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2011 (X) Art (X) Fine Arts (X)

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World’s Largest Tattoo Collection

By: Garry Kainth

tattoos, tattoo, tattoo design, tattoo designs, tattoo picture, tattoo pictures, tribal tattoo, tattoo shop, butterfly tattoo, celtic tattoo, tribal tattoo design, cross tattoo, tattoo flash, tattoo gallery, star tattoo, dragon tattoo, flower tattoo, fairy tattoo, lower back tattoo, tribal tattoos, tattoos shop, butterfly tattoos, celtic tattoos, tribal tattoo designs, cross tattoos ...

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By: Florentin Smarandache

The experimental digital arts on the front and back covers represent the “World Trade Center Towers before 9/11” and respectively an “Aquatic Monster” done by the cyberartist....

Science and Art resemble Horace’s concordia discors (discordant harmony) from his “Epistles” and both are built on imagination. Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is (Oscar Wilde). Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination (John Dewey). And similarly for the advance in art and letters....

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Unknown Artist : Volume I

By: Karlene M Ellsworth

Collection of work by the author

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Catálogo de la Primera Exposicón del Taller Libre de Dibujo D.F.

By: Manolo Garibay; Taller Libre Dibujo D.F.

El taller libre de dibujo surge en 2011 como una necesidad de hacer un círculo de trabajo enfocado en el dibujo al natural y consiste en un grupo de dibujantes entorno a una modelo . El taller es libre y no tiene un programa definido, entre los participantes se acuerdan las poses de la modelo y la duración. Uno de las éxitos del taller radica en la constancia. El dibujo es un disciplina que incluye una compleja calibración de la mirada, que solo se puede dar por medio de la experiencia. Entonces la periodicidad semanal y por lo menos las tres horas por sesión se vuelven aspectos fundamentales para la continuidad del proyecto. En este catalogo se muestran las obras producidas exclusivamente en el taller por 11 dibujantes a lo largo de varias sesiones. Me parece considerable que bajo los mismos parámetros, resulten soluciones, y percepciones tan versátiles; el taller libre de dibujo, respalda por la diversidad y la libertad. ARTISTAS PARTICIPANTES CARLOS CASTILLO JACOB JIMÉNEZ LECHUGA MANOLO GARIBAY TSUNE OROZCO LILIANA ANG JESSICA HERNÁNDEZ RAÚL RAMÍREZ MAURICIO NOYOLA ROBERTO RAMOS R.ALEJANDRO LUNA RAMONC...


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Ades Web Magazine: Amsterdam

By: Manuel Balossi

Amsterdam is undoubtedly one the most charming cities in Europe: its canals, its narrow and crooked houses, its nightlife and its care to culture are unique. Due to the relatively small dimensions of the touristic part, it’s easy to explore this city by foot, trams and bicycles....

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The Brussels Legacy

By: Mrs. Leanne Adrienne Delehanty

‘The Brussels Legacy’, represents 10 years of work on a series of short stories, the appropriate recipes to accompany them, as well as the book’s full-colour illustrations which were painted on canvas and paper. ‘The Brussels Legacy’ is a satirical romp through European and American art history. Most textbooks on art are rather weighty, but in Delehanty’s stories, recipes, and illustrations, absolutely nothing is taken too seriously. The short stories are based upon the iconic presence of Brussels sprouts in art and history. There are puns, subtle visual secrets in the illustrations, like reflections of one of the characters in a wine glass, or a timid, Mediaeval figure with a spoon in his hand and a bowl of sprouts. The 22 short stories with their accompanying recipes, contain surprising and sometimes heart-breaking twists of events, but most of them end on a positive note. Author: Leanne Delehanty Pages:273 Hand-Painted illustrations:44...

From: The Spartan Comedian:‘Silence,’ bellowed Pissistrates. ‘I’ll interrogate this boy! Tell me, sugar, where is the Ancient Shield of Perseus, the one he used to kill the Medusa? Where does it lie?’ ‘I didn’t take it,’ replied Zakaris calmly. ‘It wasn’t me.’ ‘What did you say, boy?’ ‘I swear I didn’t take it, Master.’ The other boys smirked and snorted. They whispered behind their hands. Zakaris was about to get the first beating of the year. ...

Table of Contents Prologue Chapter 1: The Painted Hands Chapter 2: Phtatatuti Chapter 3: The Spartan Comedian Chapter 4: The Noble Racer Chapter 5: Arthur and the Song of Love Chapter 6: Geoffrey Chaucer’s Prioress Chapter 7: Machteld’s Lament Chapter 8: Leonardo’s Invisible Invention Chapter 9: The Seer’s Unforeseen Retreat Chapter 10: The Dutch Solar System Chapter 11: Saskia’s Awakening Chapter 12: Julie the Sweep Chapter 13: The Unbearable Melancholia of Sprouts Chapter 14: Christmas in Paris Chapter 15: Another Letter from the Coalfields Chapter 16: The Scholar Who Wouldn’t Eat Chapter 17: The Eyes of Alfred Célerie Chapter 18: Pablo and the Fish Chapter 19: The Corned-Beef Thief Chapter 20: Diary of Two Fossil Hunters Chapter 21: A Very Modern Cabbage Farmer Chapter 22: And Bingo Was His Name-O Glossary Acknowledgements ...

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Jesse Waugh Paintings 2013

By: Jesse Waugh

Having lived as an experimental ‘artist-at-large’ for the past two decades, I took it upon myself to try my hand at representative oil painting this year. I moved to Florence, Italy, in December, 2012, because I wanted to see how renaissance painters created Beauty on canvas. What I found was that far from being hyperrealist in the execution of their paintings, the Old Masters simply attempted to create Beauty in as realistic a way as was possible. Trompe l’oeil was and is a niche technique. The unitiated often fetishise hyperverisimilitude, believing it to possess the greatest intrin- sic artistic value. But my goal is to create Beauty. I’ve even created my own art movement which I call Pulchrism. So I attempted realism in painting this year merely as a potential vehicle for Beauty. Drawn somewhat unconsciously to silent movie imagery, I began this quest with a still image capture from an old movie, interpreting its general form into my Sacred Hermaphrodite diety 5=6 who descends onto Florence’s Via del Moro. From there I pursued more realistic body contouring with Suffrage and Beauty Disarming Love, learning about backgro...

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Records: 1 - 7 of 7 - Pages: 

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