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Prager, Jeffrey, J. (X)

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Iran For Dummies : Iran, Before The Bullets, Missiles And Body Parts Start Flying: Iran, Before The Bullets, Missiles And Body Parts Start Flying

By: Jeffrey J. Prager; Jeffrey J. Prager, Illustrator

An insiders view of life in Iran, including Jews, Muslims and Christians who all live together in relative harmony.

Iran’s men are having trouble dealing with the brave new world that’s imposing itself on their bedrooms: an unnoticed tide of sexual change that could prove far more important in shaping the country’s cultural and political values than the 2009 democratic elections. “It is still widely accepted,” Negar Farshidi writes, “that a groom can make his marriage conditional on the bride remaining a virgin, and cancel it if it turns out she isn’t. Traditionally, a blood-stained sheet was produced after the wedding night as evidence of an intact hymen, but nowadays many men and their families ask for a ‘virginity certificate’ in advance.” Similar practices are common throughout the entire world. The majority of newlyweds still want their brides to be virgins in most countries. But an official Iranian study, Farshidi records, has determined that more than half of all young people in Iran have had premarital sex – which means those certificates probably aren’t worth a whole lot. Iran’s powerful clerical establishment embraced the technological products of modernity, like computers and the internet, while railing against its cultural ma...

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Cannabis : The Peer Review • 1964-2016: The Peer Review • 1964-2016

By: Jeffrey J. Prager; Jeffrey J. Prager

Health benefits, cancer fighting qualities and many other medicinal advantages can be attributed to the Cannabis Plant. Likewise, diseases and disorders are also related to smoking, vaping and ingesting components of the Cannabis Plant. Cannabis users should be aware and well informed regarding both the positive effects and the negative consequences of regular Cannabis use and this eBook accomplishes that goal by employing over 650 current peer reviewed reports and studies—and their findings— with active hyper links to each report....

Increasing prevalence of recreational cannabis use among the young population has stimulated debate on the possible effects of acute and longterm use. Cannabinoids derived from herbal cannabis interact with endogenous cannabinoid systems in the body. Actions on specific brain receptors cause dose-related impairments of psychomotor performance with implications for car and train driving, airplane piloting and academic performance. Other constituents of cannabis smoke carry respiratory and cardiovascular health risks similar to those of tobacco smoke. Cannabis is not, as widely perceived, a harmless drug but poses risks to the individual and to society. Herbal cannabis contains over 400 compounds including over 100 cannabinoids, which are aryl-substituted meroterpenes unique to the plant genus Cannabis. The pharmacology of most of the cannabinoids is largely unknown but the most potent psychoactive agent, (Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol Δ9-THC, or THC), has been isolated, synthesised and much studied. Other plant cannabinoids include Δ8-THC, cannabinol and cannabidiol. These and other cannabinoids have additive, synergistic or antagonisti...

Chapter One • 2016 Peer Review • 142 Reports • Page 12 Chapter Two • 2015 Peer Review • 109 Reports • Page 162 Chapter Three • 2014 Peer Review • 67 Reports • Page 277 Chapter Four • 2013 Peer Review • 31 Reports • Page 358 Chapter Five • 2012 Peer Review • 31 Reports • Page 393 Chapter Six • 1964 to 2011 • 281 Reports • Page 428 End Notes * Page 754 ...

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Water, Water : Fluoridated Water: The Peer Review: Fluoridated Water: The Peer Review

By: Jeffrey J. Prager; Jeffrey J. Prager, Compiler

Fluoridated water only prevents tooth decay in adolescents. Continued use of fluoridated water results in dental fluorosis or decay. Fluoridated water also lowers IQ and causes a myriad of diseases and disorders. Learn the facts and understand how to mitigate exposure....

There’s no way to measure your total daily fluoride intake. If, for example, you cook a meal of pasta with meatballs, include a fresh salad with a glass of juice, wine or soda and then have a piece of fruit afterwards, how much fluoride did you take in exactly? Then add the fluoride you consume brushing your teeth twice a day—and fluoride is far more dangerous to the developing brains of small children as you’ll soon see—and you have no way of knowing how much fluoride you’ve consumed. Fluoride is bio-accumulative. If we could simply urinate or defecate consumed fluoride out of our bodies every day we could all be eating fluoride candy bars without ill effects. That’s simply not the case. Your body collects and stores fluoride molecules in a variety of organs including the brain. Several peer reviewed reports included in this eBook indicate that children between 2 and 4 years old consume somewhere between 57% and 104% of the daily maximum allowable fluoride intake as recommended by the Institute of Medicines 1997 report titled “Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride,” by simply brush...

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Injected : A Pre-Vaccination Primer for Parents with Infants and Small Children

By: Jeffrey J. Prager

"Injected" uses 50 peer reviewed reports and studies to examine the probability of genetic mutation and the subsequent epigenetic consequences of vaccination in the human body....

Vaccines and Production of Negative Genetic Changes in Humans 1996-1998 Leading Edge Research Group Vaccination and Genetic Change: Mobility of Genetic Material Between Life Forms: One of the indications that vaccinations may in fact be changing the genetic structure of humans became evident in September of 1971, when scientists at the University of Geneva made the discovery that biological substances entering directly into the bloodstream could become part of the human genetic structure. Originally, Japanese bacteriologists discovered that bacteria of one species transferred their own specific antibiotic resistance to bacteria of an entirely different species. Dr. Maurice Stroun and Dr. Philip Anker in the Department of Plant Physiology at the University of Geneva, began to accumulate evidence that the transfer of genetic information is not confined to bacteria, but can also occur between bacteria and higher plants and animals. According to an article in World Medicine on September 22, 1971, “Geneva scientists are convinced that normal animal and plant cells shed DNA, and that this DNA is taken up by other cells in the or...

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Opinions of the US Constitution in 1787

By: Jeffrey J. Prager

We investigate the circumstances surrounding the establishment of the current US Constitution versus the Articles of Confederation and examine the opinions of both the public and the new American aristocracy revealing the public perception of the new US Constitution. ...

The founding generation certainly understood that the colonists of an empire could and would be treated as tax slaves or cannon fodder. This was the history of the Old World, and they had fought a revolution to escape such a fate. But the “nationalists,” led by men like Hamilton and centered in New York and New England, also understood that life could be quite grand for those who managed and ruled over an empire. That’s why his party—the Federalists—fought so hard and long for a much more powerful, consolidated, monopolistic government and for mercantilist economic policies. It should be made clear early on that the Federalists won many of the essential debates and the expanding American Empire is a direct result of the Federalists contributions to the US Constitution. As an example, it’s said that the framers believed in a living constitution, because they made explicit provisions for amending the Constitution of 1787. Yet most countries don’t straitjacket their operations with a single rigid document that can never be changed except through an onerous, time-consuming and ill-conceived amendment process that’s almost never succe...

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ASIA : Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants

By: Jeffrey J. Prager

Over 100 peer reviewed reports describing a medical disorder recognized in the 1980s and finally named in 2013. ASIA, according to the US American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association there are over 100 autoimmune disorders affecting as many as 50 million Americans. One of the functions of the immune system is to protect the body by responding to invading microorganisms, such as viruses or bacteria, by producing antibodies or sensitized lymphocytes (types of white blood cells). Under normal conditions, an immune response cannot be triggered against the cells of one's own body. In some cases, however, immune cells make a mistake and attack the very cells that they are meant to protect. This can lead to a variety of autoimmune diseases. They encompass a broad category of related diseases in which the person's immune system attacks his or her own tissue. Vaccination is one cause of ASIA, the primary cause....

There is a silent epidemic of enormous proportions composed of Autoimmune Diseases—nearly 100 different illnesses—that have already affected millions of Americans. Autoimmune Disease is now a major American health problem. The National Institutes of Health estimate that there are 23.5 million Americans suffering from Autoimmune Disease and the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association estimates that there are 50 million Americans suffering from one Autoimmune Disease or another. The NIH includes data from 24 diseases for which good epidemiology studies are available and AARDA uses a wider estimate. Researchers have actually identified 80-100 different Autoimmune Diseases and suspect that another 40 illnesses have an autoimmune basis. These diseases are generally chronic and often deadly. Autoimmune Disease is now one of the top ten leading causes of death in female children and women in all age groups up to 64 years of age and commonly used immunosuppressant treatments frequently lead to devastating long term side effects. An autoimmune disease diagnosis can be life-threatening. There are critical factors creating ob...


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Vaccine Peer Review : 1915-2015, The History of the Global Vaccination Program in 1000 Peer Reviewed Reports and Studies 1915-2015

By: Jeffrey J. Prager

The history of the global vaccination program in 1000+ peer reviewed reports and studies chronologically ordered and chaptered providing the reader with an understanding of disease outbreak, vaccine efficacy, the historic development of vaccines, unwanted contaminants, vaccine production methodology and more....

INTRODUCTION (Excerpt) Over the past 35 years, patients have suffered from a largely hidden epidemic of side effects from drugs that usually have few offsetting benefits. The pharmaceutical industry has corrupted the practice of medicine through its influence over what drugs are developed, how they are tested, and how medical knowledge is created. Since 1906, heavy commercial influence has compromised Congressional legislation to protect the public from unsafe drugs. The authorization of user fees in 1992 has turned drug companies into the FDA’s prime clients, deepening the regulatory and cultural capture of the agency. Industry has demanded shorter average review times and, with less time to thoroughly review evidence, increased hospitalizations and deaths have resulted. Meeting the needs of the drug companies has taken priority over meeting the needs of patients. Unless this corruption of regulatory intent is reversed, the situation will continue to deteriorate. We offer practical suggestions including: separating the funding of clinical trials from their conduct, analysis, and publication: independent FDA leadership; full publi...

Table of Contents 1. Manufacturing Biologics Thimerosal • Mercury 2. Alum • Aluminum Salts 3. The HPV Vaccine 4. Vaccination History 1915 - 2015 5. Short Essays On Vaccination ...

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Daddy, There's A Monster In My Room : The Health Damage Associated With The Body Burden Of POPs And PBDEs In Pregnant Women, Newborns And Adults In 200 Peer Reviewed Reports & Studies

By: Jeffrey J Prager

House dust was once 99% skin cells. Today a significant percentage of house dust—dust found in the home, classrooms, daycare, employment, retail and other locations frequented by human beings—contains laboratory manufactured chemicals that never existed in nature before and we're all affected by these chemicals, everyday. Today it rains endocrine disrupting bisphenol A and the chemical is also in our dust, along with hundreds and in fact 1000s of additional chemicals. Children, being closer to the ground, ingest 12 times the amount of these chemicals that adults ingest by virtue of that closeness to ground alone. Learn about the primary chemicals, where they originate, their effects on the human body and how to mitigate exposure....

Mixtures of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are present in indoor environments. Studies of the developmental effects of exposure to these chemicals in large prospective mother-child cohorts are required, with data on prenatal exposure and long-term follow-up of the children. We aimed to investigate the relationship between prenatal and childhood exposure to PBDEs and neurodevelopment at the age of six years. We determined the levels of PBDEs and other neurotoxicants in cord blood and dust collected from the homes of children for 246 families included in the PELAGIE mother-child cohort in France. Our findings are in agreement with those of four previous studies suggesting adverse cognitive outcomes among children associated with early-life exposure to penta-BDE mixtures, and provide new evidence for the potential neurotoxicity of BDE209. Several countries are in the process of banning the use of PBDE mixtures as flame-retardants. However, these compounds are likely to remain present in the environment for a long time to come....


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Food Drugs : Additives, Preservatives, Colors, Sweeteners & PPCP's In Our Food & Water

By: Jeffrey J. Prager

1,764 pages, 43 chapters with endnotes, provides the reader with an education in food safety and the 1000s of healthy choices available to all of us if, and only if we know the hazards of certain additives and how to avoid them....

INTRODUCTION Humanity, you and I, were never intended to eat petroleum based chemicals. The peer review confirms that petroleum based chemicals—additives, colors, sweeteners, preservatives and excipients‚—have been surreptitiously and almost covertly or silently introduced into the global food supply in steadily increasing quantities since the 1940s. Pesticide and herbicide use has grown alongside this increase and now a typical apple contains as many as 15 detectable chemicals. The tap water is contaminated with many 100s of disinfection breakdown products (DBPs), many still as yet undiscovered, combined with dozens of pharmaceuticals and personal care products(PPCP's) not all of which are filterable. Ibuprofen is almost impossible to filter effectively so we’re all getting a dose with each sip of tap water and/or bottled water, however small it may be. The environment itself, as the peer review will confirm, is contaminated with billions of tons of chemical run off, so much so that it now rains measurable quantities of cancer causing artificial sweeteners—yes, rain water contains sucrose, aspartame and other sweeteners. Endocrine...

Trans Fats & Hydrogenated Oils The Mediterranean Diet vs The American Diet Bisphenol A • BPA, BPB, BPF, BPAF, BPS and TBBPA, etc. TBHQ • tert-Butylhydroquinone • tertiary butylhydroquinone Polysorbates • Excipients, Surfactants & Emulsifiers Artificial Sweeteners & Sugar Acrylamide Potassium Bromate • KBr03 Artificial Colors Monsanto’s Glyphosate Herbicide & RoundUp Parabens Propyl Gallate Providone or Betadine Coconut Oil Olive Oil BHA & BHT Synergy Nitrates & Nitrites Theobromine Diacetyl Natural Flavors Phosphates Sulfites Sodium Benzoate Coffee & Cocoa Fictive Kin Azodicarbonamide & Semicarbazide Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola & Carbonated Drinks Plants, Phytochemicals and Phenols World Congress On Public Health and Nutrition 2016 Tap Water Additives & Contaminants Alcoholic Beverages Air Xylitol Pharmaceuticals & Personal Care Products • PPCPs Energy Drinks Related Reports Topicals • Sunscreen, UV Filters & Insect Repellent Vitamins, Nutrients & Micronutrients Brazzein-Cweet Carmine Lactose Thaumatin...

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Weaponized Zionism : The Palestinian Genocide, A History Of Zionist Terrorism

By: Jeffrey J Prager

Abstract: 210 New York Times archived newspaper articles published between 1868 and 1948 and reproduced here that use the terms "Jewish terrorism" and "Zionist terrorism." There are 1000s of articles so the most critically important pieces are include here. This is an unbiased and honest account of the worlds first terrorists. When Menachim Begin was asked if he was the most famous terrorist in the Middle East he replied, "No, in the entire world." This is a sourced and referenced quote from the eBook. If you think you know what happened between 1945 and 1948 in Palestine, you're very likely wrong....

STONETHROWING INPALESTINE As you can tell from the article above, in Palestine in the early 1900s Zionist Jews employed throwing stones, for the same reasons that the Palestinians throw stones and rocks today. It’s all they have. The Zionists were, most of them, unarmed and the Palestinians today, the vast majority of them, are also unarmed. However Israel has one of the largest, most well equipped military’s in the world and they’re a nuclear armed state and a wealthy country whereas over 80% of Palestinians live under the global poverty level because Israel enforces a slurry of laws that make employment impossible. It’s not just that Palestinians can’t access PayPal, they can’t access anything. Even leaving the country for a life-saving surgical procedure not available in Palestine, or to attend an Ivy League college on a full scholarship, or just to leave the country to go anywhere, anywhere else, is most often impossible for the people of Gaza and Palestine....


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The Suicide Pill : Mefloquine and Lariam, History and Peer Review

By: Jeffrey J Prager

Dr. Donald H. Marks is a former associate director of clinical research at Roche. Marks left the company in 1991 to take a directorship position with another company and this is what he has to say regarding Lariam and his former employer, Roche: “Roche has developed an attitude of not adjusting the information it supplies to physicians and patients about the performance and safety characteristics of their drugs.” Marks went on to say that there is “ample reason” to believe Lariam causes suicide. Marks said Lariam can cause “spontaneous neurological activity” and “irritation of certain sensitive areas inside the brain” that could lead to suicidal behavior long after someone stops taking it. Dr. Remington Nevin is an epidemiologist and former US Army major. Regarding research on Lariam, Dr. Nevin states, “These figures are consistent with Lariam causing symptoms of mental illness including anxiety and depression, and are also consistent with the known association of these conditions with a strongly increased risk of suicide. As a result of its toxic effects, the drug is quickly becoming the “Agent Orange” of this generation, linked to...

"I still remember the first time I smelled brain. It was my grandfather, cracking open the skulls of squirrels he’d killed. They’d scamper down the sides of pecans and live oaks among the Louisiana timbers where I grew up, enter his sights—then, oblivion. I was very small then, so it never seemed odd when those brains found their way into the scrambled eggs my grandmother would cook up for Papaw. When I was there I’d have some too. The gray matter of tree rats adds a certain sweetness generally absent from an otherwise bland backwoods diet. When I was older, and working in the morgue, the scent would hang in my nostrils for days. Maybe it was the acrid combination of blood and cerebral spinal fluid. The smell of souls. I vividly remember the last time I smelled brain. It was July 2004, and I was peering up at the underside of a Camry. I lay on my back considering the strata of accumulated road filth, spots of tar, and oil coating the wheel wells, tires, and front axle. Wedged among the dark-speckled tapestry were brilliant arrays of pink and gray. They had accumulated in little globs that organically glistened among the machinery. S...


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Laurel Canyon : The 1960s Counter Culture: The 1960s Counter Culture

By: David McGowan; Jeffrey J. Prager, Co-Author

Connecting the 1960s Counter Culture movement to the US Intelligence Community and proving that the US Intelligence Community started the 1960s Counter Culture movement to control and then destroy it. ...

meanwhile ... our story begins ... Elsewhere in the world in those early months of 1965, a new ‘scene’ is just beginning to take shape in the city of Los Angeles. In a geographically and socially isolated community known as Laurel Canyon – a heavily wooded, rustic, serene, yet vaguely ominous slice of LA nestled in the hills that separate the Los Angeles basin from the San Fernando Valley – musicians, singers and songwriters suddenly begin to gather as though summoned there by some unseen Pied Piper. Within months, the ‘hippie/flower child’ movement will be given birth there, along with the new style of music that will provide the soundtrack for the tumultuous second half of the 1960s. An uncanny number of rock music superstars will emerge from Laurel Canyon beginning in the mid-1960s and carrying through the decade of the 1970s. The first to drop an album will be The Byrds, whose biggest star will prove to be David Crosby. The band’s debut effort, “Mr. Tambourine Man,” will be released on the Summer Solstice of 1965. It will quickly be followed by releases from the John Phillips-led Mamas and the Papas (“If You Can Believe Y...

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