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Freelance Web Developer : 99,99% of the things you need to know

By: Recurvoice Recurvoice

Welcome! We tried to create a BS free introduction to freelancing. In the following 9 chapters we are going to discuss several things that are important for freelance webdevelopers.  An overview of the chapters Chapter 1: Are you ready to start freelancing? Chapter 2: Best places to find freelance jobs Chapter 3: Is this gig any good? Chapter 4: How to automate your freelancing career Chapter 5: How I made 100k freelancing and absolutely loved it Chapter 6: How to increase your hourly rate as a freelancer Chapter 7: How to become an unstoppable freelancer: the tools Chapter 8: Resources for new webdevs Chapter 9: Resources for advanced webdevs Summary This book is created by Recurvoice: save time and automate your invoices. More info on

Chapter 1: Are you ready to start freelancing? Chapter 2: Best places to find freelance jobs Chapter 3: Is this gig any good? Chapter 4: How to automate your freelancing career Chapter 5: How I made 100k freelancing and absolutely loved it Chapter 6: How to increase your hourly rate as a freelancer Chapter 7: How to become an unstoppable freelancer: the tools Chapter 8: Resources for new webdevs Chapter 9: Resources for advanced webdevs Summary...

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عقيلة قريش : آمنة بنت الحسين عليها السلام الملقبة بسكينة

By: السيد محمد علي الحلو

كتابنا هذا هو حلقة مكمّلة لجهود العلاّمة المقرّم رضوان الله تعالى عليه، وليميط اللثام عمّا ارتكبه هؤلاء القصّاصون؛ من تخيّلات تُرضي أهواء أسيادهم، وتنتقص من مقامات آل البيت عليهم السلام. ولسوف يرى قرّاؤنا ما أحدثته السياسة من فجوة بين الحقّ والباطل، وبين الحقيقية والخيال، حرصاً منّا على تحرير القارئ من أسر توجّهات الكتابات التاريخية المنفلتة عن قيم الدين ومبادئ العقل، ومسلّمات الوجدان. ...

ما أن صدرت الطبعة الأولى من هذا الكتاب حتى نفدت خلال أقل من عام، مما دعاني إلى طباعته ثانيةً تنفيذاً لطلبات القراء، وقد وجدتُ في اقتناء هذا الكتاب من قبل القراء دالّةً مهمةً على تزايد الوعي الإسلامي بصورة عامة، ومتابعة الشبهات وردودها لدى القارئ بشكل لافتٍ للانتباه، مما يشير على تزايد الخط البياني للصحوة الفكرية لدى شرائح القرّاء بمختلف ألوانها وتعدياتها الثقافية، أو انتماءاتها المدرسية بل وأطيافها الاجتماعية كذلك، تلك الصحوة التي راهن عليها الجميع، فبعض يرى فرضية انحسارها تماماً أو على أقل تقدير تسيّبها وانفلاتها عن مبادئها وقيمها إبّان عهدٍ ثقافي عام يكتسح الجميع، وعلى ضوء ذلك يؤسس توجهاته الفكرية التي تُمليها عليه مصلحته الخاصة أو العامة المرتبطة بانتماءاته وسياساته، والآخر يرى أن الصحوة الفكرية لا يمكنها الضمور تماماً، بل لعلها تخبو وتتوهج تبعاً للظرف العام الذي يحمل توجهاتٍ فكرية ــ سياسية معينة، وعلى هذا فالصحوة تبدو كامنةً خفية، أو ظاهرةً متوهجة، وهي على كل حال تبقى شاخصةً تحدد مسيرة مجتمع بكل طموحاته وتوجهاته الثقافية، وهذا يعني أن الصحوة الفكرية لها حضورها الدائم، وتشخيصها المتميز للمشروع الثقافي والفكري المطروح، ولعل هذا الكتاب أقرت أهميته تلك الصحوة الفكرية المتوثبة لكل جديد يُعالج شبهةً لم تكن مستحكمةً بقدر ما هي، استجاب...

المحتويات الإهداء 5 مقدمة الطبعة الأولى 6 مقدمة الطبعة الثانية 9 تنويه 12 وراثة نبويّة 13 قصة سكينة بنت الحسين عليهما السلام 23 سكينة عليها السلام (الاسم واللقب) 27 1 ــ ابن عساكر في (تاريخ مدينة دمشق) 27 2 ــ ابن تَغْري بَرْدِي في (النجوم الزاهرة في ملوك مصر والقاهرة) 28 3 ــ ابن الجوزي في (المنتظم في تاريخ الملوك والأمم) 28 4 ــ سبط ابن الجوزي في (تذكرة الخواص) 28 5 ــ ابن النديم في (الفهرست) 28 6 ــ أبو الفرج الإصفهاني في (الأغاني) 29 7 ــ ابن العماد الحنبلي في (شذرات الذهب) 30 8 ــ اليافعي في (مرآة الجنان) 30 9 ــ ابن خلكان في (وفيات الأعيان) 30 10 ــ عمر رضا كحالة في (أعلام النساء) 31 11 ــ السيّد محسن الأمين العاملي في (أعيان الشيعة) 31 12 ــ السيّد عبد الرزاق الموسوي المقرّم في (سكينة بنت الحسين عليهما السلام) 32 13 ــ الشيخ محمّد حسين الأعلمي في (تراجم أعلام النساء) 33 14 ــ المحدّث الشيخ عباس القمّي في (منتهى الآمال) 33 مصالح أمويّة ومطامع زبيريّة 35 أكذوبتان 39 الأكذوبة الأولى: سكينة ومجالسة الشعراء واستماع الغناء 39 النموذج الأول 39 رجال الخبر 40 تهافت الوضّاع 43 النموذج الثاني 47 رجال الخبر 52 النموذج الثالث 55 النموذج الرابع 56 رجال الخبر 56 حرمة نظر الأجنبي للأجنبية 60 رمتني بدائها و...

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Louisiana French Grammar

By: Brian Facey

America has its own version of French found in Louisiana. Learn Louisiana French and you will learn more about French and life in Louisiana.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger : Wie alles begann, Österreich Band 5

By: Rudolf J. Strutz

Umfangreicher Bildband über die Anfänge von Arnold Schwarzenegger. Die Stationen von Graz über München, Stuttgart nach London werden ausführlich dokumentiert. Neben den Stätten an denen Arnold Schwarzenegger trainierte, wird auch über sein Engagement bei Special Olympics berichtet. Alle Gemälde des Arnie Malers Helmut Gombocz befinden sich ebenfalls in diesem Bildband....

Über der Tür von Wags Fitnesscenter stand "Here we build men" (Hier werden Männer gemacht) und "Quitters NEVER Win.. Winners never quit!" (Drückeberger gewinnen nie... Gewinner geben nie auf!) - nach diesem Wahlspruch verlief die Karriere von Arnold Schwarzenegger.........

Thal bei Graz Der erste Trainer Graz Stuttgart München London Special Olympics Wanderwege Museum Thal Museum Hotel Paradies Der Arnie-Maler ...

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Dicţionar explicativ de termeni din limba engleză : Banking, comerţ electronic, Internet

By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Compiler

Extras din studiul privind potentialul pietii din Romania pentru dezvoltarea afacerilor online prin magazine virtuale de comert electronic, realizat de Ministerul Comunicaţiilor şi Tehnologiei Informaţiei. Studiul îşi propune să evalueze piaţa de comerţ electronic din România şi să vină în sprijinul tuturor celor care doresc să dezvolte proiecte în acest sector de activitate: guvern, bănci, asociaţii profesionale şi patronate, intreprinzători, etc. ...

Studiul îşi propune să evalueze piaţa de comerţ electronic din România şi să vină în sprijinul tuturor celor care doresc să dezvolte proiecte în acest sector de activitate: guvern, bănci, asociaţii profesionale şi patronate, intreprinzători, etc....

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Wham Media’s Mini-Guide to Success: TOEFL iBT®

By: H. E. Colby

Get the score you deserve on the TOEFL iBT exam! Wham Media’s Mini-Guide to Success: TOEFL iBT® is written by a seasoned English exam preparer and instructor familiar with the key competencies essential for success in obtaining the highest score possible on the reading, writing, listening, and speaking sections of the test. Speaking and writing continue to be two of the weakest areas for students presenting the exam. Get Wham Media’s Mini-Guide to Success: TOEFL iBT® for general test preparation guidance and suggestions for both the Speaking and Writing Sections. Visit the suggested websites for more help. Get started today preparing for the exam! Finally, learn more about the full guide, Wham Media’s Guide to Success: TOEFL iBT®, for a comprehensive approach to exam preparation and robust resources to achieve the success you seek – and deserve. Get Wham Media’s Mini-Guide today and get a head start on preparing for the exam!...


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Origins of the Jewish People : A Short History

By: Alex Drukarev

This is a book about the beginnings of the Jewish people, from prehistory to the time the Jewish Nation was formed in the land of Canaan. Many books cover the early history of the Jews, the Bible being, perhaps, the most read one. However, archaeological discoveries made over last 30 or so years shed some new and important light on many events in that history. These discoveries have been published in a number of books and scholarly papers. For those who do not have time, or inclination to go over those numerous sources, this short (intentionally short) book retells the early history of the Jewish people in light of those discoveries. For those, who would like to dive deeper into specific subjects, the extensive bibliography provides the material for further reading....

Introduction 1. People, Place and Time 2. First Humans. 3. Semites in Canaan 4. Israel emerges in Canaan 5. Who were the early Israelites? ‘ 6. From tribes to people 7. Nation Formed: the Jewish States Epilogue References ...

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By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Compiler

A short guide about what is and how to play bingo, the game in United Kingdom, and its major variations. Since its invention in 1934, modern bingo has evolved into multiple variations, with each jurisdiction’s gambling laws regulating how the game is played. There are also nearly unlimited patterns that may be specified for play. Some patterns only require one number to be matched, up to cover-all games which award the jackpot for covering an entire card and certain games award prizes to players for matching no numbers or achieving no pattern. Bingo is often used as an instructional tool in American primary schools and in teaching English as a foreign language in many countries. It became increasingly more popular across the UK with more purpose-built bingo halls. Keno is an important variation of bingo game, often played at modern casinos, and also offered as a game in some state lotteries. Scratchcard is another major variation. The scratchcard is a small token, usually made of cardboard, where one or more areas contain concealed information: they are covered by a substance (usually latex) that cannot be seen through, ...

A short guide about what is and how to play bingo, the game in United Kingdom, and its major variations. Since its invention in 1934, modern bingo has evolved into multiple variations, with each jurisdiction’s gambling laws regulating how the game is played. There are also nearly unlimited patterns that may be specified for play. Some patterns only require one number to be matched, up to cover-all games which award the jackpot for covering an entire card and certain games award prizes to players for matching no numbers or achieving no pattern....

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Between the lines. Vol 2 : an analytical appreciation of the Buddha's Life: Http://

By: Sylvia Bay

Some 2500 years ago in ancient Northeast India, a young, brilliant and courageous man discovered the sublime answer to how the mind works and how to realise unconditioned happiness and bliss. For the next 45 years, he devoted his life to teaching the doctrine that helped bring unparalleled happiness, peace and relief to numerous people long after his death. In time stories began to emerge proclaiming his greatness and his near-divinity status. Over generations and into distant lands, those stories took on a life of their own. Eventually the real man is buried under a mountain of beautiful fantasies and magical tales. Scholars in Buddhist studies have never lost sight of the historical Buddha. There is a beautiful story to tell about the real man but the materials never quite made it to the mass market because academic books are generally hard to read and appreciate. This book seeks to bring the historical Buddha back into the popular psyche. That story is as intriguing, and is perhaps even more inspiring than the best fantasy story that had ever been woven....

"Buddha did not waste time with external worldly conditions. He had seen through their transient nature and decided to go in search of happiness directly and not derive it through conditional proxies. At 35 (quite the prime ofhis life), Buddha knew exactly what it was like to taste that exquisite inner peace that is not dependant on fickle, short-lived external conditions. After six years of exacting spiritual practice under very painful conditions, he succeeded in his quest to realise unconditioned happiness (nibbana). By any yardstick, that attainment alone would already have made his life deeply meaningful. While the rest of the world hankers after passing moments of delight, he abided in deep contentment and happiness as a matter of course. There is no comparison!"...

Table of Contents Abbreviations for Pali Canon Texts | i An Author’s Request | ii Foreword | viii Chapter One: Spread of Dhamma to Kosala | 1 Chapter Two: Establishing the Nun Order | 19 Chapter Three: Sangha Quarrels at Kosambi | 37 Chapter Four: Middle Age – Successes in Dhamma Work | 47 Chapter Five: Middle Age – Trouble and Unpleasantness | 93 Chapter Six: Troubling Times | 123 Chapter Seven: Troubled Old Age | 145 Chapter Eight: Last Days | 160 Chapter Nine: After Parinibbana – safeguarding Dhamma | 205 Short Reflection on Volume 2 | 225 Poems | 228 Glossary of Pāli Words | 231 About the Author | 241 Bibliography | 243 In Noble Service | 247...

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My Russian Side

By: Alex Gilbert

Alex was followed on a New Zealand TV Documentary in 2013 while he was doing the search on his Birth Parents. He was adopted out of Russia at 2 years old and brought to NZ. Without any knowledge on who his Birth Parents are Alex decides to do a search on them 20 years later. He manages to find them using social media with the only information on them were their names on paper. He travels to Russia late 2013 to meet them for the first time in his entire life....

Hello! Let me start this book by introducing myself. My name is Alex Gilbert and I was born in a small town in Russia, called Arkhangelsk, on the 1st of April 1992. I was adopted from a small orphanage in my birth town and brought to NZ in 1994 when I was 2 years old. I was raised in Whangarei by my wonderful parents Mark and Janice Gilbert. I have a brother called Andrei who was also born in Russia in the same orphanage and adopted with me. Growing up in Whangarei, for me, was easy-going and the years went by fast. I have a lot of great memories from growing up there that I always want to revisit....

Chapter 1 First Search Chapter 2 First Contact With My Biological Mother Chapter 3 It Just Keeps on Getting Better Chapter 4 First Call with my Birth Father Chapter 5 1st Trip Planning Chapter 6 Hold Back! Chapter 7 Only the Beginning! Chapter 8 Leaving NZ Chapter 9 Meeting My Birth Mother Chapter 10 Meeting My Birth Father Chapter 11 Conclusion ...

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U.S. Armed Forces Insignia : Annotated Bibliography

By: Louis V. Toms, Compiler

U.S. Armed Forces Insignia - Annotated Bibliography is a catalog of over 4,000 references addressing military and supporting auxiliary services insignia, rank/rate, and decorations. Compiled materials span the period from 1810 to 2010. Materials compiled from a variety of resources including articles and publications available through Internet libraries....

Introduction Statistical Summaries Deciphering Bibliographic Citations References Armed Forces Awards and Decorations Auxiliary Services Antiquarian Acronyms and Abbreviations Resource Indices ...

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Salt Shackles

By: Robert K Wheeler

After an elongated period of economic deprivation; and human rights expropriation; by the reds; I accumulated enough strength; and courage to turn over the sandglass, and try to locate the relief valve from the autoclavic realm. Those were the times when humans lost the pecking order to the reds, and as such, over eight thousand tormented days followed....

There were no times for personal manners when it came to sustaining a life in which everything was rationed out like an army battalion heading to the battlefield. It was a battleground where survival fought hunger toothpick versus bayonet. At any rate, postulation that the reds’ autoclavic realm wouldn't embrace a certain future; wasn't a grueling discovery. Hence, everyone was plucking the reds-ruined enterprises; while the reds were displuming everyone as a token of gratitude, as if they were edible birds. At first glance, it seems to me like a felicitous symbiosis and that, of course if the situation were assessed from afar, or at much higher altitudes. The reds were by all odds, building a beta future filled with unparalleled variables, where “if” or “else” was present at the end of each dogmatic statement. ...

Book One

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What Does it Mean to Orient Oneself in Thinking?

By: Dr. Immanuel Kant; Daniel Fidel Ferrer, Translator

What Does it Mean to Orient Oneself in Thinking? / By Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). [Was heißt: sich im Denken orientieren? English]. Translation of text, notes, essays, chronology, etc by Copyright ©2014 Daniel Fidel Ferrer. All rights reserved. Free unlimited distribution. Creative Commons General Public License "Attribution, Non-Commercial", version 3.0 (CCPL BY-NC). ...

Kant wrote: "A pure reason faith is the guide or compass, which the speculative thinker based on his rational quarreling (Vernunftstreifereien) in the field of supersensible objects, man of common but (morally) sound reason but his way, and probably in theoretical as practical point of view, the whole purpose of his may prefigure determination entirely appropriate, and it is this rational faith, which must be placed at the foundation of every other faith, yes every revelation (Offenbarung)."...

Table of Contents Translator’s Short Preface for Historical Context (pages 3-4). Immanuel Kant’s Text translated into English (pages 5-22). Translator’s Remarks (pages 23-24). Notes and Background for Kant’s essay and translation (page 25). Earlier translations from German into English of Kant’s essay (page 26). Pantheism Controversy (Quarrel) (Pantheismusstreit) (pages 27-28). Chronology of the Pantheism Controversy (Quarrel) (pages 29-37). Main Philosophers and authors. Ranked by birth year. Lessing first quarrel. Fragments Controversy. Pantheism Controversy or Pantheism Quarrel starts. Atheism Controversy. What is the Purpose of Kant’s Orientation Essay? (pages 38-42). Selected Bibliography related to Pantheism Controversy (pages 42-43). Related Online Resources (pages 43-44). Kant’s Note on his Overall Philosophical Position (pages 45-47). Dedication and Acknowledgements (pages 48-49). Appendix A. Image of first page of Kant Essay (1786) (pages 49-51). Keyword index (pages 51-83). Starts with a green page. ...

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The Compleat Psychic

By: Ruth Brown

The Compleat Psychic is a self-help book about the meaning of life, the destiny of the human race, and how to lose the weight and keep it off. How can I presume to write about such exalted subjects? That's easy. I'm psychic. So are you. So is everyone. Just because you have never tried to intuitively interpret a situation or peek into the future doesn't mean that you cannot do it. Don't forget that when you start practicing something over and over, you get better at it, and this is what will happen when you start working with your psychic abilities. My book is a training manual in practical psychic techniques which actually work. Have you ever wished you could pick up on what are usually non-perceptible energies? Or find a way to tell if someone is lying to you? Or stop using guesswork when you make decisions about raising children, running a business, preserving your equity, or creating a successful relationship? This book will help you do all this and more: you will be able to go through your days feeling harmony and grace instead of the crap you're probably dealing with at the moment. There is a free and universal cure-all ene...

Chapter 1. How Not to Be a Stupid Idiot Chapter 2. Quantum Cussedness. Chapter 3. Welcome to Dragsville USA. Chapter 4. Tarot and Pamela Colman Smith. Chapter 5. Adventures with the Mussolinis. Chapter 6. Question Preliminaries. Chapter 7. Self-Examination Questions. Chapter 8. It's Not Just You: It's Those Damn Newtonians! Chapter 9. Questions About Externals. Chapter 10. In Search of the Flash. Chapter 11. But You've Got to Tell Me What the Cards Mean! Chapter 12. In Search of the Thought. Chapter 13. Fighting the Answer/Accepting the Answer. Chapter 14. Bye Bye Blackbird. Chapter 15. Water: From Turmoil to Harmony. Chapter 16. Earth: From Stuff to Ecstasy. Chapter 17. Air: From Inner Demons to Divine Companions. Chapter 18. Fire: From Chaos to Creation. Chapter 19. Aether: From Ego to Net. Chapter 20. After the Quantum Leap. Footnotes. Bibliography. ...

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What is an ETF or ETN? : Guide to Exchange Traded Funds and Notes versus Mutual Funds

By: Steven Kim

An exchange traded fund (ETF) is a communal vehicle for investment, as is an exchange traded note (ETN). This primer profiles the duo of instruments and compares them to mutual funds. The relative merits of the securities are explained, along with the grave risks both blatant and subtle. The serious investor has to juggle the crucial factors in order to thrash out a robust program of investment....

As a supple tool for investment, the exchange traded fund (ETF) has enjoyed explosive growth since its debut on the stock market. To a lesser extent, the story is similar for the exchange traded note (ETN). The popularity of these vehicles stems from the ease of investing in a diversity of assets at low cost. An ETF is an investment pool whose shares are listed on a bourse. For this reason, the securities can be bought and sold just like any other stock by way of an equity account at a brokerage firm. From a historical stance, the traditional form of communal investing lies in the mutual fund: a commercial trust whose shares are offered for sale directly to the general public. In other words, an investor deals with the operator of the collective pool in procuring and unloading the units. By contrast, the shares of an ETF are traded amongst the actors within the stock market. This primer begins by profiling the exchange traded fund. One topic deals with the similarities and differences between an ETF and a mutual fund. Another issue involves the contrast between active and passive modes of investment in tending a portfolio o...

Climb and Slide of Mutual Funds Active versus Passive Ploys Hidden Dangers Travails of Index Funds Physical versus Synthetic Assets Exchange Traded Note Madness of the Mob Bane of Leverage Additional Forms of Risk Wrapup of the ETF and ETN Further Information References...

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Budgeting for a Thai Autonomous University : The Case of Thaksin University

By: Dr. Wasan Kanchanamukda

What this Book is About? The 1990s decision of Thailand to transition some public universities towards autonomy retained overall accountability for government allocations while internal university matters were to be left to University Councils. An autonomous university in Thailand is defined as a government agency that receives a block grant, operates outside the government bureaucracy and is overseen by the Minister of Education. This includes freedom to determine salaries and staff benefits. The policy objective was to allow flexibility to increase fiscal and academic efficiencies. The process of moving from a finely detailed and inflexible government department budget to one managed according to a strategic plan requires skilled planning. This is the process described and analysed in this book. The book context considered the subjects of: universities as specific institutions; the origins and operations of Thai universities; specificities of the South of Thailand (where Thaksin University is located); modernization of the sector, and university budgeting and financial management. Upon being proclaimed autonomous in 2008 th...

What this Book is About? 1 Chapter 1 Towards University Autonomy 5 Using Experience from Australia 6 Relative Funding Models 7 National Weighting 8 University Administration in Thailand 9 Chapter 2 How Universities are Different 15 A. Universities as Specific Institutions 15 Universities in Australia 18 Recent Reforms in Australia 20 Autonomy and Academic Freedom 22 B. Origins and Operations of Thai Universities 23 The Role of Universities in Thailand 26 Thai and Global Universities 28 C. Specificities of Southern Thailand 30 D. Modernizing Thai Universities 35 Meaning of Autonomy in Thai Universities 37 The Transitional Path 44 Relative Funding Models 46 National Weightings 49 E. Budget Management in Univerities 50 Governance and Centrality of Finances 50 Model for Budgetary Autonomy 52 Learning from the Corporate Sector 53 Performance-Based Budgeting 61 Budgeting Transitions for Autonomy 66 The Autonomous University 68 Chapter 3 Analyzing the Transition to Autonomy 73 Nar...

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Development strategies for the postal sector: an economic perspective

By: Dr. José Anson; Joëlle Toledano Bialot

This book examines the economics of the postal sector through three lenses: snapshot and trends, models, and opportunities. In the years to come, the Universal Postal Union plans to develop its role as a knowledge centre for the postal sector from these perspectives. At this time of radical transformation of the postal sector, it is important to understand how the sector has evolved historically, how it is connected with the economic system, and where it is heading. This book thus first presents a long-run view, focusing on incumbent operators over the last three decades, and then describes their development in the last five to ten years. It also offers a real-time picture based on daily “big postal data”, revealing one of the greatest opportunities for the sector in terms of forecasting and product design....

PREFACE Bishar A. Hussein ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION Development strategies for the postal sector: an economic perspective José Ansón and Matthias Helble CHAPTER 1 Postal economics and statistics for strategy analysis – The long view José Ansón and Matthias Helble CHAPTER 2 Postal economics and statistics for strategy analysis – The short view Joëlle Toledano Bialot CHAPTER 3 Status of the postal service 20 years after the green paper: a Franco-European perspective José Ansón, Rudy Cuadra, Altamir Linhares, Guillermo Ronderos and Joëlle Toledano Bialot CHAPTER 4 The economics of postal delivery in developing countries: learning from the Latin American and Sub-Saharan African experiences José Ansón, Rudy Cuadra, Altamir Linhares,Guillermo Ronderos and Joëlle Toledano Bialot CHAPTER 5 Postal regulation in Sub-Saharan Africa Marie-Odile Pilley CHAPTER 6 Financial inclusion, postal banking and the future postal economic model José Ansón and Joëlle Toledano Bialot CHAPTER 7 Big postal data, now casting and the global pulse of the economy José Ansón and Matthias He...

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Understanding Southeast Asia : Syncretism in Commonalities


Includes an opening summary page in all major regional languages (English, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malaysia, Burmese, Filipino, Khmer, Lao, Thai Vietnamese and Chinese. Beginning with the common origins of Southeast Asia’s peoples and languages, their shared heritage is emphasized through agricultural, archeological, cultural, geographical, historical, linguistic, religious and technological fields. Perennially defined by rice, stability and commerce, Southeast Asia has evolved a common trading ethic and morality influenced by China and India long before a short European colonial interlude. Historically known as a Golden Land, the region exudes a resilience founded in millennium-long traditions that are today expressed through local adaptations of world religions. ...

Summary Overview: in English v in Bahasa Indonesia vi in Bahasa Malaysia vii in Burmese viii in Filipino x in Khmer xi in Lao xii in Thai xiv in Vietnamese xvi in Chinese xvii if you would know me … xviii Author’s Note xix Chapters 1. One Common Region 1 2. Defining Southeast Asia 7 3. From Trade to Civilization 17 4. Commercial and Technology 25 5. Adapting to New Overlords 33 6. Rice and Culture 39 7. United by Commerce 45 8. 18th Century Consolidation 53 9. British-led Resurgence 57 10. Transition to 20th Century 63 11. Pendulum of Commerce 67 12. Emerging 1930s States 73 13. War and Independence 79 14. Marching to Statehood 83 15. Emerging Leadership 91 16. States to Nations to Region 99 17. Remote Peoples 105 18. Beliefs Systems 113 19. Evolving Syncretism 121 20. Religious Rebellions 129 21. Religion within Politics 137 22. Trade and Worldviews 143 23. Conclusion: Uniting Commonalities 147 Bibliography & Endnotes 155 Index 162 ...

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On The Origin Of The Human Mind, Second Edition

By: Ph.D. Andrey Vyshedskiy

“I like the idea of mental synthesis very much ... I quite agree that language evolved in a way that facilitates synthesis and transmission of the synthesized mental image. ... I don't think there can be much doubt, purely conceptually, that language was a late arrival. Whatever mutation provided the key to it would have had no selectional advantage at all, and would have just been a useless “organ,” if it could not have linked up to pre-existing thought systems.” —NOAM CHOMSKY, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, MIT “Boston University’s Andrey Vyshedskiy brings a neuroscientist’s perspective to the discussion of human mental history in On the Origin of the Human Mind.” —Scientific American Mind (July 2009) “I found the Mental Synthesis theory stimulating and provocative. The author puts forward an explanation for the evolution of the human mind based on predator detection that led to increased visual mental analysis which set the stage for visual mental syntheses. The author presents an impressive array of recent research on the brain with up to date references that are highly relevant to his case and the origin of mi...

Introduction While studying the neuroscience of consciousness, I was struck with certain facts about mental imagery that seemed to shed some light on the process of the evolution of the human mind. The origin of the human mind remains one of the greatest mysteries of all times. The last 150 years, since Charles Darwin proposed that species evolve under the influence of natural selection (Darwin C, 1859), have been marked by great discoveries. Molecular biology described the genetic principles underlying species evolution and identified specific changes in the human genome since our lineage split off from the chimpanzee line about six million years ago (Somel M, 2013). Great paleontological discoveries have filled that span of six million years of human evolution with a number of intermediate species that display both human- and ape-like characteristics. However, the discussion of the evolution of the human intellect and specific forces that shaped the underlying brain evolution is as vigorous today as it was in Darwin’s times. At the center of the predicament about the origin of the human mind lies the question of human uniqu...

Introduction 1 Part 1. Neuroscience of imagination 5 Chapter 1. Object encoding in the brain 6 Chapter 2. Neuronal synchronization 26 Chapter 3. Imagining new objects 32 Chapter 4. External manifestations of mental synthesis 39 Chapter 5. Humans versus animals 80 Chapter 6: Overall Discussion of Part 1 108 Part 2. Evolution of the Human Mind 135 Chapter 7. Introduction: a quick guide to paleoanthropology 136 Chapter 8. Cognitive evolution through the prism of paleontological evidence 160 Chapter 9. Evolutionary pressure drives better predator detection 191 Chapter 10. Overall Discussion of Part 2 219 Part 3. The “last” mutation 254 Chapter 11. The role of the prefrontal cortex in the process of mental synthesis 256 Chapter 12. Evolution of the prefrontal cortex 277 Conclusions 327 A wish list of experiments 339 Appendix 367 Acknowledgments 400 Bibliography 401 Illustrations credits 428 About the author 430 ...

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Wommack’s The Art of Parenting : Lessons from Parents & Mentors of Extraordinary Americans

By: David Wommack

Let's be honest. No other parenting books even try to show you how to make your son or daughter a great American. We do. Thirty-one (31) great men and women from across many professions, genders, politics, religions, and walks of life--the products of extraordinary parenting and mentoring. This book offers the exact techniques, words, phrases, mantras --to propel your offspring to incredible success -- toward rich, vivid lives. They worked for those parents and mentors. They can and will work for you too. Mantras are the 21st Century way to lock your ideals, standards, ethics, and principles into formative minds. By definition they demand repetition. The phrasing may stay the same or almost the same. The stories, the elaboration, the background, the colors may bob and weave. But the cores of the mantras stay fixed. Stars to remember and guide one through life. MANTRAS. The exact words used to motivate and guide those great future Americans. Distilled from over 500 biographies. These techniques, these words and phrases, WORK! This book uniquely brings you the best parenting and mentoring advice. Straight up. No bull. The EXACT, SPECI...

Introduction An easier childhood? There is a deep-seated river that contrarily runs through most American parenting. The belief that “my children” should have it easier than we, as parents, had it — when we were growing up. That is the worst mantra of parents! Spoiling your kids is the worst curse you can bestow upon your kids and yourself. It will come back to haunt you. Over and over and over. And then it will be too late. An old adage. Well, maybe we’ve grown up a little and are now more accomplished at avoiding corporeal punishment, except in the most egregious situations. But we continue to spoil them in other ways. Excess money. Excess toys. Excess time on their hands with nothing constructive to do. Excess trivia in their lives....

Contents Dedication .................................................................................................................. 10 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 11 An easier childhood? ........................................................................................ 11 Parenting has changed? .................................................................................... 11 Mantras are the past and the future .................................................................. 12 About the Author ....................................................................................................... 15 VOLUME I–THE ART OF PARENTING................................................................ 17 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ................................................................................................ 17 Who is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? ............................................................................... 17 Parenting Techniques .........................................................................

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