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De Milán a Palermo: la aplicación de mecanismos internacionales para enfrentar a la delincuencia organizada transnacional : From Milan to Palermo: the implementation of international mechanisms to deal with transnational organized crime, Volume 11: From Milan to Palermo: the implementation of international mechanisms to deal with transnational organized crime

By: Rubén Cardoza Zúñiga, Dr.

Actualmente, la delincuencia organizada transnacional afecta a toda la comunidad internacional, por lo tanto estamos ante un problema que va más allá de las fronteras de cada Estado. En consecuencia, el modo idóneo para enfrentar esta situación es buscar soluciones de índole multilateral. Por esta razón, dicha comunidad ha adoptado una serie de mecanismos a nivel mundial, los cuales sirven de fundamento para crear estrategias, tanto nacionales como internacionales, para enfrentar la mencionada delincuencia....

Currently, transnational organized crime affects the international community, therefore we are faced with a problem that goes beyond the borders of each State. Mode suitable to deal with this situation is therefore seeking solutions of a multilateral nature. For this reason, the community has adopted a series of mechanisms at the global level, which serve as a basis to create strategies, both national and international, to face the mentioned delinquency....

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Beat Your Creditors: FREE Step-by-Step eBook : Keep Your Money & Improve Your Life!

By: Patricia Hawke

Easy and simple step-by-step solutions to stop persistent hassles from creditors, windebt lawsuits through dismissal, and clean up your credit reports and scredit scores. Learn how credit card companies ruin you financially - on purpose, improve your cash flow, get financial help, and protect your current job. This 348-page pdf book zip file also includes: 27 forms you can personalize, over 200 pages deal with how to handle debt collectors and get lawsuits dismissed (including the complete paperwork for 3 lawsuits), and an amazing extensive list of important contact information. This is a "pay it forward" project by a professional writer and researcher to help others, using her own experience and research. The complete book with editable forms can be downloaded at

Part 1: Protecting Your Credit Introduction Chapter 1: Credit Card Companies – Not Your Friends Chapter 2: Third Party Collection Agencies – Watch Out! Chapter 3: Medical Debt Chapter 4: The Court System and Attorneys Chapter 5: Lawsuits – You Can Win! Chapter 6: The Big Three – Credit Reporting Agencies Appendix A: Important Contact Information Appendix B: Sample – Difficult District Court Filing and Responses Part 2: Surviving the Hard Times Chapter 7: Protecting Your Job Chapter 8: Better Handling of Your Money Chapter 9: Pay Down Your Debt – It’s Easier Than You Think Chapter 10: Spend Less and Save More Chapter 11: Bring in Extra Money Chapter 12: Extra Help – Government Chapter 13: Extra Help – Charities, Churches and Your Community Chapter 14: Extra Help – Veterans Only! Part 3: Forms 27 forms that can be edited and personalized...

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Book of Business, A Novel

By: William McGrane

Book of Business - free eBook Edition by William McGrane It's the summer of 1994, and Gus Bondoc is going under. One of the best civil-defense lawyers in San Francisco, he's survived by sheer cunning and strict control. But when everything goes wrong at once - when a jury hits his biggest client with a $12 million penalty just after an entry-level employee helps a foreign government wrest $16 million from the most dangerous man he's ever worked for and then sets out to seduce him - Bondoc falls back on his worst instincts and the wrong people. With his business and his life at risk, with plenty of enemies and few friends, he begins the grim process of preserving himself at all costs. A raw portrait of the dark side of high-stakes civil-law practice, Book of Business is a frightening look at a shadowy world that many imagine but only true insiders ever see. Praise for Book of Business "Compulsively readable." Ephraim Margolin, Esq., Past President of the California Academy of Appellate Lawyers; Recipient, State Bar of California Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame Awards 2004. "Book of Business is a unique, no-holds-barred, ins...

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Propuesta de un protocolo para la ejecución de autopsia psicológica empleando sociometría conductual: Proposal of a protocol for the implementation of psychological autopsy using sociometry behavioral

By: Jacobo Herrera Rodríguez, Dr.; Aurelio Israel Coronado Mares, Dr.

Se realiza en este documento una propuesta metodológica para la ejecución siguiendo un protocolo, de la técnica de autopsia psicológica empleando técnicas pertenecientes a la sociometría conductual. Dentro de este artículo, inicialmente se hace una revisión histórica-conceptual de la técnica de autopsia psicológica, para ubicar sus alcances, así como para delimitar su campo de aplicación y utilidades. Enseguida se exponen algunas cuestiones fundamentales de la sociometría conductual. Finalmente se describe el diseño metodológico propuesto, pretendiendo que esta propuesta sea útil para el trabajo de esclarecimiento de casos suicidas y criminales, así como un apoyo para la labor investigativa policial y la conformación de bases de datos de tipo epidemiológico. Se describe además, el proceso de piloteo que se empleó en este protocolo en particular....

It is carried out in this document a methodological proposal for the execution using a protocol of the psychological autopsy technique applying social-behavioral and social-cognitive maps. This article initially shows a historic-conceptual review of the technique of psychological autopsy in order to locate its reaches, as well as for delimit its field of application and utilities. After that the article exposes some sociometrics behavioral basics. Finally the proposed methodological design is described. The design looks to be useful for the clarification work in suicide and criminal cases and can also help the police work and the configure of epidemiological data base. The test process that was employed in this protocol is described in the text....

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Avanzando hacia el reconocimiento social del criminólogo. El nacimiento de Criminología y justicia México: Moving towards criminologist social recognition the birth of Criminology and justice Mexico

By: Juan José Martínez Bolaños, Dr.; José Manuel Servera Rodríguez, Dr.

El presente artículo tiene como objetivo, el dar a conocer las bases del proyecto Criminología y Justicia México , el diario digital y académico que se puso en marcha el pasado 29 de mayo de 2013. Se expone la justificación del nacimiento de este medio de comunicación, con la argumentación de contrarrestar la crisis de la difusión de la Criminología en México, el aprovechamiento de la llegada de la Era Digital, y las nuevas herramientas para difundir el conocimiento en la Red. Sirva este trabajo para conocer la visión y la misión del Proyecto, que en síntesis, no son otra cosa que proponer un camino para avanzar hacia el reconocimiento social del criminólogo....

The present article has the objective to present the project bases Criminología y Justicia México (, the digital and academic journal that was launched last May 29, 2013. It describes the reasons for the birth of the media, with the arguments to counter the crisis of the criminology diffusion in Mexico, taking advantadge on the arrival of the digital era and new tools to promote knowledge on the Web. This work is planned to expose the project vision and mission, that want to propose a way forward towards social recognition of the criminologist....

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Barrister Parvateesam

By: Mokkapati Narasimha Sastry

First Part[edit] It describes the naive Parvateesam running away from home in Mogaliturru, a small town that he calls a "famous historical city" in the West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, to become a barrister.[1] The novel depicts the troubles he faced in dealing with other languages, and the naive way he behaves with people from the outside world. It ends with his reaching the shores of England. With the struggle for independence barely beginning in south India, Parvateesam decides to leave for England because of the way he is taunted by his teacher and friends; he thinks becoming a barrister is the only way to redeem himself. He runs away from home without much money. He knows no language other than Telugu (spoken in Andhra Pradesh), and believes that once he reaches Madras (the capital city of Tamil Nadu; now Chennai) he can take a ship to England. He knows nothing of the hardships of this journey. Second Part[edit] The second part begins with him reaching the shores of England. After spending a few days in London, he travels to Edinburgh in Scotland on the advice of a recent acquaintance to study at university th...

Barrister Parvateesam part 1 Barrister Parvateesam part 2 Barrister Parvateesam part 3 Barrister Parvateesam part 4 Barrister Parvateesam part 5 Barrister Parvateesam part 6 Barrister Parvateesam part 7...

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El Derecho Victimal en México como instrumento para lograr la justicia frente al fenómeno de la victimización : The victimal law in Mexico as an instrument for achieve justice address the phenomenon of victimization, Volume 11: The victimal law in Mexico as an instrument for achieve justice address the phenomenon of victimization

By: Carlos Rodríguez Campos

El derecho sirve como medio para poder llegar a la justicia, y ello se refleja en el tema del delito en la victimización, cuando una persona es tocada en su esfera jurídica, es decir en la suma de facultades inherentes como ser humano o en aquellas facultades otorgadas por el propio sistema jurídico. Así el derecho se concibe como una creación no terminada del ser humano como consecuencia de su dinamismo e imperfección, debido también, al atraso en contraposición con la realidad social, el derecho victimal como nueva rama de las ciencias jurídicas, surge por la necesidad de crear nuevas disposiciones que regulen estas afectaciones y establezcan una base normativa mínima para que la víctima llegue a recuperar el status previo o se acerque lo más posible a ese estado previo a la afectación ocasionada por el delito, el derecho victimal como nuevo orden normativo relativo a las víctimas del delito y ofendidos por hechos delictivos, se traduce en una nueva rama del Derecho que complementa al Derecho penal, desde el aspecto de completitud jurídica, en sus dos aspectos se propone resolver este tipo de situaciones y proteger a la víctima, p...

The law serves as a means to achieve justice, and this is reflected in the theme of crime victimization, when a person is touched in legal field, ie the sum of inherent powers as human or those powers granted by the legal system itself. So the law is seen as a creation of the human being unfinished due to their dynamism and imperfection, due also to the delay as opposed to social reality, the right of victimhood as a new branch of legal science, arises from the need to create new provisions governing these effects and establish a base minimum standards so that the victim will recover the previous status or as close as possible to the state prior to the involvement caused by the offense, the victimal law as a new normative order concerning victims of crime and offended by criminal acts, resulting in a new area of law that complements the criminal law from the legal aspect of completeness, in its two aspects, intended to resolve these situations and protect the victim, to achieve longed Justice....

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Bald Justice

By: Matt R. Erickson

This fiction novel introduces the manner of deception used to bypass the U.S. Constitution's express limitations on the scope of government. Since this is a rather large topic, this novel limits its scope to deal with money, showing how legal tender paper currencies were cleverly instituted in 1862 and gold was 'confiscated' in 1933. For a thorough, non-fiction look at the same topic, please see Monetary Laws, Volumes I & II; by the same author....

Mark’s greatest insights came from his great-grandfather’s monetary papers which relayed one conversation with Floyd Johnson. Floyd had brought up that the federal government seemed to be growing immensely powerful, not by amendment as was the express means provided by Article V of the Constitution for changing federal power, but merely somehow. Mark Adamson noted that the Tenth Amendment very clearly established the ‘rule’ of American government, that with ratification of the Constitution, government power became divided into federal and State jurisdictions. Mark Adamson likened this 10th Amendment principle to a pie, with the small sliver of federal authority delegated to the federal government as outlined by the Constitution, with the States retaining the remainder of the government power pie as reserved powers. Floyd stated he agreed only in principle. He stated that in practice the federal government now all but consumed the mostly insignificant State government authorities, with States being now forced to tow the federal line. Floyd therefore argued for a pie in which the small sliver went to the State governments, wher...

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La Pedagogía Ciminológica como política de estado: The criminological pedagogy as state policy

By: Agustín Salgado García, Dr.

El fracaso escolar obedece inexorablemente a todo un cúmulo de deficiencias del sistema educativo que se debe ocupar de ayudar al individuo a comprender y manejar asertivamente sus estados emocionales. La necesidad de prevención de conductas antisociales desde la escuela, no ha generado una política criminológica adecuada, a lo sumo, sólo se aplican paliativos que de poco o nada funcionan por la falta de visión y compromiso social. La educación no es válida basada sólo en la enseñanza del contenido curricular del conocimiento, la pedagogía criminológica en el ánimo de prevenir conductas antisociales, tiene como eje central la formación psíquica sana del individuo con un carácter preventivo, antes que remedial; atendiendo además la “crisis de valores” que esta propiciando intolerancia y desacuerdos por la diversidad étnica y cultural existente, ahora ninguna cultura se mantiene completamente aislada de la dinámica cada vez más globalizada, es necesario replantear la noción de la formación del sujeto como ser-social, que lleva a la debacle de su conservación gregaria, por el desmedido uso de la violencia y de las arbitrariedades que r...

School failure is inevitably due to a whole of shortcomings of the educational system which should help the individual to understand and manage their emotional States assertively. The need for prevention of anti-social behaviour from the school, has not generated a criminological policy adequate, at best, apply only palliatives which little or nothing they work by a lack of vision and social commitment. Education is not valid only based on the teaching of curriculum content knowledge, criminological pedagogy in the spirit to prevent anti-social behaviour, has as central axis psychic training healthy individual with a preventive rather than remedial; taking account Furthermore the "crisis of values" that this encouraging intolerance and disagreements by the ethnic and cultural diversity, now no culture is kept completely isolated from the increasingly globalized dynamics, it is necessary to rethink the notion of the subject as being-social formation, leading to the debacle of his gregarious conservation by the disproportionate use of violence and arbitrariness that break with the rule of the rule....

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