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British Record Labels (X) Florentin Smarandache (X) Authors Community (X)

Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 
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A Unifying Field in Logics : Neutrosophic Logic. Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability

By: Florentin Smarandache

...N 1-879585-76-6 American Research Press Rehoboth 1999, 2000, 2003 FLORENTIN SMARANDACHE A UNIFYING FIELD IN LOGICS: NEUTROSOPHIC LOGIC. NEU... ...-76-6 American Research Press Rehoboth 1999, 2000, 2003 FLORENTIN SMARANDACHE A UNIFYING FIELD IN LOGICS: NEUTROSOPHIC LOGIC. NEUTROSOPHY, ... ...script from the mathematician, experimental writer and innovative painter Florentin Smarandache, especially because the treated subject was of philo... ...m the mathematician, experimental writer and innovative painter Florentin Smarandache, especially because the treated subject was of philosophy - re... ...the sport competition an aphorism says that it's easier to conquer a world record than to keep it.) A cause of all empires' decline (none of th... ...ndividuals. Everybody's judged upon his place in the society. People have labels stuck on their forehead. Great ideas of poor persons, or from poor... ...d Bivalent Logic for taking only two values {0, 1}, or Boolean Logic from British mathematician George Boole (1815-64), was named by the philosopher...

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Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Periyar's Views on Untouchability

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

...a Kandasamy e-mail: web: Florentin Smarandache e-mail: K. Kandasamy e-... ...y e-mail: web: Florentin Smarandache e-mail: K. Kandasamy e-mail: dr.... ...Karnataka, India Copyright 2005 by Hexis, W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Florentin Smarandache and K. Kandasamy Cover Design and Lay... ...India Copyright 2005 by Hexis, W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Florentin Smarandache and K. Kandasamy Cover Design and Layout by Kama... ...knowledge." Our expert also quoted Periyar who had said that even during the British and Congress rule, the Dalit and Sudra children were denied en... ...mally entered public life by becoming the Chairman of Erode Municipality. The British Government made him an honorary magistrate and he held 29 hon... ...tion? [Viduthalai, 12-9-1946] Naming/ Terming I was shocked to see in the records that they mentioned the social status as Christian, Brahmin, a... ...n never to mention subcastes in voters lists, religious institutions, school records, court records but only write as ‘Hindu’, ‘Muslim’, ‘Sikhs’ or... ...e children of four castes? Why do you shamelessly try to boss over us? What labels you Sudras? Only Hindu religion has made you into Sudras. Only ...

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Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 

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