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War and the Future; Italy, France and Britain at War

By: H. G. Wells

...ld have been profoundly interesting, as for example his impressions of the Anglican bishops. But I met a hoarding. I met a thing like a mask, somethin... ...ommu- nicant I should have thought myself a particularly hopeful field for Anglican effort, and it came to my wife and myself merely for our permissio... ...oused an uneasy curios- ity in my mind with regard to the general trend of Anglican teaching and Anglican activities at the present time. The trend of... ... learn something about the general state of opinion and education in their dioceses. The Bishop of London was evidently unaware of the almost automati... ...re. Men are stirred to the deepest ques- tions about life and God, and the Anglican church, for ex- ample, obliges—as I have described. It is necessar... ...for the professional religions…. The other day I was talking to an eminent Anglican among various other people and someone with an eye to him pro- pou...

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