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Fugit : Jurnal de Lagar (12/07/1989-9/09/1991) : Volume 2

By Smarandache, Florentin

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Book Id: WPLBN0002828308
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 29.27 MB
Reproduction Date: 7/23/2013

Title: Fugit : Jurnal de Lagar (12/07/1989-9/09/1991) : Volume 2  
Author: Smarandache, Florentin
Volume: Volume 2
Language: Moldovan
Subject: Non Fiction, Drama and Literature, Journal
Collections: Authors Community, Travel
Publication Date:
Publisher: World Public Library
Member Page: Florentin Smarandache


APA MLA Chicago

Smarandache, B. F. (2013). Fugit : Jurnal de Lagar (12/07/1989-9/09/1991) : Volume 2. Retrieved from

Florentin Smarandache records his account of his emigration from Romania to America in this journal.

06.07.'91 Patriotic Pops Concert la Amfiteatrul in aer liber din Scottsdale. Gratuit.. dar cu donatii in favoarea Orchestrei Simfonice din oraş. Dirijor: Irving Fleming. Spectatorii stăteau pe iarbă, mincind şi bind, muzicienii la capelă. -Hip, Hip! Hip, Hip! Hip, Hip! Din program: (God Bless America (se cinta la unison), Imnul National (de Smith/Buck): toată lumea se ridicase-n picioare, eu stăteam ca nesimtitul jos, sfidin National Emblem March (de Bagley), Fredom's Fundameobll! (de Davis), Semper Fidelis (de Sousa), incheind cu Uvertura 1812 (de Ceaikovsky) şi bubuituri de tun (războiul franco-rus). l-am obosil pe-ai mei cu distractiile zilnice! 06.07. '91 Patriotic Pops Concert at the outdoor amphitheater in Scottsdale. Free .. but donations to the City Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: Irving Fleming. Spectators sat on the grass, eating and drinking, musicians to the chapel. Hip, Hip! Hip, Hip! Hip, Hip! From the program: (God Bless America (he sings in unison) National Anthem (Smith / Buck) everyone raised toe, I sat that jerk down sfidin National Emblem March (the Bagley) Fredom's Fundameobll! (Davis), Semper Fidelis (de Sousa), ending with the 1812 Overture (by Tchaikovsky) and rumble of cannon (the Franco-Russian). I obosil on mine with daily entertainment!


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