Search Results (522 titles)

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Records: 1 - 20 of 522 - Pages: 
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Black Ivory

By: R.M. Ballantyne

Although the book's title Black Ivory denotes dealing in the slave trade it is not our heroes who are doing it. At the very first chapter there is a shipwreck, which leaves the son of the charterer of the sinking ship, and a seaman friend of his, alone on the east coast of Africa, where Arab and Portuguese slave traders were still carrying out their evil trade, despite the great efforts of patrolling British warships to limit it and free the unfortunates whom they found being carried away in the Arab dhows. Our heroes encountered a slave trader almost at the very spot where they come ashore, and thereby managed to get to Zanzibar in a British warship that had captured the trader's dhow in which our friends had hitched a lift. At Zanzibar they pick up some funds, and set forth on a journey into the interior. Here again they encounter the vile trade, but most of the story deals with other encounters of a more acceptable nature. This book will open your eyes to what really went on. At the time of writing slave-dealing on the west coast of Africa was, due to the efforts of the British, almost extinct, but this was not the case on the ea...


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Ivory Child, The

By: H. Rider Haggard

Allan Quatermain's first adventure with Lord Ragnall. (Introduction by laineyben)


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Around the World in Eighty Days (version 3)

By: Jules Verne

Enigmatic Phileas Fogg accepts a wager about whether it's possible to circumnavigate the globe in 80 days or under. The book charts his adventures on the way. (Alex Foster)...


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She and Allan

By: H. Rider Haggard

H Rider Haggard’s “She and Allan”, first published in 1921 is a gripping adventure about Allan Quatermain, who together with Hans, the Hottentot and, the Zulu-Chief Omslopogaas and at the bidding of the old Witch Doctor Zikali seeks out Ayesha, the daughter of Isis to find answers to their questions about life and death, and their many, sometimes strange, Adventures on their way. Written by Lars Rolander...


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Allan and the Holy Flower

By: H. Rider Haggard

Further adventures of Allan Quatermain (Summary by laineyben)


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Allan's Wife

By: H. Rider Haggard

The story of Allan Quatermain's wife and further adventures of Allan Quatermain. (Summary by Elaine Tweddle)


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Camp of the Dog, The

By: Algernon Blackwood

A party of campers on a deserted Baltic island is terrorized by a huge wolf... or is it?


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Scarlet Pimpernel, The (dramatic reading)

By: Baroness Emmuska Orczy

Baroness Emma (Emmuska) Orczy (September 23, 1865 – November 12, 1947) was a British novelist, playwright and artist of Hungarian origin. She was most notable for her series of novels featuring the Scarlet Pimpernel. Some of her paintings were exhibited at the Royal Academy in London....


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Around the World in Eighty Days (version 2)

By: Jules Verne

Mysterious Phileas Fogg is a cool customer. A man of the most repetitious and punctual habit - with no apparent sense of adventure whatsoever - he gambles his considerable fortune that he can complete a journey around the world in just 80 days... immediately after a newspaper calculates the feat as just barely possible. With his excitable French manservant in tow, Fogg undertakes the exercise immediately, with no preparations, trusting that his traveling funds will make up for delays along the way. But unbeknownst to him, British police are desperately seeking to arrest him for the theft of a huge sum by someone who resembles him, and they will track him around the world, if necessary, to apprehend him. This is an adventure novel of the first water, with wholly unexpected perils, hair-breadth escapes, brilliant solutions to insoluble problems, and even a love story. And can this be? - That he returns to London just five minutes too late to win his wager and retain his fortune?...


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Around the World in Eighty Days

By: Jules Verne

Around the World in Eighty Days (French: Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours ) is a classic adventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne, first published in 1873. In the story, Phileas Fogg of London and his newly-employed French valet Passepartout attempt to circumnavigate the world in 80 days on a £20,000 wager set by his friends at the Reform Club. (Summary from Wikipedia)...


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Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon

By: Jules Verne

First published in 1881, Eight Hundred Miles on the Amazon is an adventure novel in two parts by Jules Verne, having elements of codes and cryptography. Unlike many of his other stories, it is not a work of science fiction. Rather, it describes a voyage down the Amazon River on a large raft, or jangada). Many aspects of the raft, scenery, and journey are described in detail. - Written by not.a.moose, based (exclusively) on information at


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Son of Tarzan

By: Edgar Rice Burroughs

This is the fourth of Burrough's Tarzan novels. Alexis Paulvitch, a henchman of Tarzan's now-deceased enemy, Nikolas Rokoff, survived his encounter with Tarzan in the third novel and wants to even the score. (adapted from Wikipedia)...


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Child of the Jago, A

By: Arthur Morrison

Arthur George Morrison (1 November 1863, Poplar, London - 4 December 1945, Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire) was an English author and journalist known for his realistic novels about London's East End and for his detective stories. Morrison's most famous novel is A Child of the Jago, published in 1896, The novel described in graphic detail living conditions in the East End, including the permeation of violence into everyday life (it was a barely fictionalized account of life in the Old Nichol Street Rookery). (Introduction by Wikipedia and Algy Pug)...


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Won by Crime

By: Frank Pinkerton

Originally included with the published edition of Dyke Darell, this is an unrelated novella. Portuguese Viceroy to Goa, Don Garcia brought his daughter and nephew to the wild island. Adventure and melodrama ensue! (Summary by Sibella Denton)....


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Mr. Justice Raffles

By: E. W. Hornung

A. J. Raffles is a British gentleman thief of some renown who, in this, the hero's final adventure, ironically demonstrates a sense of morality by teaching a London East End loan shark a lesson. The book was later made into a movie, as well as a British television series. (Summary by Cathy Barratt)...


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Dick Sands the Boy Captain

By: Jules Verne

Dick Sands, a youth of fifteen, must assume command of a ship after the disappearance of its captain. Nature’s forces combined with evil doings of men lead him and his companions to many dangerous adventures on sea and in Central Africa....


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Chancellor, Der

By: Jules Verne

Der Chancellor ist eines von Jules Vernes ungewöhnlichsten Werken. Es erzählt vom Untergang eines Schiffes in Form eines Tagebuches, das der Passagier J.-R. Kazallon führt, wird die letzte Fahrt des Dreimasters Chancellor geschildert, der irgendwo im Atlantik zwischen Charleston (South Carolina) und Liverpool untergeht, nachdem an Bord Feuer ausgebrochen ist, weil die Ladung (Baumwolle) Feuer gefangen hat. Die Situation wird noch dadurch erschwert, dass ein Passagier, der Kaufmann John Ruby, eigenmächtig hochexplosiven Sprengstoff mit an Bord gebracht hat. Der Autor schildert die Umstände, die zur Katastrophe führen, die Versuche der Mannschaft, das Schiff noch zu retten und die Leiden der Überlebenden, die nach dem Untergang der Chancellor auf einem Floß über den Atlantik treiben. Die Überlebenden leiden Hunger, sie haben Halluzinationen. Einige Matrosen begehen Selbstmord, indem sie sich erhängen oder von Bord springen und sich den Haien, die das Floß umkreisen, zum Fraß vorwerfen. Allmählich blättert das Zivilisierte von den Schiffbrüchigen ab, Gier und Missgunst kommen zum Vorschein. Die Mannschaft lehnt sich gegen die Passagier...

Adventure, Fiction, Literature, Sea stories, Travel

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Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, The

By: Edgar Allan Poe

The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket is Edgar Allan Poe’s only complete novel, published in 1838.The work relates the tale of the young Arthur Gordon Pym who stows away aboard a whaling ship called Grampus. Various adventures and mis-adventures befall Pym including shipwreck, mutiny and cannibalism. The story starts out as a fairly conventional adventure at sea, but it becomes increasingly strange and hard to classify in later chapters, involving religious symbolism and the Hollow Earth. Summary from Wikipedia...


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Robinson Crusoe

By: Daniel Defoe

Daniel Defoe’s The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner (1719) is considered by many the first English novel. Based on the real-life experiences of the castaway Alexander Selkirk, the book has had a perrenial appeal among readers of all ages-–especially the young adult reading public–-who continue to find inspiration in the inventive resourcefulness of its hero, sole survivor of a shipwreck who is marooned on an uninhabited island. Especially poignant, after more than two decades of unbroken solitude, is the affection that Robinson develops for Friday, another survivor fleeing certain death at the hands of enemy tribesmen from the South American continent. (Summary by Denny Sayers)...


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Drie Musketiers, De

By: Alexandre Dumas

De avonturen van een jonge man d'Artagnan, die nadat hij huis en haard verlaten heeft zich aansluit bij de garde van de koning: de Musketiers. Hij raakt bevriend met het driemanschap Athos, Porthos en Aramis, onafscheidelijke vrienden die leven onder het motto 'Eén voor allen, allen voor één'....


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Records: 1 - 20 of 522 - Pages: 

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