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Paisaje urbano con figura : La invención de una tradición

By: Benjamin Casadiego

En 2013 Colombia vio su vida pública estremecida por un cruento paro agrario que dejó decenas de muertos y un país dividido en las ambiguas percepciones alrededor de la vida en el campo. Mientras esto ocurría, en un pueblo andino al nororiente del país, se desarrollaba un enconado debate alrededor de la pureza del folclor. En un momento ambas historias se cruzan y la ciudad se ve dibujada sobre un nuevo paisaje. El libro tiene el estilo de un reportaje-perfil con un personaje principal, que al seguirlo, el lector se encontrará con un estudio sociológico que puede caber a cualquier pueblo de América Latina: la cultura, las tradiciones, el negocio cultural, la violencia política....

"La ciudad es un trazo inconcluso, hecho de memorias y de olvidos, más de olvidos quizás, pero sobre todo, de invenciones. Los seres que la habitan se la inventan día a día. Algunos de ellos son la suma de tales invenciones y asoman al paisaje urbano su figura". ...

I La salida al mundo II La invención III La tragedia de los inventores IV El regreso a casa

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Slavery in the Indian Subcontinent

By: Rev. Samuel Mateer; Victoria Institutions

Excerpt from the Native Life in Travancore, written by The Rev. SAMUEL MATEER, F.L.S of the London Missionary Society


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Kilis’te Sığınmacı Algısı-Perceptions about Syrian asylum seekers in Kilis : Toplumsal Otizm ve Ötekileştirme Sürecinin İlk Görünümleri

By: Ph.D. Muhammed Ruhat Yasar

The book is about Syrian refugees living in Kilis and how the people of Kilis see them.

Kilislilerin “merhamet yorgunluğu” yasadıkları ve zamanla da sınırla ve savasla ilgili ümitlerinin sarsıldığı söylenebilir. Kilisliler meslek, sosyo-ekonomik düzey, cinsiyet, siyasi görüş, dindarlık, kırsal ya da kent kökenli olup olmamalarına göre sığınmacıları farklı farklı değerlendirmektedirler. ...

1. Giriş 2. Araştırmanın Amacı ve Önemi 3. Araştırmanın Yöntemi 4. Kilis‟in Mülteci Halleri 5. Sürgün Hayatlar 6. Kilis‟in Sığınmacılarla İmtihanı 7. Kimlikler: Deli Gömlekleri ve Önyargılar 8. Toplumsal Otizm 9. Ötekileştirme Süreci ve Yansımaları 9.1. Sığınmacı Akınının Ekonomik Boyutları 9.2. Yardımlar Üzerine: Kimse Yok mu Bize Yok mu? 9.3. Sağlık şikâyetleri: Kuyruklar ve İhmal Duyguları 9.4. Kayıt Dışı Evlilikler: Med Cezir Senaryoları 9.5. İki Kültür Bir Yaşam 9.6. Daralma ve Sıkışma Duyguları 9.7. Göçün Güvenlikleştirilmesi 10. Sonuç 11. Öneriler 12. Kaynaklar 13. Sığınmacı Fotoğrafları 14. Kilis Haritası ve Sınır ...

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Commentary on Native Life in Travancore by The Rev. Samuel Mateer, F.L.S

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

This is the foreword written by VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS to the digital version of NATIVE LIFE IN TRAVANCORE by The REV. SAMUEL MATEER, F.L.S published by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS in 2014...

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A Brief Page on Kerala

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

Excerpt from MARCH of the evil empires: English versus the feudal languages

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The Efficient Use of Supplementary Information in Finite Population Sampling

By: Rajesh Singh, Editor; Florentin Smarandache, Editor

The purpose of writing this book is to suggest some improved estimators using auxiliary information in sampling schemes like simple random sampling, systematic sampling and stratified random sampling. This volume is a collection of five papers, written by nine co-authors (listed in the order of the papers): Rajesh Singh, Mukesh Kumar, Manoj Kr. Chaudhary, Cem Kadilar, Prayas Sharma, Florentin Smarandache, Anil Prajapati, Hemant Verma, and Viplav Kr. Singh. In first paper dual to ratio-cum-product estimator is suggested and its properties are studied. In second paper an exponential ratio-product type estimator in stratified random sampling is proposed and its properties are studied under second order approximation. In third paper some estimators are proposed in two-phase sampling and their properties are studied in the presence of non-response. In fourth chapter a family of median based estimator is proposed in simple random sampling. In fifth paper some difference type estimators are suggested in simple random sampling and stratified random sampling and their properties are studied in presence of measurement error....

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Sampling Strategies for Finite Population using Auxiliary Information

By: Rajesh Singh, Editor; Florentin Smarandache, Editor

The present book aims to present some improved estimators using auxiliary and attribute information in case of simple random sampling and stratified random sampling and in some cases when non-response is present. The first and the second papers deal with the problem of estimating the finite population mean when some information on two auxiliary attributes are available. In the third paper, problems related to estimation of ratio and product of two population mean using auxiliary characters with special reference to non-response are discussed. In the fourth paper, the use of coefficient of variation and shape parameters in each stratum, the problem of estimation of population mean has been considered. In the fifth paper, a study of improved chain ratio-cum-regression type estimator for population mean in the presence of non-response for fixed cost and specified precision has been made....

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Uses of Sampling Techniques & Inventory Control with Capacity Constraints

By: Sachin Malik; Florentin Smarandache

The main aim of the present book is to suggest some improved estimators using auxiliary and attribute information in case of simple random sampling and stratified random sampling and some inventory models related to capacity constraints. This volume is a collection of six papers, written by five co-authors (listed in the order of the papers): Dr. Rajesh Singh, Dr. Sachin Malik, Dr. Florentin Smarandache, Dr. Neeraj Kumar, Mr. Sanjey Kumar & Pallavi Agarwal. In the first chapter authors suggest an estimator using two auxiliary variables in stratified random sampling for estimating population mean. In second chapter they proposed a family of estimators for estimating population means using known value of some population parameters. In Chapter third an almost unbiased estimator using known value of some population parameter(s) with known population proportion of an auxiliary variable has been used. In Chapter four authors investigates a fuzzy economic order quantity model for two storage facility. The demand, holding cost, ordering cost, storage capacity of the own - warehouse are taken as a trapezoidal fuzzy numbers and in Chap...

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Evoluție Neutrosofică Umană în Spirală sau Divinul este în Om / Human Neutrosophic Evolution in Spiral or The Divine is in the Man

By: Florentin Smarandache; Andrușa R. Vătuiu

The future can only be the Spiral Neutrosophic Evolution: - from inferior () to superior () [evolution], - and back [involution] to an inferior and superior melange (), - and over time we encounter stagnation (no evolution, no involution) or uncertainty (if it is evolution or involution) [indetermination] ... and so on, in a spiral. Therefore: evolution / involution / indetermination at a level; followed by another similar cycle: evolution / involution / indetermination but to another level, superior ... and so, spirally, to infinity....

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Introduction to Neutrosophic Sociology (Neutrosociology)

By: Florentin Smarandache

Neutrosophic Sociology (or Neutrosociology) is the study of sociology using neutrosophic scientific methods. The huge social data that we face in sociology is full of indeterminacy: it is vague, incomplete, contradictory, hybrid, biased, ignorant, redundant, superfluous, meaningless, ambiguous, unclear, etc. That’s why the neutrosophic sciences (which deal with indeterminacy), through the process of neutrosophication, are involved, such as: neutrosophy (a new branch of philosophy), neutrosophic set, neutrosophic logic, neutrosophic probability and neutrosophic statistics, neutrosophic analysis, neutrosophic measure, and so on. Neutrosophy studies only the triads (, , ), where is an item or a concept, that make sense in the real world. The process of neutrosophication means: - converting a crisp concept {i.e. (1, 0, 0)-concept, which means concept that is 100% true, 0% indeterminate, and 0% false} into a neutrosophic concept {i.e. (T, I, F)-concept, which is T% true, I% indeterminate, and F% false – which more accurately reflects our imperfect, non-idealistic reality}, or more general into a refined (T1, T2, …; I1, I2, …; F1, F...

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Enfoque didáctico de la Teoria de Conjuntos y Probabilidades

By: Maikel Leyva Vázquez; Florentin Smarandache

En el desarrollo de este capítulo vamos a definir ciertos conceptos principales de la teoría de conjuntos, los cuales son primordiales para la comprensión de este tema. La teoría de conjuntos es una rama de las matemáticas, y cuya dedicación de este capítulo, es gracias al matemático, Ferdinand Ludwing Philipp Cantor, quien es considerado el padre de la Teoría de Conjuntos, debido a ello, es que, en el año 1874, salió su primer trabajo revolucionario, con respecto a la teoría de conjuntos. En conclusión, el objetivo de este capítulo es utilizar un lenguaje simbólico a partir de un lenguaje común, con la finalidad de efectuar las distintas operaciones entre los conjuntos, y de esta manera ayudar a la comprensión del tema....

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Métodos multicriterios para determinación de la efectividad de la gestión pública y el análisis de la trasparencia

By: Maikel Leyva Vázquez; Florentin Smarandache

El concepto estratégico de muchos modelos de gestión pública está basados en un futuro conexo. Bajo esta perspectiva se podría intentar atrapar al futuro como previsión de los resultados, delinear acciones eficaces, efectivas, proactivas y unívocas. Pero el mañana en la administración pública es el resultado de procesos emergentes, de escenarios inciertos que dependen de la conjunción de variables inestables que rompen con la tradicional certidumbre y desacomoda la actuación. Las metodologías propuestas en este libro buscan gestionar los conflictos de indeterminación que aparecen universalmente, con vistas a reformar las ciencias concurrentes, con una metodología abierta para promover la innovación, utilizando enfoques multidisciplinares que propician la objetividad sin obviar la esencia compleja de los planteamientos problemico que traza la dinámica social. Los autores pretenden desbrozar un camino que conlleve a evaluar desde la integración de los saberes y la conjugación de las ciencias....

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Communication Neutrosophic Routes

By: Florentin Smarandache, Editor; Ştefan Vlăduţescu, Editor

The life of human beings is a place of communication. Consequently, any cognitive and cogitative manifestation presents a route of communication. People consume their lives relating by communicational. Some communicational relationships are contradictory, others are neutral, since within the manifestations of life there are found conflicts meanings and/or neutral meanings. Communicational relations always comprise a set of neutral, neutrosophic meanings. Particularly, we talk about scientific sculptural communication, esthetic communication and so on, as specific manifestations of life. It can be asserted that in any communication there are routes of access and neutrosophic routes. Any communication is traversed by neutrosophic routes of communication....

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Topical Communication Uncertainties

By: Stefan Vladutescu, Editor; Florentin Smarandache, Editor

Communication is the main way of defusing uncertainties. Unfortunately, communication discipline itself is mined by uncertainties. We can talk about onto-epistemological uncertainties and pragmatic uncertainties of communication, about theoretical and practical uncertainties, and about primary and secondary uncertainties of communication. Uncertainties regarding the object of communication as autonomous discipline, the research methods of communication, the sources, paradigms and models of communication represent theoretical, onto-epistemological uncertainties. Pragmatic uncertainties include uncertainties in communication processes; they have a practical character. Pragmatic uncertainties are those that lead to communication failure and they consist in minor obstacles or insurmountable barriers in concrete communication....

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Current Communication Difficulties

By: Florentin Smarandache, Editor; Stefan Vladutescu, Editor

Our thesis is that communication has several sources. Some may be considered as main sources or constitutive sources from which communication springs, and others may be considered as secondary or complementary sources of communication. We can thus acknowledge eight main sources of communication: rhetoric, persuasion, psychology, sociology, anthropology, semiotics, linguistics and political science. Rhetoric is the first and oldest discipline which studied certain communication phenomena; rhetoric has outlined a proto-object of communication. Sociology is the most powerful source of communication methodology: sociology has supplied most of the theories and methods that have led to the discipline of communication growing autonomously. We assert that secondary sources of communication are: philosophy, ethics, pragmatics, mathematics, cybernetics and ecology....

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Uncertainty Communication Solution in Neutrosophic Key

By: Florentin Smarandache, Editor; Bianca Teodorescu, Editor

This book is a collection of six papers on Communication interpreted in a neutrosophic key, written by the editors (Florentin Smarandache, Bianca Teodorescu and Mirela Teodorescu) and other academics (Daniela Gîfu, Alice Ionescu, Simina Badea, Mădălina Strechie and Mihaela-Gabriela Păun), discussing about scientific uncertainty and argumentative employment of paradox, examining the neutrosophic role of the translator and the neutrality in legal translation, investigating some mentalities and communication strategies in ancient civilizations, scrutinizing the metamorphosis of feelings into between-realityconscience and neutro-reality in Camil Petrescu’s novels, or surveying the implications of Neutrosophy in Aesthetics, Arts, or Hermeneutics....

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Sabura 2004-2014

By: Ph.D. Marco Pais Neves Santos

Este trabalho está estruturado em três grandes capítulos: o primeiro, mais teórico, onde abordamos a origem e evolução do projeto Sabura; o segundo, mais prático, onde fazemos a análise estatística das fichas de visita da última década; e o terceiro, uma espécie de suplemento, onde relatamos uma série de entrevistas aos diferentes elementos que compõem a cada nível a corrente funcional do projeto, expomos os “fragmentos da vida” dos responsáveis dos estabelecimentos de comércio de produtos coétnicos parceiros dos projeto Sabura, e apresentamos uma galeria de fotos que ajudam a documentar a sua evolução. Os capítulos terminam com uma síntese, denominada síntese do capítulo, que não ultrapassa o tamanho de uma página e meia A4 e onde procuramos transmitir telegraficamente ao leitor as ideias centrais....

"Venha conhecer a nossa tradição e divertir-se, venha conhecer um pouco de África. Era uma vez…Foram tantas vezes, que muitas gentes, de muitos mundos, com alguns tijolos construíram mão-na-mão, pedra-na-pedra, vontade de muitos, vontade de poucos…um lugar onde poderá encontrar na música e nos sabores, o pilão e a mandioca, a cachupa e o crioulo, o grogue e o jogo do uril, o batuque e o funaná….o artesanato e os brinquedos de lata, as mil danças e as mil tranças…"...

Nota de Apresentação ...................................................... 13 Prefácio....................................................................17 Introdução ................................................................ 21 CAPÍTULO I ................................................................ 25 O Projeto Sabura .......................................................... 27 Das origens ao esplendor. Um percurso de sucesso. ......................... 27 Enquanto projeto de turismo social de matriz étnica que visa a sustentabilidade ..........................................................107 Importância para o empowerment e a formação de Capital Social .............113 Síntese - Capítulo I.......................................................121 CAPÍTULO II .............................................................. 123 Análise dos dados ........................................................ 125 Notas metodológicas .......................................................125 Caracterização dos visitantes .............................................131 Caracterização do tipo de visita...

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Evolution and Ethics of Eugenics

By: Nicolae Sfetcu

As eugenics is defined, it is very difficult to make a clear distinction between science (medicine, genetic engineering) and eugenics as a included field. And to set a line over which genetic engineering should not go further, according to moral, legal and religious norms. If we accept the help of genetics in finding ways to fight cancer, diabetes, or HIV, we also accept positive eugenics as they are defined now. And if we accept genetic screening, and interventions on the unborn baby, or abortion, we also implicitly accept negative eugenics. In addition, at government level, although eugenics are officially denied, it has been legalized in many countries until recently, and is still accepted and legalized, albeit in subtle forms, even these days. The section Introduction defines the term and classification modes. The section History of Eugenics follows eugenics from the ancient period, the introduction of eugenics by Francis Galton, the practice of eugenics as a state policy in various countries, and the present eugenics (liberal eugenics). I then analyze various issues raised by the Ethics of Liberal Eugenics, and I have developed...

In this article, I try to argue that, as eugenics is defined, it is very difficult to make a clear distinction between science (medicine, genetic engineering) and eugenics as a included field. And to set a line over which genetic engineering should not go further, according to moral, legal and religious norms. If we accept the help of genetics in finding ways to fight cancer, diabetes, or HIV, we also accept positive eugenics as they are defined now. And if we accept genetic screening, and interventions on the unborn baby, or abortion, we also implicitly accept negative eugenics. In addition, at government level, although eugenics are officially denied, it has been legalized in many countries until recently, and is still accepted and legalized, albeit in subtle forms, even these days. I used, in my work, the articles of Kenneth M. Ludmerer,” American Geneticists and the Eugenics Movement: 1905-1935”, (Ludmerer 1969) Kathy J. Cooke,” Duty or Dream? Edwin G. Conklin's Critique of Eugenics and Support for American Individualism”, (Cooke 2002) Jonathan Anomaly, ”Defending Eugenics”, (Anomaly 2017) John R. Harding Jr. ”Beyond Abortion: H...

Abstract Introduction New Eugenics The Future of Eugenics Conclusions Bibliography

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Castes and Tribes of Southern India


The book is great. It was a pioneering attempt at understanding ethnographic differences inside the South Asian subcontinent. However, the most powerful factor that actually influences ethnographic differences in closely connected populations has not been mentioned or detected. This most powerful factor is the verbal codes in the native feudal languages, and the exact position of a caste or tribe or individual inside these languages...

PREFACE In 1894, equipped with a set of anthropometric Instruments obtained on loan from the Asiatic Society of Bengal, I commenced an investigation of the tribes of the Nilgiri hills, the Todas, Kotas, and Badagas, bringing down on myself the unofficial criticism that "anthropological research at high altitudes is eminently indicated when the thermometer registers 1000 in Madras." From this modest beginning have resulted :-( 1) investigation of various classes which inhabit the city of Madras; ( 2) periodical tours to various parts of the Madras Presidency, with a view to the study of the more important tribes and classes; (3) the publication of Bulletins, wherein the results of my work are embodied; (4) the establishment of an anthropological laboratory ; (5) a collection of photographs of Native types ; (6) a series of lantern slides for lecture purposes ; (7) a collection of phonograph records of tribal songs and music....

Commentary The full book

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An Impressionistic History of the South Asian Subcontinent : Feudal Languages

By: VED from Victoria Institutions

This is a writing that goes into the very depth of feudal language social systems. The writing commenced as a regular broadcast through Whatsapp and still continues. The language of the original writing was a vernacular language of the southern parts of the South Asian Subcontinent. As of now, the broadcast has gone beyond 280 chapters. In this book only the first 100 and odd posts are given. This is so because the translation of only that many chapters has been completed. The translated version of this book is primarily aimed at the attention of the native-English populations of native-English nations. They have no idea as to what it is that is entering their nations, when feudal language speakers enter their nations and slowly bring in diabolic transformations in everything in the native-English social systems. Feudal languages have terrible carnivorous codes, along with an overpowering outwardly affable friendliness. The combination is a very deadly one, in that there is no shield or barrier that can effectively stop the infection of feudal languages. The only way to ward off the terrible social disasters in the offin...

Chapter Five Feudal languages and planar languages This writer, after a lot of observations and experimentations, has defined languages as of two different categories. Languages like English were categorised as planar languages. Languages which have word-codes of feudal lowliness versus heights were defined as feudal languages. In connection with this, a draft form of the book MARCH of the EVIL EMPIRES: English versus the feudal languages was first written in the year 1989. Around the year 2000, the completed version of this book was published online. As of now, this book is available for download on VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS’ Website In this book, a contention that languages are either software codes or software applications had been mentioned. After many years, when direct observations on the real codes in languages were made, it was felt that the word ‘feudal’ was inadequate as a technical word to define the phenomenon. It was then that a few years back that it was understood that a more apt technical usage would be: '3-D Virtual Arena-coded languages'. In accordance with this understanding, this technical usage was made i...

P#11 - 1. The introduction to the Introduction! P#12 - 2. Subjective or objective? P#14 - 3. The personal deficiencies of the writer P#16 - 4. Desperately seeking relative pre-eminence P#17 - 5. Feudal languages and planar languages P#19 - 6. History and language codes P#21 - 7. The influence and affect of language codes on human beings P#22 - 8. Malabari and Malayalam P#24 - 9. Word-codes that can deliver hammer blows P#25 - 10. On being hammered by words! P#27 - 11. What the Negroes experienced in an English nation P#29 - 12. Who should be kept at a distance? P#30 - 13. Word codes which can induce mental imbalance P#33 - 14. Codes of false demeanours P#35 - 15. Self-esteem and the over-powering urge to usurp P#38 - 16. Codes that urge to place people forcefully in their suppressed location P#40 - 17. The mental codes of ‘peekkiritharam’ P#42 - 18. Codes of rough retorts! P#43 - 19. The diffused personality P#45 - 20. The spreading of the substandard, and the vanishing of quality P#47 - 21. How the top layer got soiled P#49 - 22. Government workers and ordinary workers P#51 - 23. How the pulling down is don...

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