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Understanding Human Good, Working for GOD! : How GOOD is GOOD ENOUGH?: How GOOD is GOOD ENOUGH?

By Ferraro, Frank, P, Dr.

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Book Id: WPLBN0100750094
Format Type: PDF (eBook)
File Size: 2.85 MB.
Reproduction Date: 2/4/2024

Title: Understanding Human Good, Working for GOD! : How GOOD is GOOD ENOUGH?: How GOOD is GOOD ENOUGH?  
Author: Ferraro, Frank, P, Dr.
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Religion, Doing Good Deeds for God
Collections: Authors Community, Christianity
Publication Date:
Publisher: Dr. Frank P. Ferraro
Member Page: Dr. Frank P Ferraro


APA MLA Chicago

P Ferraro, D. F. (2024). Understanding Human Good, Working for GOD! : How GOOD is GOOD ENOUGH?. Retrieved from

Can you work for Salvation or to be spiritual in the christian Life? How much can a believer in Jesus Christ DO to guarantee his place with him in Heaven after his death?

Many Christians are focused on the concepts of working for God, serving God, yet they have no idea what God wants from them. They go about their life after salvation trying to be good and do good things to appease or appeal to God and gain approbation from God. Some unbelievers, that is those people involved in religion who believe in GOD but have not come to the point of faith alone in the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus the Christ alone, spend their entire lives trying to be good enough to get into heaven when they die. They follow some religious system of taboos trying to adjust themselves to their fellow man thinking then they would be adjusted to God. DUH! This is exactly what Adam and Eve did after the fall in making clothing for themselves from fig leaves. My only question to all of these people is, EXACTLY HOW GOOD IS GOOD ENOUGH?

The PLAN of God is GRACE the PLAN of Satan is EVIL. These 2 plans are mutually exclusive and mutually antagonistic and therefore what is involved in one plan cannot ever be involved in the other plan. Under the GRACE Plan of God, God does ALL the work and man receives the benefit nonmeritoriously and God gets ALL the Credit. Under the EVIL Plan of Satan, Man does the work, God is supposed to accept that which is done by man in a meritorious way for the benefit of mankind, then provide some level of reward or blessing for the doer and Man gets the credit. Production in the Plan of God is based on the power derived from the Filling of God the Holy Spirit while the individual believer is residing in the Power System of God, the Divine Dynasphere, and functioning under the Protocol Plan of God. Production when functioning within the Plan of Satan is based on human power derived from the Old Sin Nature while the individual is residing and functioning in the Power System of Satan, the Cosmic Dynaspheres, and functioning under the principles of Evil.

Table of Contents
Dedication 5 Preface 6 IntroductiontoHumanGood 9 ThePlans 10 Production,Action,EffortorFunction 10 DefinitionsandDescriptions 12 Definitions:(CambridgeDictionaryOnline) 12 GracevsEvil 15 SpiritualSkills&productionskills 17 DivineGood 18 DivineGood&HumanGood&Salvation 19 SalvationAdjustmenttotheJusticeofGod 19 DivineGoodvsHumanGoodPrinciples 21 Summary–DivineGoodvsHumanGood 22 Summary 24 MotivationforHumanGoodproduction 25 LeavingthePlanofGod 27 TheReboundProcedure(1John1:9) 29 HumanGood&TheReboundProcedure 29 DivineGoodProduction 30 Carnality&DivineGood 31 Summary 31 Carnality&HumanGood 33 HumanGoodvsSin 33 JudgmentofHumanGood 35 ErasingHumanGood 36 TheFutilityofHumanGoodDeeds 37 LegitimateHumanGood–EstablishmentGood 38 CorruptedHumanGood 39 The40DivineAssetsfortheSpiritualLife 43 The10ProblemSolvingDevices 44 #1–ReboundProcedure 44 #2–FillingofGodtheHolySpirit 44 #3–FaithRestDrill 44 #4–GraceOrientation 45 #5–BibleDoctrineOrientation 45 #6–PersonalSenseofDestiny 45 #7–PersonalLoveforGod 46 #8–Impersonal/UnconditionalLoveforMankind 46 #9–SharingtheHappinessofGod 46 #10–OccupationwiththePersonofTheLordJesus,TheChrist 47 ProblemSolvingDevicesontheForwardLineofTroops 48 TheProblemSolvingDevices&TheGratitudeGauge 49 FourSpiritualMechanicsoftheProtocolPlanofGod 50 PassagesRelatedtoHumanGood 51 Glossary 55


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