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Drones : Can Be Used Anywhere: Can Be Used Anywhere

By: Sai Srujan Palateru

In this paper I adressed about Drones,drone technology, where we can use drones and ghow can we use drones in our daily life.



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Ghid Marketing pe Internet

By: Nicolae Sfetcu

(Previzualizare carte, Ediţia a doua, Revizia 1) Unul din cele mai vechi ghiduri pentru marketing pe Internet în limba română, dar şi unul din cele mai concise şi mai practice ghiduri. Deşi au trecut mulţi ani de la scrierea acestuia, principiile de bază descrise aici rămân încă valabile. Marketingul pe Internet utilizează Internetul pentru a vinde bunuri şi servicii. Marketingul pe Internet include reclamele plătite pe baza clicurilor, reclame cu banere, marketingul prin e-mail, marketingul pentru motoarele de căutare (inclusiv optimizarea pentru motoarele de cautare), marketingul prin bloguri si articole, etc. Lectură plăcută! Ediţia digitală (EPUB, Kindle, PDF): Ediţia tipărită: Data publicării: 5 noiembrie 2011 ISBN-13: 978-1505511901 ISBN-10: 1505511909 BISAC: Business & Economics / Marketing / General...

Odatã cu creşterea exponenţială a popularităţii Web-ului - instrument primordial de utilizare a Internetului - o activitate din ce în ce mai profitabilã a început sã fie exploatatã de cãtre un numãr crescând de companii: publicitatea şi marketingul electronic, instrumente ce oferã posibilităţi enorme la un cost minimal. Cu o rată de creştere mare a numărului de utilizatori, activitatea de marketing pe Internet devine mult mai uşoară decât cea prin metodele clasice. Dacă se ia în consideraţie faptul că o campanie tipică de marketing determină o rată de răspuns de cel puţin 2%, teoretic rezultă un număr de răspunsuri pe Internet de câteva mii, cel puţin. Din ce în ce mai multe întreprinderi - din toate sectoarele economice - încep sã realizeze potenţialul enorm al noului mediu de comunicaţie electronicã, Internetul. Pentru a avea acces la un auditoriu de câteva milioane de "spectatori" - şi potenţiali clienţi - marile reţele de televiziune oferã preţuri de ordinul zecilor sau sutelor de mii de dolari pentru spoturi publicitare de 30 de secunde; pentru a atinge o asemenea audientã, doar giganţi ca IBM, Coca Cola sau Ford îşi pute...

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L’éthique des mégadonnées (Big Data) en recherche

By: Nicolae Sfetcu

Les principaux problèmes rencontrés par les scientifiques qui travaillent avec des ensembles de données massives (mégadonnées, Big Data), en soulignant les principaux problèmes éthiques, tout en tenant compte de la législation de l'Union européenne. Après une brève Introduction au Big Data, la section Technologie présente les applications spécifiques de la recherche. Il suit une approche des principales questions philosophiques spécifiques dans Aspects philosophiques, et Aspects juridiques en soulignant les problèmes éthiques spécifiques du règlement de l'UE sur la protection des données 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, « GDPR »). La section Problèmes éthiques détaille les problèmes spécifiques générés par le big data. Après une brève section de Recherche de big data, sont présentées les Conclusions sur l’éthique de la recherche dans l’utilisation du big data. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10128.56328...

Le terme big data désigne l'extraction, la manipulation et l'analyse des ensembles de données trop volumineux pour être traités de manière routinière. Pour cette raison, des logiciels spéciaux sont utilisés et, dans de nombreux cas, des ordinateurs et du matériel informatiques dédiés. Généralement, ces données sont analysées de manière statistique. Sur la base de l'analyse des données respectives, des prédictions de certains groupes de personnes ou d'autres entités sont généralement établies, en fonction de leur comportement dans diverses situations et à l'aide des techniques analytiques avancées. Ainsi, les tendances, les besoins et les évolutions comportementales de ces entités peuvent être identifiés. Les scientifiques utilisent ces données pour la recherche en météorologie, génomique, connectomique, (Nature 2008) simulations physiques complexes, biologie, protection de l'environnement, etc. (Reichman, Jones, and Schildhauer 2011) Avec le volume croissant des données sur Internet, dans les médias sociaux, l'informatique en nuage, les appareils mobiles et les données gouvernementales, le big data constitue à la fois une menace et...

Abstract 1. Introduction - 1.1 Définitions - 1.2 Les dimensions du big data 2. La technologie - 2.1 Applications - - 2.1.1 En recherche 3. Aspects philosophiques 4 Aspects juridiques - 4.1 RGPD (GDPR) - - Étapes du traitement des données personnelles - - Principes du traitement des données - - Politique de confidentialité et transparence - - Finalités du traitement des données - - Confidentialité par conception et confidentialité implicite - - Le paradoxe (juridique) des mégadonnées 5. Problèmes éthiques - L'éthique dans la recherche - Prise de conscience - Consentement - Contrôle - Transparence - Confiance - Propriété - Surveillance et sécurité - Identité numérique - Réalité ajustée - De-anonymisation - Inégalité numérique - Confidentialité 6. Recherche des mégadonnées Conclusions Bibliographie...

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PowerPoint - Ghid pentru începători

By: Nicolae Sfetcu

PowerPoint este un instrument excelent pentru prezentări de orice fel, fie în clasă, fie în cadrul unei conferințe. O prezentare PowerPoint este formată dintr-o serie de diapozitive care pot fi proiectate (afișate electronic) sau tipărite într-o varietate de formate de fișiere. PowerPoint poate fi utilizat pentru crearea de afișe de conferință - și multe persoane îl folosesc cu succes -, dar considerăm ca Adobe Illustrator un instrument superior în acest scop, deoarece este conceput pentru crearea de documente pentru tipărire de înaltă calitate, în timp ce PowerPoint este proiectat pentru vizualizarea pe un computer sau ca imagine proiectată. Acest ghid acoperă instrumentele de bază din versiunea PowerPoint 2016. ...

Introducerea unui diapozitiv Când deschideți PowerPoint, o nouă prezentare este creată cu un diapozitiv de titlu ca inceput. Pentru a adăuga un nou diapozitiv, accesați meniul Home. Faceți clic pe pictograma pentru un nou diapozitiv pentru a insera un nou diapozitiv cu un aspect identic cu primul din prezentare. Faceți clic pe textul New Slide pentru a selecta orice aspect, a copia un duplicat din cele selectate, sau a reutiliza diapozitive dintr-o prezentare diferită. Noul diapozitiv va fi adăugat după diapozitivul selectat în prezent. Deplasați-vă între diapozitive făcând clic pe pictograma de diapozitive corespunzătoare din bara laterală din stânga sau folosiți săgețile duble din partea de jos a barei de defilare din dreapta. Modificarea aranjarii diapozitivelor Puteți schimba aspectul întotdeauna accesând meniul Home și făcând clic pe pictograma Layout. Dacă conținutul este deja pe diapozitiv, poate fi necesar să mutați lucrurile puțin. ...

Noțiuni de bază - Introducere în PowerPoint - Introducerea unui diapozitiv - - Modificarea aranjării diapozitivelor - Afișarea prezentării și navigarea in prezentare Reordonarea diapozitivelor - Modificarea ordinii diapozitivelor Schimbarea designului / fundalului - Adăugarea unui design - Schimbarea fundalului Diapozitive master - Modificarea formatării tuturor diapozitivelor cu diapozitivul master\ - - Prezentare generală - - Cum să - Exemplu 1: Schimbarea bulinelor - Exemplul 2: Schimbarea formei casetei de text pentru titlu Obiecte - Prezentare generală - - Fotografii, ClipArt, forme, diagrame și alte elemente grafice pot îmbunătăți prezentările PowerPoint - Ajustarea imaginilor, formelor și casetelor de text - - Mutare, redimensionare, rotire, schimbare proporții, adăugare text - - Conectați linii, modificați ordinea obiectelor, grupați obiecte - - Decuparea, comprimarea, schimbarea culorii, transparența imaginii - - Lucrul cu SmartArt Hiperlinkuri - Adăugarea de hiperlinkuri - Conectarea la alte diapozitive sau fișiere Audio si video - Introducere în lucrul cu audio și video - Tipuri de fișiere - ...

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Etica Big Data în Cercetare

By: Nicolae Sfetcu

Principalele probleme cu care se confruntă oamenii de știință în lucrul cu seturile mari de date (Big Data), evidențiind principale aspecte etice, luând în considerare inclusiv legislația din Uniunea Europeană. După o scurtă Introducere despre Big Data, secțiunea Tehnologia prezintă aplicațiile specifice în cercetare. Urmează o abordare a principalelor probleme filosofice specifice în Aspecte filosofice, și Aspecte legale cu evidențierea problemelor etice specifice din Regulamentul UE privind protecția datelor 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, "GDPR"). Secțiunea Probleme etice detaliază aspectele specifice generate de Big Data. După o scurtă secțiune Cercetarea Big Data, finalizez lucrarea cu prezentarea Concluziilor pentru etica cercetării în lucrul cu Big Data DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27629.33761 ...

Termenul Big Data se referă la extragerea, manipularea și analiza unor seturi de date care sunt prea mari pentru a fi tratate în mod obișnuit. Din această cauză se utilizează software special și, în multe cazuri, și calculatoare și echipamente hardware special dedicate. În general la aceste date analiza se face statistic. Pe baza analizei datelor respective se fac de obicei predicții ale unor grupuri de persoane sau alte entități, pe baza comportamentului acestora în diverse situații și folosind tehnici analitice avansate. Se pot identifica astfel tendințe, necesități și evoluții comportamentale ale acestor entități. Oamenii de știință folosesc aceste date pentru cercetări în meteorologie, genomică, (Nature 2008) conectomică, simulări fizice complexe, biologie, protecția mediului , etc. (Reichman, Jones, and Schildhauer 2011) Odată cu creșterea volumului de date pe Internet, în media socială, cloud computing, dispozitive mobile și date guvernamentale, Big Data devine în același timp o amenințare și o oportunitate pentru cercetători în ceea ce privește gestionarea și utilizarea acestor date, menținând în același timp drepturile pers...

Abstract 1. Introducere - 1.1 Definiții - 1.2 Dimensiunile Big Data 2. Tehnologia - 2.1 Aplicații - - 2.1.1 În cercetare 3. Aspecte filosofice 4 Aspecte legale - 4.1 GDPR - - Etapele procesării datelor personale - - Principiile procesării datelor - - Politica de confidențialitate și transparența - - Scopurile procesării datelor - - Confidențialitate prin design și implicită - - Paradoxul (legal) al Big Data 5. Probleme etice - Etica în cercetare - Conștientizarea - Consimțământul - Controlul - Transparența - Încrederea - Proprietatea - Supravegherea și securitatea - Identitatea digitală - Realitatea ajustată - De-anonimizarea - Inegalitatea digitală - Confidențialitatea 6. Cercetarea Big Data Concluzii Bibliografie ...

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The 'Get It Done In An Hour' Guide To Cryptocurrencies : Step-by-step guides to understanding, buying and storing popular cryptocurrencies: Step-by-step guides to understanding, buying and storing popular cryptocurrencies

By: Nick King

You’ve heard of cryptocurrencies. They’re those computery coins that people began talking about as their prices seemed to explode overnight, turning a bunch of geeks into instant millionaires. Depending on whom you ask, cryptocurrencies are either the beginning of a technological revolution, a Ponzi scheme, the key to financial freedom from banks or history’s greatest scam. Amid the technobabble, the sensationalist headlines and the idealism of crypto fanatics, it might seem like cryptocurrencies defy reasonable description. They don’t. This book eases complete beginners through the process of understanding, buying, storing, trading and selling their first cryptocurrency investments via plainly worded, step-by-step guidance. Crypto’s cryptic, but buying it doesn’t need to be....

Bitcoin, along with most other cryptocurrencies, can be summarized in just one simple sentence: A cryptocurrency is a digital asset stored on a decentralized and cryptographically secure blockchain. So what’s crypto? The concepts and technologies behind crypto are complex: this explanation isn’t. 1 5 Okay, I’ll admit it’s not that simple, and it’s stuffed with buzzwords you’ve never bothered to google. So let’s break it down. An asset is an item owned by a person. Like a spoon. A cryptocurrency coin is an asset. But unlike a spoon, it isn’t physical —there are no real-world coins to jingle in your pocket. A cryptocurrency coin is formed of information stored on a computer —making it digital. This digital information, which details the owner of every coin and the transactions they have made, is stored in a special kind of database called a blockchain. It’s similar to how your bank manages your bank account: when you deposit money, your bank updates a database to show a transfer to your account and updates your balance to reflect it. A blockchain works the same way: when you buy a cryptocurrency coin, your account on the b...

So what’s crypto? A new type of investment Good habits of a smart investor Buying your first cryptocurrency Storing your crypto Setting up a Bitcoin wallet Setting up an Ethereum wallet Finding more coins to invest in Research in action Buying altcoins Monitoring your investment Selling your coins Tax implications ...

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Segredos dos Cupons

By: Eduardo Monteiro

Segredos Revelados A verdade sobre como os sites de cupons de desconto funcionam, como ganham dinheiro e como ingressar neste meio. Conheça a Fundo Entenda como ganhar boas comissões vendendo produtos físicos e virtuais das maiores lojas virtuais brasileiras!...

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Freelance Web Developer : 99,99% of the things you need to know

By: Recurvoice Recurvoice

Welcome! We tried to create a BS free introduction to freelancing. In the following 9 chapters we are going to discuss several things that are important for freelance webdevelopers.  An overview of the chapters Chapter 1: Are you ready to start freelancing? Chapter 2: Best places to find freelance jobs Chapter 3: Is this gig any good? Chapter 4: How to automate your freelancing career Chapter 5: How I made 100k freelancing and absolutely loved it Chapter 6: How to increase your hourly rate as a freelancer Chapter 7: How to become an unstoppable freelancer: the tools Chapter 8: Resources for new webdevs Chapter 9: Resources for advanced webdevs Summary This book is created by Recurvoice: save time and automate your invoices. More info on

Chapter 1: Are you ready to start freelancing? Chapter 2: Best places to find freelance jobs Chapter 3: Is this gig any good? Chapter 4: How to automate your freelancing career Chapter 5: How I made 100k freelancing and absolutely loved it Chapter 6: How to increase your hourly rate as a freelancer Chapter 7: How to become an unstoppable freelancer: the tools Chapter 8: Resources for new webdevs Chapter 9: Resources for advanced webdevs Summary...

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Website Design and Development from Webguru Infosystems

By: Webguru Infosystems

Websites represent the dynamic nature of online business. In order to increase the user traffic to your website, it should be aesthetically designed and embody state of the art features and functionalities. Webguru Infosystems has brought out an engaging free eBook ‘An insight into the world of website design & development’ for its esteemed readers. The eBook deals with a wide range of topics including the fascinating world of the internet, eCommerce, and the latest trends and frameworks in web design & development. The topics discussed in the eBook are in an easy to understand format and aims at enriching your understanding of the world of website design and development. So, should you aim at enhancing your brand equity, increase traffic and boost profitability, learn about the various aspects of website design and development authored by the professionals at Webguru Infosystems. Download the free eBook and share your valuable feedback on the same to help us learn and improve the subsequent editions of our eBook....

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Agriculture Drones : Madi in Srujan Robotic Lab, Volume Introduction: Madi in Srujan Robotic Lab

By: Sai Srujan Palateru

Agriculture Technology by Artificial Intelligence

Agriculture Technology by Artificial Intelligence

Agriculture Technology by Artificial Intelligence

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The Ultimate Checklist for Event Planners

By: Mrs. Meghna Mittal

Here is an e-book ready for you which has everything that you’ll need to do as an event planner for any scale of an event.

event planner checklist, event planning checklist, event planner guide

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Facebook Marketing Profit Masters : Learn the Most Profitable Strategies to Profit from Facebook: Learn the Most Profitable Strategies to Profit from Facebook

By: David Drummy Lewis, Mr.

***Learn proven strategies to earn passive income using Facebook. A step by step process to profit from Facebook while helping people.*** You need this training! Also i encourage you to download and share this free guide with your friends. Thank you ...

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Unmanned Space Project Management : Surveyor and Lunar Orbiter: Surveyor and Lunar Orbiter

By: Erasmus H. Kloman

NASA commissioned a study of the management of the Surveyor and Lunar Orbiter projects.

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Build-to-shelve Prototyping : Undercutting Doctrinal Development

By: Lieutenant Colonel Donald “Bud” Vazquez, USAF

I submit there are two ways we can use limited numbers of prototype systems to ensure we learn relevant tactical lessons before we have to fight:(1) capitalizing on interactive computing technologies to better develop requirements and tactics throughout the system life cycle and (2) changing our concept of prototypes from the buying of one or two “experimental”items to procuring entire “prototypical” units....

1 SETTING THE STAGE . . . . 1 Background . . . . . 1 Methodology . . . . 2 Military Doctrine: Definitions and Types . . . . . 3 Notes . . . . 5 2 DEVELOPING ROBUST EMPLOYMENT DOCTRINE . . . . 7 Why Employment Doctrine Matters . . . . 7 How Employment Doctrine Develops . . . . . 8 Combat-Capable versus Combat-Lethal Doctrine . . . . . 11 Notes . . . . 13 3 DOCUMENTING DOCTRINAL LAG . . . . 15 The YB-17 and Refining Doctrine under Fire . . . . . 15 Modern Perspectives . . . . 18 Notes . . . . 21 4 CRITIQUING THE YOCKEY POLICY . . . . . 23 The Fallacy of Strategic Warning . . . . . 23 We Can’t Predict What We’ll Need . . . . . 25 Summarizing the Policy Critique . . . . . 27 Notes . . . . 27 5 POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS . . . . 29 Interactive Simulation for Employment Doctrine . . . . . 29 Prototypical Units . . . . . 32 Historical Perspective . . . . . 33 Notes . . . . 33 6 CONCLUSION . . . . 35 Notes . . . . 37 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . 39...

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Improving the Management of an Air Campaign with Virtual Reality

By: Major James E. Haywood, USAF

This thesis evaluates the near-term military utility of virtual reality (VR) and its component technologies to the battle management of an air campaign. It presumes a large-scale air campaign on the order to that in the Gulf War where air operations were continuous, prolonged, and intense. The research concludes by assessing the viability and implication of a military decision to invest in a VR-enhanced air battle management system. Recommendations are given for areas in need of further research and development....

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Science and Technology : The Making of the Air Force Research Laboratory

By: Robert W. Duffner

Part 1 The Decision 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Rumblings of Laboratory Consolidation . . . 7 3 The Catalyst: National Defense Authorization Act and Vision 21 . . . . . . . . .23 4 Overhauling Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . 45 5 Laboratory Studies and Strategy . . . . . . . 71 6 Corona 1996: Leadership and Decisions . .93 7 The Last Dance: Meeting in the Secretary’s Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Part 2 The Transition 9 Early Strategic Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 10 Shaping the Technology Directorates . . 161 11 Getting the Message Out . . . . . . . . . . 195 12 Other Perspectives: Independent Review Teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209 13 Headquarters: Two Staff Directorates . . 227 14 The Final Push . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253 15 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265...

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Combat Operations C3I : Fundamentals and Interactions

By: George E. Orr

Unfortunately, the existence of command, control, communications, and intelligence (C3I) structures, mechanisms, systems, and capabilities does not guarantee success. Major Orr attacks the basic problem of producing a conceptual model of the combat operations process. Only after he establishes the context, a paradigm of warfare based on classical literature, does he discuss the appropriate C3I architecture that will yield the desired results. In a larger sense, Major Orr’s study is an attempt to redefine the nature of modern technology-intensive warfare. This is a broad and contentious problem. While the reader may not agree with all of Major Orr’s assumptions and conclusions, this larger effort is vital to the American military’s capability to cope successfully with a rapidly changing and increasingly dangerous world. In this larger sense, the importance of Major Orr’s study goes far beyond the particular problems of C3I....

I COMBAT OPERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sun Tzu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Objectives of War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Civil-Military Relationships . . . . . . . . . . 2 Principles of War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Tactical Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Carl von Clausewitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Andre Beaufre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The American Style of War . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 The Traditional Approach . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Maneuver Warfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 II C3I AND THE COMBAT OPERATIONS PROCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 The Combat Operations Process Model . . . .34 Expansion of the Process Model Functions . .37 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 III COMMAND OF THE COMBAT OPERATIONS PROCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 The Purpose of Command . . . ....

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Credit Card Customer Segmentation : Essential First Step for a Profitable Credit Card Customer Portfolio

By: Forte Wares

300 billion credit card transactions are expected to take place each year by 2018, creating 300 billion opportunities to understand customers better. Unfortunately, many banks remain ignorant of this wealth of information at their disposal, and they opt for mass marketing and costly above-the-line communications....

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Transport Bombers : A Conceptual Shift in Precision-Guided Munitions Delivery

By: Major Bryan J. Benson, USAF

This study addresses three main questions to determine the transport bomber’s usefulness. The first is whether commanders can use such an aircraft in ways that truly enhance force application and mobility operations without unduly undermining one in favor of the other? The answer, because of technology enhancements and budget constraints, is definitely yes. The second question targets technology, specifically, by asking whether engineers could place some elements of both missions on a single aircraft? Again, the answer appears to be positive. This study analyzes budgetary and operational constraints in an attempt to answer the question of the appropriate force mix. ...

1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . .1 Notes . . . . . . . . . .3 2 OPERATIONAL UTILITY . . . .5 Notes . . . . . . 17 3 TECHNOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT . . . . 19 Notes . . . . .28 4 BUDGETARY AND OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS . . . .31 Notes . . . .41 5 CONCLUSIONS . . . .43 Notes . . . . .45...

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Taking Down Telecommunications

By: Major Gerald R. Hust, USAF

Information is one of the most, if not the most, essential elements of combat capability. Because telecommunications affects every aspect of a society, and is probably the most important medium which military information is exchanged, this thesis provides an understanding of the telecommunications system and how best to exploit it across the spectrum of conflict. I examine the system’s vulnerabilities to both lethal and nonlethal attack mechanisms. While the ability to employ nonlethal technologies are currently limited, I recommend pursuing a strong research and development program to acquire this capability. The reason is that they provide additional policy options to deal with conflict, they are cheap, and because research may not only discover unanticipated capabilities for the US, but also identify countermeasures to protect our own systems. This thesis concludes by offering guidelines to help determine whether to exploit telecommunications with either lethal or nonlethal attack strategies....

1 INTRODUCTION . . . 1 Notes . . . 3 2 TELECOMMUNICATIONS . . . . . 5 The Modern Communications System . . . . . 6 Vulnerability Analysis . . . . . . 17 Targeting . . . . 23 Quantification . . . . . 29 Conclusion . . . 32 Notes . . . 35 3 DISABLING WEAPONS . . . . . . 38 Definition . . . . . 39 History And Legal Considerations . . . . . 41 Conventional And Disabling Kill Mechanisms . . . 44 Advantages/Disadvantages . . . . . . 49 Conclusion . . . . 53 Notes . . . . 55 4 GUIDANCE FOR CAMPAIGN PLANNING . . . . . . 57 Planning Factors . . . . 57 Conclusion . . . . . 61 Notes . . . . . 62...

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