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Improved Fits for the Vibrational and Rotational Constants of Many States of Nitrogen and Oxygen

By Laher, Russ R.

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Book Id: WPLBN0000660765
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 2.00 MB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Improved Fits for the Vibrational and Rotational Constants of Many States of Nitrogen and Oxygen  
Author: Laher, Russ R.
Language: English
Subject: Technology., Reference materials, Technology and literature
Collections: Techonology eBook Collection
Publication Date:


APA MLA Chicago

R. Lahe, B. R. (n.d.). Improved Fits for the Vibrational and Rotational Constants of Many States of Nitrogen and Oxygen. Retrieved from

Technical Reference Publication

Introduction: In predicting or analyzing the radiation from disturbed or heated air, one often must deal with transitions among excited states of nitrogen and oxygen. In the aurora, for example, energetic charged particles inelastically scatter in the upper atmosphere to produce a myriad of highly...

Table of Contents
Contents 1. Introduction.. .............................. 686 2. Method of Analysis ........................ 686 3. Results for Nitrogen ....................... 688 3.1. N2X '8: .............................. 688 3.2. N2 A 32: .............................. 689 3.3. N2 B 3ng. ............................. 689 3.4. NzW3A. ............................. 690 3.5. N z B ' ~ ~..;. .......................... 690 3.6. N2aS; ............................. 690 3.7. N2 a 'TZ, .............................. 690 3.8. N2w1A,, .............................. 690 3.3. NrC3TZ, .............................. 690 3.10. N2 E 'Zg+ ............................. 690 3.11. N2D32: ............................. 691 3.12.N$X%: ............................. 691 3.13. N2+ A 'll. ............................. 691 3.14. Nz' B '2: ............................. 691 3.15. N$ C 5: ............................. 691 4. Results for Oxygen ......................... 692 4.1. 02X3Sg .............................. 692 4.2. OZ+X211g ..; .......................... 692 4.3. 0Z+ a 411u ............................. 692 4.4. 02A 'nu ............................. 692 4.5. Oz'b 4E.p .............................. 692 5. Acknowledgements ......................... 712 6. References ................................ 712 01991 by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the United States. This copyright is assigned to the American Institute of Physics and the American Chemical Society. Reprints available from ACS; see Reprints List at back of issue. List of Tables 1. Vibrational constants (cm-') of N2 and N,'. .. 687 2. Rotational constants (cm-') of N2 and N,' ... 688 3. Vibrational constants (cm-I) of 0 2 and 0; . . 688 4. Rotational constants (cm-') of Oz and 0; ... 689 List of Figures 1. Vibrational data and fit for the X '2,:state of N2 ......................................... 694 2. Rotational data and fit for the X 'Bt state of Nz ......................................... 694 3. Vibrational data and fits for the A %state of N2 ......................................... 695 4. Rotational data and fits for the A state of N2 ......................................... 695 5. Vibrational data and fits for the B state of N2 ......................................... 696 6. Rotational data and fits for the B state of Nz ......................................... 696 7. Vibrational data and fits for the W 3Au state of Nz ......................................... 697 8. Rotational data and fits for the W 3A, state of N2 ......................................... 697 9. Vibrational data and fits for the B ' '2; state of N2 ......................................... 698 10. Rotational data and fits for the B' %;state of Nz ......................................... 698 11. Vibrational data and fit for the a' 'xistate of N2 ......................................... 699


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