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The Williams Record

By: Student Media

...very respect. Tblkphonh 45-3 LELAND POWERS Spring Strrht Williamstown Last Entertainment of Thompson Course Held Thursday Leinnd I'owers agniii pnivtu... ...y successful. The clubs were given a dinner at the Rensselaer prior to the entertainment. Tlie program follows: PART I. 1 (a) ' 'Royal Purple" Bartlet... ...fternoon. Assistant Professor Lewis gave a reading at the Methodist church entertainment Tnesday evening. Marcus Dimmitt Richards of Chicago, III., ha... ...nd finale by the "entire circle." Pierce '07 opened the second part of the entertainment by in- spiring much laughter with his description of Daniel W... ...o, early , aftgmoui< Bud'^irtH bo IIWlBllft^y a m^ra it>f iM* trfab- orate entertainment given in honor of the Williams team. Tbe eastern visitors wil... ...ocean liner. Sons of a long line of sailors, men who liave failed in other occupations, or the riff-raff of sea-coast cities, who never have applied t... ...million children, according to the census ot 1900, were engaged in gainful occupations, and subsequent in- vestigation has shown that these figures WB... ...male part. It is a harder role than may at first ap- pear. But in the dual occupations of schoolmistress and actress. Big- gins shows much ability. He...

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