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Methanol Thermodynamic Properties from 176 to 673 K at Pressures

By Goodwin, Robert D.

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Book Id: WPLBN0000659454
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 9.49 MB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Methanol Thermodynamic Properties from 176 to 673 K at Pressures  
Author: Goodwin, Robert D.
Language: English
Subject: Technology., Reference materials, Technology and literature
Collections: Techonology eBook Collection
Publication Date:


APA MLA Chicago

D. Goodwi, B. R. (n.d.). Methanol Thermodynamic Properties from 176 to 673 K at Pressures. Retrieved from

Technical Reference Publication

Introduction: Oxide materials are used or encountered in a wide variety of high-temperature applications where vaporization rates and thermodynamic stabilities are often limiting factors. The efficient design and operation of high-temperature devices and processes requires reliable information about the stability and volatility of these oxides so that vaporization losses and component lifetimes can be predicted. Despite continuing research efforts and the use of increasingly sophisticated techniques. There are still many gaps in our knowledge and understanding of the detailed vaporization thermodynamics of metal oxide systems. This puts a premium on critical review of the literature and selection of the necessary thermodynamic data.

Table of Contents
Contents 1. Introduction ......................................................... 2. Developing the Equation of State ........................ 2.1. Methanol Vapor Pressures .......................... 2.2. Methanol Orthobaric Densities ...... ....... ..... 2.2.a. Saturated Liquid Densities . ............. 2.2.b. Saturated Vapor Densities . ............. 2.2.c. Alternative Vapor Densities Equation .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .. . . 2.3. The Virial Equation . . .. ..... . . . .... ... .. .. .... ....... . . 2.4. Pressure-Density-Temperature Data ......... 2.5. The Equation of State .................... .. ..... ...... 3. Thermal Properties and Computations ................ 3.1. Functions for Ideal Gas States .................... 3.2. The Hnmngeneni~sn nmain ....... ~ ..... ~ ~ ..~. . ~ ~ 3.3. Properties at Coexistence .... ....... .... . . ... . . .. .. 3.3.a. Specific Heats on the Vapor Boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.b. Saturated Liquid Enthalpies and Entropies .. .. .. .. .. ...... . ...... ....... ........... . . ... 3.3.c. Saturated Liquid Specific Heats ...... 3.4. Compressed Liquid States ........ .................. 3.5. Comparisons ... .... .. . .. .... .. . .... ....... ........... ...... 4. Tables of Thermophysical Properties ............. ..... 4.1. The Joule-Thomson Inversion Locus ......... 4.2. Properties at Coexistence ....... ............... ...... 4.3. Properties Along Selected Isobars .............. 5. Comments ............................................................ 6. Acknowledgments ................................................ 7. References ............................................................ List of Tables 1. Selected fixed-point values for methanol ............ 2. Summary of vapor-pressure data for methanol . 3. Methanol vapor-pressure data ........................... 4. Summary of orthobaric-densities data for methanol .... ...... . ....... .. ..... .... .. ..... ....... ....... ....... ... 5. Methanol saturated liquid densities data ........... 6. Methanol saturated vapor densities data ........... 7. Summary of PpT data for methanol .................. 8. Zubarcv mcthsuiol isuth~xf~iii~ii ~~..g.. ... ............. 9. Comparison of PpT data for methanol .............. 10. Methanol critical isotherm ................................. 11. Methanol ideal gas state data ........ ..................... 12. Methanol interpolated ideal gas state functions. 13. Comparison with methanol C, ( T) data of Carlson/ Westrum, 1971 ......... ... .. .. . . ... . . .... ... .. .... . ...... . 14. Cumparison of methanol enthalpy data ............. 15. Joule-Thomson inversion locus for methanol ... 16. Properties of saturated liquid methanol ............. 17. Properties of methanol along isobars ................. List of Figures 1. Methanol coexistence boundary .......................... 800 by the US. Secretary of Commerce On of the United States. 2. Methanol vapor densities deviations .... ................ 8 10 This copyright is assigned to the American Institute of Physics and the American Chemical Society. 3. Derived C, ( T), at the liquid boundary .............. 849 Reprints available from ACS; see Reprints List at back of issue. 4. Comparison of enthalpy differences at 515.2 K ... 851 0047-2689/87/040799-94/$10.00 799 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vd. 16, No.4,1987


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