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A History of Mindfulness

By Bhikkhu Sujato

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Book Id: WPLBN0002118344
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 3.08 MB
Reproduction Date: 22-8-2012

Title: A History of Mindfulness  
Author: Bhikkhu Sujato
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Religion, How insight worsted tranquillity in the Satipatthana Sutta
Collections: Authors Community, Buddhism
Publication Date:
Publisher: Santipada
Member Page: Bhikkhu Sujato


APA MLA Chicago

Sujato, B. B. (2012). A History of Mindfulness. Retrieved from

The Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta is the most influential scripture in Buddhist meditation. It is the foundation text for the modern schools of ‘vipassanā’ or ‘insight’ meditation. The well-known Pali discourse is, however, only one of many early Buddhist texts that deal with mindfulness. This is the first full-scale study to encompass all extant versions of the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, taking into account the dynamic evolution of the Buddhist scriptures and the broader Indian meditative culture. A new vision emerges from this groundbreaking study: mindfulness is not a system of ‘dry insight’ but is the ‘way to convergence’ leading the mind to deep states of peace.

Table of Contents
THE GIST: THE HIDDEN STRUCTURE OF THE DHAMMA Foreword: The Vipassananāvādā 1 The Meaning of ‘Buddha’ 1.1 The Ambiguity of Tradition 1.2 The Death of Myth 2 The GIST 1​—​Three Strata of Early Texts 2.1 Before the Buddha 2.2 The First Discourses 2.3 The Gāthā Theory 2.4 The Earliest Collection 2.5 The First Abhidhamma 2.6 Some Problems 3 The GIST 2​—​The Agreement of the Three Strata 3.1 The Seeds of the Saṁyutta 3.2 The Two Saṁyuttas 3.3 The Root Abhidhamma Topics 3.4 The Three Strata Compared 3.5 The Saṁyutta-Mātikā in the Mahāyāna 4 The GIST 3​—​The Aṅgas 4.1 The Nine and the Twelve 4.2 Sutta, Geyya, Vyākaraṇa 4.3 The Three Aṅgas and the First Discourses 4.4 The Aṅgas and the Vedas 5 Aṅgas in the Nikāyas & Āgamas 5.1 Saṁyutta 5.2 Majjhima 5.3 Dīgha 5.4 Aṅguttara 6 The Evolution of the Truths 6.1 Sanskrit Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta 6.2 Spirals of Elaboration 7 What Happened in the Sattapaṇṇi Cave? 7.1 Conclusion A HISTORY OF MINDFULNESS 8 Introduction to Mindfulness 8.1 Samatha & vipassanā 9 Previous Studies 9.1 Von Hinüber 9.2 Anālayo 9.3 Thích Nhất Hạnh 9.4 Ṭhānissaro 9.5 Thích Minh Châu 9.6 Gethin 9.7 Schmithausen 9.8 Bronkhorst 10 Meditation Before the Buddha 10.1 Early Brahmanical Sources 10.2 The Buddhist Sources 10.3 Later Brahmanical Sources 10.4 The Jains 10.5 Conclusion 11 Building Blocks 11.1 The Function of Satipaṭṭhāna 11.2 Mindfulness Itself 11.3 The Fourfold Establishing of Mindfulness 11.4 How the Practice is Described 11.4.1 Simple and Complex Formulas 11.4.2 Covetousness & Aversion 11.4.3 Satipaṭṭhāna Compared with Loving-kindness 11.4.4 Variants on the Basic Formula 11.4.5 ‘A Body in the Body’ 11.4.6 ‘Contemplation’ 11.4.7 Clear Comprehension 11.5 Internal/External 11.6 ‘The Path of Convergence’ 11.7 ‘Achieving the Way’ 11.8 The Aṅguttara 12 The Saṁyutta 12.1 The Satipaṭṭhāna-saṁyutta 12.1.1 The Tales 12.1.2 The Narratives 12.1.3 Clear Comprehension 12.1.4 The Vibhaṅga Sutta 12.1.5 The Samudaya Sutta 12.2 The Anuruddha-saṁyutta 12.3 The Vedanā-saṁyutta 12.4 The Ānāpānasati-saṁyutta 13 Early Abhidhamma 13.1 Vibhaṅga 13.2 Dharmaskandha 13.3 Śāriputrābhidharma 14 The Satipaṭṭhāna Suttas 14.1 Prajñāpāramitā 14.2 Sarvāstivāda Smṛtyupasthāna Sūtra 14.3 Ekāyana Sūtra 14.4 Theravāda Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta 15 The Source 16 Sarvāstivāda & Theravāda 16.1 Theravāda and Vipassanā 16.2 Sarvāstivāda and Samādhi 16.2.1 Dependent Liberation 16.2.2 The Teachings of Anuruddha 16.2.3 Miscellaneous 16.3 The Demon of Time 16.4 The Vibhaṅga’s Abhidhamma Exposition 16.5 Other Abhidhamma Texts 17 Later Buddhism 17.1 The Theravāda Commentaries 17.2 Developments in Sarvāstivāda 17.3 The Abhidharmakośa 17.4 Other Early Schools 17.4.1 Bahuśrutīya 17.4.2 Puggalavāda 17.4.3 Chinese Commentaries 17.4.4 Mūlasarvāstivāda 17.5 The Mahāyāna 17.5.1 The Samādhi of Meeting the Buddhas of the Present 17.6 Yogacāra 17.6.1 Asaṅga 17.6.2 Vasubandhu 17.7 Mādhyamaka 17.7.2 Meditation on Emptiness Afterword


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