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What Is Man and Other Essays of Mark Twain

By: Mark Twain

..., greatly performed. Take it to pieces and examine it, if you like. Y.M. A British troop ship crowded with soldiers and their wives and children. She ... ...order. The mass of heads in the square were covered by gilt helmets and by military caps roofed with a mirror like gaze, and the movements of the wear... ...e shape of the hu man profile. By four the back of the head was good, the military cap was pretty good, the nose was bold and strong, the upper lip s... ...the curtain to rise. This company of buglers, in uni form, march out with military step and send out over the landscape a few bars of the theme of th... ...ledge of the Bering Strait whale fishery and the shop talk of the veteran exercises of that adventure bristling trade through catching catfish with a...

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