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Native American Archeology (X)

Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 
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The Soul Bearer

By: Jonathan Cross

... angry at himself for letting it happen. His primary duties were to head up the Archeology Department at Gonzaga Uni­ versity. He was also required t... ... Uni­ versity. He was also required to maintain a rigorous teaching schedule in American Indian Culture and Artifacts. In addition, he had contracte... ...e smartest. He of­ ten felt dumb in her presence when she started talking about Native American history. But right now all he could feel was how muc... ...est. He of­ ten felt dumb in her presence when she started talking about Native American history. But right now all he could feel was how much he mi... ...m of a necklace draped smoothly just above her breast. A row of square, silver American Indian amulets diagonally circled her waist from the top of... ... flipped shut a notebook. "I guess 1 expected a stodgy old looking professor of archeology," she shrugged and smiled apologetically. "What does tha... ...g to Dr. River Song, 1 just assumed you were some kind of ancient professor of archeology. You know what 1 mean," she said, feeling herself somewha... ...d," Richard shifted in his seat, "but 1 am truly curious as to your interest in Native Americans." The Soul Bearer 37 "Let's just say it's a hobby... ...your time. But this is too important to entrust to someone who is interested in Native Americans only as a hob­ by." "I'm sorry if I offended you." ...

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The Path of Splitness

By: Indrek Pringi

...d the perimeters of these male territories, and come running in to see if the native pride is weak enough to be chased or killed off. The entire lif... ...ew lions? When there were millions of grazing animals? Why didn’t the North American natives colonize the land where millions of bison lived? It ... ... When there were millions of grazing animals? Why didn’t the North American natives colonize the land where millions of bison lived? It was a ver... ...hapter Three: Summary of Hominid-Human development 205 The earliest North American cultures invented bone-tools and flint tools by themselves. B... ...plitting with crude stones as the first form of stone technology. After North American humans began splitting Mammoth-bones: did they start evolving... corporation… even if you live in Tahiti and the plant you are raising is a native-grown plant on that island. Even if that plant has existed ther... ...entists spend their entire lives on. This is precisely what nearly all field Archeology, all field Paleontology all field Geology, all field Meteoro... ...ween Modern Humans and Neanderthals. Apply the principles of Realpolitik to Archeology. And you will have Real Archeology: based upon practical ...

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Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 

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