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Annotations on Old Malayalam Film Songs

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

Old Malayalam film songs are wonderful. Most of them lend a most mesmerising sensation to the hearer. The style and tone has been set and led by Vayalar Ramavarma. Such others as P Bhaskaran, Sree Kumaran Thampi, and others have more or less tried to equal him in calibre. However, with the demise of Vayalar, there was no compelling standards or parameters to which film songs could remain loyal to. Standards deteriorated. There were attempts to cover the defects with loud music, and boisterous sounds. Now, what is so great about these songs? They convey a most elevated feel to the human psyche. In feudal Malayalam, everything has to remain in various social and mental levels. Starting from that of extreme lowliness to the heights of divine attainments. These songs generally lend a very ennobled aura to the human beings. There is the chakravartinis , salabanjigagas, rajashilpis, ajantha shilpams, anthapurams, agraharams, rathisukasares, mayalokams, manoharinis, anuraghapaurnamis and much else. Then there are the thenivarikkakaad, and such other exotic sounding places. However, the reality of Kerala life is much more mundane. ...

From Chakravarthinee, Ninakku............. In the whispery moonlit moments, gorgeous marble damsels would clothe your steps with pearls; lustful wanton lasses would incline you to be my spiritual mate. In the attic bed, I would cover you with blushes....

Chakravarthini Ninakku Njanente Arayilotta Mundudutha Penne Anupame Azhake Thankathalikayil Ponkalumayivanna Raajashilpineeyenikkoru Poojavighraham Poonthennaruvee, Ponmudippuzhayude Pennale, pennale VENNA THOLKKUM UDALODE NEE MADHU PAKARU, MALAR CHORIYOO THAMBRAN THODUTHATHU MALARAMBU UNAROO VEGAM NEE, SUMRANI Neela ponmaane Thrikkakhare Pooporaanju OMALALE KANDU NHAN Kannaa, Aaromalunni, Kanna Seetha devi, swayamvaram cheythoru Gopuramukalil Rakuyilin Rajasadhassil Yerusalemile Swarga Dootha, Yeeshunadha Nithaya Vishudhayaam KanyaMariyame Thedivarum kannukalil Samayamam Radhathil Njan Thaniye pokunnu Pravachakannmare parayu ...

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Learn English through Malayalam : English Study

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

ഇന്ത്യയിൽ ഇന്ന് ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ് പഠിപ്പിക്കുന്നതിൽ പലപ്രശ്നങ്ങളും നേരിടുന്നുണ്ട്. അതിൽ അതീവ പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ടതും, അതേ സമയം ആരും സൂചിപ്പിക്കാത്തതുമായ കാര്യം, ഇന്ത്യൻ ഭാഷകളിലെ ഫ്യൂഡൻ ഉച്ചനീചത്വ കോഡുകൾ ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷിലേക്ക് കടന്നുവരുന്നതിനെക്കുറിച്ചാണ്. ഇത് അതി ഭയാനകമായ ഒരു ഭവഷ്യത്താണ് ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷിൽ കൊണ്ടുവരുന്നത്. തന്നെക്കാൾ താഴ്ന്നവരോട് മാത്രം ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷിലെ പൊതുവായ വാക്കുകൾ ഉപയോഗിക്കാൻ പാടുള്ളു എന്ന ഒരു ചിന്താഗതി വളർത്തിയെടുക്കുകയാണ് ഇത് ചെയ്യുന്നത്. ഇതിനെക്കുറിച്ച് പലതും പറയാനുണ്ടെങ്കിലും, ഇവിടെ ഇതുമാത്രം പറയാം. ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷിലെ YOU എന്ന പദത്തെ ‘നീ’ യെന്നും, HE എന്ന പദത്തെ ‘അവൻ’ എന്നും, SHE എന്ന പദത്തിനെ ‘അവൾ’ എന്നും തർജ്ജമചെയ്ത് പഠിക്കുന്ന ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ്, ഉയർന്ന മാനവിക നിലവാരങ്ങളിൽ നിന്നും താഴെവീണ് ദുഷിച്ചുപോയൊരു ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷാണ്. ഈ ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ് അല്ല പഠിക്കേണ്ടത്. മറിച്ച്, സമൂഹത്തെ ഉന്നതനിലവാരത്തിലേക്ക് നയിക്കുന്ന കലർപ്പില്ലാത്ത ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷാണ് പഠിക്കേണ്ടത്. ഈ ഇങ്ഗ്ളിഷ്പഠനം ഒരുക്കിയിട്ടുള്ളത് VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS എന്ന തൂലികാനാമം പേറുന്ന എഴുത്തുകാരനാണ്. ഇദ്ദേഹം, ഭാഷകളെപ്പറ്റിയും, ഭാഷാകോഡുകളെപ്പറ്റിയും, യാഥാർത്ഥ്യത്തിന്റെ കോഡുകളെപ്പറ്റിയും മറ്റും നീരീക്ഷണ പരീക്ഷണങ്ങൾ നടത്തിയിട്ടുള്ള വ്യക്തിയും, അവയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട് അനവധി പുസ്തകങ്ങൾ എഴുതിയിട്ടുള്ള ആളും ആണ...

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The World in Kaleidoscopic Hues : January 2015 Issue, Volume 2

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions, Compiler

This is a downloadable digital magazine with audio & video features. Some of the salient features include a free English teaching programme with Malayalam & English audio. Another thing is a free Homeopathy teaching programme in Malayalam. The contents do have focus on English, Victorian-age England and English classics, both literary as well as movie/TV. You need to have Adobe Reader X or XI in your computer to open the file. For audio/video features to work, Adobe Flash Player needs to be installed. The audio/video features will not work in Smart phones/Tablets. This digital magazine, though in Malayalam, aims to promote the planar language code features of English. The overall aim of this digital magazine is to look at indoctrinated understandings on Kerala social and cultural history, English rule in the subcontinent, the different perspective on the purported theme of Indian freedom struggle and much else. Beyond all this, there will be a vibrant discussion on the issue of how language codes and languages do design human and animal social communication and social structure. The most basic idea is that most Indian lan...

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Slavery in the Indian Subcontinent

By: Rev. Samuel Mateer; Victoria Institutions

Excerpt from the Native Life in Travancore, written by The Rev. SAMUEL MATEER, F.L.S of the London Missionary Society


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FENCE eating the CROPS! : A treatise on the bureaucratic loot & swindle of India

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

Indian bureaucratic loot. Pay, perks, pension, commutation of pension &c. and feudal oppressive language usages

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Words from Malabar Language

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

There was a language in the Malabar coast, that is, in the northern parts of current day Kerala. This language was also known as Malayalam but quite different from the modern official version Malayalam. This language has more or less vanished in the last 30 years or so, succumbing to the onslaught of the official version, South Kerala Malayalam which came with statutory support. The issue of there being a different language in Malabar comes to the fore, due to the fact that the COMPULSORY MALAYALAM teaching lobby is insisting that every man and woman in Kerala should be compulsorily taught their 'mother tongue'. If that is so, then the people of Malabar would have to be compulsorily taught this language and not the southern version official Malayalam....

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Idiocy of the Indian Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act! [Sample pages]

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

Domestic violence

Now we move on to discuss the various facets of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. As mentioned earlier, this discussion cannot follow the tracks of wordings of the Act, which at best is only a display of empty pedantry. Before entering into the exact premises of the discussion, there is one more item that needs mention. That is the so-called equality between men and women. It is a theme that is ferociously discussed in many nations. More in nations, where actually there is not much of an ‘equality’ issue. It is like the claims of the Blacks for right to equality with the Whites in English nations, where actually there is not much of a discrimination as that can be conceived of as in nations like India. For in nations like India, such right to equality with any superior class of people, including the rich, government officials, social superiors etc. cannot even be pondered upon, by the lower classes. In Indian feudal languages, it is a very rare occasion for anyone to be equal to anyone else, just like that. More so, the husband with the wife and the wife with the husband. In most Indian vernaculars, the wife ...

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FENCE eating the CROPS! : A treatise on the bureaucratic loot & swindle of India - HINDI VERSION

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

Indian bureaucratic loot. Pay, perks, pension, commutation of pension &c. and feudal oppressive language usages

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Hindi in Australia! Behold the future!! : The Tragedy that Await a Pristine English Social Scene

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

I am posting a writing here which might be mentioned as racist or hate speech or any such thing, by persons who might not know how to contain the arguments. There is nothing racist in my words. For I am not White, and I do not feel that Whites of Continental Europe have any superiority other than what proximity to England can lend to anyone in the world. There might be a query about my right to write this piece of information. I have to mention that I define myself here as a researcher on codes in languages. I have written a few books, all of them original thoughts....

When the native-English speaking students in Australia find themselves being addressed as Thoo / Thum/ Nee &c. and referred to as USS / Avan / Aval &c. all of which are degrading words that paint dirt on a human personality, they have every right to react. If any Hindi or any other feudal language teachers use such words on them, they need to have the courage to give a cracking slap on the teacher....

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The Machinery of Homeopathy : Can Homoeopathy Tackle Ebola?

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

Can Homoeopathy cure Ebola? Can it cure any human or animal disease? If so, what is the machinery that Homeopathy uses?

First comment posted on The contention that there is absolutely no cure for Ebola might be too far-fetched considering that Homeopathy is not being discussed. Some wise guys who run Wikipedia has written very prominently that Homeopathy is quackery. However, there are persons who do get huge amounts of health benefit from such ‘quackery’. Even now it would be quite wise, and a deed of great responsibility to try out Homeopathy based preventive medicines. In fact, the expense of distributing this might not be expensive at all. Only thick-heads running the show would refrain from discussing homeopathy at this juncture....

Only one Chapter

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Thiyyas Versus the Ezhavas : Online Writings

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

Postings on Wikipedia Ezhava Page I had done some postings on the Wikipedia Ezhava Talk Page, I did it without much deliberation, first. This first post generated a lot of retorts and reactions. This compelled me to give more answers. There were a lot acrimonious reactions to this. Many of my posts were simply deleted, or vandalised with someone posting obnoxious sentences into it. Moreover, since there was a lot of manipulation going on in my writings, with some of the alterations verging on dangerous provocative themes, I felt that there is need to maintain the integrity of my writings. So I am keeping a parallel copy of my posts in the Wikepedia Ezhava Talk Page here. So that anyone who desires to understand the continuity and logical progression of the themes, can come here and get the full gist. No other persons posts in the Wikipedia Ezhava Talk Page will be copied or posted here. In all posts, proper links to the Wikepedia Talk Page shall be given, for the interested reader to understand the context of the writings. It may be mentioned in passing that I do not have any caste feelings. I do not vouch for the o...

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Obama as What? : A Different Perspective on International Relationship

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

This is a text matter I wrote many years ago in one of the blogs I used to write on. Currently this text has been included in one of the digital book version of my writings, titled: VED’s Online Writings Part 2: Effect of England. Currently I do not know what the huge text matter that I have written is. It seems to suggest a different way to look at International Relationship. For a long time, I did have a feeling that current day academic subject called International Relationship is utter nonsense and does not know a thing about what ticks and triggers national passions and urges and spurs international relationships. In fact, academic ideas on most social science ideas are mere nonsense and more or less skims over the real deeper themes involved....

An array of choices I am confronted by a strange choice of defining. It is about Obama. Is he a fraud? A gullible, nitwit? Or someone who knows what he is doing, and knows how to go about it? In an absolute sense I have no right to go about measuring or judging him. But then, as I understand him to have inherited a powerful antiquity, and is also in charge of a particular amount of its destiny, I need to ponder on my misgivings. For, this powerful antiquity is one which I have been quite fascinated with, one which has bestowed mankind with a lot of blessings. If this heritage falls into the hands of misfits, then it may stand to be tarnished....

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Commentary on Travancore State Manual, by V. Nagam Aiya

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions


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Commentary on Native Life in Travancore by The Rev. Samuel Mateer, F.L.S

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

This is the foreword written by VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS to the digital version of NATIVE LIFE IN TRAVANCORE by The REV. SAMUEL MATEER, F.L.S published by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS in 2014...

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Books by Ved from Victoria Institutions : Sample Pages

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

Sample pages

Books by VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS This file contains the sample pages of some of my books. It may be noted that all these books are available for free reading on However, readers who are interested in buying the digital book copy of any of these books may refer this web-link for more details in this regard. March of the Evil Empires; English versus the Feudal Languages Shrouded Satanism in Feudal Languages; Tribulations and intractability of improving others!! CODES of REALITY! WHAT is LANGUAGE? COMPULSORY FORMAL EDUCATION: A travesty! Idiocy of the Indian Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act! Horrendous India! A parade of facade in verbal codes! INDIAN MARRIED LIFE: The undercurrents! Software codes of Reality, Life and Languages! How I worked out the idea starting from zero My Online Writings Vol One The EFFECT of ENGLAND [My Online Writings Part II] Veiled routes to resources in Computers & on the Internet, unVeiled KALEIDOSCOPIC HUES - Indian vernacular Pro-pristine English Digital Magazine ...

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The Shrouded Satanism in Feudal Languages : Tribulations and Intractability of Improving Others

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

This book I wrote, I presume, in 2013. It is a huge book of epic parameters. The basic underlying theme is the essential difference, planar-languages has with feudal-languages. Feudal languages are quite powerful, in that, the moment they are spoken, the social structure and human relationships change powerfully into a custom-design hierarchy, depending on the language. When planar-languages are spoken, the social system and human relationship shift towards a planar arrangement. For a planar-language social system to experience feudal-language communication is a very creepy experience. Individuals can go berserk. Mental trauma and emotional terrors, which cannot be understood by the native-English, will effect individuals selectively; with the others having no idea that some individuals among them have been effected. This is a very vital piece of information which all native-English nations should understand. For, youngsters, persons engaged in professions which are defined in pejorative usages in feudal-languages, and various others can literally go mentally ill, when accosted or connected with feudal-langu...

Essence of improving Now this brings us to the essential question of: what is improving others? The easiest ideas would be giving them food, giving them education, giving them dress and such other things. Well, food is an essential requirement. Since the word education is a wide one, for the time being one can say, giving information. Dress is also a part of social living. Well, these are only the minimal things, which only make a person barely sustain himself or herself in social living. These are not the components of improving another person or a group of persons. These are just give the bare essentials to which a citizen of a nation is entitled to, or which he or she acquires by means of work, wealth, pleading, begging, stealing, flattering, sycophancy, representation etc. Improving is another concept altogether. It is the encoding of certain refining codes that allows a person to live with a level of dignity, self-confidence, basic human rights such as: Right to the security of a family life secure from intrusive words of outsiders Right to the security of a family life secure from pejorative indicant words of outs...

01. INTRODUCTION 02. Essence of improving 03. Command codes in the language software 04. SPONTANEOUS BLOCK TO INFORMATION 05. Forgetting as a social art 06. What the Colonial British faced 07. The third quandary 08. A personal briefing 09. Fifth issue 10. The sixth issue 11. Conceptualising looting 12. Insights from my own training programme 13. A colonial British quandary 14. Entering the world of animals 15. Travails of training 16. Notes on education, bureaucracy etc. in India 17. On to Christian religion 18. The master classes strike back 19. Codes and routes of command 20. The sly stance of feudal indicant codes 21. Pristine English and its faded form 22. How they take the mile! 23. Media as an indoctrination tool 24. How a nation lost its independence 25. Social engineering 26. Social engineering and sex appeal 27. Conceptualising Collective Wisdom 28. Defining feudalism 29. British colonialism versus American hegemony 30. Revolting against a benevolent governance 31. The destination 32. Back again to Travancore 33. Media and its frill sides 34. Online unilateral censorship 35. Codes of mutual...

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March of the Evil Empires : English versus the Feudal Languages

By: VED from Victoria Institutions

This is a book containing a revolutionary idea about understanding society, human behaviour, history, anthropological features and many other aspects of human beings. The basic understanding that is being put forward is that languages, which are the software for human communication, are powerful media, which not only can help in communication, but also does contain extremely powerful designs and programs, which literally design all societies. Languages are actually powerful machines that can create a definite and pre-definable pattern, along which all human beings arrange themselves, to form different societies. Different type of languages forms different type of societies. For instance, a group of persons who think and talk in Tamil would form a society, which would have remarkable Tamil features, and identifiable behaviour patterns. A group of persons who do the same thing in Spanish would display definite Spanish looks, demeanour, behaviour and social pattern and arrangement. An English speaking society would be having its own definite looks and, also a very easily identifiable interpersonal interaction configuration....

A QUOTE from this book about what is in the offing for the USA as feudal languages enter inside the social system: QUOTE: Yet the continuous and incessant bombardment of alien cultural ideology embedded in feudal languages, could create experiences, which are not English and will lead USA to social tensions. Though the extreme emotional disturbances, it causes would be understood as racial feelings and colour discrimination, the real reasons could be the strange, and disturbing social restructuring that is being forced on an easy going English society. Ordinary, peaceful persons would react violently to alien disturbing cultural signals, which are disturbing, and at the same time difficult to understand. With callous indifference, one can claim that America is the melting pot of cultures. If full melting does take place, and an English mould is formed, it is all right. However I have fears that with this severe influx of alien cultures that come with a package of virus software, a stage may come, at least, in certain areas, where the innate resilience of the English structure may be severely tested; and cause much distress to...

Part I Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 English in comparison with other languages Chapter 3 The overpowering force of a feudal language Heed these words Chapter 4 The International Effect-a preparatory reflection The seeming coincidences Chapter 5 The Nations France Germany Italy Japan China Russia Asian capitalistic countries Hong Kong The South American continent The Middle East United States of America Holland The Jews South Africa Great Britain Part II Chapter 1 Introducing India Chapter 2 The indicant words Indicants Chapter 3 The general social affects Children Mr., Mrs.& Miss. Effects on the young Stunting of Physical Features Chapter 4 The officialdom The officialdom Ashoka Chapter 5 The Police Police Behaviour and Techniques of Investigation Lorry drivers Chapter 6 Efficiency Chapter 7 Women Husband-Wife Relationship Social mobility of Women Consi...

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Prospects for Research Studies in Language Codes

By: VED from Victoria Institutions

There is a huge expanse of information waiting to be explored in the field of language studies. I would say that what waits deciphering would beat even modern science, in its possibilities. A new non-physical reality A new sphere of ‘reality’ has opened up for exploring. This is the world of Software. Even though no one seems to mention this exactly, the truth is that it is a domain from where physical sciences can be seen as bare elementary knowledge. Scope of language research I am going to list out the various kinds of research fields possible for those who are connected to language studies. The list I am going to mention is way beyond that the usual whereabouts of linguistic research. Even though grammar, word construction, pronunciation are all of specific importance in this new arena, there will be definite difference in what they do serve over here, from what they are supposed to do at the ordinary text levels. ...

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