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Tourism Sites in Jordan : 52 Important Tourist Sites in Jordan : see jordan

By Al.balawna, Zohuir, Abdullah

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Book Id: WPLBN0100303795
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.1 MB
Reproduction Date: 1/13/2021

Title: Tourism Sites in Jordan : 52 Important Tourist Sites in Jordan : see jordan  
Author: Al.balawna, Zohuir, Abdullah
Volume: Volume 1
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, World History and History of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc.
Collections: Authors Community, Travel
Publication Date:
Publisher: zohuir al.balawna
Member Page: zohuir al.balawna


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Abdullah Al.Balawn, B. Z. (2021). Tourism Sites in Jordan : 52 Important Tourist Sites in Jordan. Retrieved from

This is a book that contains details of 52 very important tourist sites in Jordan which are Jordan's Treasures If you are not a speaker in the Arabic language and plan to travel in the Middle East, you should read this book Jordan is a land steeped in history. It has been home to some of mankind's earliest settlements and villages, and relics of many of the worlds great civilizations can still be seen today. As the crossroads of the Middle East, the lands of Jordan and Palestine have served as a strategic nexus connecting Asia, Africa, and Europe. Thus, since the dawn of civilization, Jordan's geography has given it an important role to play as a conduit for trade and communications, connecting east and west, north and south. Jordan continues to play this role today, it has played a pivotal role in the struggle for power in the Middle East. Jordan's significance results partly from its strategic location at the crossroads of what Christians, and Muslims call the Holy Land

This is a book that contains details of 52 very important tourist sites in Jordan which are Jordan's Treasures If you are not a speaker in the Arabic language and plan to travel in the Middle East, you should read this book Jordan is a land steeped in history. It has been home to some of mankind's earliest settlements and villages, and relics of many of the worlds great civilizations can still be seen today. As the crossroads of the Middle East, the lands of Jordan and Palestine have served as a strategic nexus connecting Asia, Africa, and Europe. Thus, since the dawn of civilization, Jordan's geography has given it an important role to play as a conduit for trade and communications, connecting east and west, north and south. Jordan continues to play this role today, it has played a pivotal role in the struggle for power in the Middle East. Jordan's significance results partly from its strategic location at the crossroads of what Christians, and Muslims call the Holy Land

This is a book that contains details of 52 very important tourist sites in Jordan which are Jordan's Treasures If you are not a speaker in the Arabic language and plan to travel in the Middle East, you should read this book Jordan is a land steeped in history. It has been home to some of mankind's earliest settlements and villages, and relics of many of the worlds great civilizations can still be seen today. As the crossroads of the Middle East, the lands of Jordan and Palestine have served as a strategic nexus connecting Asia, Africa, and Europe. Thus, since the dawn of civilization, Jordan's geography has given it an important role to play as a conduit for trade and communications, connecting east and west, north and south. Jordan continues to play this role today, it has played a pivotal role in the struggle for power in the Middle East. Jordan's significance results partly from its strategic location at the crossroads of what Christians, and Muslims call the Holy Land


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