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Online Company Formation in India : Pvt Ltd Company Registration,

By: Sir. Swarit Adviser, Performer

Get your company registration done in the shortest possible time. Contact us today. Our business services include – Pvt Ltd company registration, one person company registration, Limited Liability Partnership registration and more. Start your business today and let us handle the registration process for you. At easy prices and fast services, we are highly recommended for company registration in India. More info visit

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El Escuadrón Suicida de la Criminología : Innovación etnográfica en contextos de ocio nocturno. Casos Magaluf y “raves”, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Innovación etnográfica en contextos de ocio nocturno. Casos Magaluf y “raves”

By: Dr. Lic. Antonio Silva Esquinas; Jorge Ramiro Pérez Suárez

This article offers an analysis of innovative new ethnographic methods which have come about in recent times during our research studies. We start by contextualizing the state of ethnographic research in Spain, with a focus on its usage by Spanish Criminologists before discussing “instant ethnography” and “auto-ethnography”. Lastly, we use field notes from our ethnographic studies on youth nightlife environments in Magaluf – a touristic zone famous for its party atmosphere - and at various Spanish raves and discuss the advantages and limitations of these particular tools....

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En la Ciudad del Positivismo Perdido : Lecciones aprendidas para una criminología urbana, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Lecciones aprendidas para una criminología urbana

By: Lic. Dr. Jorge Ramiro Pérez Suárez; Antonio Silva Esquinas

In the present paper we make an approach to understanding how post-positivism, liquidity and capitalism have affected through its neoliberal current the schools of thought in Social Sciences and their research methods. This approach is based on three distinctive realities such as: the phenomena of political refugees, the homeless and cyberporn so that we can observe the current limitations in research matters in relation to certain phenomenologies and we will propose the tackling of said issues by using a more urban criminology and mixed methods....

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Análisis e Implicancias del Diseño Constitucional de la Justicia de las Comunidades Nativas y Campesinas y su Relación con la Justicia Ordinaria: : El caso peruano, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: El caso peruano

By: Dr. Gino Rios Patio

Analysis and implications of the constitutional design of the justice of the native and campesinas communities and its relationship with ordinary justice: The peruvian case Justice in its legal configuration, specifically criminal, is a cultural product that should not be distanced from its ethical justification, due to its anthropological character, which entails the most felt aspiration of equity that has the person and the community. The political constitution of a multiethnic and multicultural state, such as Peru, recognizes the jurisdiction of the native and peasant communities, as a special jurisdiction, which integrates it into ordinary jurisdiction, just as civil, labor, Of family, commercial, criminal, among other specialties, although that jurisdiction has the philosophical, anthropological, sociological and historical bases necessary to be considered a jurisdiction of exception, as it is the case of the military and arbitral jurisdictions, both for respective reasons Sui géneris. In the consequent coordination between the ordinary jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of the native and peasant communities, it appears an a...

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Política victimal, frente a la construcción social del miedo e inseguridad en el estado de México en 2017 : Victimal politics, against the social construction of fear and insecurity in the state of Mexico in 2017, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Victimal politics, against the social construction of fear and insecurity in the state of Mexico in 2017

By: Susana Gabriela Gaytan Najera

The present investigation has as purpose to develop a victimological policy, directed to the population, of the Municipality of Metepec, State of Mexico, part of three postulates as they are the social construction of the fear, the social imaginary and the social action before the victimals actions. The research emphasizes five areas, among them the first refers to the methodological section, the second indicates the theme on Victimology, as an auxiliary discipline of Criminology, while the next section allows to give an argument about symbolic interactionism, to generate the opening to a third section that constitutes insecurity and its relation to fear, finally the criminological policy is exposed with a focus on a victim policy in consideration of the results obtained from the investigation....

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Lucha Contra la Violencia en Mexico : Algunas reflexiones críticas sobre su percepción y combate , Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Algunas reflexiones críticas sobre su percepción y combate

By: Idalia Patricia Espinosa Leal; Jose Zaragoza Huerta

The objective of this paper is to identify the deep and criminological causes that generate the crime unleashed in Mexican society, from its most outstanding beginnings to the present day, with the aim of proposing public policies to prevent, control and diminish it. The method chosen for the investigation of this article is the documentary, books, newspapers, interviews, documentaries and surveys carried out by national and international non-governmental organizations, as well as governmental organizations. As you will see the issue is not recent appearance, society has been affected for a little more than a decade and it seems that has no brake. The violence has overstepped the governmental limits losing control, reason why the whole society must act from its trench, contributing a grain of sand to improve the situation....

En los últimos años, la sociedad mexicana se ha visto afectada por diversos factores criminológicos, ocasionando una serie de trastornos sociales como: la inseguridad en las calles (Arellano, 2014), la desconfianza en las autoridades, la desigualdad de oportunidades, es decir, un deterioro al Estado de Derecho. En México la etapa más cruda de la violencia, inicia en el período del Presidente de la República Mexicana, Vicente Fox Quesada, tras haberse desatado una ola de violencia debido al narcotráfico y otros delitos, en junio de 2005 el presidente pone en marcha el “Operativo México Seguro”, el cual consistía en enviar efectivos federales a lugares especialmente conflictivos, desplegar militares en las calles e intentar depurar las policías locales y estatales; desde esa fecha hasta nuestros días continuamos con este desgarrador problema, tema que como sociedad a todos nos afecta (El Universal, 12 de junio de 2005)....

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Presentación de la revista electrónica Criminociencia: Presentation of the electronic journal Criminoscience

By: Omar Alejandro De León Palomo, Dr.

Revista Electrónica criminociencia se funda el 01 de enero de 2013 como una forma de tener un medio más de divulgación de la investigación y producción científica sobre CRIMINOLOGÍA y CRIMINALÍSTICA en México; es una revista creada por y para CRIMINÓLOGOS Y CRIMINALISTAS sin fines de lucro, donde se recopilan y publican ensayos y artículos científicos de forma tetramestral....

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Monetary Laws of the United States : Appendix, Volume II: Appendix

By: Matt R. Erickson

Volume II, Appendix contains texts of America's monetary laws. Appendix Topic A. Organic Documents B. Mint Statistics through 1902 C. Preliminary Coinage Reports D. Primary Coinage Acts E. Secondary Coinage Acts F. Foreign Coinage Acts G. Commemorative Coinage Acts from 1891-1954 H. Modern Commemorative Coinage Acts I. Acts regarding Mints and Assay Offices J. Acts Regarding Notes K. Criminal Monetary Jurisdiction Acts L. The Great Deception & the Duping of America M. Miscellaneous Acts N. Monetary Portions of Title 31 of the United States Code ...

Contents Chronological Listing of Acts herein 2 Appendix A: Organic Documents 19 Constitution 19 Amendments 28 (Declaration of Independence) 37 (Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union) 42 Appendix B: Mint Statistics 1793-1902 50 Silver Coinage Mintage Statistics 1793-1902 51 Silver Coinage Mint Mintage Statistics 1793-1902 (odd denominations) 54 Gold Coinage Statistics 1793-1902 (in dollars) 57 Appendix C: Reports 60 Superintendent Robert Morris’ 1782 Report 61 PROPOSITIONS RESPECTING THE COINAGE OF GOLD, SILVER, AND COPPER. 66 Samuel Osgood and Walter Livingston’s April 8, 1786 Report 69 April 8, 1786 72 Thomas Jefferson’s 1791 Report 74 Alexander Hamilton’s January 1791 Report 79 Appendix D: Primary Coinage Acts 99 1792, April 2 100 1834, June 28 104 1837, January 18 105 1849, March 3 111 1853, February 21 112 1873, February 12 114 1878, February 28 126 1879, June 9 128 Appendix E: Secondary Coinage Acts 129 1792, May 8 130 1793, January 14 131 1796, May 27 132 1800, April 24 133 1851, March 3 134 1853, March 3 135 1864, April 22 136 1865, March 3 137 1866, May 16 139 1871, March 3 1...

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Keeping the Peace : Regional Organizations and Peacekeeping

By: Major John S. Clark Jr., USAF

This study concludes that in order for peacekeepers to achieve their mandate, it is critical to possess strong political will and a minimum of operational support.Furthermore, regional organizations run the gamut in both political will and operational capability. Their performance indicates that when their national interests are at stake, the regionals demonstrate the required political will to persevere in a mission....


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Bienvenida del Presidente de la SOMECRIMNL al Volumen XI : Welcome of the SOMECRIMNL’s president for the volume XI, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Welcome of the SOMECRIMNL’s president for the volume XI

By: Dr. Gil David Hernández Castillo

Welcome note from the President of the Sociedad Mexicana de Criminología in Año 6, vol. XI agosto-diciembre 2018 of Archivos de Criminología, Seguridad Privada y Criminalística ...

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Nacimiento, Sistematización y Evolución de las Criminologías Específicas en México : Origin, systematization and evolution of the specific criminologies in Mexico, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Origin, systematization and evolution of the specific criminologies in Mexico

By: Lic. Dr. Wael Hikal; Roberto Alonso Ramos Erosa

This paper it’s focuses on highlighting the importance of specializing the criminology in Mexico. It is taken as a reference to the specifics criminologies that have been developed in EUA, Europe and other regions, compared to those developed in the Mexican and latinamerican bibliography. The objective is to highlight the importance and need to create terms and conceptualize areas of specialized studies in criminology. So that, the professionals have better tools of knowledge and make progress in the intervention with the phenomena of the criminality. Given the great contrast that exists in Mexico on the theoretical evolution of criminology with other countries of North America, Europe and Asia....

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Un Acercamiento a la Especialización de la Criminología : An aproach to the specialization of criminology, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: An aproach to the specialization of criminology

By: Lic. Cristian Díaz Sandoval

We are at a crucial time for criminology, where its famous stalemate may remain in the past to start a revolution not seen until now in all Latin America, where the old customs will be left behind to be replaced by new methods, techniques, knowledge that will bring with them the thesis of specific criminologies. This text presents a brief approach to the importance of these as fields of applied scientific research, from which the appropriate tools for the development of science will be obtained....

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Rasgo antisocial y afecto positivo y negativo en población penitenciaria de México : Antisocial trait and positive and negative affect in the penitentiary population of Mexico, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: Antisocial trait and positive and negative affect in the penitentiary population of Mexico

By: Lic. Dr. Ferrán Padrós Blázquez; Víctor Edgar Soria Benítez

The objective of this article is to study the relationship between the symptomatology of Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) and the levels of positive and negative affect in Mexican inmates. A sample of 65 male inmates was used, subsequently divided into 2 subsamples, one composed of 28 participants with probable ASPD and the other of 37, composed of inmates with high probabilities of not meeting the ASPD criteria. The diagnosis of ASPD was estimated based on the Aluja ETAPA scale, which assesses the presence of ASPD symptomatology, positive and negative affect was evaluated using the PANAS scales. Significant correlations were found between the ETAPA score and positive affect (low and negative) and negative affect (moderate and positive). In addition, inmates with probable ASPD showed a higher level of negative affect and less positive affect than the group with probable non-ASPD. The results obtained coincide partially with what was found in previous studies where psychopathy was evaluated. The present study supposes a first approximation on the relation between the positive and negative affects and the ASPD in Mexico....

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Revenue and Customs Enforcement - Fraud

By: Peter Krause

A general guidance aimed at those wishing to gain a basic understanding of the operational side of revenue enforcement and the investigation and prosecution of revenue and customs frauds. This was written with the view to be not a blue-print of the enforcement framework of any one particular jurisdiction, but rather to point out common features and practices commonly found in most parts of the English-speaking world....


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Claims on Privacy : An Essay, Volume 1: An Essay

By: Ankur Mutreja

The "Claims on Privacy" is an essay justifying the categorization of privacy as a generic natural right like the right to life and liberty. An inextricable link has been drawn between dignity and privacy in the essay through the life story of a fictional character XYZ as no contour can really be drawn to an abstract right in a system which can't be tailor-made. Various articles published by the author on his blog have also been added as appendices. The author is a privacy exponent. This essay is his sincere attempt to educate himself about privacy, which is a right less understood. He makes no claims to educate others. Even if the readers get entertained, the author would accept it gracefully as an accidental gain....

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Bad Law, A Novel

By: William McGrane

"Hard cases, it is said, make bad law. But they can also make good novels, and William McGrane has done so with a gripping tale of the seamy side of law practice; replete with ethical crises and missteps; heartless firm politics; and the brutal, fragile road to success. The story may make you uncomfortable because the fiction is only a disguise for reality, a reality many of us have faced. But, fiction or fact, Mr. McGrane’s crisply written, insightful and unyielding novel holds you until its conclusion—and even then it stays with you." Jerome Shestack, Esq., former United States Ambassador to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Past President of the American Bar Association, and 2006 winner of the American Bar Association Medal. "Wonderful book. I tried to persuade my wife, Kim, that some of the Bad Law stories were fictional, but she didn't believe me." Richard Plumridge, Esq., former senior partner at Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison, LLP. "William McGrane takes us on a disturbing ride through the underbelly of big-city law practice, along with a cast of characters much too close for comfort to the real thing." ...

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Beat Your Creditors: FREE Step-by-Step eBook : Keep Your Money & Improve Your Life!

By: Patricia Hawke

Easy and simple step-by-step solutions to stop persistent hassles from creditors, windebt lawsuits through dismissal, and clean up your credit reports and scredit scores. Learn how credit card companies ruin you financially - on purpose, improve your cash flow, get financial help, and protect your current job. This 348-page pdf book zip file also includes: 27 forms you can personalize, over 200 pages deal with how to handle debt collectors and get lawsuits dismissed (including the complete paperwork for 3 lawsuits), and an amazing extensive list of important contact information. This is a "pay it forward" project by a professional writer and researcher to help others, using her own experience and research. The complete book with editable forms can be downloaded at

Part 1: Protecting Your Credit Introduction Chapter 1: Credit Card Companies – Not Your Friends Chapter 2: Third Party Collection Agencies – Watch Out! Chapter 3: Medical Debt Chapter 4: The Court System and Attorneys Chapter 5: Lawsuits – You Can Win! Chapter 6: The Big Three – Credit Reporting Agencies Appendix A: Important Contact Information Appendix B: Sample – Difficult District Court Filing and Responses Part 2: Surviving the Hard Times Chapter 7: Protecting Your Job Chapter 8: Better Handling of Your Money Chapter 9: Pay Down Your Debt – It’s Easier Than You Think Chapter 10: Spend Less and Save More Chapter 11: Bring in Extra Money Chapter 12: Extra Help – Government Chapter 13: Extra Help – Charities, Churches and Your Community Chapter 14: Extra Help – Veterans Only! Part 3: Forms 27 forms that can be edited and personalized...

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Book of Business, A Novel

By: William McGrane

Book of Business - free eBook Edition by William McGrane It's the summer of 1994, and Gus Bondoc is going under. One of the best civil-defense lawyers in San Francisco, he's survived by sheer cunning and strict control. But when everything goes wrong at once - when a jury hits his biggest client with a $12 million penalty just after an entry-level employee helps a foreign government wrest $16 million from the most dangerous man he's ever worked for and then sets out to seduce him - Bondoc falls back on his worst instincts and the wrong people. With his business and his life at risk, with plenty of enemies and few friends, he begins the grim process of preserving himself at all costs. A raw portrait of the dark side of high-stakes civil-law practice, Book of Business is a frightening look at a shadowy world that many imagine but only true insiders ever see. Praise for Book of Business "Compulsively readable." Ephraim Margolin, Esq., Past President of the California Academy of Appellate Lawyers; Recipient, State Bar of California Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame Awards 2004. "Book of Business is a unique, no-holds-barred, ins...

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Victimología de la Mujer Puertorriqueña : La población femenil víctima de violencia doméstica y la culpa psicosociopatológica en el patrón victimal del agresor, Volume Ano 6, Vol. XI Aug-Dec 2018: La población femenil víctima de violencia doméstica y la culpa psicosociopatológica en el patrón victimal del agresor

By: Mtra. Gloriam Said Mercado Justiniano

El siguiente trabajo investigativo está dedicado a ilustrar la Victimología Femenil desde una perspectiva colaborativa con mis nuevos estudios en Trabajo Social Clínico. El campo del Trabajo Social Clínico ha despertado en mí una mujer sustancialmente científica y comprometida con todo estudio que predomina en el campo Social sin perder de vista la Criminología. Por algo, quiero preparar a todos los lectores, estudiosos de la Justicia Criminal, Criminología, Derecho y profesionales en los distinguidos campos, que a continuación serán testigos de un artículo que presenta una fusión terminológica e idealista que conllevan a una misma finalidad. En este caso, se ha integrado ejemplos de actitudes sociolingüísticas del Trabajo Social que no son otra cosa que verbalizaciones, ideologías y juicios valorativos construidos socialmente que debemos de aprender a deconstruir como seres humanos como parte del ejercicio de la prevención de la violencia que nos ahoga socioculturalmente. Por otro lado, se hace cita a las fuentes más fundamentales del Derecho Probatorio y Procesal de Puerto Rico, tales como: la Constitución del Estado Libre Asoci...

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Monetary Laws of the United States : Narrative, Volume I: Narrative

By: Matt R. Erickson

Re-discover America's limited government under the U.S. Constitution, learning about how the almighty wizard intimidated the cowardly and the meek who fail to properly use their God-given brain, until the small dog who trusted his nose pulled back the curtain to expose the fraud. Regain limited government and honest money by learning that deception....

Table of Contents Forward 1 Table of Contents 2 Preface 4 Volume I: NARRATIVE DISCUSSION 6 Chapter 1: Constitutional Overview 6 Chapter 2: Money Raised to Fund the Revolutionary War 28 Chapter 3: Weights and Measures 52 Chapter 4: Constitutional Monetary Clauses 57 Chapter 5: Preliminary Reports 93 Chapter 6: Primary Coinage Acts 102 Section A: 1792, April 2 Act 102 Section B: 1834, June 28 Act (Chapter 95) 121 Section C: 1837, January 18 Act 143 Section D: 1849, March 3 Act 154 Section E: 1853, February 21 Act 158 Section F: 1873, February 12 Act 165 Section G: 1878, February 28 Act 170 Section H: 1879, June 9 Act 173 Section I: 1900, March 14 Act 185 Chapter 7: Secondary Coinage Acts, Commemorative Coinage Acts 187 Chapter 8: Acts Respecting Foreign Coin 189 Section A: 1793, February 9 Act 189 Section B: 1797, July 22 Proclamation 191 Section C: 1798, February 1 and 1802, April 30 Acts 192 Section D: 1806, April 10 Act 192 Section E: 1816, April 29 Act 193 Section F: 1819, March 3 Act 198 Section G: 1821, March 3 and 1823, March 3 Acts 198 Section H: 1823, March 3 Act, Chapter 53 199 Section I: ...

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