Search Results (110 titles)

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Records: 101 - 110 of 110 - Pages: 
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The GPS and Galileo : Friendly Foes?

By: Lt. Col. Roftiel Constantine, USAF

In GPS and Galileo: Friendly Foes?, Lt Col Roftiel Constantine, United States Air Force (USAF), analyzes the heated competition to provide service from high in the skies of medium earth orbit. The European Union (EU) is developing Galileo, its own global positioning and navigation satellite system, scheduled to be operational by 2010. The EU states that Galileo will provide greater precision to all users than is currently available from the United States’ (US) global positioning system (GPS) through improved coverage of satellite signals at higher latitudes, and, unlike GPS, Galileo will be guaranteed to be always available—even during war or political disagreement. Regarding the enormous importance of GPS to the United States and millions of users worldwide, the prospect of a second, competing, and potentially interfering global satellite navigation system could have serious military, foreign policy, and industrial implications. The US government would benefit from the heightened awareness of the risks and opportunities Colonel Constantine presents for the United States surrounding the Galileo program....

1 INTRODUCTION TO THE GPS AND GALILEO PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 2 HISTORY OF SATELLITE NAVIGATION . . . . . 3 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3 GALILEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4 GEOPOLITICAL PERSPECTIVES . . . . . . . . .35 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 5 FIVE STEPS THE US GOVERNMENT SHOULD UNDERTAKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 6 CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55...

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Coles Cranes The Last Years 1960 - 1998 : A series of illustrated books about Coles Cranes., Book 2 of 2

By: Anthony James Kemp

In the second book of this series we pick up the story in the 1960s twenty years before the 100 yrars book was produced. We do this as the first book missed out a vital section in relation to the merger of Coles with Priestman Brothers. This merger began to show cracks in the industry and in management thinking at the time. This book has the advantage of hindsight but hopefully gets closer to the truth of what happened to the company. In such a large company there are many stories here is the basic story of what happened....

By the late 1960s Coles, which was at this time part of the company Steels Engineering Products Ltd, had three factories in the United Kingdom producing cranes. Sunderland. - This the “Crown Works” was the main factory where there was a range of cranes being produced, among them the Aeneas, Proteus, Argus, Vigorous, Illustrious, Centurion, Valiant, Ranger, Liea, Endurance, Doninant and Conqueror. Many of these were available in different option as mobile, lorry mounted, rail, semi and full tower units. Also the newly developed Hydra hydraulic cranes were beginning to make an impact and production increased. Glzenbuty. - This was the old factory of F. Taylor & Sons which was ending its lines of Jumbo and Jib carrier cranes Grantham. - This was where R H Neal Ltd had been in business since 1939, although incorporated into Coles they were still making a range of their own diesel mechanical cranes and a hydraulic Hymax hybrid. A new hydraulic introduced based on the Hydra truck was a rough terrain unit called the Husky, these would eventually become the sole production of this factory as the range extended and became a massive...

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How to Build a Hay Box : Heat Retention Cooking

By: Center for Children in Need; Sabine Roper

2 Mill. women and children die every year from smoke from cooking fires! That is more than from HIV or Malaria! The smoke causes lung diseases and poisons the body. It is responsible for premature births and infants with a low birth weight. The hay box is a cheap and easy way to stay healthy and to save money at the same time. You live in Europe or America? Your way of cooking with electricity or Propane is very wasteful! Try to use a hay box and you will be less hot and can save money on your electricity or gas bill. The food is delicious because it cooks slowly and will save you a lot of work and time. You can't overcook it and it stays hot and doesn't need to be reheated. Instead of standing in front of your cook stove, you can do something productive, while your food cooks itself. less smell and more hygienic. Bacteria can't grow as the food is still piping hot after several hours. Extremely simple (and cheap) to make....

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The 100 Years History of Coles Cranes : A Series of Illustrated Books about Coles Cranes, Book 1 of 2

By: Anthony James Kemp

This first of 2 books is a reproduction of a promotional book given to clients and agents produced by Coles in 1979 called, “Coles 100 years - The growth story of Europe’s Leading Crane Manufacturer -1879 - 1979 ”. It was to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Coles Crane company by Henry James Cole in 1879. This book laid out the history of Coles from the foundation to the then present day 1979....

No records can be found relating to Henry Coles’ childhood until he left school at the age of 13, to be articled to S.Worssam and Co. (later called A. Ransome and Co.), who were manufacturers of sawmill equipment with premises on the King’s Road, Chelsea. He was with them for ten years, the first five in the drawing office, the remainder in tile company’s workshops. In 1870 he joined Maudslay, Sons and Field. He spent two years there as a marine engineer, erecting equipment on a Number of fighting ships including HMS Triumph and Swiftsure. Then, in 1872, he joined Appleby Bros, and in doing so made tile move which changed his life....

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CSAT Occasional Paper No. 65 : Blue Horizons II; Future Capabilities and Technologies for the Air Force in 2030, Executive Summary

By: Col John P. Geis II, PhD, USAF

This study, Blue Horizons, was commissioned by the United States Air Force (USAF) chief of staff to provide “a new look at the future.” Specifically, the chief of staff asked the research team to provide “a common understanding of future strategic and technological trends for Air Force leaders to make better decisions.” The chief also sought to “confirm AU as [the Air Force’s] in-house think tank” and to improve the relevance of Air Force education to the decision making processes in Washington....

CHAPTER 1—Introduction . . . .1 Methodology . . . .1 Overview . . . . . .2 CHAPTER 2—alternate futures . . . . 3 Peer China . . . . .3 A Path toward a Peer China . . . .3 Peer China 2030—Causality and Impact . . . .6 Capabilities Needed to Respond to a Peer China Crisis . . . . .7 Resurgent Russia . . . . .8 The Development of a Resurgent Russia . . . .9 Capabilities to Defend against a Resurgent Russian State . . . . .10 Failed State—Nigeria . . . .11 A Failure We Cannot Ignore . . . .11 Nigeria Shatters . . . . .13 Capabilities Required for Intervention . . . .14 Jihadist Insurgency . . . . .15 Roots of the Schism . . . .16 The Insurgency . . . . 17 Capabilities Needed to Combat the Insurgency . . . 19 Operations Analysis Results . . . .20 Conclusions and Recommendations . . . .22 Recommendations . . . .26 The Way Ahead . . . . 28 Notes . . . . 29 TITLES IN THE OCCASIONAL PAPER SERIES . 37...

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AFDDEC Research Paper 2007-2, The Airpower Advantage in Future Warfare : The Need for Strategy

By: Colin S Gray

Technical innovation lies at the heart of the case for privileging airpower in the American way of war, but such innovation comprises only one of warfare’s seven vital contexts. The sheer complexity of war and warfare renders prediction, technological and other, a high-risk activity. The contexts of war and warfare are (1) political, (2) societal-cultural, (3)economic, (4) technological, (5) military-strategic, (6) geographical, and (7) historical....

DISCLAIMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii ABOUT THE AUTHOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vii THE AIRPOWER ADVANTAGE IN FUTURE WARFARE: THE NEED FOR STRATEGY . . . . . . .1 Plan of Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Why this Study? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Airpower Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Issues and Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Future Warfare: Contextual Realities . . . . . 20 US Airpower Advantage in Future Warfare . . 30 NOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35...

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The Public Domain : Enclosing the Commons of the Mind

By: James Boyle

Our music, our culture, our science, and our economic welfare all depend on a delicate balance between those ideas that are controlled and those that are free, between intellectual property and the public domain. In The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind (Yale University Press) James Boyle introduces readers to the idea of the public domain and describes how it is being tragically eroded by our current copyright, patent, and trademark laws. In a series of fascinating case studies, Boyle explains why gene sequences, basic business ideas and pairs of musical notes are now owned, why jazz might be illegal if it were invented today, why most of 20th century culture is legally unavailable to us, and why today's policies would probably have smothered the World Wide Web at its inception. Appropriately given its theme, the book will be sold commercially but also made available online for free under a Creative Commons license.(1.6MB PDF File) ...

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Information Technology Tales

By: Brad Bradford

This book also begins with that wondrous first Information Technology and then moves on to tales about the wonders of the written word—great stories, many of them likely new to most readers. In them, you‘ll find all the backgrounds, foregrounds, premises, conclusions, and surprises that make up the best and most valuable books....

In the Bible, God‘s first gift to man isn‘t a lesson about how to make a fire or fashion a needle, a knife, or a spear. He first blesses him with language. Even before He takes Adam‘s rib to make Eve, He tells Adam to name every living creature. Adam immediately understands God‘s words and enunciates his own....

1. Did Water Monkeys Swim before We Spoke?-From whence cometh language, the InfoTech that lets us dominate our planet? We listen. We easily hallucinate word boundaries. Spaces, such as you see in writing, are absent from speech. Yet somehow we find it easy to make sense of speech. -- 2. The Gift of Memory-For millennia, mnemonics reigned over commerce, news, entertainment, and the perpetuation and refinement of crafts. -- 3. From Whence Cometh Indo-European Tongues?-Did a freshwater lake community flee a saltwater surge that filled the Black Sea and scatter its language west toward the Atlantic, southeast toward India, and northeast toward the Pacific? -- 4. Scripting Symbols of Shape-Scripting symbolic images lets man communicate over space and time. Balance of power shifts from tribal chiefs to city-state warrior-kings and priests. -- 5. Symbols of Sound Demand Analysis-The alphabet makes the pen mightier than the sword, generating the powers of knowledge needed to create and govern empires. -- 6. China‘s InfoTech Siblings-For centuries, the Chinese keep to themselves ?the wasps’ secret? and then develop printing blocks—the precur...

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Multispace & Multistructure Neutrosophic Transdisciplinary : 100 Collected Papers of Sciences : Volume 4

By: Florentin Smarandache

The fourth volume, in my book series of “Collected Papers”, includes 100 published and unpublished articles, notes, (preliminary) drafts containing just ideas to be further investigated, scientific souvenirs, scientific blogs, project proposals, small experiments, solved and unsolved problems and conjectures, updated or alternative versions of previous papers, short or long humanistic essays, letters to the editors...

This short technical paper advocates a bootstrapping algorithm from which we can form a statistically reliable opinion based on limited clinically observed data, regarding whether an osteo-hyperplasia could actually be a case of Ewing’s osteosarcoma. The basic premise underlying our methodology is that a primary bone tumour, if it is indeed Ewing’s osteosarcoma, cannot increase in volume beyond some critical limit without showing metastasis. We propose a statistical method to extrapolate such critical limit to primary tumour volume. Our model does not involve any physiological variables but rather is entirely based on time series observations of increase in primary tumour volume from the point of initial detection to the actual detection of metastases....

Collected Eclectic Ideas - preface by the author.............................3 Contents....................................................6 ASTRONOMY..................................14 1. First Lunar Space Base, project proposal, by V. Christianto, Florentin Smarandache..15 2. On Recent Discovery of New Planetoids in the Solar System and Quantization of Celestial System, by V. Christianto, F. Smarandache..................28 3. Open and Solved Elementary Questions in Astronomy, by Florentin Smarandache.. 36 BIOLOGY......................................40 4. Statistical Modeling of Primary Ewing Tumors of the Bone, by Sreepurna Malakar, Florentin Smarandache, Sukanto Bhattacharya, in in , Vol. 3, No. JJ05, 81-88, 2005................41 CALCULUS....................................53 5. A Triple Inequality with Series and Improper Integrals, by Florentin Smarandache, in Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 25E, No. 1, 215-217, 2006.........54 6. Immediate Calculation of Some Poisson Type Integrals Using SuperMathematics Circular Ex-Centric Functions, by Florentin Smarandache & Mircea Eugen................................

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Multispace & Multistructure Neutrosophic Transdisciplinary : 100 Collected Papers of Sciences : Volume 4

By: Florentin Smarandache

The fourth volume, in my book series of “Collected Papers”, includes 100 published and unpublished articles, notes, (preliminary) drafts containing just ideas to be further investigated, scientific souvenirs, scientific blogs, project proposals, small experiments, solved and unsolved problems and conjectures, updated or alternative versions of previous papers, short or long humanistic essays, letters to the editors...

This short technical paper advocates a bootstrapping algorithm from which we can form a statistically reliable opinion based on limited clinically observed data, regarding whether an osteo-hyperplasia could actually be a case of Ewing’s osteosarcoma. The basic premise underlying our methodology is that a primary bone tumour, if it is indeed Ewing’s osteosarcoma, cannot increase in volume beyond some critical limit without showing metastasis. We propose a statistical method to extrapolate such critical limit to primary tumour volume. Our model does not involve any physiological variables but rather is entirely based on time series observations of increase in primary tumour volume from the point of initial detection to the actual detection of metastases....

Collected Eclectic Ideas - preface by the author.............................3 Contents....................................................6 ASTRONOMY..................................14 1. First Lunar Space Base, project proposal, by V. Christianto, Florentin Smarandache..15 2. On Recent Discovery of New Planetoids in the Solar System and Quantization of Celestial System, by V. Christianto, F. Smarandache..................28 3. Open and Solved Elementary Questions in Astronomy, by Florentin Smarandache.. 36 BIOLOGY......................................40 4. Statistical Modeling of Primary Ewing Tumors of the Bone, by Sreepurna Malakar, Florentin Smarandache, Sukanto Bhattacharya, in in , Vol. 3, No. JJ05, 81-88, 2005................41 CALCULUS....................................53 5. A Triple Inequality with Series and Improper Integrals, by Florentin Smarandache, in Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 25E, No. 1, 215-217, 2006.........54 6. Immediate Calculation of Some Poisson Type Integrals Using SuperMathematics Circular Ex-Centric Functions, by Florentin Smarandache & Mircea Eugen................................

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Records: 101 - 110 of 110 - Pages: 

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