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By: Florentin Smaradanche

...TITU POPESCU THE AESTHETICS OF PARADOXISM (second edition) American Research Press Rehoboth 2002 2... ...) American Research Press Rehoboth 2002 2 Titu Popescu THE AESTHETICS OF PARADOXISM (second edition) Translated from Romanian by P. Georgelin, ... ... ordered in microfilm format from: Bell and Howell Co. (University of Microfilm International) 300 N. Zeeb Road P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arb... ...ly imposed habits, a large range of increments that announce the essential outline of their peak production. No space for ambiguity remains when we a... ...tion of the spiritual activities, new experience of destruction have been outlined and crowned as the “dissident” variant of paradoxism. The aesthet... ...ism declines the negation in all the possible cases. An antimodel is then outlined, not so much with regard to the formative nominalization as to the... ... “Amarom”, Ramnicu Valcea, July 1994, no.3. Craciun, Gheorghe, Glasgow, Scotland, in “Timpul”, Melbourne, July, 4th year, no.40, p.7. Tolea, Irin...

...In the history of thought and creation, the decisive events, the great and significant moments, the strongly affirmative stages - then the imposition of the optimizing novelties - have depended on the name and prestige of a personality. R...

...In aesthetics, the paradox means the apparent resolution of an enigmatic situation (the result of such a process is the satisfaction of a distention), the emotional moving force being the unforeseen, the unexpected (which generates and also perturbs a new tension). Therefore, the...

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