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Heroes of Unknown Seas and Savage Lands

By: J. W. Buel

...emains 228- 241 CHAPTER XXI. Magellan's voyage to the South Sea. -- A glorious day in Seville -- A procession of notables -- Appearance of the command... ...anting the standard of Spain -- The King is converted arid baptized -- A great day for Christianity -- Levying tribute upon the Island of Matan -- The... ...memory of the olden days, of the golden and heroic past, of the chivalry which may be dormant, but is ever present in the hearts of every one, ready t... ...will give immunity to those not yet affected by the taint, and reclaim such as may still be susceptible to more elevating influences. History is the o... ... and ines- timable benefits. This book has been prepared with the hope that it may prove a blessing in many ways; that it may inspire in every reader ... ...ich statement we have the report that these islands were discovered in a forty day's sail from Cape Verde, in which time the passage might be easily m... ...breeze, and when the breeze is blowing will curse the whistlers, lest by their musical efforts a storm should, be provoked. He will not tell the numbe... ...ries of magnificent scenery, composers have made it familiar to the lovers of music in more than one famous opera. The story is told with variations ... ...night was there, nor heat of the sun; pleasant prospects charmed the eye; soft music from unseen sources fascinated the ear; every flower was fragrant...

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