Search Results (14 titles)

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Tiny Gassifier : How to Build a Small Biomass Gassifier

By: Center for Children in Need; Sabine Roper

A biomass gassifier uses 75% less wood than a camp fire! It takes less than 30 minutes and two empty tins to build one. It is ideal in combination with a hay (wonder) box. We filmed the construction and uploaded it on Youtube (link at end of the booklet). If you like with ebook, please visit our website: or our YouTube channel: center for Children in Need....

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Carta a la Tía Ofelia : Siete Propuestas Para Un Desarrollo Equitativo Con El Uso De Nuevas Tecnologías De Información Y Comunicación

By: Ricardo Gómez, Benjamin Casadiego Cabrales

El documento ha sido redactado en forma de carta a una tía imaginaria, recién nombrada Secretaria de Comunicaciones de un país latinoamericano. Este pretexto narrativo nos permite abordar de manera creativa la discusión de temáticas y propuestas que ayuden a sacar mejor provecho de las oportunidades que brindan las tecnologías de información y comunicación, TICs, para el desarrollo humano en la región. ...

"El problema más serio que nos encontramos al ver programas que tienen que ver con TICs y desarrollo es que muchísimas veces, demasiadas, éstos están desconectados de lo que sucede y se necesita en el mundo real de las personas"....

1. Construir soluciones concretas 2. Andar al ritmo de la comunidad 3. Aprender de los errores 4. Localizar la comunicación globalizada 5. Trabajar con perspectiva de equidad de género 6. Hablar con voz propia 7. Generar nuevos conocimientos ...

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Ventanas para ver, Puertas para entrar : Aportes de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) hacia la construcción de un proyecto de educación para la vida

By: Benjamin Casadiego Cabrales

A través del arte, la literatura, la exploración de ciudad a partir del cuerpo, su casa y el vecindario, los participantes desarrollan experiencias de ciudadanía desde las formas tradicionales y modernas de comunicación. La cuestión central que el documento resolverá es, ¿cómo pueden contribuir las TIC a la construcción de un proyecto de Educación para la vida? De acuerdo con esto, el libro ha sido dividido en 7 capítulos, el primero de ellos dedicado al lugar y el contexto donde se desarrolló el proyecto, el segundo a hacer un recorrido, desde lo local hasta lo continental, sobre los usos de las TIC en la construcción de ciudadanía y gobernabilidad; el tercer capítulo relata el proyecto desde la comunicación y la cultura, el cuarto lo hace desde la educación, el quinto desde la identidad, el territorio y la memoria, el sexto capítulo se enfoca a revisar lo que ocurrió en el proyecto desde la ciudadanía. En el séptimo capítulo desarrollaremos las conclusiones y las perspectivas de trabajo a partir de lo construido. ...

“La actividad cultural -dice Bernardo Kliksberg- ha sido vista con frecuencia, desde la economía, como un campo secundario ajeno a la vía central por la que debe tratarse de hacer avanzar el crecimiento económico. Ha sido con frecuencia tratada de hecho como un área que insume recursos, que no genera retornos sobre la inversión, funcionales económicamente, que es de difícil medición, y cuya gerencia es de dudosa calidad. A su vez también ha existido desde el terreno de la cultura, una cierta tendencia al auto encierro, sin buscar activamente conexiones con los programas económicos sociales. Todo ello ha creado una brecha considerable entre cultura y desarrollo. Ese estado de situación significa pérdidas considerables para la sociedad”...

1 EL LUGAR DE TRABAJO Agradecimientos 9 El universo en un grano de arena 56 ¿Qué es el proyecto De la Calle a la Escuela?11 Introducción 13 La Estructura Del libro 49 Ventana 53 Recapitulando 61 2 TIC Y EDUCACIÓN PARA LA VIDA Una revisión general 64 El complejo camino hacia una democracia de los ciudadanos 71 El entorno regional: América Latina y el Caribe 65 Los cambios 68 La vida en Colombia 72 Recapitulando 75 3 COMUNICACIÓN Y CULTURA En el ojo de las TIC y la Educación para la Vida 78 Primer año. Conectividad: entre la euforia, el desencanto 79 La experiencia de ciudadanía y TIC vista desde la perspectiva de género 87 Segundo año. La conexión indirecta en una ciudad Palimpsesto 89 Tercer año. Internet y radio: una alianza para la educación 91 Radios para la vida 92 Niños y niñas: Las diferencias 99 TIC, escuela y vecindario 93 Las reuniones barriales: Comunicación y cultura a la Calle 100 Las percepciones desde el foro 101 Recapitulando 103 4 EDUCACIÓN En la calle y en la Escuela 106 Las estrategias de aprendizaje 112 Las evaluaciones 117 Recapitulando 121 5 IDENTIDAD, TERRITOR...

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Gol-Gol Games - The Trainer's Guide : A Game of Drawing Circles - The guide for parents/ teachers/ facilitators, Volume 1

By: Surajit Basu; Manjushree Nanda

While your child will enjoy doing Gol-Gol Games, you as the parent/ teacher/ facilitator may need to figure out how to guide your child through Gol-Gol Games, or play the game with your child. This is a useful companion book to Gol-Gol Games Volume 1, designed to help you guide the child, while both of you have fun....

We are trying to use the “Socratic” method, as in asking questions and letting children think about the answers. We suggest you allow children to think and write the answers. Try not to draw either the objects or the circles for the child. Try to avoid suggesting techniques and methods of thinking. Children can develop their own ways of thinking. Less help in finding answers is a good thing for children! It makes them think. More time in finding answers is a very good thing for children! It makes them think without pressure. Read a book while the child draws. Relax....

The role of the guide Suggested solutions for words and circles Suggested solutions for adding circles

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Escuelas para la Vida: Del Dicho al Hecho

By: Benjamin Casadiego Cabrales

Imaginamos escenarios posibles y mejores a través de un proyecto; planeamos ese escenario, hacemos cuentas, pensamos, escribimos y avanzamos en lo que hemos imaginado. Al tiempo nos damos cuenta que lo imaginado no fue con exactitud, que algo faltó o sobró. Hay proyectos a muy corto plazo, como una comida entre un grupo; hay otros para toda la vida como la gestación de un ser humano, hay otros proyectos que salen del marco familiar y se meten en otros vecindarios, buscando mejorar lo presente. ...

Una comunidad de aprendizaje asume que toda comunidad humana posee recursos de aprendizaje, agentes instituciones y redes que necesitan ser identificadas, valoradas, desarrolladas y articuladas para asegurar las necesidades de aprendizaje de todos en la comunidad. Una comunidad de aprendizaje adopta una visión amplia de educación y coloca el aprendizaje en el centro, abarcando educación, talleres y ambientes de aprendizaje. Una comunidad de aprendizaje está basada en la premisa de solidaridad, cooperación y alianzas entre casa y escuela, educación fuera y dentro de la escuela, instituciones privadas y públicas, a la par de un recurso humano, alrededor de una estrategia compartida de desarrollo y transformación comunitaria. ...

Agradecimientos 9 Perfil de la institución responsable 11 Presentación 13 Introducción y resumen 15 La región del proyecto 17 PRIMERA PARTE Plano general 1. Lo que imaginamos 21 2. Lo que no previmos 33 3. Lo previsto 40 4. Lo que iba quedando 43 5. Lo que quedará 52 6. Conclusiones y recomendaciones 58 7. Entrega de cuentas 63 SEGUNDA PARTE Primer plano 1. Raíces en movimiento. Experiencia de construcción de ciudadanía 67 2. Los talleres 78 3. Los foros 92 4. Las exposiciones y ferias 100 5. Los ciclos de cine 103 6. Lo que cuenta la ciudad: La radio una excusa pedagógica 107 7. Palabras para entendernos 116 8. Anexos 125 ...

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Extensica : Fotojurnal Instantaneu Din Canton

By: Florentin Smarandache

Professor Florentin Smrandache is invited to spend a period of three months time at the Research Institute of Extension Engineering at Guangdong University of Technology in China in order to conduct research on extenics....

Cu moralul extrem de ridicat, alerg pe autostrada I-40 din Gallup spre aeroportul din Albuquerque. Urlă muzica. Ferestrele deschise. Muzică populară românească, din Banat şi Oltenia, la casetă. Am înregistraţi şi pe cântăreţii mei din Bălceşti: Vasile Oprea (Vasilică a lu’ Tirina, vecinul meu), Mărin Covrig (coleg de şcoală primară şi generală), Gheorghe Lupu (mai mare cu doi ani ca mine, stătea peste drum de casa mea)....

Application / 3 Invitation / 8 Extensica. Fotojurnal instantaneu din Canton / 9 Certificate / 170 Letter / 171

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The World's Library 2014

By: World Public Library

The World Public Library Association is the world’s largest aggregator of eBooks. Founded in 1996, the World Public Library Association is a global coordinated effort to preserve and disseminate historical books, classic works of literature, serials, bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other heritage works in a number of languages and countries around the world. World Public Library is a IRC 501(c)(4) Organization, organized Not for profit, but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare. Our mission is to serve and aid the public, students, and educators, by providing the world's most complete collection of electronic books, documents, and articles online, as well as offer a variety of services and resources that support and strengthen the instructional programs of education, elementary through post-baccalaureate studies. Access to the complete holdings of the World Public Library is open to the general public for personal use, members receive an eLibrary Card allowing them unlimited accessto our complete holdings....

Franklin D. Roosevelt - “The public library is a nation’s act of believing in the capacity of its own people so to learn from the past that they can gain in judgement in creating their own future.” The traditional library is changing, fast. Paper books,and the multi-level structures that house them, are becoming a thing of the past while digital books, eBooks, pave the way for a new future of instant, worldwide accessibility to knowledge. The World Public Library is at the forefront of this movement. I. History A. Purpose of the Library 1. Origins Hi, I’m Mia with the World Public Library and I would like to invite you on a journey through the library’s past present and future. Along the way we will explore what has made the library such a unique and important place historically and what the World Public Library is doing today to make the library more useful and vital than ever before. It’s impossible to think about the progress mankind has made without calculating the role that the library has played. Any city that has had a great impact on learning has had a great library behind it, fu...

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Wommack's The Art of Parenting - Vol.1: Lessons from Parents and Mentors of Extraordinary Americans

By: David R. Wommack

Let’s be honest. No other parenting books even try to show you how to make your son or daughter a great American. We do. Thirty-two (32) great men and women from across many professions, genders, politics, religions, and walks of life—the products of extraordinary parenting and mentoring. This book offers the exact techniques, words, phrases, mantras —to propel your offspring to incredible success — toward rich, vivid lives. They worked for those parents and mentors. They can and will work for you too. Mantras are the 21st Century way to lock your ideals, standards, ethics, and principles into formative minds. By definition they demand repetition. The phrasing may stay the same or almost the same. The stories, the elaboration, the background, the colors may bob and weave. But the cores of the mantras stay fixed. Stars to remember and guide one through life. MANTRAS. The exact words used to motivate and guide those great future Americans. Distilled from over 500 biographies. These techniques, these words and phrases, WORK! This book uniquely brings you the best parenting and mentoring advice. Straight up. No bu...

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Letter to Aunt Ofelia : Seven Proposals for Human Development Using New Information and Communication Technologies

By: Ricardo Gómez, Benjamin Casadiego Cabrales

The paper has been drafted in the form of a letter to an imaginary aunt who has recently been appointed Secretary of Communications in a Latin American country. This device allows for a creative approach to discussing issues and proposals for taking better advantage of the opportunities offered by information and communication technologies (ICTs) for human development in the region....

“A person waking up today from a hundred years' sleep would get quite a fright. Many things would have changed, but I think the most shocking impression would be that the world has become much smaller. Not only can we travel around the globe in much less than 80 days, but money and information can do so in seconds. Markets, wars and products are all becoming globalized, as are environmental impacts and the circulation of ideas”. ...

1. Offer concrete solutions 2. Move forward at the pace of the community 3. Learn from mistakes 4. Localize globalized communication 5. Work with a gender perspective 6. Let people speak with their own voice 7. Generate new knowledge ...

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An Essential Book of Good : From a Great Storm, May Come Great Wisdom

By: Guru P'fessor Guus

This book will take you on a journey, through the eyes and minds of two unlikely heroes. These two amazing, inventive & creative young souls find adventure & create solutions through the use of mathematics, "Om technology", and sharo-logical edutainment as well as creating a multitude of "Harmless but helpful inventions that assist themselves & those that they meet. These heroes make friends where ever they may go while solving many of what some may call "the worlds problems" along the way. This dynamic duo as well as their amazing group of friends find as much joy in Action sports as they do in listening to all of the great adventures of people that have been alive many more years then them. Love, respect, caring, self-confidence,responsibility and joy are the tools of their trade, and they believe that all people can be truly amazing! Get your copy of "An Essential Book of Good" here today so you can feel, and be even more amazing today!...

"There were no great walls that could stop a free thinking minds path". One just has to simply do the math, create a plan and then just actually commit, and then do whatever the task". "If one was to study the magic of Mathematics or the physics of lifting off, one could create solutions to even inventing a flying skate-snow or surfboard that levitates effortlessly without even the slightest of sounds"....

Introduction 1) Essential Fabric & Style 2) Fish Faith 3) Life Keys for you & me 4) A Gift for you 5) Then and Now 6) Strange Days 7) Dream Seeds 8) The Great Storm 9) A Brand New Day 10) A friend in Need is a Friend Indeed 11) Success with Persistence ~ The Golden Envelope...

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Moving And Packing For Winners : Outsmart Your Upcoming Move

By: Pamela Smith; Manuella Irwin

Relocation is often defined as a stressful and nerve-racking experience that eats up too much time and money, leaving you emotionally and physically drained. And yet, it doesn’t have to be this way. The key to successfully writing your own happy ending to the grim moving story is to be adequately prepared for Moving day by following the required packing steps. Cleverly structured by esteemed relocation experts and, the purpose of this moving book is to help you organize and execute a smooth and trouble-free move with the least effort on your part. Be well informed. Be a smart decision-maker. Make all the right moves....

It is universally known that moving often turns out to be a stressful experience with an insatiable appetite for time and money. The psychological impact of any relocation process cannot be predicted with any certainty and its side effects may last from a couple of weeks to a few years depending on what type of person you are. Being well prepared for the upcoming move is fundamental not only for your emotional well-being, but for that of the people around you as well....

Introduction How To Mentally Prepare For A Move “Plans are nothing; planning is everything” It’s time to say goodbye You are what matters most A change might do you good Top 10 Best Organizing Ideas For Moving Be prudent when choosing your moving service Box it in and pack it up Devise a clever sorting system Make a survival kit Guard your valuables Get rid of excess stuff Accept any help you can get Let your camera be your pal Spread the word Make it children and pet safe Bonus idea: Start early and don’t rush yourself Top 10 Moving Mistakes And How To Avoid Them 1. Not planning your move 2. Failing to ask for an in-house estimate 3. Not obtaining multiple moving quotes 4. Not researching the moving companies 5. Choosing the company with the lowest quote 6. Bypassing items during the estimate 7. Packing poorly the day before the move 8. Failing to understand your insurance options 9. Entrusting irreplaceable valuables in the hands of the movers 10. Not understanding the moving paperwork Non-Allowable Items: What To Do When Movers Say No Hazardous materials Perishable food Pets and plants Irreplaceab...

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Combinatorial Geometry with Applications to Field Theory : Second Edition

By: Linfan Mao

In The 2nd Conference on Combinatorics and Graph Theory of China (Aug. 16-19, 2006, Tianjing), I formally presented a combinatorial conjecture on mathematical sciences (abbreviated to CC Conjecture), i.e., a mathematical science can be reconstructed from or made by combinatorialization, implicated in the foreword of Chapter 5 of my book Automorphism groups of Maps, Surfaces and Smarandache Geometries (USA, 2005). This conjecture is essentially a philosophic notion for developing mathematical sciences of 21st century, which means that we can combine different fields into a union one and then determines its behavior quantitatively. It is this notion that urges me to research mathematics and physics by combinatorics, i.e., mathematical combinatorics beginning in 2004 when I was a post-doctor of Chinese Academy of Mathematics and System Science. It finally brought about me one self-contained book, the first edition of this book, published by InfoQuest Publisher in 2009. This edition is a revisited edition, also includes the development of a few topics discussed in the first edition....

1.5 ENUMERATION TECHNIQUES 1.5.1 Enumeration Principle. The enumeration problem on a finite set is to count and find closed formula for elements in this set. A fundamental principle for solving this problem in general is on account of the enumeration principle: For finite sets X and Y , the equality |X| = |Y | holds if and only if there is a bijection f : X → Y . Certainly, if the set Y can be easily countable, then we can find a closed formula for elements in X....

Contents Preface to the Second Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Chapter 1. Combinatorial Principle with Graphs . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Multi-sets with operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1.1.1 Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.1.2 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1.3 Boolean algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.1.4 Multi-Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 1.2 Multi-posets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.2.1 Partially ordered set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 1.2.2 Multi-Poset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.3 Countable sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.3.1 Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.3.2 Countable set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.4 Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1.4.1 Graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 1.4.2 Subgraph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1.4.3 Labeled graph. . . . . . ...

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The Real Value of Communication : Experience our game changing scenario: Mainz — Hometown of Johannes Gutenberg and hometown of the culture of communication

By: Mrs. Şükran Ceren Salalı; Andreas Boris Weber

• A very unique ValueArt+Com project. Composed in Mainz/Germany, the hometown of Johannes Gutenberg and the hometown of the culture of communication. • Dedicated to all of us, to become or to keep smart communicators! • The iBook publishing process for iPad will start soon. Via you could have a preview (without animations and videos, for sure!). Background „The moment I have prepared the scenario for my research project, I wanted it to be something entertaining but serious to provide an effective scientific learning about the real value of communication via experiencing a beautiful city; Mainz as a cultural center of communication. As a Sociology student from Bogazici University, Istanbul, I have created this iBook with a professional analyst, Andreas Weber, in order to showcase the interviews, blog posts and researches we have created as a content for Value Art+Communication Project as a part of my official work in Value Communication AG, Mainz.“ About the iBook It is all about art and culture as key issues of communication! — The German city Mainz is situated in Rheinland-Pfalz state with a rich c...

“Johannes Gutenberg was our first geek, the original technology entrepreneur, who had to grapple with all the challenges a Silicon Valley startup faces today.” —Jeff Jarvis (Introduction by 
Şükran Ceren Salalı, Value Art+Communication Fellow, Istanbul) I always enjoy meeting new people from various countries and different perspectives as a Sociology student from Turkey. After doing my AFS Exchange Program in Belgium and getting involved in an international peace project in the Netherlands, I said “why not to apply the Erasmus internship program which gives an opportunity to work in different European countries for 3 months”. The city of Mainz was a kind of un-existing place for me a few months ago. I have never heard the name of this beautiful city when I was in Turkey. I think, and also what I have heard so far, when it comes to speaking about Germany, is that most of the people from other countries only know; cities like Berlin, Frankfurt, or Nürnberg, but not Mainz. When I have arrived here to start my Erasmus internship in an international research and publishing company, Value Communication AG in where I get the chan...

Hello! I am 
Şükran. Hello Mainz! "Mainz bleibt Mainz" About the project Interviews Appendix (Smart Communication) The perfect trio Epilog (Gutenberg's Dream)...

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Wommack’s The Art of Parenting : Lessons from Parents & Mentors of Extraordinary Americans

By: David Wommack

Let's be honest. No other parenting books even try to show you how to make your son or daughter a great American. We do. Thirty-one (31) great men and women from across many professions, genders, politics, religions, and walks of life--the products of extraordinary parenting and mentoring. This book offers the exact techniques, words, phrases, mantras --to propel your offspring to incredible success -- toward rich, vivid lives. They worked for those parents and mentors. They can and will work for you too. Mantras are the 21st Century way to lock your ideals, standards, ethics, and principles into formative minds. By definition they demand repetition. The phrasing may stay the same or almost the same. The stories, the elaboration, the background, the colors may bob and weave. But the cores of the mantras stay fixed. Stars to remember and guide one through life. MANTRAS. The exact words used to motivate and guide those great future Americans. Distilled from over 500 biographies. These techniques, these words and phrases, WORK! This book uniquely brings you the best parenting and mentoring advice. Straight up. No bull. The EXACT, SPECI...

Introduction An easier childhood? There is a deep-seated river that contrarily runs through most American parenting. The belief that “my children” should have it easier than we, as parents, had it — when we were growing up. That is the worst mantra of parents! Spoiling your kids is the worst curse you can bestow upon your kids and yourself. It will come back to haunt you. Over and over and over. And then it will be too late. An old adage. Well, maybe we’ve grown up a little and are now more accomplished at avoiding corporeal punishment, except in the most egregious situations. But we continue to spoil them in other ways. Excess money. Excess toys. Excess time on their hands with nothing constructive to do. Excess trivia in their lives....

Contents Dedication .................................................................................................................. 10 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 11 An easier childhood? ........................................................................................ 11 Parenting has changed? .................................................................................... 11 Mantras are the past and the future .................................................................. 12 About the Author ....................................................................................................... 15 VOLUME I–THE ART OF PARENTING................................................................ 17 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ................................................................................................ 17 Who is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? ............................................................................... 17 Parenting Techniques .........................................................................

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