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Ghid Utilizarea Calculatoarelor

By: Nicolae Sfetcu, Compiler

Utilizarea calculatorului şi a serviciilor electronice – Ghid pentru funcţionarii publici Acest ghid se adresează funcţionarilor publici care utilizează calculatorul şi Internetul în activitatea lor. Scopul acestei lucrări este de a familiariza funcţionarii publici cu posibilităţile şi avantajele oferite de utilizarea calculatorului şi a internetului, inclusiv prin potenţialul guvernării electronice (e-Guvernare) pentru activitatea instituţiilor publice. Lucrarea porneşte de la prezentarea, în primul capitol, a câtorva concepte de bază legate de calculatoare şi Internet, cum ar fi tipurile de programe pentru calculator şi utilitatea lor, documentele şi organizarea lor, tipuri de reţele şi rolul Internetului ca reţea globala, serviciile disponibile prin Internet, respectiv câteva considerente legate de drepturile de autor şi utilizarea legală a programelor de calculator. Capitolul 2 descrie utilitatea calculatorului si aplicaţiilor pentru activitatea de birou, fiind structurat pe două componente: Internetul si aplicaţiile software. Capitolul 3 prezintă o serie de concepte, reguli şi sfaturi destinate unei utilizări cât ma...

Acest ghid se adresează funcţionarilor publici care utilizează calculatorul şi Internetul în activitatea lor. Scopul acestei lucrări este de a familiariza funcţionarii publici cu posibilităţile şi avantajele oferite de utilizarea calculatorului şi a internetului, inclusiv prin potenţialul guvernării electronice (e-Guvernare) pentru activitatea instituţiilor publice....

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Euphoria: An IT Quiz Essential : Specifically for TCS IT WIZ, Volume 1: Specifically for TCS IT WIZ

By: Kuljot Singh Bakshi

Love for IT quizzing started for me when I first participated in TCS IT WIZ Quiz held in Ahmedabad. During my first year I couldn’t grab myself a place at the stage. From then onwards I was determined to win the quiz. I will be participating for the second year (2020) and let us see what my hard work reaps. Throughout the preparatory journey I have realized many things with one of them being the scarcity of preparatory material for the quiz. I would surf through the internet for readymade material but failed in doing so. Believe me surfing through the internet for getting the right facts is a herculean and daunting task in itself. Throughout the year, during my preparatory journey, I have collected and taken notes of many questions. I will be compiling those questions in the form of different volumes of the book “Euphoria”. Now speaking about the name of the book, many of you would adversely question yourselves into thinking why not an IT related name. So the thing is “Euphoria”, according to the dictionary, means “a state of intense happiness and self-confidence”. It refers to the bliss I would get by knowing that I helped a lot of...

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Windows 10: Secrets and Tips for Busy People

By: Kim Komando

It’s a miracle that you get as much done as you do. Technology is helping you to be increasingly productive, although none of us often pays attention to its role in our lives. But just imagine tackling everyday tasks like paying bills, organizing digital photos, chatting with your kids scattered around the country and so much more without a PC or laptop. It’s simply mind-boggling just how much we get done every day, thanks to computer programs such as Microsoft Windows....

Introduced way back in Windows 7, snapping is a cool feature that lets you automatically resize and position your open applications into nifty little side-by-side windows....

Introduction Chapter 1: Microsoft Windows - A History Chapter 2: Tricks for the Windows10 power user Chapter 3: Windows 10’s most useful shortcuts Chapter 4: Secret tricks you’ll use all the time Chapter 5: Speed up Windows 10 with these tips Chapter 6: Time-saving folder secrets Chapter 7: New Windows 10 features in 2018 Chapter 8: Here’s what you must know about Windows 10 privacy Chapter 9: Windows 10 S: Microsoft’s Lightweight OS Chapter 10: The Future of Windows Conclusion ...

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Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 

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