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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

........................................................................ 139 HEALTH CARE .................................................................. ........................................................................ 141 HEALTH CARE AND AGING POPULATIONS ............................................ ...y always opt for a vacation when they could otherwise work. People in the States still believe that money buys happiness. But when people are survey... ...rish. But I understand there are more problems in the poorer areas of the States and in Latin America where people know that contraception and abort... ...o most religions have had similar mystical experiences--the Hindu who has united with the Brahman through years of correct meditation. The holy Jew,... ...d they speak of their experiences just as do Buddhists or Hindus who have united with the oneness of nature. These saints are close brothers in thei... ...s? Look at the devout Jewish lobbyist Jack Abramoff who pleaded guilty to federal charges of conspiracy, fraud and tax evasion in a corruption probe... ...elf when the emperor‘s sons could not produce a male heir. But before new legislation was passed to allow female succession, the gods intervened and... ...alth care, and public education. The Republican governor supported it. A Federal judge immediately issued a temporary restraining order to stop it u...

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