Search Results (4 titles)

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Gender (X) History (X) Medicine (X)

Records: 1 - 4 of 4 - Pages: 
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Coping with Diabetes : A Day to Day Struggle

By: Frederick Fontanilla Jacob

...mmed from various causes resulting in people having an above average blood glucose count or more commonly know as hyperglycemia. Diabetes affects all gender and age groups and is very common among people with a prolonged medical history of high blood pressure, heart ailments and kidney problems among others. Besides adults, children are also affected with this disease whic...

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Droll Stories Volume I : The First Ten Tales

By: Honoré de Balzac Do you understand? So in all languages does she belong to the feminine gender, being a thing essentially changeable and fruitful and fertile in tr...

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The Divine Comedy of Dante

By: Alighieri, Dante, 1265-1321

...remains The’ evil must be another’s, which is lov’d. Three ways such love is gender’d in your clay. There is who hopes (his neighbour’s worth deprest,... ...stately trunk Thus shouted forth the rest, to whom return’d The animal twice gender’d: “Yea: for so The generation of the just are sav’d.” And turnin...

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And Gulliver Returns Book VI : Our Psychological Motivations

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

... .......................................................................................................................................... 48 GENDER... .... ―There is no question that we are all motivated to behave in ways specific to ourselves. Our needs, drives, values, and how we look at our gender... ... why is it so often called a conquest. So power joins with the quest for orgasm or physical intimacy, in many, if not most, sexual liaisons.‖ GENDER... ...DER AND POWER —―Mr. Yuen told me that he mentioned the place of women in our society. In the past many people have felt trapped by the gender... ... 52 in the Western world, particularly since the 1960's, has forced both men and women to re-evaluate their gender... ...en to succeed and satisfy their power drives, and women were expected to be directed by the need to love and be loved. Rather than seeing such gender... ...e, and satisfy their needs to love. If they have children such men may decide to stay home and be the homemakers. As the chains of traditional gender... ...ited to the coaches. Athletes often haze the new athletes on their team. Sport administrators have also done some unspeakable things in their gender... ...el from youth to elite sport. ―The IOC has now taken the lead in working to reduce the unwarranted use of power, particularly in the gender...

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Records: 1 - 4 of 4 - Pages: 

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