Search Results (12 titles)

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Manuscripts (X)

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The Library : Second Edition

By: Andrew Lang

First Edition printed in 1881. Second Edition. The final chapter enlarged, and further illustrations added 1892.

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Catalogue of the Selected Portion of the Library of the Late Adolphus Frederick Nichols, Esq.

By: Adolphus Frederick Nichols, Compiler

A collection of varied rare books and manuscripts.

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Catalogue of the Christie Collection : Comprising the Printed Books and Manuscripts Bequeathed to the Library of the University of Manchester by the Late Richard Copely Christie, L.L. D.

By: Charles W.E. Leigh, Compiler

Mr. Christie was a professor for the University of Manchester. He past away before a University library was constructed and so he left in his will the offer to build the school a library at his expense, which the University gratefully accepted and now houses an array of material, called, the Christie Library....

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Catalogue of the Library of Henry W. Poor : Volumes 1-5

By: Various Authors

The great library, a part of which is described in this catalogue, represents the literary accumulations of a busy financier and man of affairs during a period of over thirty years. The five thousand titles which will be included in this and subsequent sales during the season, and which are only a part of Mr. Poor's library, cover a field and will arouse the interest of all classes of collectors and all lovers of beautiful and rare books....

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Catalogue of the Magnificent Collection of Manuscripts from Hamilton Palace

By: William Alexander Louis Stephen Douglas-Hamilton Duke of Hamilton, Compiler

Persian and Arabic Manuscripts, containing specimens of calligraphy (including one by Shah-Ma Jimud, dated A.H. 971, i.e. A.D. 1563), by the famous scribes Muliammed Alhusaini and Shah Murad, and decorated with 30 beautiful Persian Drawings, finely executed in vivid colours, heightened with gold and silver, representing portraits of shahs, horses, elephants (including white), wild beasts, ceremonies, processions, sporting scenes, lady swinging, all mounted on cardboard, within exquisitely designed borders of wild beasts, birds, flowers, c. executed in gold, silver and colours, bound in Oriental red morocco, ornamented with rich gold tooling. This superb Manuscript appears to have been arranged in 1776 for a French Officer named Major Polaire. Arabic prose and quotations from poets in Persian Verse Manuscript containing beautiful specimens of Oriental Caligrapihy, chiefly by the celebrated Scribe Mohammed AH, A.H. 1195 (a.d, 1780), and decoi-ated with 16 beautiful Persian Drawings, finely eoxcuted in vivid colours, heightened with gold and silver, representing views of palaces, horsemanship, concert of music, audience chamber, banque...

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British Museum Guide to the Exhibited Manuscripts : Illuminated Manuscripts and Bindings of Manuscipts Exhibited in the Grenville Library : Part III

By: Julius P. Gilson

This Guide to the Manuscripts, Autographs, Charters, Seals, Illuminations, and Bindings exhibited in the Department of Manuscripts and in the Grenville Library first appeared in its present shape, consisting of three parts, each with twenty plates, in 1912. Part III is now reprinted substantially in the same form. The most important changes in this part of the exhibition are the additions to the section of English illuminations of the Durham Life of St. Cuthbert and the St. Omer Psalter, and to the French section of the Sainte Abbaye. The acquisition of the St. Omer Psalter is due to the generosity of Mr. Henry Yates Thompson. All three manuscripts have for some time been on view in a separate case, but now take their proper places in the arrangement. A few minor alterations and slight revisions of the descriptions have been made, the work being done, as in 1912, by Mr. J. A. Herbert, now Deputy Keeper....

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Catalogue of the Valuable Collection of Manuscripts, In All Languages, Formed by the Late Mr. Thomas Rodd

By: Thomas Rodd, Compiler

A collection of rare and varied materials.

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Catalogue of the Library of Robert Hoe of New York : Part 1, A to K

By: Robert Hoe, Compiler

The library is enriched by trophies of all the great sales of Mr. Hoe's half a century of collecting. Perhaps no such array of books of important provenance and high association interest was ever before assembled. Books with the arms of Kings and Queens; beautiful manuscripts ante-dating printing, and the earliest examples of printed books; books from Grolier's library in finest condition; autographs, manuscripts, and letters; annotated books- the imagination kindles at these intimate reminders of the great and illustrious names of many periods and nations....

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The Romance of the Rose Illuminated

By: Alcuin Blamires; Gail C. Holian

A central work in medieval culture and modern scholarship, the Romance of the Rose was among the most consistently illustrated of medieval secular texts. Consequendy, interpretation of the visual evidence has played a significant part in elucidating the poem and its derivatives. This volume reproduces in color, with commentary and full contextual discussion, all the miniatures from five unpublished illuminated manuscripts of Le Roman de la Rose in the National Library of Wales. This book is a "must" for those who teach and study medieval literature in most European languages and especially for those who study Chaucer — a poet who absorbed the Romance of the Rose to the core by translating it....

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Obiectivul Savu :

By: Florentin Smarandache

Urmărirea oficială a început pe data de 22.03.1985 (deşi am găsit în dosare şi rapoarte din ianuarie 1985) şi a continuat şi după fuga obiectivului „SAVU” pe data de 07.09.1988 în lagărul de refugiaţi politici din Istambul şi Ankara (Turcia). A fost luat în atenţie de Serviciul III din cadrul Inspectoratul Judeţean Dolj, pe linia problemei „Atlas”. Ȋn vreme ce ei „mă lucrau în urmărire informativă” cu atȃta zel … eu habar n-aveam! Ba chiar mă băgaseră în atenţia Serviciului de Contraspionaj (conform Notei RD. 5/890/1985): fiindcă aveam multe legături cu străinii. Ca-n filme poliţiste, numai că antieroul eram... EU însumi! Existau zile cȃnd mă „filau” pas cu pas (unde mergeam, cu cine mă întȃlneam, la ce oră anume), ba mă şi pozau... Eu nici nu mi-am dat seama! Cȃnd i-am istorisit chestia asta lui Ion Soare, el a adăugat rȃzȃnd: - Păăi, aveam Securitate, domnule (!) Revăzȃnd acest D.U.I. 742 „Savu”, format din 4 volume şi însumȃnd peste 1200 file! – cu menţiunea -, m-a apucat deodată o nemulţumire generală, o scȃrbă pentru această viaţă irosită, în zbatere continuă... cu o soartă mereu în cumpănă. Cȃt timp am pierdut şi cȃtă e...

Pierderi de manuscrise Am pierdut vreo 350 pagini de manuscrise în perioada aceea. A fost şi greşeala mea că mă grăbeam să le public ori să le scot din ţară... n-am avut răbdare să aştept. Dar cine se gȃndea atunci că o să cadă dictatura, cȃnd ea părea aşa de stabilă şi tare ca betonul?! 1) Trei plicuri mari şi groase, albe, puse la poşta din Craiova, din spatele Universităţii Centrale, şi expediate către aceeaşi Chantal Signoret în primele zile din septembrie 1988 – înaintea „fugii mele”. Acestea au fost confiscate de către Securitate şi menţionate în Dosariada lor, dar neînapoiate manuscrisele (în jur de 100 pagini) - în ciuda apelului meu către CNSAS, cu toate că majoritatea erau inofensive, adică: probleme propuse şi rezolvate de matematică, rebusuri, şi poeme nepolitice. Nu înţeleg nici acum de ce nu-mi înapoiază CNSAS-ul manuscrisele? Au fost distruse? Dar... au vrut să-mi facă rău cu tot dinadinsul... Curios, că alte doua plicuri, la fel de mari, trimise din Bucureşti de la o poşta din Drumul Taberei, în aceleaşi zile, au ajuns la Chantal, care mi le-a retrimis în Turcia. Deci Securitatea din capitală nu mă avea încă în... (prefaţă) ................................................................. 4 Spicuiri din scrisori................................................................................... 15 Pierderi de manuscrise....................................................................... 16 Erori şi exagerări informative.................................................. 18 Scrisoare de la CNSAS........................................................................ 22 D. U. I . 742 “Savu” .................................................................. 24 Vol. 1: (Note sau Rapoarte informative, Note de relaţii, Note extrase, Note explicative, Note de analiză, Note de stadiu, Note de filare şi identificare, Radiograme, Telegrame, Serviciul Contrainformaţii, Situaţii operative, Planuri de măsuri, Date de interes operativ, Cereri de verificari la evidenţa populaţiei, Dispoziţii de verificări, Legăturile obiectivului, Fotografii camuflate)................ 25 Vol. 2: (Scrisori trimise sau primite interceptate, Relatări verbale, Manuscrise interceptate, Traduceri de scrisori şi manuscrise interceptate din engleză şi fran...

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The John Rylands Library Manchester : Catalogue of an Exhibition of Illuminated Manuscripts, Principally Biblical and Liturgical, Exhibited on the Occassion of the Meeting of the Church Congress on October, MCMVIII

By: Henry Guppy


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Coptic Manuscripts Brought from the Fayyum : Together with a Papyrus in the Bodleian Libray

By: W.M. Flinders Petrie; Walter Ewing Crum, Editor

The main collection is a result of Mr. Flinders Petrie's excavations in 1889, and was brought from Deir El-Hammam, three miles N. of Illahun. To it are added a few fragments (Nos. XX, XXVI, XLIX, and LIII), acquired at Hawara. The subjects represented are (I) Biblical texts :—To the one example previously described, a second is now added. (II) Patristic texts:—I have placed among these some curious fragments which give, inter alia, the account of a dream, because I was at a loss more appropriately to class them. (HI) Liturgical texts : A small group, put together since I wrote my former description. (IV) Letters : This section embraces (as in the other collections) a large proportion of the whole. (V) Lists and accounts: Some very small scraps are included here. Of the so-called Legal documents, numerous in Vienna,' there are but three mutilated specimens (Nos. XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII). These I have held it allowable to class with the letters....

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Records: 1 - 12 of 12 - Pages: 

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