nou mod de a lucra prin efectuarea unei activităţi (forme de muncă) flexibile în timp şi la distanţă, utilizând tehnologia informaţională şi comunicaţiile avansate, se concretizează în teleactivităţi şi teleservicii. În ultimii ani, s-au dezvoltat rapid noi tehnologii informaţionale şi de comunicare, astfel încât în centrul dezbaterilor ştiinţifice, politice şi economice din ultima perioadă a stat apariţia şi dezvoltarea Societăţii Informaţionale, generatoare de noi oportunităţi de muncă dar şi de schimbări esenţiale în ceea ce priveşte natura muncii şi modul de lucru, schimbări comparabile cu cele petrecute în revoluţia industrială. În acest context, telelucrul a devenit domeniu strategic din punct de vedere teoretic şi practic, deoarece reprezintă o soluţie cu potenţial practic important; se poate dezvolta repede; poate influenţa în bine viaţa multor europeni; este un excelent promotor al noilor procese şi tehnologii avansate; este o componentă a noii revoluţii ştiinţifice şi tehnologice, orientată spre societatea bazată pe informaţie şi cunoaştere. În alte formate (EPUB, Kindle): https://www.setthings.c...

Telelucrul, ca un nou mod de a lucra prin efectuarea unei activităţi (forme de muncă) flexibile în timp şi la distanţă, utilizând tehnologia informaţională şi comunicaţiile avansate, se concretizează în teleactivităţi şi teleservicii....

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What is CryptoCurrency & What are 12 Ways I Can Profit from It? : A Basic Guide to Unlock Your Door to the World of CryptoCurrency

By: Cindy and John Donohue

Have You ever entered into a World totally new to you & everyone was ahead of you? You finally found that right place, time, niche, company...however, everyone spoke in advanced terminology, assuming you would understand? We have been there, done that & are in the process of designing the t-shirt. We listen to our Mentor. A long time ago, he told us that we need to train new people in our business like they are entering the 1st grade. Brilliant! We must train people from the standpoint of where THEY are, Not where we are. How & why do people in leadership positions miss that? We start with the Basics, Doing it Correctly, with proper Direction, from Day 1. We move forward, Step by Step, Never missing a Step. ...

How can you Profit from **Two Technologies, which are poised to Disrupt the Largest Industry on the Planet? You may be thinking, "Wow, What a Game Changer!". In reality though, It is creating a New Game, with new rules and new players. This Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity is a game that Ordinary people, not just the Rich and Famous, can participate in... With the entire Banking system on the verge of a disruptive change, are you seeing the massive potential to profit within this $80 Trillion Dollar Industry? What are the **Two Technologies? 1. Smartphones 2. Peer-to-Peer Social Platforms Do you Understand the Power of this? Everywhere you go, you see people on their Smartphones. What are they doing? Engaging with other people on Social Platforms! At their fingertips, they can be engaging in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat & Periscope, ALL within a few seconds of each other. Let's be honest, we all do the same activities... It's Time to accept it and Learn how we can Profit from it. ...

Chapter 1: "CryptoWhat?" Chapter 2: Trends & Disruptions Chapter 3: "Where Can I Profit from This? Chapter 4: "What would You Look for in a Cryptocurrency company?" Chapter 5: Testimonials & No AutoShips Chapter 6: "What are the 12 Ways I Can Profit from Cryptocurrency?"...

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Using Visual SourceSafe : SourceSafe / VSS Tutorial, Volume 163: SourceSafe / VSS Tutorial

By: Kevin Gao

Although this SourceSafe tutorial can be used for anyone who is interested in SourceSafe, it is mainly for software developers. As you may have been using SourceSafe for a long time and know many features of VSS, I will try to make the table of the content easy to navigate so hopefully you can easily find the information that you are interested in....

In this SourceSafe How To series / tutorial, I will write some guides, How To and FAQs about SourceSafe and will also post resources I found on the internet. This series will cover some basic and intermediate topics of SourceSafe as well as some advanced topics....

Introduction _________________________________________________________ 4 What is VSS? ________________________________________________________ 5 Market position _______________________________________________________ 6 What can VSS do? ____________________________________________________ 7 History preserving _____________________________________________________________ 7 File Difference _________________________________________________________________ 8 Project/Folder Difference _______________________________________________________ 9 Easy Collaboration ____________________________________________________________ 10 Several Important Concepts ___________________________________________ 12 VSS Database/Repository _____________________________________________________ 12 Working Folder _______________________________________________________________ 12 Master Copy and Local Copy ___________________________________________________ 12 Basic operations ____________________________________________________ 13 Add _________________________________________________________________________ 13 Get _________________...

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Wright Flyer Paper : How Small Is Too Small?; Technology into 2035, Vol. 46

By: Major Paul E. Kladitis, USAF

The Department of Defense (DOD) anticipates the realization of biomimetic bird and two-inch, insect-sized systems within the 2015–47 period. Although robot systems of one millimeter or smaller are not explicitly specified in current DOD and Air Force technology road maps, the technological aims towards this size can be clearly inferred from official documents. This research assesses the likelihood of, and barriers to, the realization of true microrobots and nanorobots (defined as submillimeter-sized robots of micro-meter and nanometer proportions, respectively) that can perform in military applications by 2035. This research finds that the realization of true microrobots for military applications by 2035 is unlikely, except for a single case of microrobots....

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Wright Flyer Paper : Tracking Next–Generation Automatic Identification Technology into 2035, Vol. 46

By: Major Richard N Holifield, Jr., USAF

This paper explores the advances in automatic identification technology, specifically radio frequency identification, and seeks to exploit these capabilities for use in the Department of Defense (DOD) supply chain. Using technological trends, a thorough literature review, and the opinions of experts, the paper compares current technology to a 2035 requirements forecast to identify capability gaps. The end goal is logistics situational awareness, whereby the DOD has the ability to provide end-to-end visibility throughout its supply chain and can rapidly mobilize, deploy, sustain, and redeploy forces in support of national security objectives....

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China in Space : Civilian and Military Developments

By: Colonel David J. Thompson, USAF; Lieutenant Colonel William R. Morris, USAF

Col Thompson, in his concentrated focus on China’s military space applications, examines PRC ground, space, counterspace, and space policy aspects. His principal findings: China has plans to construct a new launch site in the deep south; PRC telemetry, tracking and com-mand capacities are improving; China has the ability to conduct limited intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions from space; the PRC is pursuing a counterspace capability most likely using satellite jammers and anti-satellites (possibly parasitic or nano-satellites). Col Thompson concludes that while China’s space program does not now constitute a global threat, the PRC is pursuing space capabilities that will increase its regional influence, and deny an adversary certain uses of space....

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Frate Cu Meridianele Si Paralelele : Volume 5

By: Florentin Smarandache

Florentin Smarandache's account on his visit to Atlanta to participate in the International Conference on Granular Computing, organized by the famous international association of electricity and electronics engineers, on behalf her official Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., who write shorthand IEEE (American scholar in folklore)....

Merg cu maşina din Gallup, statul New Mexico, SUA, oraşul meu de reşedinţă, la Albuquerque, de unde voi lua avionul pentru Atlanta, capitala statului Georgia, pentru a participa la Conferinţa Internaţională de Calcul Granular (IEEE – GrC 2006), organizată de celebra asociaţie mondială a inginerilor din domeniile electricităţii şi electronicii, pe numele ei oficial Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc, care se scrie prescurtat IEEE (în folclorul savanţilor americani)....

Conferinţa internaţională de calcul granular . Un drum cu... teroare! .................................................. 6 . Ghidaj urban după hartă ............................................... 8 . Suprema onoare – sunt citat de Zadeh ....................... 12 . Asiaticii – 70 % din participanţi! ............................... 13 . În „bucătăria” calculului granular .............................. 14 . Cine-i mai inteligent: omul sau maşina? .................... 16 . În cel mai mare acvariu din lume ............................... 17 . În Atlanta, Pe aripile vântului ................................... 20 . Afacere sau for ştiinţific?! ......................................... 23 . Plimbare cu chinezi prin Atlanta ................................ 25 . Cambei! la restaurantul chinezesc ............................. 27 . Sponsorizarea salvatoare ............................................ 29 . „Exilat” la... clasa I! ................................................... 29 Manneken-Pis! Pregătiri de drum pentru Bruxelles ............................ 31 . Un „Boeing” scuturat! ...........................................

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Wright Flyer Paper : Back to the Basics; An Aviation Solution to Counterinsurgent Warfare, Vol. 23

By: Major Arthur D. Davis, USAF

In this paper, I seek to demonstrate that the methods of using airpower to take the fight to the enemy and protect our ground forces during small wars need not involve the most advanced aircraft available. This “low-tech” approach does not suggest using lesser technology per se but proposes a different look for the types of aircraft that can perform a specific mission and for their manner of employment—that of protecting ground forces while combating the elusive insurgent. These same aircraft can prove invaluable in training an indigenous force to take the fight forward. By looking to relatively inexpensive, off-the-shelf aircraft, the Air Force can protect its ground-based charges and cement a relationship with embattled nations by helping them help themselves....

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Aviation Urban Operations : Are We Training Like We Fight?

By: Lieutenant Colonel, Todd G. Kemper, USMC

The author contends that urban terrain has become the preferred battlespace of US adversaries in the early twenty-first century. This environment poses unique challenges, especially to air and space warfare. The difficulty of sorting friendlies from enemy combatants, the latter intermingled with large numbers of noncombatants in very confined spaces, creates serious dilemmas for maneuver and aviation forces. Colonel Kemper believes that this mission, though well documented, has received neither the priority nor the resources necessary to ensure operational excellence and success on the modern battlefield. Thus, he not only inquires about whether we are training like we fight, but also seeks to determine what makes aviation urban operations so complicated and unique that they require stand-alone doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures....

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Information Technology Tales

By: Brad Bradford

This book also begins with that wondrous first Information Technology and then moves on to tales about the wonders of the written word—great stories, many of them likely new to most readers. In them, you‘ll find all the backgrounds, foregrounds, premises, conclusions, and surprises that make up the best and most valuable books. This book also begins with that wondrous first Information Technology and then moves on to tales about the wonders of the written word—great stories, many of them likely new to most readers. In them, you‘ll find all the backgrounds, foregrounds, premises, conclusions, and surprises that make up the best and most valuable books. At sixty-four, I bring another full lifetime lived both at that exact moment where my experiences could straddle working in print shops and in the current digital eBook era.. My degree in human-computer interfaces in 1973 led to my appointment as adjunct professor at Benedictine University, where I built the world‘s first electronic library in 1988. You could walk into that library, and the first thing you‘d see was the computer asking if there were any books you wanted. You se...

Way back in the fifteenth century a man named Johann Gutenberg invented the ?printing press. More than 400 years passed before Ottmar Mergenthaler found a way in the late 1880s to mechanize that historic invention. Then, less than a century later – in the 1980s – digital printing displaced Mergenthaler’s wondrous Linotypes....

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Technology and Military Doctrine

By: I.B. Holley

1 THE ROLE OF DOCTRINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 THE DOCTRINAL PROCESS: SOME SUGGESTED STEPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3 CONCEPTS, DOCTRINES, PRINCIPLES . . . .19 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4 SOME SEMINAL THINKERS ON TECHNOLOGY AND DOCTRINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 5 WEAPONS AND DOCTRINE: A HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 6 INSIGHTS ON TECHNOLOGY AND DOCTRINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 7 OF SABER CHARGES, ESCORT FIGHTERS, AND SPACECRAFT: THE SEARCH FOR DOCTRINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 8 LOOKING BACKWARD TO SEE AHEAD IN SPACE: REFLECTIONS ON THE NEED FOR SPACE DOCTRINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 9 A MO...

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