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Sfetcu, Nicolae (X) English (X) Literature (X) Non Fiction (X)

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By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Compiler

A short guide about what is and how to play bingo, the game in United Kingdom, and its major variations. Since its invention in 1934, modern bingo has evolved into multiple variations, with each jurisdiction’s gambling laws regulating how the game is played. There are also nearly unlimited patterns that may be specified for play. Some patterns only require one number to be matched, up to cover-all games which award the jackpot for covering an entire card and certain games award prizes to players for matching no numbers or achieving no pattern. Bingo is often used as an instructional tool in American primary schools and in teaching English as a foreign language in many countries. It became increasingly more popular across the UK with more purpose-built bingo halls. Keno is an important variation of bingo game, often played at modern casinos, and also offered as a game in some state lotteries. Scratchcard is another major variation. The scratchcard is a small token, usually made of cardboard, where one or more areas contain concealed information: they are covered by a substance (usually latex) that cannot be seen through, ...

A short guide about what is and how to play bingo, the game in United Kingdom, and its major variations. Since its invention in 1934, modern bingo has evolved into multiple variations, with each jurisdiction’s gambling laws regulating how the game is played. There are also nearly unlimited patterns that may be specified for play. Some patterns only require one number to be matched, up to cover-all games which award the jackpot for covering an entire card and certain games award prizes to players for matching no numbers or achieving no pattern....

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The Business of Domain Names

By: Nicolae Sfetcu

Business of buying, selling, developing and monetizing Internet domain names. On the Internet, the Domain Name System (DNS) associates various sorts of information with so-called domain names; most importantly, it serves as the “phone book” for the Internet: it translates human-readable computer hostnames. Domaining is the business of buying, selling, developing and monetizing Internet domain names. Such domain name portfolios often include cleverly chosen and highly marketable generic domain names, or domains whose registrations had lapsed yet still retain reasonable traffic. There is sometimes no actual intent to use any of the domain names with the exception of generating advertising revenue through domain parking. ...

Business of buying, selling, developing and monetizing Internet domain names.

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The Bible : Old Testament and New Testament

By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Compiler; Nicolae Sfetcu, Editor

At the first God made the heaven and the earth. And the earth was waste and without form; and it was dark on the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God was moving on the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God, looking on the light, saw that it was good: and God made a division between the light and the dark, Naming the light, Day, and the dark, Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day....

At the first God made the heaven and the earth.

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By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Editor; Nicolae Sfetcu, Performer

Acest document a fost lansat iniţial ca un efort pentru a ajuta echipele Google, însă este la fel de util şi pentru webmasterii începători în domeniul optimizării pentru motoarele de căutare, şi care doresc să îmbunătăţească interacţiunea site-ului atât cu utilizatorii, cât şi cu motoarele de căutare. Deşi acest ghid nu vă va dezvălui niciun secret prin care site-ul dvs. să se claseze în mod automat primul pentru interogările de pe Google, respectarea celor mai bune practici prezentate mai jos va simplifica atât accesarea cu crawlere, cât şi indexarea conţinutului dvs. de motoarele de căutare....

Ghidul de iniţiere Google privind optimizarea pentru motoarele de căutare, Versiunea 1.1, 13 noiembrie 2008

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