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By Shaw, George Bernard

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Book Id: WPLBN0000674922
Format Type: PDF eBook
File Size: 272.57 KB.
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Candida  
Author: Shaw, George Bernard
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Literature and history, Literature & philosophy
Collections: Penn State University's Electronic Classics Series Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: Penn State University's Electronic Classics


APA MLA Chicago

Shaw, G. B. (n.d.). Candida. Retrieved from

Excerpt: Act I. A fine October morning in the north east suburbs of London, a vast district many miles away from the London of Mayfair and St. James?s, much less known there than the Paris of the Rue de Rivoli and the Champs Elysees, and much less narrow, squalid, fetid and airless in its slums; strong in comfortable, prosperous middle class life; wide-streeted, myriad-populated; well-served with ugly iron urinals, Radical clubs, tram lines, and a perpetual stream of yellow cars; enjoying in its main thoroughfares the luxury of grass-grown ?front gardens,? untrodden by the foot of man save as to the path from the gate to the hall door; but blighted by an intolerable monotony of miles and miles of graceless, characterless brick houses, black iron railings, stony pavements, slaty roofs, and respectably ill dressed or disreputably poorly dressed people, quite accustomed to the place, and mostly plodding about somebody else?s work, which they would not do if they themselves could help it. The little energy and eagerness that crop up show themselves in cockney cupidity and business ?push.?


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