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American Lutherans (X)

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And Gulliver Returns Book III : A Visit to Kino

By: Bob Oconnor

...or strawberries. 9 ―World cotton prices have never been lower but American cotton farmers earn nearly twice as much for their crops because... ...fe by the Chinese or the realities of the ill-conceived war in Iraq for the Americans and British—it doesn‟t take long for the truth to be known. The... ... price of their exports up. The Chinese yuppies are following the American way of pursuing money and the things it can bring—less free time... ...ble to love. We continue children‘s nurturing in schools by following your American pattern of teaching children to take turns. They must realize tha... ...ctual statutes rather than on the Common Law that has given Englishmen and Americans so many ways to get around the statutes enacted by their legisl... ...e right mix. The Shi‘ites think they know. The Sunnis think they know. The Lutherans think they know. The Amish think they know. The Catholics think...

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And Gulliver Returns Book VII : Book 7 Visit to Indus

By: Bob Oconnor

...t isn’t fair. But then as my grand dad said, ‘things are never fair.’ Our American bodies are well fed, some of our minds are well read, we hold the ... ...ople in the world have access to only a total of a gallon of water a day. Americans use three gallons just to flush a toilet. Add in drinking and coo... ... global IT network for decades and are rated at least as effective as the American and European hardware and software developers. The per capita inc... ...r computers or software. Indian lawyers, who are schooled in English and American common law, are used to do a large amount of English and American... ...bservation that societies die from within should be taken to heart by you Americans, and many of your Western partners. If you expect to survive, yo... ...ction. Because the missionaries in their country have been mainly liberal Lutherans from Scandinavia they haven‘t had the bishops and the muftis crit...

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The Path of Splitness

By: Indrek Pringi

...ew lions? When there were millions of grazing animals? Why didn’t the North American natives colonize the land where millions of bison lived? It ... ...hapter Three: Summary of Hominid-Human development 205 The earliest North American cultures invented bone-tools and flint tools by themselves. B... ...plitting with crude stones as the first form of stone technology. After North American humans began splitting Mammoth-bones: did they start evolving... ...Neanderthals In Europe, and the Clovis Culture exterminating the earlier North American humans, and taking over the continent. The same basic histor... ... underdog at the beginning; was romantic to say the least. What if the North American Indians tried to do it? Or the Irish…? Oops, I forgot…that ... ...time to come out of Europe. They came from the damnation that all Protestant Lutherans had been practicing and developing ever since they got any p...

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Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians

By: Dr. Martin Luther

... want you to help us publish some leading work of Luther’s for the general American market. Will you do it?” “I will, on one condition.” “ And what is... ...t is that?” “The condition is that I will be permitted to make Luther talk American, ‘streamline’ him, so to speak—because you will never get people, ... ... actually to read Luther unless we make him talk as he would talk today to Americans.” I illustrated the point by reading to Mr. Zondervan a few sente... ...ndervan a few sentences from an English translation lately reprinted by an American publisher, of one of Luther’s outstanding reforma- tory essays. Th... ...e may as well offer Luther in the original Ger- man or Latin as expect the American church-member to read any translations that would adhere to Luther... ... the Anabaptists and others, finding it difficult to condemn us, accuse us Lutherans of timidity in professing the whole truth. They grant that we hav...

...teness and brevity. ?Luther is still the greatest name in Protestantism. We want you to help us publish some leading work of Luther?s for the general American market. Will you do it??...

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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes Volume 5 of 7

By: Abraham Lincoln

...ob of it, and save it. Lay hold of the proper agencies, and secure all the Americans you can, at once. I do hope, on closer inspection, you will find ... ...poll- books of the Edwardsville precinct, and take the first hundred known American names. Then quietly ascertain how many of them are actually going ... ... other agencies to work which shall compensate for the loss of a good many Americans. Don’t fail to check the stampede at once. Trumbull, I think, wil... ...,” etc. Was not this the origin of popular sover- eignty as applied to the American people? Here we are told that governments are instituted among men... ...vided the Methodist and Presbyterian churches, and has sown discord in the American Tract Soci- ety. The churches have split and the society will foll... ...t injuriously inter- fering with you. A. LINCOLN. RESPONSE TO EV ANGELICAL LUTHERANS, MAY 6, 1862 GENTLEMEN:—I welcome here the representatives of the... ...Y 6, 1862 GENTLEMEN:—I welcome here the representatives of the Evangelical Lutherans of the United States. I accept with grati- tude their assurances ...

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Of Human Bondage

By: Somerset Maugham

... , and his almond eyes almost closed as he did so. There were two or three American men, in black coats, rather yellow and dry of skin: they were theo... ... tall and slim. He held himself with a deliberate grace. Weeks, one of the American students, seeing him alone, went up and began to talk to him. The ..., went up and began to talk to him. The pair were oddly contrasted: the American very neat in his black coat and pepper-and-salt trou- sers, thin a... ...rtain disinclination for society. Fraulein Hedwig was gone, and Weeks, the American who generally accompanied them on their rambles, had set out for a... ...y under Hayward’s influ- ence. Hayward did not like Weeks. He deplored the American’s black coat and pepper -and-salt trousers, and spoke with a scorn... ...pocrites. He was surprised at the contrast; for he knew of course that the Lutherans, whose faith was closer to that of the Church of England, on that...

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Captains Courageous a Story of the Grand Banks

By: Rudyard Kipling

... into a credit to your country if you don’t take care.” “I know it. I’m an American-first, last, and all the time. I’ll show ‘em that when I strike Eu... ...ted him as a brother. Then the trade began. They had tobacco, plenty of it-American, that had never paid duty to France. They wanted chocolate and cra...,-from the priests of the Church on the Hill to bush-bearded ex-sailor Lutherans, hail-fellow with the men of a score of boats. There were owners ...

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A Letter Concerning Toleration

By: John Locke

...ians, I am suspicious of the way of worship practised by the Pa pists, or Lutherans; will it be ever a jot safer for me to join either unto the one o... ...rived of his terrestrial enjoyments upon account of his religion. Not even Americans, subjected unto a Christian prince, are to be punished either in ... ...may be different reli gions also even amongst Christians. The Papists and Lutherans, though both of them profess faith in Christ and are therefore ca... ...d to receive and profess all the different and contra dictory opinions of Lutherans, Calvinists, Remonstrants, Anabaptists, and other sects which the...

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The Varieties of Religious Experience

By: William James

... I take my place behind this desk, and face this learned au- dience. To us Americans, the experience of receiving instruction from the living voice, a... ...uous an act. Particularly must this be the case on a soil as sacred to the American imagination as that of Edinburgh. The glories of the philosophic c... ...rd a sweet savor;” we “taste and see that he is good.” “Spiritual milk for American babes, drawn from the breasts of both testaments,” is a sub-title ... ...God:” God’s Breath in Man is the title of the chief work of our best known American mystic (Thomas Lake Harris), and in cer- tain non-Christian countr... ...o practical fruits, and the ex- tremely practical turn of character of the American people has never been better shown than by the fact that this, the... ...tude, and silent. She had some public instincts, it is true; she hated the Lutherans, and longed for the church’s triumph over them; but in the main h...

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An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

By: John Locke

...t it does. 20. Sticking on and under-propping. Whatever a learned 159 John Locke man may do here, an intelligent American, who inquired into the nat... confu- sion. 6. Another reason for the necessity of names to num- bers. This I think to be the reason why some Americans I have spoken with, (who ... ...n lost among us, we should in a few ages be unavoidably reduced to the wants and igno- rance of the ancient savage Americans, whose natural endowments... ...sent, men have reason to be Heathens in Japan, Mahometans in Turkey, Papists in Spain, Protestants in England, and Lutherans in Sweden. But of this wr...

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Autobiography Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life

By: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

...cene in Auerbach’s cellar. Egmont was also begun under the stimulus of the American Rebel- lion. A way of escaping from his embarrassments was unex- p... ... T rue Religion,” a book designed to advance tolerance, especially between Lutherans and Calvinists. But here he got in a controversy with the theolog... ...Huguenots, who settled there after the revocation of the edict of Nantes.— American Note. 235 Goethe me. Her ill health kept her constantly at home. ... ...g class of men in England or America, which would justify an English word.—American Note. 328 Autobiography tained; which he very soon managed to gai...

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The Brothers Karamazov

By: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

...e Scriptures to the people because of the smallness of their means, and if Lutherans and heretics come and lead the flock astray, they let them lead t... ..., already. Even though Grusha will be with me. Just look at her; is she an American? She is Russian, Russian to the marrow of her bones; she will be h... ...s soon as we’ve learnt it—good-bye to America! We’ll run here to Russia as American citizens. Don’t be uneasy—we would not 722 THE BROTHERS KARAMAZO... on the land here, too, somewhere in the wilds, and I’ll make up as an American all my life. But we shall die on our own soil. That’s my plan, and...

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