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A man predicts an assassination.
A stock trader is murdered.
In an apocalyptic Nebraska, where it hasn't rained in years, water has become a valuable commodity. At a time when no one can be trusted, 16-year-old Rabbit, is about to find out, just how far the government will go, to reserve resources for those they deem worthy- and for those they do not. Its up to Rabbit, and her father, to find a way to survive, in a chaotic world filled with thirst....
It’s been four years since the last rainfall graced mother earth with its presence. Crops have withered away, wildlife has diminished, and the world has gone crazy with thirst. I have been scavenging for water wherever I could find it- abandoned homes, and from the rubble of burned out buildings mostly, but it’s never enough. My lips are constantly chapped, and my skin is as dry as a lizard. I try to drink just enough to survive, because I never know when my next score on a case of water is going to be. At a time when I should be celebrating my sweet sixteen, and dating boys- I am instead, dealing with the aftermath of a world without water. Dad had been talking to a few of the other survivors in our project, and they overheard a conversation with some military professionals, and the outlook looks bleak for those of us who have nothing to offer society. We are what the government refers to as “the filth of the human race.” With no degrees to our names, and no skills to offer- other than cleaning up after the rich- we were spared only for their pleasure, and then tossed out like an old toy when something better came along. ...
The story is about people just trying to get along and make the best of what happening most of which they cannot control. It is not in a galaxy for far away or long long ago, it is in the next bit of our galaxy about five strings of stars to the left. Here life spins out all be it on a larger playing field. Here too people want a quiet life and a good job but sometime fate has other plans. Thus it for a data manager called John Harris....
Harris had been with the Admiral for over five hours and was starving. He was half way through a double helping of treacle pudding when he saw Peters coming across the canteen towards him. Was it a habit of Peters to spoil peoples meals. Peters sat down at the table and ask how it went with the Admiral. Harris did not want to spoil his meal by talking but saw this as an opportunity to get some answers from Peters, who was effectively captive until Harris had finished his pudding, coffee and two cheese biscuits. Harris told Peters the meeting had gone well and he knew what was going on but still did not know why he had been selected. Harris looked at Peters directly. " Why me." he said....
The story is about people just trying to get along and make the best of what happening most of which the cannot control. It is not in a galaxy for far away or long long ago, it is in the next bit of our galaxy about five strings of stars to the left. Here life spins out all be it on a larger playing field. Here too people want a quiet life and a good job but sometime fate has other plans. Thus it was that the fortunes of fate settled its hand down on the head of a data manager called John Harris....
With that nauseous feeling you get on re-entry the decent shuttle landed at the main space port on Morstan. Harris looked out the side window as the shuttle was gently towed from the runway across to the parking apron by a large support tractor. A waiting passenger tunnel reached out from the terminal building to automatically connect with the shuttle. The terminal building was simple and plain with none of the flashing lights or gaudy colours of some space ports. This building stated quality and status, befitting the political centre of the Eastern Empire. The few passengers that were on the shuttle made there way into the waiting lounge for final security and paperwork checks. Before Harris had chance to sit down however a large gentleman in a dark blue uniform made his way across the lounge towards him. Although his uniform had no insignia of any kind on it everything about this man said security guard big time....
Arthur Mcnair climbed to the top of society with his world changing invention: The Memory Chip. This device, implanted above the user's right ear, can erase any memory or group of memories. The chip gave the world a chance to forget their problems and pain, and the world bought it. After many years of successfully leading the company as CEO, Arthur found himself faced with divorce papers from his wife and a lawsuit from his partner. On the eve of the court trial that would decide the fate of his company, Arthur was mugged, his memory chip hacked and the last twenty years of his memory erased. Risking his life and sanity, he undergoes an experimental treatment to retrieve the precious memories. Looking for clues about his enemies, his wife’s dealings and his company’s past, Arthur might not like what he finds....
The rain covered the sound of footsteps behind him. He did not shout for help as a strong arm grabbed him from behind and another blow hit him square between the shoulders throwing him to the ground. He made no struggle as his arms were pinned behind his back. A car pulled up and he was thrown headfirst into the backseat. A female voice commanded his attacker, “Quick give me his head.” His head was lifted from the floor of the car and twisted to give unobstructed access to his memory chip. “How far are you going to go back?” Someone asked from the front seat. “Twenty years.” Arthur felt a code being punched into the memory chip on the side of his head, an instant later his vision was clouded by darkness and he sunk into unconsciousness. Time to start over again. ...
A radio signal is traced from outer space by SETI. The story now heads in an unexpected direction. This narrative is serious, not heavy and has a novel mix of technology, philosophy and ideology to suit readers of all ages. The singular feature of the book unravels as the soft and gentle mannerisms underlying the basic nature of the aliens come to light in the later chapters...
It was 7th August 2011, and 10.55 pm. Greg, one of Seth’s staff members who was about to pour a cup of coffee for him, heard an unusual beep coming from his monitor. It was pulsating on the monitor repeatedly at regular intervals. He went back to his seat immediately; diverted his concentration fully on it and realized that may be the sign of SETI’s dream coming through. .... He said “As human beings, we should respect each other more than anything. Now I could visualize the damage we were doing to the moon people’s society with more and more of our influence and interference. Dooda’s speech was an eye opener to me in the matter of respecting each other’s belief system on which human societies are built. Everybody should realize the amount of influence that a belief system can have on the structure of a human society. Belief systems influence the architecture of our buildings, the food we eat, legal systems we follow, our customs, rituals we observe and how we behave”. ...
The Brane Skip device may provide a way for humanity to overcome the light-speed barrier and finally head for the stars. It seems like magic to Lisa Chang, the young engineer in command of the first crewed test flight, and Lisa doesn't believe in magic. But she does believe in the mission. Humanity must explore space in order to survive and prosper, and she feels honored to be among the first to go where no one has gone before. She does not know what will happen when the Brane Skip engages. She thinks it will do nothing. She fears it will explode. She does not expect it will cast them adrift in space and on a collision course with a fantasy version of Earth, complete with dragons, orcs, and wizards. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happens. ...
The antagonistic magician stepped back and drew another item from a belt pouch. This one looked like either a small cocoon or a large wad of pocket fluff. He gestured more theatrically this time. "Swirling mist on quiet bog "Patient sits a bump on log "Craving flies within the sog "Now thou art a croaking frog!" She could not restrain herself this time and laughed in his dumbfounded face. Rennart backed away, still watching her, his eyes narrowed in a cold, calculating squint. Ferman ran up to her. "How are you feeling?" he asked anxiously. "To be honest, a bit confused," she said, wiping her eye and trying to compose herself. "Oh? Like maybe wondering why you have a sudden urge to wallow in the mud or eat a fat, juicy fly?" "What? Don't be ridiculous. I'm confused about what all this is about. It's a joke, right? Is this some kind of movie set or something?" In her world, the real world, movies hadn’t been made with live actors and sets in over fifty years because it was so slow and expensive. Better results could be obtained from computer graphics, but this being a movie set was a more plausible explanation than anythin...
And now for something completely different—a humorous science fiction parody of epic fantasy adventure stories—an anti-fantasy book that pokes some good-natured fun at the serious tone and dependence on magic common to many epic fantasy adventure genre novels. There are no dragons here, but there are some androids. This is the story of Prince Donald of Westgrove. He is the idealistic third son of the king, and he comes to believe that he may be the only one able to protect his country from an invasion spearheaded by an ancient and massive magical stone warrior known as the Warden of Mystic Defiance. Donald, unfortunately, is woefully unprepared. His only real understanding of such things comes from his reading of adventure stories. When he finds an ancient scroll he believes may allow him to take control of the mysterious Warden, he eagerly takes on the task. He dreams of saving the kingdom and becoming a hero like those in his books. To his dismay, his quest turns out to be nothing like he imagined. He finds the stories in his library seriously understate the complexities and hardships involved. He also soon realizes that ...
Donald held his breath. The great black monolith stood its ground refusing to so much as acknowledge his presence, much less answer his summons. “Maybe you have to do it naked,” Muce whispered, breaking the silence. “What?” The young notso held the prince’s translation of the patched vellum scroll in his hand. “It says here, Naked to the Warden’s love. Maybe that means you have to do it without any clothes on.” “Let me see that!” The prince snatched the paper from his companion’s hand. “No. That’s just a poetic way to say you have to be sincere. It can’t literally mean without any clothes because it also says you have to have this silly hat and glove, for the gods’ sake. How can you be naked wearing a hat and a glove?” “I don’t know, but that’s what it says, and what you did before didn’t work. You sounded real good, though, Your Highness. It was really impressive.” “Uh, thanks. What do you think, Kwestor?” asked Donald. “You still don’t want to know. But if you’re going to try anything else, you’ll need to do it soon. Dawn doesn’t last that long.” The prince turned his eyes to the horizon and the creeping light of dawn. “B...
A poetic look at life and death.
John was still nude. George was wearing a gown. John inserted the syringe between his toes and shot up. He loved it. It was perfect. He felt very tired. He just ignored George and laid down on the blackness....
A science fiction adventure in Antarctica.
He would lose Karen forever. And his research. But who cared about that. Would anyone ever find him? Would they find him alive? Only God knew. He wondered why he had gone to this hellhole. He felt lost. Completely lost. By the time he was found he would be dead. When he didn't return to his quarters tonight they would send out a search party. But not until morning. By then he would be dead....
What happens if the capacities of four scientists get downloaded into one computer? The joined brain will be able to solve the most complicated tasks at a high rate. And what if add the creative potential of a few hundred people more? The artificial intellect will not just memorize it all, but produce any kind of solution, putting it together like a jigsaw puzzle. The creator of the “Einsteiner” a bio-generated hardware, working on human creative energy, has disappeared, while the creativity has become the most valuable resource on earth. People willingly sell their potential for good money. As for a young talented engineer, Isaac Leroy, this by all means is the only way to get the sum needed for his sister’s surgery. However, incidentally, not only that he loses this chance, but also becomes a reckless criminal, whose goal is to stop the process of turning people into ruck....
science fiction at its finest
a voyage of epic proportions
Imagination spectrum
El eco de las balas resonaba en las paredes de la cueva.–¿Sabe qué, profesor? ¡Vea qué triste ironía! Hoy me doy cuenta de que no sénada de la vida. Soy un completo ignorante de las cosas, a pesar de que me es-forcé siempre por encontrar la verdad de las mismas. No sé si usted alguna vezsintió y pensó lo mismo que yo, profesor, no lo sé, pero qué sensación más frus-trante la que se siente. Sí, y estoy llorando, profesor…, sí, así como usted me lorecomendó una vez…, cuando todavía vivía… Se alivia tanto la pena…»Y tú, Hasán… hermano… No sabes cuánto desearía unirme a tu dios. «Dios yyo somos uno en un mismo pueblo». ¡Oh, qué bello! Tú estás muerto, Hasán, ysin embargo, has muerto sin temores ni dudas, creyendo fielmente que Dios terecibirá cordialmente en su seno, como una parte suelta que vuelve a su Esen-cia. En cambio yo no espero más que Juicio a futuro, donde juzgarán cada una de mis acciones con lupa… ¡Y sólo Dios sabe si merezco vivir en los Cielos oquemarme eternamente, en una continuación de esta pena, en el Infierno!».Los disparos cesaron; luego otro estertor. El agujero se ensanchaba.–¡Escúchame, yanqui estúpido, lee...
Hasán se contuvo. Humo y fuego podían observarse más allá del pasaje; supuseque los mercenarios no podrían encontrarnos, pues por sus gritos de algarabía,pensé que quizá celebraban el reparto de algún botín. Vi a Hasán adelantarsehacia la fisura.–¡Espera, Hasán! –le susurré agitado. Éste, dubitativo, se detuvo–. No temas. Yperdóname lo que te voy a decir, ya que contraviene tus creencias: nosotros notememos a las maldiciones. Tememos, eso sí, a las malas acciones de los hom- bres de carne y hueso, antes que a las fuerzas sobrenaturales, si es que existenen este orden natural del Universo. Espero que sepas comprender lo que te es-toy diciendo. No me lo tomes a mal.Hasán tenía la cabeza inclinada hacia el frente, como aturdido.–Mi querido Basilio –irrumpió el profesor–, ahora que recuerdo los estudios deCeram, en este lugar Layard descubrió el castillo de Asurnasirpal II, el monarcaque gobernó la Mesopotamia desde el año 884 al 859 antes de la era común, yque se identificaba a sí mismo como descendiente directo del Nemrod bíblico.Eso dio comienzo a la leyenda de Mosul sobre la supuesta edificación de la To-rre de Babel en este sitio, ...
A mad man's ramblings and vows take us on a journey in his epic quest to solve one hundred of the most impossible problems.
“Año 2064. En una ciudad cualquiera, y a punto de entrar en el cupo de fertilidad, a Tom y María les proponen viajar a Horonya, en el continente africano. Tom, experto climatólogo, tiene la misión de modificar el clima de cierta región. Y María, reputada costumbrista, no duda en acompañarle. Para hacer su estancia más agradable, deciden intercambiar su vivienda con la de Alí y Nona, una pareja nativa que les acoge con los brazos abiertos. Pero, de repente, el campo de trabajo de Tom es intervenido por la Agencia Internacional de Epidemias por el riesgo de un contagio ante los indicios de un posible brote de epidemia de una enzima vírica no identificada hasta el momento. Un mundo hipertecnológico invadido de drones y vehículos autodirigidos, pero donde al final se impone el poder de la palabra y de las relaciones humanas” ...
Draven Dash is the only human on a strange, weird and wonderful world.
El dolor no cesaba de martirizarme y otra vez volvió a mí el recuerdo de Míster Hastings. Con gran asombro, descubrí al Bombón Playero encallado cerca del aeropuerto de Roatán, isla abajo. Subí por la proa enterrada en la arena y examiné cada uno de sus rincones. No había rastro de Míster Hastings. Ya en la cabina, pude dar con la bitácora del barco. «Hace treinta años que cerca de estas aguas perdí a mi amigo Narciso Way en las fauces del Gran Segueta», estaba anotado. «Y desde entonces la Niebla no ha cesado de perseguirme». Esto me pareció excesivo: ¿acaso había muerto yo? Seguí dándole vueltas a las hojas; cogí otro diario. «Los ataques de bruma se han incrementado. Gran parte de los marineros han reportado una gran actividad lumínica en los cielos. Bolas de luz que parecen moverse fluidamente en el espacio como si fueran células dentro de citoplasma u otras que simulan bailar en un concierto terrorífico de apariciones espontaneas no renuncian a manifestarse en el firmamento. »Y luego aquellos temblores de tierra que no hacen más que provocar maremotos. Hace un mes se perdió una aldea entera en las costas de Yuca...
If you think it's worth sharing, please share it.
This is the third book of the series. The heroes are moved to uncharted waters, all in search for the causes of their problems. Yet, they do not know they have problems and are deep in them. This was meant to be the last book in the series at this time I had a job and all was fine. However, I as many others, immersed in our problems do not see that the worse obstacles are planted by people close to you. Now that my financial distractions were over, I noticed some odd circumstances around me. I still could not put my finger on it. Afterwards I decided to write the fourth book, Present Contacts....
An IT contractor finds out that a great disaster is going to strike earth and uses the opportunity to commit a crime that will set him for life. He comes up with an ingenious and infallible plan. Or so he thought. This short story book includes two book previews....
Mark left the ground and soared up from the street between the buildings. He was at the wrong angle and feared he might continue into the sky even after all his preparation only to fall to his death once the wave had passed. He gritted his teeth and leaned into the building. His calculations were perfect and he was going to hit twenty just as planned. He had to. Beyond the floors of the building flying by him, he saw cars twisting up into the air. It hardly looked real. “Real life has terrible special effects.” His own laughter hurt his ears inside his helmet. He saw benches, stone, manhole covers, and other debris he couldn’t identify twisting up from the ground and out through the top of the city. He saw other bodies writhing through the air without suits – without being prepared. If the cars were flying away, what chance did people have in this perversion of gravity? Mark’s back hurt as he leaned harder and saw the building racing toward his face. He was tempted to pull back, but that wasn’t the plan and the plan was perfect. Mark heard his own screams as he slammed into the window for twenty. It was the fourth window from ...
In this story I had to end the series, may be. Yet all along the series I put doors for small stories about some of the characters. By the time I completed this book in 2010, my life was more stable since 2008. Although now in 2013, I have situations that I have to be overcome, still I feel as when I was writing the second book of the series "Past Contacts." Now, depending on how things go with the series I still have to write about a war that in the series, affects humankind across the galaxy. I really hope you have enjoyed the series. Also, I do not like to write about young adults, as you may have noticed. In reality I do not see a teenager doing things as adults. I am sure you would not give a car to a 12 years old kid. Would you?...
This story depicts an evil turn to good. Actually, in real life that never happens. However, this story is more of me than anything else. A person propel by others into situations that looked ominous, suffering depressions from PTSD... yes, I was over there too, as many others. This story is more about the search for good inside of me and how to look for it. People change, I changed... but not really. This is the story of a character that although is the same person it has change but yet, it did not. Only when a sincere person(s) point the way to follow out of those dark spaces in your mind....
By the time I completed this story I had a good job. But yet, for awhile I was as it is known as a working homeless. I had a job but no place to call home. As in the story, things and people do not look as they are portrait to be. I discovered that people do not have to gain money or material things to walk out of their way and hurt. Just by the mere satisfaction of seen others less than them, may be doing ok but not better. That is basically the story. The heroes have to confront the most evil of creatures in the universe, another human....
This series is set not in the future but in the past, at the end of WWII. Is a Military Science fiction story with cloak and dagger. This particular story mimics the circumstances that at the time, in 2008 I as many Americans were in. Unemployment and other financial circumstances. Transposing social and economical concepts of 2008 to the world of 1947. By this time when I started to write this story, I was finally going to jobs interviews. Yet I was not out of the woods as the characters in the story....
I decided to write this story not based on the future but in the past, at the end of WWII. When As many, I was unemployed and looking for work. To keep my preoccupation under control between job searches, application and letters of not getting a job, I started this series. This series of books are based on Military Science fiction with cloak and dagger, Romance as well modern social issues put in contrast to those found in the 1940's. It is more about a description of our 21st century translated to the 1940's America....
This sci-fi smorgasbord serves up 9 retro tales inspired by the pulp magazines of the 1920s - 1940s. It drops you into the deco chiseled cities of alternate Americana, airlifts you to exotic locales, then rockets you to the farthest reaches of yesterday’s tomorrows! Witness the otherworldly genesis of Wild Marjoram in a Chicagoland speakeasy as the violence of the all-female Killdeer Gang reaches vigilante-inspired fever pitch in "The Birth." Flying taxis fight for space over New York as Johnny Grant, Private Eye, sifts streets rife with murder and corruption in "The Maltese Spectrum." It's class-warfare in Citadel City as Pandora Driver and her Car of Tomorrow cruise the shadowy streets in search of one good cop in "Ready Fire Aim." Resources dwindle as aqua farming Region 5 Spaceport Terminus pushes maximum population density, and the balance between man and machine collapses in "Bloom." The fractured politics of the fractured 1920s Aether Age leaves a sheriff struggling to find the truth in "The More Things Change." Would Ace Rango rather be locked in battle with snarling space lizards or a temperamental, little...
The magnetic field of the passing asteroid is generating enough energy to pull Grailem towards it. Waking from an aimless sleep he tries to use his precious energy to move closer. It had been aeons since he had stood on, or even felt a solid surface beneath his feet. Grailem had been drifting aimlessly through space since his spacecraft had exploded, maybe a million years ago now. The exploding fuel tanks had thrown him out into the cold of space with such a force that he had almost achieved the speed of light. The clouds of dust and gases of forming nebula he passed through slowed him down as he flew uncontrolled through the cosmos. With no propulsion system to aid him, the friction of forming nebulae of dust and gas eventually brought his speed down to a few kilometres per second. The years passed slowly for him as he had little to distract his thoughts and he had long wished for the release of death. The only part of him that is human is his brain; and this has been incorporated completely into an artificial body. The body had been especially designed to cope with all environments; including the vacuum of space, but with...
Mankind had been incorporating humans with artificial limbs and internal organs for generations. The more that Man depended on technology, the physically weaker the human race had become. Many humans were regularly being born with disabilities like missing limbs, blindness and also the inability to speak. Substituting the missing limbs with man-made ones and combining computer technology, the blind could see better than with normal healthy eyes (though mechanical and lacking any sign of emotion), and the disabled could walk and run. To have a disability proved to be an advantage in this new world; as the replacement limbs and internal organs were far superior to that created by nature. All those who could afford it had mechanical hearts and kidneys. Some had arms and legs deliberately amputated so that they could be fitted with far superior man-made ones. Life expectancy became measured in centuries rather than years. After three thousand years the human part of the body mysteriously changed, making the body susceptible to disease and death. Not many people lived beyond three thousand years; it was as if the body had an inte...
Table of Contents Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen The Author...
Apparently, there’s been an underground, cold war going on, not noticed much by humans, between “good” vampires—those who have altered their biological needs and can use synthetic blood—and “bad” vampires—Rogues who actively enjoy hunting, draining and butchering humans. Now Sheriff Hudson and his friends are in the middle of the war, which has gone above-ground and hot. The chase to catch and stop—kill if necessary—the Rogues consumes Hudson and his crew, as they struggle for their lives on the platform. The good vampires help as they can, but Hudson’s not sure he trusts them completely either. The war spills over, involving Earth and the Navy Space Force, as the hordes of Rogues and their Servants come forth openly, killing hundreds of humans as they try to obtain the materials they need. Hudson and his friends—Doctor Holly Marten, an old Navy friend from “back in the day”; Max, Hudson’s former platoon corpsman; Cal, Max’s boyfriend; Helga, Doc Marten’s assistant—have to first get their minds around the almost unimaginable, then deal with the crisis as it spreads from the mining platform to a solar system war. ...
“Man, I’ve never seen anything like this,” I mutter to the screen in front of me. The stale smelling air in the office circulates slowly around me as the electronics hum in the background. “You know? I’ve been in this business a damn long time and never…” Max grunts as he looks over the vid I’ve sent him. “Spirit! Me neither. What the hell happened? Someone making some crazy juice up there? Found any?” He glances back to me from the other screen, grimacing. He’s been in the cop business longer that I’ve been so my instincts were right—if it upsets him, it’s gotta be as bad as I thought it looked. I’m no fainting pansy myself but jeeze…I shudder. “Nope. Doc says no trace of drugs. There was some grass in the compartment, but it was only the company-issued crap they give out for anxiety. The little green pellets. Nothing else. Nothing but this.” I look down at the vids myself, displayed on my desk. They show… They show what used to be a human, although you’d be hard pressed to guess that at first. There are parts everywhere in the compartment; the man was literally pulled limb from limb and then the limbs were, well, destroy...
Space Force Grunts is a Science Fiction novel playing several generations into the future. After the human race has invented hyperspace flight, thousands of planets are colonised. Those new societies maintain their independence until the human race encounters an alien civilisation that also masters space flight and hyperspace travel. Being so very different from the human race, those aliens are at first not even recognised as an eminent civilisation commanding over impressive, seemingly sheer unlimited means and a proficient use of advanced technologies. When the mistake is discovered, it is too late already for avoiding a clash of civilisations and a violent conflict has already started. The worlds settled by the human race gradually unite ever more under the leadership of a political movement. Conscription is introduced to provide for the military forces’ need for soldiers. People with sufficient means can purchase freedom from conscription and escape the draft. The funds obtained by the administration via that purchase of freedom are used to supply the military with materials means like weapons and to pay the soldiers who get dra...
Base 18 on Planet DN-DU-144/5 was a place that could only be found on detailed military maps. This planet was circling a sun situated at the border between our Local Bubble of stars in the Milky Way and the much bigger Loop 1 Bubble, another assembly of suns and planets. DN-DU-144/5 was the fifth planet in outward direction, when counted from the local star as centre. Base 18 now consisted of a dozen bunkers, a few deep wells and a couple of cisterns appendant to them, a makeshift front-line spa, and most importantly a maintenance station for fighter robots and combat drones. Base 18 on planet DN-DU-144/5 was in principle a bleak place. Though at that moment it was officially day-time at the location of base 18, there was actually just a little twilight. The far sun, going by the less-than-poetic name of DN-DU-144, illuminated only the abundant clouds enfolding the planet decently. Little light ever made it through to the surface. ‘I just love it’ Master Sergeant Koon had sarcastically said when arriving at this place, together with all the other soldiers of the 5th company. They had taken this base over from a unit that had suffe...
Not Applicable
Space Force Grunts (Second, Revised Edition) tells the story of soldiers conscripted to defend the Human Alliance, a civilisation that has spread over thousands of worlds after the invention of hyperspace flight. They are fighting an enemy they don't understand in a war they did not choose. Space Grunts is told mainly from the perspective of the rank and file of the Human Alliance ground forces, who face an eminent foe, commanding over far superior means. Space Force Grunts tells about the feelings and thoughts of these soldiers, reports their talks and the trials and tribulations they have to go through, as well as the little pranks they play to each other and their superiors. - See more at: