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Moj Rimbaud

By Izpovedi, Aleks, Z

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Book Id: WPLBN0100303593
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.1 MB
Reproduction Date: 5/1/2021

Title: Moj Rimbaud  
Author: Izpovedi, Aleks, Z
Language: Slovenian
Subject: Fiction, Drama and Literature
Collections: Fantasy, Authors Community
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self-published
Member Page: Aleks Z. Izpovedi


APA MLA Chicago

Z Izpovedi, B. A. (2021). Moj Rimbaud. Retrieved from

SLOVENIAN: Antoni sreča pesnika Arthurja Rimbauda v Parizu 1871... ENGLISH: Antoni meets the poet Arthur Rimbaud in Paris in 1871...

SLOVENIAN: Antoni odpotuje skozi čas v leto 1871, kjer sreča pesnika Arthurja Rimbauda... ENGLISH: Antoni travels through time to Paris in 1871, where he meets the poet Arthur Rimbaud...

SLOVENIAN: Povej mi nekaj… Si srečen s Paulom? Srečen? Pogledal me je, kot bi začel nenadoma govoriti slovensko. Skomignil je z rameni: Ne vem. O tem se ne sprašujem. To ni pomembno. Razmišljam o čutih. Na novo moram izumiti ljubezen, doseči neznano z razdiranjem vseh čutov, biti videc, če hočem biti največji pesnik. Ali pa gre pot… čisto drugam? Samo poezija je važna. Saj to veš. Antoni, je dodal, kot bi me hotel prijazno okrcati. Misliš, da bi te lahko kaj odvrnilo od tega, sem vprašal tiho. Zasmejal se je: Od ustvarjanja? Ne. Nikoli, je rekel prepričano. ENGLISH: Tell me something… Are you happy with Paul? Happy? He looked at me as if I would suddenly begin to speak Slovenian. He shrugged: I don't know. I don't think about that. It's not important. I think about the senses. I have to reinvent love, to achieve the unknown by deranging all the senses, to be a seer if I want to be the greatest poet. Or does the path… go somewhere else? Only poetry matters. You know that. Antoni, he added, as if he kindly scolded me. Do you think that anything could dissuade you from this, I asked quietly. He laughed: From writing? No. Never, he said confidently.

Table of Contents
1. Ljubljana, pozimi 2. Pariz, jesen 1871 3. Pariz, jesen 1871 4. Pariz, jesen 1871 5. Pariz, november 1871 6. Pariz, začetek 1872 7. Spomini na prihodnost, prvi del 8. Spomini na prihodnost, drugi del 9. Pariz, marec 1872 10. Pariz – Charleville, april 1872 11. Pariz, april 1872 12. Bruselj, julij 1872 13. Roche, december 1872 14. Fantazija (?), I. 15. Fantazija (?), II. 16. Roche, december 1872 17. Pariz, januar 1873 18. Ljubljana, maj 1873 19. Ljubljana, junij 1873 20. Pariz, začetek julija 1873 21. London, julij 1973 22. London, julij 23. Charleville, september 24. Epilog 25. In v koncu je začetek in v začetku je konec


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