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El Hombre Más Patético Sobre la Faz de la Tierra

By: Juan Manuel Vélez Ixta

Relato corto sobre un hombre que no puede ser más de lo que es.

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El tiempo en los ojos

By: Alfonso Chacon Rodriguez

Los recuerdos se agolpan, abriendo paso como abre un cuchillo la piel: ¿cómo traer de vuelta el pasado sin que regrese el dolor? ¿Cómo justificar la traición, el olvido, el abandono, sin importar la causa, los motivos?...

Pero entre los gritos ella no entiende su nombre, no descifra el "¡Tita, Tita!", conque la interpelan sobre la algarabía del chaparrón, en tanto su hija la tira de la mano, porque un auto sube la cuesta y de ella desciende un espectro que es copia del pasado: el cabello rojizo y una mirada amarilla con una mujer y dos niñas de trenzas negras detrás, y su hija se detiene en su tirón, antes de gritar, conforme sus ojos oscilan hacia el diluvio que nubla la visión, la tierra mojada que rechaza los golpes del líquido ajeno, la tierra endurecida que no sabe ahora, como no supo aquel lejano día aceptar de inmediato el agua, como ella, como la tierra que no se abrió ni se abre como ella ni como la piel cuando la traza un machete afilado. No, piensa, la tierra no otorga de inmediato su complacencia al arado, incluso si ha sido largo tiempo abandonada; no es como ella, entregada al cuerpo oloroso que la extendió sobre el catre y la penetró en un mutuo gemido que fue como un sacrificio ritual, dos cuerpos sudorosos por el calor de la tarde que permanecieron tendidos, mientras la tarde caía y ella pensaba en Ramiro sin pensar en su propio c...

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Διηγήματα : (επιλογή)

By: Τζοβάνι Βέργκα; Χρίστος Αλεξανδρίδης, Translator

Πρόκειται για μία επιλογή δεκατριών διηγημάτων του Ιταλού βεριστή συγγρεφέα Τζοβάνι Βέργκα (1840-1922). It's a selection of thirteen novels by Giovanni Verga, an Italian relist writer (1840-1922). ...

Τζιοβάνι Βέργκα (1840-1922) Επιλογή δεκατριών διηγημάτων. Giovanni Verga (1840-1922) Selection of thirteen novels.

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Alekri : Kachhi Poems

By: Manilal Gala

Kachhi poems written during 1994-2003 period in Kachh, India.

Saain Raat Je Thale Abh Men hIkdo Taaro Bhaatkdhe Bhutkano Kaari Atvi ji Soki Val te tInEl Un meti, suanli kanjari se.

24 poems in Kachhi

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Tempos Verbais

By: Rafael Catellar das Neves

Tempos Verbais é um drama satírico em um ato que trata conflitos internos do nosso herói, um eu-presente derrotado e sem chão, com a personificação do seu passado e com a de seu futuro travando uma profunda e complexa discussão sobre as ações, consequências e responsabilidades de cada um deles para com a própria vida. Um roteiro integrante e angustiante, salpicado de bom humor, que levará o leitor, porque não expectador, a uma divertida, mas séria reflexão....

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Too Far

By: Rich Shapero

Told as a parable, and vividly observed, Rich Shapero’s Too Far is an exhilarating and heart-breaking story of an end to innocence that captures the triumphs and follies of the child’s imagination as it struggles to remain boundless and free....

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Kirsan Bavni : Book of Kachhi Poems

By: KIrsanDas Sadhu

First book published in Kachhi language in paper print edition in 1869 A.D. by Sadhu kIrsan Das of Kotdi-Madevpuri village of Kachh in Western India.

Goiun-Meiun vag Dhaga, Gada-goda bhavar saga, mitr-gatr dhIl laga, jIja ain jInija

52 pada in Kachhi

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Ayer La Lluvia

By: Emilio Pérez Miguel

A book that analyzes the different archetypes of love, "Ayer La Lluvia" [Yesterday The Rain] is the first work in prose published by Uruguayan writer Emilio Pérez Miguel, and his third book overall after having released two volumes of poetry. In "Ayer La Lluvia", all the shades and half-shades that can constitute any person's inner landscape are surveyed across eleven micro-stories and a short novel, and the ways in which human beings can either be deprived of their most basic motivations or propelled towards their greatest successes are studied time and again. Beginning with "Hemisferios" [Hemispheres] (about the love that leads to death) and ending with "Cuando Estabas Ahí" [In The Days That You Were There] (a short novel centered on the death that leads to love) the pages of the book ponder on archetypes as different as ideal love, real love, surrogate love, the love for hatred... basically, all these stations in which any person's emotional journey can come to rest are arrived at. And the decision to stay anywhere for longer than intended or to take a leave before the time has truly come is analyzed to the bitter end....

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The Pond

By: Aleksei Mihailovich Remizov; Stephen Whitmore Jones, Translator

The Pond was published in 1905, the first novel of Aleksei Remizov (1877-1957), an important Russian modernist writer and artist who emigrated after the 1917 revolution....

But there on a rusty nail in the Ogorelyshyovs’ submerged fence that divided the Sinichka from the pond there was something gleaming grey in the green moonlit night — one of the demons, a little demon with a face of incorruptible, indignant human integrity and fairness stretches his leg upwards and outwards a long way like a cat and laughs a bitter crooked laugh through his closed lips. Now he knew what new life Kolya has set off into and why Arsenii gave the order for the Finogenovs to be thrown out like a dog onto the street in bad weather, and why all the human misery, enough to make a flintstone crackle, why all the evil fate and calamity and ill fortune and why some are doomed to it and others are free. But did he know? And who is he — a devil, one of the demons or simply a minor demon? A devil, a demon and a minor demon, he knew and he laughed a crooked, bitter laugh through his pursed lips....

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Los Viajeros

By: Samuel Witteveen

Un poema pone en movimiento este libro, le sigue una asfixiante rebelión contra la alienación laboral, un romance en medio de la conmoción del movimiento estudiantil y, por último, la crónica de una revolución en una comunidad distópica....

Y en algún rincón, o en el centro de lo inesperado, la idea, la esencia por la que avanzo. La comprensión, tardía y temprana, de todo aquello: La destrucción transformadora. La verdad en el movimiento. ...

Desde este momento mío Arbeit macht frei Los viajeros El tiempo del cuero

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Will the Rain Hurt the Rhubarb?

By: Barry Rachin

Misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance – Jason Flanagan needs to make restitution for a crime committed fifteen years earlier. Problem is, the moral indiscretion isn’t punishable in any court of law....

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Prizivanje Katarine : Antropološki triler

By: Dejan Skile Markovic

Usko žanrovski posmatrano, po svojoj formi, Prizivanje Katarine je politički triler, i predstavlja nastavak prethodnog romana D.M.Skileta po imenu Knjiga snimanja. Knjiga snimanja govorila je o ratnim profiterima i zaveri u najvišim krugovima srpske politike, o sprezi politike i kriminala, dok se u Prizivanju Katarine osim sa ovom neizbežnom spregom takođe susrećemo sa jednim drugačijim, okultnim, Beogradom, sa pravim stranim plaćenicima i pravim revolucionarima, sa nenapisanom srpskom istorijom, i sa sasvim originalnom verzijom najvećeg srpskog ratničkog mita.. Naime, ratnički mitovi često određuju i usmeravaju narode: Englezima puno znači mit o Svetom gralu, Nemcima mit o Nibelunzima, što je sasvim bezazleno do trenutka kad se neko seti da mit proglasi za državnu politiku. Tada po pravilu nastaje nacionalna katastrofa – jedna takva se desila u Hitlerovoj Nemačkoj a druga u Miloševićevoj Srbiji. Kosovske mitomane imamo i danas na političkoj sceni, a nacionalni problem broj jedan i dalje je Kosovo. Ovo nagoni na razmišljanje: zbog čega smo toliko privrženi kosovskom mitu? Koliko u njemu ima činjenica, a koliko je nastajao kao instru...

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A Visit to the Cinema

By: Vougar Aslanov

The most interesting and important event for the boys of the old, already semi-derelict school of the small town was going to the movies and the following discussion of the new film. But most had rarely the opportunity to go to the cinema and everyone who was lucky to see a new film retold for days again and again the contents until all the others knew the whole movie by heart without seeing it themselves. Especially the younger pupils lacked the money, but even the older ones had often not enough to by a ticket. Because for a ticket one had to pay twenty kopeks, otherwise one could not enter the cinema....

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The Milkman

By: Vougar Aslanov

The book keeper of the hospital of a small provincial town came one day home very tired. He had not the least desire to have dinner and so he decided to lay down at once and to sleep. In recent years it often happened, that he, after coming home in the evening, had dinner and immediately went to bed without a word to his already grown up children or his wife. She became more and more grumpy in view of his seclusion. He only wanted to sleep, to sleep soundly till daybreak of the next and probably again undesirably day which he always impatiently anticipated, only to immerse again in his coma. For any reason he remembered this evening his childhood in a state between vigil and slumber....

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The Secrets of Kafka's Mistress : (A New Short Story, 2016)

By: John Lennard Lee

An intriguing short story about solving the mystery of the cosmos and the metaphorical identity of Kafka's and Shakespeare's mistress.

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Η αρετή της Κεκίνας

By: Mrs. Ματίλντε Σεράο; Χρίστος Αλεξανδρίδης, Translator

Νουβέλα της Ιταλίδας συγγραφέως Ματίλντε Σεράο (1856-1927). Μετάφραση από τα ιταλικά Χρίστος Αλεξανδρίδης. "Checchinas's virtue" is a novel wtitten by the Italian verist author Matilde Serao (1856-1927). The translation into Greek is made by Christos Alexandridis....

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Six novels by Guy De Maupassant translated into Greek.

Ο μπαμπάς του Σιμόν (Le papa de Simon) Φεγγαρόφωτο (Claire de lune) Μεταμέλεια (Regret) Το σημάδι (Le signe) Στο δάσος (Au bois) Ο αλήτης (Le vagabond)...

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Just Like Dostoyevsky

By: Barry Rachin

Sylvia Mandelstam boasts what a wonderful time she had at the international literary symposium in Moscow. Truth be told, the trip was an unmitigated fiasco not unlike her marriage and personal life. She can lie shamelessly and dissemble to everyone - even Danny O'Rourke, the unassuming mason who arrives one summery day to repair her damaged brick wall. But not indefinitely....

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Nothing as Whole as a Broken Heart

By: Barry Rachin

Jerome Spellman, the simple schizophrenic in Grace’s eleventh grade class, acts like an extra in a B-rated horror flick - Night of the Living Dead. Grace prays for a miracle, while Dr. Rosen, the school psychologist counsels, “Think positive but plan for the worse.”...

Jerome Spellman, the simple schizophrenic in Grace’s eleventh grade class, acts like an extra in a B-rated horror flick - Night of the Living Dead. Grace prays for a miracle, while Dr. Rosen, the school psychologist counsels, “Think positive but plan for the worse.”...

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By: Barry Rachin

Pearl Singleton, a forest ranger at the Pemberton Wildlife Preserve, is going to show eighteen year old Shawn Mariano her Osborne Smoke Finder, all six varieties of New England ferns, a beaver dam, and something he never bargained for....

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