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The Making of Star and Solar System (Brief)

By Huang, Cres

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Book Id: WPLBN0004451129
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 5.83 MB
Reproduction Date: 12/07/2016

Title: The Making of Star and Solar System (Brief)  
Author: Huang, Cres
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Science
Collections: Science, Authors Community, Most Popular Books in China
Publication Date:
Publisher: Self-published
Member Page: Cres Huang


APA MLA Chicago

Huang, B. C. (2016). The Making of Star and Solar System (Brief). Retrieved from

To me. the gravity of super-sized planet can trigger global nuclear reactions and become a star. The expelled particles embrace objects in it's path and create a space cyclone, solar system. Our Solar System is a cyclone powered by the vortex force of a single dominating star, the Sun, in weightless space. The Sun regulates the orbits and reduces the collision of all plants and alike within it's reach. The question is, would it be our second star if Jupiter got a chance to gather more mass before the Sun got it's domination first?

Nature and human create structures from ground up. There is no exception that a structure of larger mass can be made first before the substructures. Mass grows with collected matter and energy. The question is, would Jupiter be our star if the Sun didn't dominate the Solar System first? A over-grown planet can trigger nuclear reactions and become a star. Particles would be expelled outward by the high intensity of nuclear reactions and create a vortex field. It would embrace all objects in it's path and create a space cyclone, solar system. Nevertheless, expelled particles and energy will not disappear. Part of the mass and energy would pass onto all bodies in it's wake; Some may escape into interstellar space; Other parts would interact with interstellar medium and create bow wave and heliopause, the bubble wall, of a solar system. Isn't the Solar System resemblance of a cyclone powered by the vortex force of the Sun in weightless space? We might not realize that we are living in the wake of constant nuclear explosions from a single nuclear engine, the Sun, in Solar System. However, I believe the surface activities of Jupiter is showing it's potential. If Jupiter got a chance to gather more mass, it's gravity compression could trigger the nuclear reactions. Then, Jupiter can reach out and become a star with it's subsystem.

Isn't the Solar System resemblance of a cyclone powered by the vortex force of the Sun in weightless space?

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 2 Formation of Planet and Gravity Brief 3 Formation of Star 4 Vortex Force of A Star 5 Solar System - A Space Cyclone 6 Gyro Momentum Of The Universe 7 Summary References


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