Search Results (2 titles)

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Native American Tribes in Connecticut (X) Lincoln, Abraham (X) Classic Literature Collection (X)

Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 
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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes Volume 5 of 7

By: Abraham Lincoln

...The Writings of Abraham Lincoln In Seven V olumes V olume 5 of 7 A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Pu... ...te Electronic Classics Series Publication The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes – Volume Five is a publication of the Penn- sylvania State... ...ob of it, and save it. Lay hold of the proper agencies, and secure all the Americans you can, at once. I do hope, on closer inspection, you will find ... ...poll- books of the Edwardsville precinct, and take the first hundred known American names. Then quietly ascertain how many of them are actually going ... ...o the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it. SPEECH A T NEW HA VEN, CONNECTICUT , MARCH 6, 1860 MR. PRESIDENT, AND FELLOW-CITIZENS OF NEW HA VE... ...chanic, I am happy to concur with you in these sentiments, not only of the native-born citizens, but also of the Germans and foreigners from other cou... ...I believe, nearly a hundred millions) to relieve Florida of the aboriginal tribes. Is it just that she shall now be off without consent or without mak... ...ympathize with your Excellency in the wish to preserve the peace of my own native State, Kentucky. It is with regret I search, and cannot find, in you... ...en from the pension rolls. The relations of the government with the Indian tribes have been greatly disturbed by the insurrection, especially in the s...

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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes Volume 7 of 7

By: Abraham Lincoln

...The Writings of Abraham Lincoln In Seven V olumes V olume 7 of 7 A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Pu... ...te Electronic Classics Series Publication The Writings of Abraham Lincoln in Seven Volumes – Volume Seven is a publication of the Penn- sylvania Stat... ...n duly ratified and carried into execution. It is believed that, so far as American ports and American citizens are concerned, that inhuman and odious... ...ates for the sole purpose of evad- ing duties imposed by the laws of their native countries, to which on becoming naturalized here they at once repair... ...e measures provided at your last session for the removal of certain Indian tribes have been carried into effect. Sundry treaties have been negotiated... ... in the establishment of per- manent friendly relations with such of these tribes as have been brought into frequent and bloody collision with our out... ...Y AND NICHOLS. GENTLEMEN : The number for this month and year of the North American Review was duly received, and for which please accept my thanks. ... ...l kinds, hemp and cord- age, intoxicating drinks other than beer and light native wines. To vessels clearing from foreign ports and destined to the po... ...ularly holding elections, both now and four years ago, to wit, California, Connecticut, Dela- ware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland...

...Excerpt: In June last a division was substantially lost at or near Winchester, Va. At the time, it was under General Milroy as immediate commander in the field, General Schenck as department commander at Baltimore, and General Halleck...

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Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 

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