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The Reverse Perspective : Fifteen Years of EcoDesign at Philips Consumer Electronics (1993-2008)

By: Ab Stevels

This book describes what happened in the field of EcoDesign at the Consumer Electronics Division (PCE) of Philips Electronics in the years 1993-2008. Fifty stories illustrate the five overlapping stages of its development: Get the facts, stimulate creative thinking, implement and validate, integrate into design and production, and communicate results effectively. EcoDesign has been introduced to PCE through a bottom-up approach with an emphasis on common sense. This ensured a wide acceptance and a strong participation. As a result, EcoDesign turned out to have a significance which went far beyond just environmental improvements. Apart from direct cost reductions, it turned to be an effective concept to critically review decisions taken in the past. In its mature form it has grown into a powerful general management tool. ...

The electronics industry has been dealing with EcoDesign as of the early nineties of last century. There has been a variety of drivers to do so, varying from ethics to complying with (new) environmental legislation. After 25 years a new generation of EcoDesigners has entered the field. This generation operates from the wider sustainability perspective, that is taking apart from environmental also social and economic considerations into account. It is supported by a knowledge base which can be accessed through internet and through smart phones. This is quite a difference compared with the period when EcoDesign started. The scene has therefore changed but many issues to be addressed by EcoDesign have not. The key issues are still energy, materials, packaging and transport, chemical content and recyclability. Making EcoDesign successful in the business is facing similar hurdles as twenty years ago....

1. In what kind of company was EcoDesign being introduced in 1993? 2. EcoDesign inside companies in the Electronics sector. 3. What is EcoDesign? 4. EcoDesign at Philips Consumer Electronics: a special case. 5. The 50 Stories about the development of EcoDesign at Philips Consumer Electronics. 6. Stage 1. Get facts, why are things as they are? 7. Stage 2. Fostering Creativity. 8. Stage 3. Implementation and Validation. 9. Stage 4. Structure. 10. Stage 5. Communication and Green Marketing. 11. Teaching Applied EcoDesign. 12. Looking back and looking forward. ...

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VEILED routes to resources in Computers & on the Internet, unVEILED!

By: VED from Victoria Institutions

Computers, Internet, DVD, BlueRay, Bluetooth, MS Office, Adobe Reader, Video Editing, Language settings, Internet Browser, e-mail, Google Apps, eCommerce, Affiliate Marketing, AdWord, AdSense, Digital Hiding, Blogging, Keyboard, Typing, Torrent, Search Engine, Web hosting, eMail Marketing, Social Networking, Digital books, Copyright laws, Online fraud, Online earning, Online resources, Hidden Internet, Block Pornography...

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IDentifEYE Workshop - The Instructirs Manual : Learn how to use Augmented Reality in the classroom

By: Mrs. Onno Hansen; Beata Stanszyska

A complete guide with instructions, templates and theory modules so as to help the teacher acquire ICT and interpersonal skills. The workshop aims to help teachers combat issues related with online identities....

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IDentifEYE Workshop - Instructor's Manual

By: Onno Hansen

INSTRUCTOR INTRODUCTION Introduction Welcome instructor! Thank you for being interested in the IDentifEYE project. The overall aim of the IDentifEYE project is to enhance student online safety by empowering student online resilience. But, you will not instruct students. You will instruct teachers. The reason for this is scalability. In order to reach students in a scalable, structured way there are only two gateways: parents and teachers. Because teachers are organized and have a far larger reach than parents they are the ones you will deal with. ...

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Project Home 2011 Scientific Research : Documentary 1979-2011

By: Paul Stevenson, Editor

Project Home 2011 scientific research- descriptions of innovations developed and the successful achievement made on January 1, 2011

Project Home 2011 accomplished January 1, 2011

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Marketing ecologic în Uniunea Europeană

By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Editor

Într-o economie globalizată, nivelurile medii de consum sunt în creştere ca urmare: a populaţiei mondiale în creştere; sporirii numărului de consumatori cu venituri medii şi mici şi extinderii unei culturi generale a consumului; sistemelor economice din societăţile industrializate bazate pe consum şi producţie. Modelele actuale de consum nu sunt durabile, iar îmbunătăţirile aduse eficienţei energetice şi apariţia de noi tehnologii nu reuşesc întotdeauna să le contrabalanseze (aşa-numitul „efect de recul" (Nivelul de economisire a resurselor creat de creşterea eficienţei, de exemplu prin noi tehnologii, restituit consumatorilor ca urmare a unui grad crescut de utilizare a serviciilor şi a unui consum crescut)), având drept rezultat o creştere a deteriorării mediului. Prin urmare, consumatorii trebuie orientaţi către produse şi servicii mai ecologice. Sunt necesare modificări în modul nostru de viaţă. În cazul consumatorilor, aceasta presupune modificarea modurilor în care aceştia aleg, utilizează şi elimină produsele şi serviciile. În acest context, comercianţii cu amănuntul, producătorii şi alţi actori trebuie să ajute societatea ...

Modelele actuale de consum nu sunt durabile, iar îmbunătăţirile aduse eficienţei energetice şi apariţia de noi tehnologii nu reuşesc întotdeauna să le contrabalanseze (aşa-numitul „efect de recul"...

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Telelucru (Telework)

By: Nicolae Sfetcu

Telelucrul, ca un nou mod de a lucra prin efectuarea unei activităţi (forme de muncă) flexibile în timp şi la distanţă, utilizând tehnologia informaţională şi comunicaţiile avansate, se concretizează în teleactivităţi şi teleservicii. În ultimii ani, s-au dezvoltat rapid noi tehnologii informaţionale şi de comunicare, astfel încât în centrul dezbaterilor ştiinţifice, politice şi economice din ultima perioadă a stat apariţia şi dezvoltarea Societăţii Informaţionale, generatoare de noi oportunităţi de muncă dar şi de schimbări esenţiale în ceea ce priveşte natura muncii şi modul de lucru, schimbări comparabile cu cele petrecute în revoluţia industrială. În acest context, telelucrul a devenit domeniu strategic din punct de vedere teoretic şi practic, deoarece reprezintă o soluţie cu potenţial practic important; se poate dezvolta repede; poate influenţa în bine viaţa multor europeni; este un excelent promotor al noilor procese şi tehnologii avansate; este o componentă a noii revoluţii ştiinţifice şi tehnologice, orientată spre societatea bazată pe informaţie şi cunoaştere. În alte formate (EPUB, Kindle): https://www.setthings.c...

Telelucrul, ca un nou mod de a lucra prin efectuarea unei activităţi (forme de muncă) flexibile în timp şi la distanţă, utilizând tehnologia informaţională şi comunicaţiile avansate, se concretizează în teleactivităţi şi teleservicii....

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Outsourcing Governance, People Analytics, Workforce Management, Bpo Management Services : Workforce Analytics Software, Personal Productivity Software

By: Sapience Pune

Sapience is leading bpo management system, resource management software, vendor governance, outsourcing management services, bpo outsourcing services, vendor management outsourcing, outsourcing vendor management, it services management, workforce management system, outsourcing governance, people analytics, workforce management, bpo management services Website – ...

Employee Time Management Software, Workforce Analytics Software, Personal Productivity Software

bpo outsourcing services, vendor management outsourcing, outsourcing vendor management

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What is CryptoCurrency & What are 12 Ways I Can Profit from It? : A Basic Guide to Unlock Your Door to the World of CryptoCurrency

By: Cindy and John Donohue

Have You ever entered into a World totally new to you & everyone was ahead of you? You finally found that right place, time, niche, company...however, everyone spoke in advanced terminology, assuming you would understand? We have been there, done that & are in the process of designing the t-shirt. We listen to our Mentor. A long time ago, he told us that we need to train new people in our business like they are entering the 1st grade. Brilliant! We must train people from the standpoint of where THEY are, Not where we are. How & why do people in leadership positions miss that? We start with the Basics, Doing it Correctly, with proper Direction, from Day 1. We move forward, Step by Step, Never missing a Step. ...

How can you Profit from **Two Technologies, which are poised to Disrupt the Largest Industry on the Planet? You may be thinking, "Wow, What a Game Changer!". In reality though, It is creating a New Game, with new rules and new players. This Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity is a game that Ordinary people, not just the Rich and Famous, can participate in... With the entire Banking system on the verge of a disruptive change, are you seeing the massive potential to profit within this $80 Trillion Dollar Industry? What are the **Two Technologies? 1. Smartphones 2. Peer-to-Peer Social Platforms Do you Understand the Power of this? Everywhere you go, you see people on their Smartphones. What are they doing? Engaging with other people on Social Platforms! At their fingertips, they can be engaging in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat & Periscope, ALL within a few seconds of each other. Let's be honest, we all do the same activities... It's Time to accept it and Learn how we can Profit from it. ...

Chapter 1: "CryptoWhat?" Chapter 2: Trends & Disruptions Chapter 3: "Where Can I Profit from This? Chapter 4: "What would You Look for in a Cryptocurrency company?" Chapter 5: Testimonials & No AutoShips Chapter 6: "What are the 12 Ways I Can Profit from Cryptocurrency?"...

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LiveApp - 12 Code Commandments

By: Anil Mehta

The 12 Code Commandments are the steps to follow when building a new software. Each commandment goes into detail of each fundamental aspect of the project and provides insight on what you should keep in mind....

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Introduction to SolidWorks : Second Edition

By: Mario H. Castro-Cedeno

In this book the author teaches how to use of SolidWorks as a tool for developing and presenting engineering ideas and concepts. In addition to teaching the basics of SolidWorks, he shares his experience related to how these tools are used in an engineering organization. Many introductory CAD tutorials focus only on the software and train students to be skilled CAD operators. This book also places equal emphasis on creating engineering drawings that comply with accepted design standards. Engineering drawings are the most important means of communication between the design and manufacturing functions. They are also necessary for the maintenance and repair of consumer and industrial product as varied as automobiles, airplanes, earth moving equipment and cruise ships. Lastly, engineering drawings are legal documents and commonly used to determine and apportion fault in product liability lawsuits. Every engineering and manufacturing professional must be proficient at creating, understanding and using engineering drawings. The second edition updates the book to the latest version of SolidWorks (2014)....

The reason for writing another “Introduction to SolidWorks” book is to emphasize the role and importance of computer aided design (CAD) and engineering drawings in communicating design ideas. The old adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” is true in mechanical engineering design. Sometimes it is impossible to describe a complex design in words and we must use engineering drawings. ...

The book is divided into the following five sections: 1. Introducing and Customizing SolidWorks 2. Modeling Simple Parts 3. Modeling Complex Parts 4. Modeling Assemblies 5. Creating Engineering Drawings...

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20 Must-have Apps für Android : Das Anwenderhandbuch

By: Holger Reibold

Ihr Android-Mobilgerät ist bereits mit einer umfangreichen App-Sammlung ausgestattet. Doch in vielen Lebenslagen genügt das nicht, und man wünscht sich zusätzliche Funktionen. In diesem FreeBook stelle ich Ihnen auf über 200 Seiten 20 spannende Apps vor, die Sie einmal gesehen haben sollten. Natürlich sind die Vorstellungen und Wünsche sehr unterschiedlich. Wenn Sie für sehr spezielle Anwendungsbereiche die passende App suchen, sollten Sie den Google Play durchsuchen. Dieses Buch soll Ihnen zum Nachschlagen und zur Anregung dienen, was Sie mit Ihrem Smartphone alles anstellen können. Das Buch darf unbegrenzt vervielfältigt und weitergegeben werden, solange es als Ganzes erhalten bleibt! Änderungen sind nicht zulässig! Autor: Holger Reibold Verlag: Umfang: 208 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-95444-036-8 Preis: kostenlos ...

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Reţele de Calculatoare

By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Compiler; Nicolae Sfetcu, Translator

Nivelul Aplicaţie, Interfaţa de Programare a Aplicaţiei (IPA), Servicii de Prezentare, Nivelul Transport, Nivelul Reţea, Nivelul Legatură de Date, Nivelul Fizic, Securitatea, Managementul Reţelelor, Garanţii în Sistemul Calităţii, Perspective Mai multe formate de carte electronică:

Reţele, protocoale şi servicii asigurate prin reţelele de calculatoare.

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Failure to Launch : From Big Data to Big Decisions; Why velocity, variety and volume is not improving decision making and how to fix it

By: Forte Wares

The key to making big data initiatives a success lies within making the produced data more digestible and usable in decision making, rather than making it just ‘more,’ resulting in the creation of an environment wherein information is used to generate real impact. Put another way, the survival of Big Data is more about making the right data(not just higher volume) available to the right people (not just higher variety) at the right time (not just higher velocity)....

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The Time Rippers : Book 1

By: Pete Bertino

Two 21st century men travel through time and alternate universes recovering UFO debris from the 1947 Roswell crash.

The air pulled out of his lungs, a moment of breathlessness and it is over. The lyrics to a Pink Floyd song fill his head. “home, home again” "Home.." AM Lincoln said as he steps through the wormhole, older but not aged, his gray-green eyes betray his youth. A sense of weightlessness fills his body every time he rips. The cube glows a florescent green. The journey although less than 5 seconds is 13 years across 1 universe. He looks at the familiar beige wall that stands before him. Water dripping into one of the many drains that kept the labyrinth from flooding and the hum of traffic above ground were the last things he heard when left and were still here to welcome him back. Quake, his cousin, would be waiting in the safe-room. The entry back to his present time left him feeling airy, almost light on his feet as it always did. The sensation you might feel after a long flight on a airplane, AM didn't feel queasy, not a bit, just a little off. Although not the first rip back in time, this rip had given him the years that would never show on him. He put the Q pad back in his backpack. Quake and AM purchased a half dozen 2...

Table of Contents Chapter 1:2002 Chapter 2:2010 Chapter 3:2011 Chapter 4:1829 Chapter 5:1993 Chapter 6:1992 Chapter 7:1993 Chapter 8:1992 Chapter 9:1993-2011 ...

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The Treasure I : Internet and WWW or the Society of King Salome

By: Junior Parfait Ngouoto Moukolo

The Treasure: Internet or the Society of the King Salome. Don’t you know that Internet and WWW are the fruit of the Quantum Revolution? At the beginning are great inventors like Thomas Alva......

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A Little Light in the Darkness : The Life and Times of John Buddle 1773-1843

By: David Joseph Kidd

John Buddle was a local hero in North East England. When he died in 1843 his funeral procession was more than a mile long and thousands of pitmen lined the route to show their respect. He was a self made man who led his men from the front through floods, fires and explosions to get the coal Britain's industry depended upon. This book based on his unpublished diaries tells the story of his life in his own words, the drama, the tragedy, the lives of rich and poor in a way that makes history come alive....

For those on the surface that bright late spring morning, the twenty five pitmen who had escaped, others from the resting shift, and relatives of those still trapped underground the scene at the surface was terrifying. Within twenty minutes the water was sixty feet deep in the engine pit, the pit where the men were, and by the afternoon it was a hundred and twenty feet up the shaft...Buddle started pumping immediately, but the pumps at full capacity made no impression on the water which seemed to be coming from a vast underground reservoir and flowing like a subterranean river in spate. The only hope for the trapped men was to find another way into the workings. There were plenty of possibilities, but everyone knew it was a desperate gamble; old pits were death traps, a maze of half collapsed shafts and tunnels filled with gas, only madmen would want to go down them, but there was no shortage of volunteers and Buddle himself led the way....

Introduction A Day to Remember A Century of Inventions Newcastle’s Call The Steam Elephant The Battle against Creep The Deluge The Slaughterhouse The Jarrow Gibbet The Secret Diary An Arranged Marriage Seaham Harbour The Lost Main Line Politics and Personality QED Sudden Death End notes Appendix A Glossary of Mining Terms Bibliography Page References ...

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GAMEINSIDER : PS4 vs Xbox One 'Clash of the Titans'

By: Derrick C Smith, Editor; Kevin Espineli, Editor

Game Insider Digital is an independent, hardcore gamer-centric, video game digital only publication, developed by passionate gamers. Game Insider strives to showcase video games and their most creative influences. Every issue of Game Insider strives to push the envelope by offering more than 100 pages of up-to-date video game insight keeping our readers ever engaged on each and every page. Through our digital partnership, Game Insider can be enjoyed from any device - iOS, Android, Blackberry, Torch, PC or Mac, your smartphone, tablet or computer is your instant portal to gaming glory only on Game Insider ...

Game Insider Digital is a fully interactive digital publication featuring links and engaging new gameplay videos from the hottest upcoming games in the industry. To get the full and FREE Game Insider experience, here you go: For more content and industry updates head over to our online destination where you can read and view our daily industry news. ...

Pages #8 and #9 features this issues table of contents, directing readers to their desired article update.

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Interval Neutrosophic Sets and Logic : Theory and Applications in Computing

By: Florentin Smarandache; Haibin Wang

Chapter 1 first introduces the interval neutrosophic sets which is an instance of neutrosophic sets. In this chapter, the definition of interval neutrosophic sets and set-theoretic operators are given and various properties of interval neutrosophic set are proved. Chapter 2 defines the interval neutrosophic logic based on interval neutrosophic sets including the syntax and semantics of first order interval neutrosophic propositional logic and first order interval neutrosophic predicate logic. The interval neutrosophic logic can reason and model fuzzy, incomplete and inconsistent information. In this chapter, we also design an interval neutrosophic inference system based on first order interval neutrosophic predicate logic. The interval neutrosophic inference system can be applied to decision making. Chapter 3 gives one application of interval neutrosophic sets and logic in the field of relational databases. Neutrosophic data model is the generalization of fuzzy data model and paraconsistent data model. Here, we generalize various set-theoretic and relation-theoretic operations of fuzzy data model to neutrosophic data model. Chapter ...

The neutrosophic set generalizes the above mentioned sets from philosophical point of view. From scientific or engineering point of view, the neutrosophic set and set-theoretic operators need to be specified. Otherwise, it will be difficult to apply in the real applications. In this chapter, we de_ne the set theoretic operators on an instance of neutrosophic set called Interval Neutrosophic Set (INS). We call it as “interval" because it is subclass of neutrosophic set, that is we only consider the subunitary interval of [0; 1]....

Preface iii 1 Interval Neutrosophic Sets 1 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Neutrosophic Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 Interval Neutrosophic Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.4 Properties of Set-theoretic Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.5 Convexity of Interval Neutrosophic Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.7 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2 Interval Neutrosophic Logic 21 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.2 Interval Neutrosophic Propositional Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.2.1 Syntax of Interval Neutrosophic Propositional Calculus . . . . . . . . . 23 2.2.2 Semantics of Interval Neutrosophic Propositional Calculus . . . . . . . . . 24 2.2.3 Proof Theory of Interval Neutrosophic Propositional Calculus . . . . . . . . 25 2.3 Interval Neutrosophic Predicate Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.3.1 Syntax of Interval Neutrosophic Predicate Cal...

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Data Madministration : A Paradox Style

By: Florentin Smarandache

This is a how-not-to-do book about codification, indexing, information, computer science, peripherals and terminals. The data entries are unselected and stored in a database. Afterwards, they are disorganized, unstructured and then manufactured. A data mudflow is designed later in order to misdirect all information. A nonquality control personnel filters and trashes all high valued documents and restores the chaos in the institution. The book helps with the malfunctioning of an administrative system....

The illogical mudflow of a quarterly non-production process In looking at the illogical mudflow of a quarterly non-production process, it is very imperative for us to take into account several non-practical factors that take place during such non-production process. These factors include: - Tools under maintenance - Contracts - Transportation - Supply Below is an illustration of the two major phases that are not usually encountered during the execution of a non-production process. ...

Contents Forward and Backward.........3 Chapter 1 ...................................5 Non-Basic symbols misused in Computer Science .....................5 Unintelligent terminal .........................9 The illogical mudflow of a quarterly non-production process ...............12 Chapter 2 ..................................15 The computer coding misused in Computer Science ...................15 Codification problems ..............................17 Codes misclassification .............................18 Chapter 3 ..................................21 Miscomputing the time for creating an application misusing the mudflow scrambles ........21 Misinformation deregistration and non-identification in files...............27 Chapter 4 ..................................29 Data storage and types of non-peripheral devices .....................29 Representation of Misinformation in internal memory ..............30 External non-peripherals ............................31 Printing paper ................................34 Magnetic band ...............................34 Magnetic disks ...............................35 The non-...

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Records: 1 - 20 of 121 - Pages: 

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