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English (X) Victoria Institutions (X) Bibliography (X)

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Gandhi and his "Ji" : Grooming Up of a Fake

By: Ved from Victoria Institutions

The Multitudes Personally I had nothing against him; only thing was that I couldn’t find anything great about him, other than the rhetoric. As I grew up and started having independent understandings on the realities of history, I increasingly found it difficult to find his greatness. As I grew up, I started seeing a lot of ‘Gandhis’ all round India; in fact, in every village, every small town, in every social group, there seemed to be at least one ‘Gandhi’; a person who was the focus of respect and the symbol of simplicity; yet a man who kept everyone else in lower mental levels; by lower level feudal words. An impostor in the light Later my understandings on language links, and of the studded auras that is generated to propel persons to leadership, both propound as well as fraudulent, was to make me see Gandhi in a most candid light, as an impostor....

Inaptness of Gandhian training As a very introduction to the topic, I would ask myself: Would I allow my children (who have been trained to imbibe the best of English (England) systems, despite my being non-White, and totally alien to English [England] antiquity) and other children who I have trained, to follow Gandhi himself as a follower or allow them to be trained by him or his followers? No, I will not if I can help it. For, it is sure to erase any level of personal brilliance that has perched on them by the simple imbibing of English (England) systems, and pull them to the creepy levels of some feudal hierarchy, on the top of which Gandhi exists in a most heinous manner....

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Prospects for Research Studies in Language Codes

By: VED from Victoria Institutions

There is a huge expanse of information waiting to be explored in the field of language studies. I would say that what waits deciphering would beat even modern science, in its possibilities. A new non-physical reality A new sphere of ‘reality’ has opened up for exploring. This is the world of Software. Even though no one seems to mention this exactly, the truth is that it is a domain from where physical sciences can be seen as bare elementary knowledge. Scope of language research I am going to list out the various kinds of research fields possible for those who are connected to language studies. The list I am going to mention is way beyond that the usual whereabouts of linguistic research. Even though grammar, word construction, pronunciation are all of specific importance in this new arena, there will be definite difference in what they do serve over here, from what they are supposed to do at the ordinary text levels. ...

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