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Bala Krishna (X)

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Neutrosophic Dialogues

By: Florentin Smarandache

... constant exchange with the universe. Problems occur when humans lose the balance in the exchange, when selfishness surpasses their natural harmony.... emphasis on the harmony of humans with the universe, to maintain inner balance and peace. This kind of peace is worth far more than money and powe... ...e k is a constant depending on <A>, and <Neut-A> is a supporting point for balancing the two extremes. If the supporting point is the neutralitie... ...yin-yang [ordinary minds swinging up and down without stability {sam ādhi-bala}], disequilibrium is absolute. It is absolutely different for those w... ...a," found in the "Mah ābh ārata," one of the ancient Sanskrit epics, Lord Krishna lays the complete knowledge of life to his pupil Arjuna: He who in... ...mena are no more than representations of our inner struggle. They are the balance or tradeoff of our two inner propensities, one leading to the inte...

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He Sat, In Defiance of Municipal Orders

By: Rudyard Kipling

...–the fakir with the tortoise?’ ‘Ay, but that man had right and reason, for Krishna Him self appeared in a vision promising him Paradise without the b... ing evening with the old man, who brought out his cavalry sabre and, balancing it on his dry knees, told tales of the Mutiny and young captains ... ... lowed no one near the car. A merry and a high spirited dame, thought Kim, balancing the dung cake in one hand, the cooked food in the other, and pilo... ...There is one ruby of Burma, of two ruttees, without a flaw, and there is a balas ruby, flawed, of two ruttees. There is a carved ivory from China repr... ...ices from the ceiling answered her. Hurree Babu returned to his note book, balanced on the window sill, but his hand shook. Huneefa, in some sort of d...’ ‘ Ask the priests. Do not pester me. Lay the food bag at the foot, it balances better so.’ ‘Oh, Holy One, thy Hills are kinder than our Plains!’ ...

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