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Records: 61 - 80 of 428 - Pages: 
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The Millenium Collection : The World eBook Library's, Millenium Collection

By: World eBook Library

The World eBook Library’s Millenium Collection consists of more than 3 million primary source materials spanning the past 1,000 years of world history. The Millenium Collectoin; built to help you and your library reach even greater heights. ...

Hello. My name is Mia. I’m here today to introduce you to the World eBook Library’s Millenium Collection and tell you exactly how the Millenium Collection can benefit your institution. The World eBook Library’s Millenium Collection consists of more than 3 million primary source materials spanning the past 1,000 years of world history. As you know, much has happened in the last 1000 years. Events such as: The Evolution of English linguistics in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. The discovery, by Europeans, of the American continents. The European Renaissance. Johannes Gutenberg inventing the printing press. Karl Benz inventing the automobile. Einstein’s theory of relativity. World War I and II. Man’s journey to the moon and beyond As well as the Internet. The Millenium Collection has gathered the millions of primary written sources directly documenting or inspired by events such as these; and made them available through a single eBook portal. ...

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Learn English through Malayalam : English Study

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

ഇന്ത്യയിൽ ഇന്ന് ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ് പഠിപ്പിക്കുന്നതിൽ പലപ്രശ്നങ്ങളും നേരിടുന്നുണ്ട്. അതിൽ അതീവ പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ടതും, അതേ സമയം ആരും സൂചിപ്പിക്കാത്തതുമായ കാര്യം, ഇന്ത്യൻ ഭാഷകളിലെ ഫ്യൂഡൻ ഉച്ചനീചത്വ കോഡുകൾ ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷിലേക്ക് കടന്നുവരുന്നതിനെക്കുറിച്ചാണ്. ഇത് അതി ഭയാനകമായ ഒരു ഭവഷ്യത്താണ് ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷിൽ കൊണ്ടുവരുന്നത്. തന്നെക്കാൾ താഴ്ന്നവരോട് മാത്രം ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷിലെ പൊതുവായ വാക്കുകൾ ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ പാടുള്ളു എന്ന ഒരു ചിന്താഗതി വളർത്തിയെടുക്കുകയാണ് ഇത് ചെയ്യുന്നത്. ഇതിനെക്കുറിച്ച് പലതും പറയാനുണ്ടെങ്കിലും, ഇവിടെ ഇതുമാത്രം പറയാം. ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷിലെ YOU എന്ന പദത്തെ ‘നീ’ യെന്നും, HE എന്ന പദത്തെ ‘അവൻ’ എന്നും, SHE എന്ന പദത്തിനെ ‘അവൾ’ എന്നും തർജ്ജമചെയ്ത് പഠിക്കുന്ന ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ്, ഉയർന്ന മാനവിക നിലവാരങ്ങളിൽ നിന്നും താഴെവീണ് ദുഷിച്ചുപോയൊരു ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷാണ്. ഈ ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ് അല്ല പഠിക്കേണ്ടത്. മറിച്ച്, സമൂഹത്തെ ഉന്നതനിലവാരത്തിലേക്ക് നയിക്കുന്ന കലർപ്പില്ലാത്ത ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷാണ് പഠിക്കേണ്ടത്. ഈ ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ്പഠനം ഒരുക്കിയിട്ടുള്ളത് VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS എന്ന തൂലികാനാമം പേറുന്ന എഴുത്തുകാരനാണ്. ഇദ്ദേഹം, ഭാഷകളെപ്പറ്റിയും, ഭാഷാകോഡുകളെപ്പറ്റിയും, യാഥാർത്ഥ്യത്തിന്റെ കോഡുകളെപ്പറ്റിയും മറ്റും നീരീക്ഷണ പരീക്ഷണങ്ങൾ നടത്തിയിട്ടുള്ള വ്യക്തിയും, അവയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട് അനവധി പുസ്തകങ്ങൾ എഴുതിയിട്ടുള്ള ആളും ആണ...

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The Millenium Collection: Introducing the World eBook Library's, Millenium Collection

By: World eBook Library

The World eBook Library’s Millenium Collection consists of more than 3 million primary source materials spanning the past 1,000 years of world history. The Millenium Collection; built to help you and your library reach even greater heights. - See more at:

Hello. My name is Mia. I’m here today to introduce you to the World eBook Library’s Millenium Collection and tell you exactly how the Millenium Collection can benefit your institution. The World eBook Library’s Millenium Collection consists of more than 3 million primary source materials spanning the past 1,000 years of world history. As you know, much has happened in the last 1000 years. Events such as: The Evolution of English linguistics in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. The discovery, by Europeans, of the American continents. The European Renaissance. Johannes Gutenberg inventing the printing press. Karl Benz inventing the automobile. Einstein’s theory of relativity. World War I and II. Man’s journey to the moon and beyond As well as the Internet. The Millenium Collection has gathered the millions of primary written sources directly documenting or inspired by events such as these; and made them available through a single eBook portal. - See more at:

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How-To Tutorials: Download eBooks to Android Device

By: School eBook Library

This is a step-by-step presentation on how to download eBooks to your Android device.

Today we are going to learn how library patrons can access books, articles and other resources, from the World eBook Library, for viewing on an Android tablet or Android mobile device. To get started, you will need Your Android tablet or Android mobile device An internet connection or data service And an eLibrary card for the World eBook Library Let’s begin: If your institution gave you a direct link to the library, skip this part of the tutorial, otherwise go to the library by typing into your browser. Now, open the menu and select Sign In. From here you can enter an offsite access code provided to you by your institution or enter your username and password and tap “Sign In” After you log in, the homepage of the World eBook Library will load. Your homepage may look different than this one but all of the information in our tutorial still applies. Before we talk about downloading books, let’s investigate some of the discovery tools available to patrons on the homepage. First, our eBook Finder. This is a great tool for finding interesting resources quickly. Simply type in a search term and tap ...

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Read It LOUD! Foundation : 2014 Hawaii Literacy Campaign

By: Read It LOUD!

The Read it LOUD Foundation is promoting literacy for all. We are focusing on young kids, by encouraging families to read together, and also on K-12 students by working with School eBook Library to provide eLibrary cards for EVERY K-12 student in the state, giving them access to millions of classic literature, audio books, journals, historical documents, and graphic novels, all at the touch of a button, with downloading and printing capabilities. All at no charge to the school or student, through grants. This campaign will launch January of 2014 and we are looking for community support. We will be working with every school in the state, from K-12, DOE schools, private schools, Catholic Schools and charter schools. Over 300 schools total, from Waianae to Waimanalo....

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How-To Tutorials: Download eBooks to Kindle Fire Device

By: School eBook Library

This is a step-by-step presentation on how to download eBooks to your Kindle eBook reader. This tutorial covers the Kindle Fire HD device.

Today we are going to learn how students, teachers and librarians can download eBooks, from the School eBook Library, for viewing on Kindle Fire HD or Fire HDX devices. To get started, you will need: An Amazon Kindle Fire HD or HDX device An internet connection or data service And an eLibrary card for the School eBook Library Let’s begin: If your school gave you a direct link to the library, please skip this part of the tutorial, otherwise open a browser and type into your search bar. Now, open the menu and select Sign In. From here you can enter an offsite access code provided to you by your school or enter your username and password and tap “Sign In” After you log in, the homepage of the School eBook Library will load. Your homepage may look different than this one but everything in our tutorial will work the same way. Before we talk about downloading books, let’s investigate some of the exciting discovery tools for students, on the homepage. First, our eBook Finder. This is a great tool for finding interesting resources quickly. Simply type in a search term and tap search. We also have ...

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Ghid UE Pentru Traduceri

By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Editor

Ghidul de faţă se bazează în general pe ghidul în limba engleză „How to write clearly”, aducând o serie de recomandări specifi ce redactării textelor în limba română. Ghidul este redactat de Oficiul pentru Publicaţii al Uniunii Europene, Luxemburg, 2013. Majoritatea documentelor Comisiei Europene sunt, în momentul de faţă, publicate pe internet şi sunt disponibile publicului. Toate textele redactate, traduse şi publicate în activitatea Comisiei Europene influenţează în mod inevitabil imaginea publică a UE, şi de aceea se acordă o atenţie deosebită corectitudinii şi clarităţii traducerilor. Pentru oportunitățí de sponsorizare vă rog să mă contactați. Ediţia digitală (EPUB, Kindle, PDF):

Ghidul de faţă se bazează în general pe ghidul în limba engleză „How to write clearly”, aducând o serie de recomandări specifi ce redactării textelor în limba română....

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"Leviathan" by Thomas Hobbes : The Behind the Book Lecture Series: The Behind the Book Lecture Series

By: Behind the Book

Behind the Book Presents: The Lecture Series Discover the stories behind history's greatest books. A World eBook Library Production

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Salary Summary : For Taxation Students

By: Pratik Kaushikkumar Kikani

Summary of Salary head under the Income Tax for Taxation Students of India. This book will serve for last minute revision. This book is prepared with five effective pages of Summary which only one need to read to recapture the concept covered in Salary Head....

5 Effective Pages for Quick Revision

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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Looking at The Light, Supplementary C

By: Anthony James Kemp

The original Books are a series of filly illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level. This also apples to these supplementary papers. This is done to allow people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series....

MOVEMENT OF ENERGY In this section we are going to look in more detail on how this energy is passes between the subatomic world and the three dimension world. We look at the affects this has on the atomic structures of large atoms and the way this changes atomic interactions. Heat is a tipping effect of an atomic structure when it reaches an upper absorption limit of energy storage, where it has to expel this energy or break down and be destroyed. Heat is effect of this energy being pushed out of the atomic body into nearby atomic structures with a lower energy quotient. So how does energy move around, in Book 2 we saw how the primary energy nodes took and gave energy to each other by dynamic contact. When we got to strings, rings and atoms we saw how these semi-stable elements bonded to form a closed stable units. These units however are still reliant on the exchange on external energy to maintain an internal balance and interaction with each other....

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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Energy and Heat, Supplementary B

By: Anthony James Kemp

The original Books are a series of filly illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level. This also apples to these supplementary papers. This is done to allow people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series....

In this section we are going to look in more detail on how this energy is passes between the subatomic world and the three dimension world. We look at the affects this has on the atomic structures of large atoms and the way this changes atomic interactions. Heat is a tipping effect of an atomic structure when it reaches an upper absorption limit of energy storage, where it has to expel this energy or break down and be destroyed. Heat is effect of this energy being pushed out of the atomic body into nearby atomic structures with a lower energy quotient. So how does energy move around, in Book 2 we saw how the primary energy nodes took and gave energy to each other by dynamic contact. When we got to strings, rings and atoms we saw how these semi-stable elements bonded to form a closed stable units. These units however are still reliant on the exchange on external energy to maintain an internal balance and interaction with each other....

Supplementary B - Energy And Heat In Section - Introduction - 1 Movement of Energy - 2 Energy Ring Vortex - 3 Transference of Energy to Atoms - 4 Energy Storage in Atoms - 5 Energy Altering Atoms Properties...

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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Why North is North and How Magnets Work, Supplementary A

By: Anthony James Kemp

The original Books are a series of filly illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level. This also apples to these supplementary papers. This is done to allow people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series....

Here we have to focus down onto the planetary model and see how the vectors that produce gravity also produce the sub forces that we describe as Magnetism. Now any large body of atomic matter compresses itself by mutual attraction of the atomic structure of a collective of the atoms with in it. This bundle of energy attracts energy nodes from the surrounding Dark Energy cloud, it needs this energy to maintain its coherence or it will fall apart and be absorbed back into the cloud. As seen in Book 7 this attraction has a halo bubble where this force is active, however the attraction is offset by the emission of excess high energy particles being thrown out of the mass is it tries to loose energy....

SUPPLEMENTARY A - WHY NORTH IS NORTH AND HOW MAGNETS WORK Introduction - 1 Gyroscopic Effect - 2 Particle Flow - 3 Magnetosphere Reversal - 4 Sub Atomic Particle Flow - 5 How Magnets Work - 6 Properties of Elements - 7 Atomic Core Stacking - 8 Iron Magnets - 9 Magnetic Lines of Force - 10 The elephant in the room - 11 Why Similar Magnetic Poles Repel - 12 Ferrous Or Non Ferrous - 13 Magnetic attraction...

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e-Hoop Platform Demo Paper : Computer Supported Education

By: Mrs. Eleni Chatzidaki; Michalis Xenos

The European Research & Development project ‘e-Hoop - Unified e-Hoop Approach to Learning Differences’ (http://www.e-hoop.info1) approaches the issue of different learning abilities and styles and adopts a collaborative approach between adults and children. e-Hoop will create a universal, dynamic and adaptable e-Learning environment able to offer free personalised educational solutions to all learners regardless of their learning, cultural and social background....

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EU Translation Guide

By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Editor

European Commission staff have to write many different types of documents. Whatever the type - legislation, a technical report, minutes, a press release or speech - a clear document will be more effective, and more easily and quickly understood. This guide will help you to write clearly whether you are using your own language or one of the other official languages, all of which are also working languages of the Commission according to Council Regulation No 1/1998 (still valid today!) There are hints, not rules, and when applying them you should take account of your target readers and the purpose of your document. For sponsorship opportunities please contact me. Digital edition (EPUB, Kindle, PDF):

European Commission staff have to write many different types of documents. Whatever the type - legislation, a technical report, minutes, a press release or speech - a clear document will be more effective, and more easily and quickly understood. This guide will help you to write clearly whether you are using your own language or one of the other official languages, all of which are also working languages of the Commission according to Council Regulation No 1/1998 (still valid today!)...

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Behind the Book : The stories behind history's greatest books

By: World eBook Library

Introducing the Behind the Book Video Series. The Behind the Book Series is an online, video series intended to promote classic literature. In telling the stories behind classic literature-the dramatic struggles the authors endured to bring their inner life and art to the world- we will inspire young readers to explore history’s finest (and at times most controversial) writings....

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Dashboard Guided Tour : How to Deploy, Maintain, and Promote Your Library Portal

By: School eBook Library

Welcome to Your School eBook Library Portal and the Dashboard Guided Tour. I’m Chris and I’m a teacher. Today we are going to talk about how to deploy, maintain and promote Your Library Portal....

As the Dashboard Administrator, Your Library Portal’s My Dashboard and My Library Dashboard tabs have the most comprehensive and fully automated set of tools and resources for deployment, maintenance, and promotion, that are available to school administrators today. ...

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Dashboard Guided Tour : How to Deploy, Maintain, and Promote Your Library Portal

By: World eBook Library

Welcome to Your School eBook Library Portal and the Dashboard Guided Tour. I’m Chris and I’m a teacher. Today we are going to talk about how to deploy, maintain and promote Your Library Portal....

As the Dashboard Administrator, Your Library Portal’s My Dashboard and My Library Dashboard tabs have the most comprehensive and fully automated set of tools and resources for deployment, maintenance, and promotion, that are available to school administrators today. ...

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Dashboard Quickstart Guide : How to Deploy Your Library Portal in 3 Minutes

By: World eBook Library

Hi, I’m Chris and this is the Dashboard Quickstart Guide. Today we are going to talk about how to deploy Your Library portal.

As the Dashboard Administrator, Your Library Portal’s My Dashboard and My Library Dashboard tabs have the most comprehensive and fully automated set of tools and resources for deployment, maintenance, and promotion, that are available to school administrators today. ...

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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : The Three Forces Of Gravity, Book 7 of 7

By: Anthony James Kemp

A series of filly illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. It looks at how sub atomic particles form strings rings and then atoms. How simple atoms use two dimensional carriers to form large atoms and the ways atoms bond together into molecules, the foundations of all matter. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level, this allows people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series....

Gravity a short word for a big subject. Lets start by saying before reading this section you should have at least read book two of these papers about dark matter, energy and the creation of matter. To start with we must let go of the thought that gravity is a single thing like a big magnet. Gravity is in fact a combination of three forces that produce the effect that we call gravity. By gravity we generally mean the attraction of objects one to another. Although we have dealt with the elemental forces that created atoms in the previous Books, here we have to go back to the primary forces again. This time we see how they play out to create the massive amounts of energy to create matter and the forces that surround it....

THE THREE FORCES OF GRAVITY In this book - 1. Energy Nodes - 2 Binary Strings - 3 Energy Balls - 4 The Energy Tree - 5 Binary Explosion - 6 Binary Breach - 7 Binary Ring - 8 Gravity - The First Component - The Second Component - The Third Component...

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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Complex Atomic Bond Formations, Book 6 of 7

By: Anthony James Kemp

A series of filly illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. It looks at how sub atomic particles form strings rings and then atoms. How simple atoms use two dimensional carriers to form large atoms and the ways atoms bond together into molecules, the foundations of all matter. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level, this allows people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series....

Bonds formed by similar atoms tend to follow structural patterns where the atomic interface windows align with the atomic exit windows of each atom. This bonding will form a regular continuous pattern as the structure of the crystal is built up. By studying these crystalline patterns we can determine some of the positions of the atoms atomic windows. We will not be able to tell the size of these windows but give us a chance to work out the atomic interface angle....

COMPLEX ATOMIC BOND FORMATIONS In this book - 1 Crystalline Formations - 2 Dissimilar Atomic Bonding - 3 Harmonics Bonding Range - 4 Split Harmonics - Split Ranges - 5 Special Bonding - Capture Bonding - Catalytic Bonding - 6 Bonding Decay - 7 Proximity...

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Records: 61 - 80 of 428 - Pages: 

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