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Slavery in the Indian Subcontinent

By: Rev. Samuel Mateer; Victoria Institutions

Excerpt from the Native Life in Travancore, written by The Rev. SAMUEL MATEER, F.L.S of the London Missionary Society


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Kilis’te Sığınmacı Algısı-Perceptions about Syrian asylum seekers in Kilis : Toplumsal Otizm ve Ötekileştirme Sürecinin İlk Görünümleri

By: Ph.D. Muhammed Ruhat Yasar

The book is about Syrian refugees living in Kilis and how the people of Kilis see them.

Kilislilerin “merhamet yorgunluğu” yasadıkları ve zamanla da sınırla ve savasla ilgili ümitlerinin sarsıldığı söylenebilir. Kilisliler meslek, sosyo-ekonomik düzey, cinsiyet, siyasi görüş, dindarlık, kırsal ya da kent kökenli olup olmamalarına göre sığınmacıları farklı farklı değerlendirmektedirler. ...

1. Giriş 2. Araştırmanın Amacı ve Önemi 3. Araştırmanın Yöntemi 4. Kilis‟in Mülteci Halleri 5. Sürgün Hayatlar 6. Kilis‟in Sığınmacılarla İmtihanı 7. Kimlikler: Deli Gömlekleri ve Önyargılar 8. Toplumsal Otizm 9. Ötekileştirme Süreci ve Yansımaları 9.1. Sığınmacı Akınının Ekonomik Boyutları 9.2. Yardımlar Üzerine: Kimse Yok mu Bize Yok mu? 9.3. Sağlık şikâyetleri: Kuyruklar ve İhmal Duyguları 9.4. Kayıt Dışı Evlilikler: Med Cezir Senaryoları 9.5. İki Kültür Bir Yaşam 9.6. Daralma ve Sıkışma Duyguları 9.7. Göçün Güvenlikleştirilmesi 10. Sonuç 11. Öneriler 12. Kaynaklar 13. Sığınmacı Fotoğrafları 14. Kilis Haritası ve Sınır ...

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Commentary on Native Life in Travancore by The Rev. Samuel Mateer, F.L.S

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

This is the foreword written by VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS to the digital version of NATIVE LIFE IN TRAVANCORE by The REV. SAMUEL MATEER, F.L.S published by VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS in 2014...

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Hindi in Australia! Behold the future!! : The Tragedy that Await a Pristine English Social Scene

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

I am posting a writing here which might be mentioned as racist or hate speech or any such thing, by persons who might not know how to contain the arguments. There is nothing racist in my words. For I am not White, and I do not feel that Whites of Continental Europe have any superiority other than what proximity to England can lend to anyone in the world. There might be a query about my right to write this piece of information. I have to mention that I define myself here as a researcher on codes in languages. I have written a few books, all of them original thoughts....

When the native-English speaking students in Australia find themselves being addressed as Thoo / Thum/ Nee &c. and referred to as USS / Avan / Aval &c. all of which are degrading words that paint dirt on a human personality, they have every right to react. If any Hindi or any other feudal language teachers use such words on them, they need to have the courage to give a cracking slap on the teacher....

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Un monde de prairiens : Les hommes vus par les insectes

By: Dr. Maneglia Yves

Analogies entre histoires de prairiens et histoires d'hommes

Prologue: Il était une fois le Prairien. C'était un être évolué de la classe des insectes qui vivait depuis des millénaires dans la prairie, un endroit qu'il appelait affectueusement la planète verte. Le prairien se croyait depuis toujours au centre du monde et de l'univers. Les dieux avaient créé pour lui, un monde à son image dans lequel il devait régner au détriment des autres espèces créées pour le satisfaire. ...

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Postkolonyalizm Denemeleri : Postkolonyalizm

By: Beyaz Arif Akbas

Postcolonialism or postcolonial studies.

Postcolonialism or postcolonial studies.

Kolonizasyon Psikolojisi Hayal kırıklığı olan bir Modernite Dünya Hayatının Süsü Edward Said Sözlüğü Devekuşu’na mektuplar Melez Bilinçte Ruhun Uyanışı Karanlığın Yüreği’nde bir Seyyah Hikâye Anlatan Adam Nekrasov: Düşler ve Sesler Gadamer’i Yeniden Düşünmek Ruhun Temsili Dünyası Serâb-ı Ömrüm: Feylesof Rıza Tevfik İslam ve Romantik Oryantalizm Gazali ve Tahayyül Poetikası Türkiye’de Yeni Eleştiri: Hüseyin Cöntürk ‘Komşularımız ve Bizler’e dair Janus’un iki ayrı yüzü: Tanpınar ve Doğu Bilgisi Seçili Maduniyet Çalışmaları Hamid Dabaşi ve Post-Oryantalizme dair Doğu Afrika Romanı’nda İslam Dünyanın En Güzel Arabistanı Kırık hayaller şehridir, güneşin kavurduğu Değişim Rüzgârları Agamben ve Kolonyalizm Delilik Ülkesinden Notlar Guantanamo’dan Şiirler Entelektüel bir Müslüman: İsmail Fenni Divan-ı Lugat-it Türk’ün izinde Ali Emiri Efendi Osmanlı Devri Son Âlimlerinden: İbnülemin Edebiyatımızda İlk Mutasavvıflar Ve Köprülü ‘Aşkın Okunmaz Kıyıları’ Raci’nin Hatıraları: Amak-ı Hayal Ayasofya’nın Hat Levhaları Tanpınar ve Cemil Meriç’te Balzac’a dair Düşünceler Genç Werther’in Acıları Dante ve İlahi Komedi...

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观点评述收藏宝典 : 观点评述收藏宝典-夜伤鹰

By: 夜伤鹰 夜伤鹰 夜伤鹰; 俞小明 俞小明 俞

概 述 《观点评述收藏宝典》 本书是一本观点评述类型的网志收藏宝典,内容丰富多彩,且文章形式涵盖新闻评论、影视评论、哲学思辨等等,侧重培养人的独立之人格,阅读该书有助于提高读者的快速思维能力和语言表达能力,更能洞悉当下中国社会脉络,本书作家个人观点色彩鲜明,不受任何舆论所左右,特别是对《播音与主持专业》的即兴话题评述有辅助参考作用,重点在于通过培养文字表达能力来提升即兴话题评述。 作者: 俞小明,男,笔名夜伤鹰。1985年10月21日出生。宁波镇海籍。电话:13777235376...

概 述 《观点评述收藏宝典》 本书是一本观点评述类型的网志收藏宝典,内容丰富多彩,且文章形式涵盖新闻评论、影视评论、哲学思辨等等,侧重培养人的独立之人格,阅读该书有助于提高读者的快速思维能力和语言表达能力,更能洞悉当下中国社会脉络,本书作家个人观点色彩鲜明,不受任何舆论所左右,特别是对《播音与主持专业》的即兴话题评述有辅助参考作用,重点在于通过培养文字表达能力来提升即兴话题评述。 作者: 俞小明,男,笔名夜伤鹰。1985年10月21日出生。宁波镇海籍。电话:13777235376...

目 录 一、概 述 二、每天给自己洗脑一分钟你就会越有钱………………………1 三、晚明言论自由的时代后世谁在污蔑东林党…………………2 四、北平无战事电视剧之谢镶理人物角色分析…………………4 五、电视剧北平无战事借反腐题材还原人物历史………………8 六、高校教授诱奸女大学生谁之过………………………………11 七、哲学论文框架:中国的微政府主义历史是如何形成的?…15 八、封建社会以贪治贪的官场生态圈……………………………19 九、别把强拆当回事………………………………………………21 十、为何半本论语就能治天下……………………………………22 十一、维基解密揭开大安化学神秘面纱谁是权斗的牺牲品?…24 十二、大安化工事件回顾…………………………………………24 十三、一位来自新浪微博网友的多次@…………………………24 十四、大安公司肃清运动试图查找“内部线人”………………25 十五、《非你莫属》制造汉族内部种族歧视……………………26 十六、大安化学的前世今生和翻译有什么关系?………………30 十七、突来的“被辞职”风波让她一度身心疲惫………………30 十八、司法游戏下的“猫路狗道”………………………………32 十九、那么撤销解除是否真的存在?……………………………33 二十、奖金被扣陈女士怒火中烧矛盾直指伪造证据?…………34 二十一、迟来的二审胜利 剥开她一年来的心中忧……………34 二十二、大安翻译开创司法奇迹 维权狂人方伟介入…………35 二十三、维权狂人方伟又爆猛料 大安化学违规用地养羊……36 二十四、 何时不再暮气沉沉改行去做娱乐节目?……………38 二十五、 建造人才公寓是利是弊?……………………………41 二十六、入围宁波城市形象标识作品 没有历史文化积淀……45 二十七、临时夫妻不仅仅存在于外来务工人员城镇居民也存在 …………………………………………………………………48 二十八、陆客游玩台湾随笔遐想 ………………………………54 二十九、对雾霾嗤之以鼻 即兴之作《穹顶之下》……………56 三十、 从日本侵略史看战争受害国的心态……………………57 三十一、别拿环保的钱做慈禧太后修园子的事…………………59 三十二、莫学日本731部队拿黄金大米毒害下一代……………59 三十三、国人素质低病在文革后遗症 罪在十年文革挖了汉根61 三十四、如果陈寅恪能做中国的教育部长那么我就能看懂古文了 …………………………………………………………………67 三十五、为何要送李娜80万?读巨额奖金背后的“双重标准” ………………………………………………………………72 三十六...

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All the Gangways Are Up : An Expatriate in the Ceylon Kaleidoscope 1916 - 1945

By: Ms. Valesca Reimann; Peter Reimann, Editor

Between 1916 and 1945 Valesca Reimann, from South Australia, taught Western classics, Latin and mathematics at Trinity College, Kandy, in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Trinity College was founded on Christianity in a largely Buddhist, Hindu and Moslem country. Sinhalese and Tamil cultures added to the mix. The boys at the school were mostly from these cultures and also came from nearby countries. The school was run along the lines of an English public school. In this book, Valesca Reimann tells how she navigated through this, fell in love with the people and the country and added jungle adventures and visits to historical places along the way - ever curious and mostly undaunted. At the College, she is still remembered as a "legend". ...

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Books by Ved from Victoria Institutions : Sample Pages

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

Sample pages

Books by VED from VICTORIA INSTITUTIONS This file contains the sample pages of some of my books. It may be noted that all these books are available for free reading on However, readers who are interested in buying the digital book copy of any of these books may refer this web-link for more details in this regard. March of the Evil Empires; English versus the Feudal Languages Shrouded Satanism in Feudal Languages; Tribulations and intractability of improving others!! CODES of REALITY! WHAT is LANGUAGE? COMPULSORY FORMAL EDUCATION: A travesty! Idiocy of the Indian Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act! Horrendous India! A parade of facade in verbal codes! INDIAN MARRIED LIFE: The undercurrents! Software codes of Reality, Life and Languages! How I worked out the idea starting from zero My Online Writings Vol One The EFFECT of ENGLAND [My Online Writings Part II] Veiled routes to resources in Computers & on the Internet, unVeiled KALEIDOSCOPIC HUES - Indian vernacular Pro-pristine English Digital Magazine ...

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Entzug : Chronologie einer Sucht

By: Sr. Maris Sven Harster

Lebensweg eines Multi-Narkomanen, der funktionell abhängig die Stufen der Destruktivität der Drogenabhängigkeit durchlebt, während er die Fassade zu wahren sucht...

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Basic Soap Making : A guide to make your own soaps

By: Sabine Elisabeth Roper

A "how to" book about basic soap making with many pictures and two recipes. It gives further advice how to develop individual soaps based on the basic recipes for cleaning and washing soap....

When you read the labels of commercial shower soaps, you will discover all kinds of chemicals and if you are lucky a small amount of coconut oil. Most of it is palm oil!!! You are probably used that soap dries your skin out and you need to use lotion afterwards. This is not the case when you make your own shower (and hand-washing) soap. A proper handmade traditional herbal soap will hydrate and nurture your skin. The internet is full of recipes for such soaps. Do your own research and develop your own recipe based on the basic one given above. The washing soap will take stains away very well and your clothes will be very clean. I used it in a top-loader cold water washing machine with good results (on very dirty children clothes!). To my surprise whites didn't grey and on the other hand colors stayed bright. I made the soap to save costs and was very positively surprised by its quality. It is much better than locally available washing detergents (Thailand) and costs less. You can play with the amount of coconut oil. When reduced to 50 g it will still be a good washing soap. Even the 100% palm oil sopa cleans well and can be used ...

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Kaleidoscopic Hues : English - Malayalam Digital Magazine

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

Learn English through Malayalam

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5000 Praises to our God : I Will Praise Thee O Lord

By: Jacob G George

Hi Friends, A book of 5000 Praises to GOD. I have been blessed by reading this book and I want you to recive same blessing. Please read and forward to your friends and family members so that they also may recive the same blessings from GOD. May God Bless You, Please Pray for me and My family, Jacob George...

Our Web : For Copies Please contact : G Jacob George, S/O Rev G Dayanand # 1-9-69/A/1, Ramnagar, Hyderabad, Telangana(AP), India – 500020. Mobile # 91-09985117937 , 91-09177389232 E Mail ID –, ...

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Tony on the Moon's Children’s Picture Book - Spike and Pod in the Gumbusters : A series of illustrated story books for children, Level 2, Book 5

By: Tony James Moon

This series is arranged in levels of reading difficulty ranging from 1 to 5. The easiest is level 1, the hardest level 5. All these books are royalty free and can be copied used printed and distributed, scrawled on walls, acted out in plays and told (very slowly) to your pet dog, if you don’t have a dog a cat will do, but hamsters do not listen as they only speak Spanish. They are designed to be easily read on a computer and can be printed on standard A4 size paper (landscape format) There is no bad language or offensive words anywhere in these books....

A thick mist hung in the morning air. It had been American Jazz night at the local hall. The pavement outside was covered in chewing gum. Pod was stuck fast in the sticky gum....

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Akhani Akhotdi : Kachhi Lok-Akhaniun Bhar 1

By: Manilal Gala

This is a book of folk tales in Kachhi language, spoken in western India (particularly in Kachh and Mumbai), containing 13 traditional tales recorded in various parts of Kachh and Mumbai. This is a part one of Kachhi Oral Tradition Project going on by Vadhod ji Padhrai, Patri Kachh....

hIkdo seth nen sethani va. vya phere laa. phere laa vya ta sammun bakrien vaaro aayo te. Bakrien vaaro Ichhio panwar chovaaje.

1 Ichhio Panwar 2 Akal re kIte ? 3 tOmam tOma 4 anmaaneti raani 5 paatai nen adhpaatai 6 Bhagwan ja din 7 Sakar jo sayjaadho nen sopaaribai 8 sUnat gUdi 9 panjmaar kUmbhar 10 me nen chIkli 11 pUthia mor ...

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Tony on the Moon's Children’s Picture Book - Bugs : A series of illustrated story books for children, Level 3, Book 5

By: Tony James Moon

This series is arranged in levels of reading difficulty ranging from 1 to 5. The easiest is level 1, the hardest level 5. All these books are royalty free and can be copied used printed and distributed, scrawled on walls, acted out in plays and told (very slowly) to your pet dog, if you don’t have a dog a cat will do, but hamsters do not listen as they only speak Spanish. They are designed to be easily read on a computer and can be printed on standard A4 size paper (landscape format) There is no bad language or offensive words anywhere in these books....

all the dirt in the world can't buy happiness

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101+ Easy Korean Phrases

By: Mrs. Ji Hye Hong

This ebook is for students who want to learn and improve their Korean language! The phrases written in this ebook are expressions in general conversation spoken by native speakers. Some phrases are indicated as ‘informal’ for you. As you know, it is common for Koreans to use honorific expression (* noted as ‘formal polite’ in this ebook), when the listener is older or of higher social status than the speaker. This 101+ Easy Korean Phrases ebook will be helpful for you when… * You don’t have time to learn Korean language. * You travel Korea. * You watch Korean TV shows. * You want to improve your Korean language. This book is intended for beginner to intermediate students. Advanced students will also find this ebook useful to study Korean language. Note that this book is not suitable for absolute beginning learners, who do not read Korean at all. If you want to learn and practice Korean language more, check out our blog at for more information. There are podcasts, articles, and video tools to help you improve your Korean! We hope you enjoy the book!...

Table of Contents Introduction How to Read Korean (hangul) 13 Ways to Introduce Yourself 12 Ways to Say Hello & Goodbye 8 Ways to Say Yes and No 9 Ways to Ask How Someone Is Doing 9 Ways to Answer How I Am Doing 14 Ways to Say Thank You 12 Ways to Say You’re Welcome (as a response to Thank You) 6 Ways to Say I’m Sorry 9 Ways to Say It’s Okay (as a response to I’m Sorry) 18 Ways to Say Excuse Me 18 Phrases for Shopping About DinoPhia Connect with DinoPhia...

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Tiny Gassifier : How to Build a Small Biomass Gassifier

By: Center for Children in Need; Sabine Roper

A biomass gassifier uses 75% less wood than a camp fire! It takes less than 30 minutes and two empty tins to build one. It is ideal in combination with a hay (wonder) box. We filmed the construction and uploaded it on Youtube (link at end of the booklet). If you like with ebook, please visit our website: or our YouTube channel: center for Children in Need....

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Tania Has An Idea! : Tania Series, Volume 5

By: Kanika G

Tania wants to give mama a birthday gift. But she does not get any pocket money yet. She can't buy anything. So she decides to make something. But what should she make? Tania has an idea! It is a good idea. But is making a gift as easy as she thinks it is? Read on to find out....

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Tiny House from Bamboo-Ricehusk-Mud : A Minimalist Design for Natural Building

By: Dr. Sabine Elisabeth Roper; Center for Children in Need

This is an interesting concept for anybody, who doesn't need to build on a trailer. The materials are innovative and easily available in many areas of the world. Bamboo is extremely strong and if the fram eis done properly it should be able to withstand earth quakes. Mesh wire could be added. All material are light. Add your own touches and make if more comfortable, if you need....

262 sqf / 24.34 sqm This is an extreme design, for extreme conditions. Maybe you would call it a cabin or a shed, no wheels necessary, no restriction from a trailer. It needs to be off-grid, water from a stream, solar panels, internet only via satellite phone. It has to be really cheap and fast to build with local (Burmese) villagers. It needs to protect against mosquitoes, as it is in a malaria region with increasing resistance against the medications. Not for you? Probably not, but maybe there are still a few good ideas for you in it, if you continue to read my ideas. It might be a very interesting alternative to a bamboo hut or wooden house for the people in this region. Why Tiny? Why big? I am tired of cleaning a big house, that my kids constantly mess up and make dirty. Tired of chasing after them in a big house. We had our best times, when we lived tiny, squeezed with 10 persons into two 3x3 rooms with a loft plus a kitchen and bathroom. ...

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