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Crime Prevention (X) Geography (X)

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Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

... CARE OF THE AIDS INFECTED PERSONS CREATION OF AWARENESS ABOUT AIDS PREVENTION OF SPREAD OF AIDS EPIDEMIC MEDICAL TREATMENT OF AIDS PATIEN... model. A Socio-economic model is constructed with Population, Crime, Economic condition, Poverty and Unemployment as nodes or concept. H... ...POPULATION C 1 POVERTY C 4 ECONOMIC CONDITION C 3 UNEMPLOYMENT C 5 CRIME C 2 -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 FIGURE: 1.2.1 12 Concept ... ...isease model, personality-medicine model in case of Homeopathy medicines, crime and punishment, in judicial problems (where evidences may be indeter... ...tion System As computer technology advances and the threats of computer crime increase, the apprehension and preemption of such infractions become... is a highly common practice to hack e-mail. Hacking is legally a cyber crime but is also one of the crimes that does not leave any trace. Hacking ... ...the AIDS epidemic gather momentum. As a first step the motivation of AIDS prevention and AIDS patients care can be linked to get a better socially s... ...IV/AIDS epidemic are A 1 - Care for the AIDS infected persons A 2 - Prevention of spread of HIV/AIDS epidemic A 3 - Creation of Awareness ab... ...t it remains indeterminate about the care for the AIDS infected patients, prevention of spread of HIV/AIDS patients and the concept of social stigma....

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Analysis of Social Aspects of Migrant Labourers Living with Hiv/Aids Using Fuzzy Theory and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

...s embedded concept of ‘masculinity’ often defeats the very premise of the prevention programs: for, masculinity is predominantly (mis)associated wit... ...omic model. This socio-economic model is constructed with Population, Crime, Economic condition, Poverty and Unemployment as nodes or concepts. ... ...el social problems. -1 +1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 POPULATION C 1 POVERTY C 4 CRIME C 2 ECONOMIC CONDITION C 3 UNEMPLOYMENT C 5 FIGURE: 2.2.1 38 ... E 1 E 3 E 4 E 2 E 5 FIGURE: 2.2.2 39 criminal acts like white-collar crimes for want of more money and so on. Thus one cannot actually get data... ... a CSW according to the Indian society that too in the Tamil society is a crime, an heinous act, an act very much condemned by the family people. So... ...urers were infected by HIV/AIDS only through sexual transmissions. Thus a prevention program is not a very difficult one. It is not a heterogeneous ... ...Current trends of the government plans give a stress to ‘abstinence’ and ‘prevention’, but what is needed is a more total revamping of our views. I... ...o, until this concept of dealing with sexuality is no longer treated with crime and guilt, we cannot expect the discriminatory attitude to be erased... ... Ingstad, B., “The Cultural Construction of AIDS and its Consequences for Prevention in Botswana,” Medical Anthropological Quarterly, 4 (1990) 28-40...

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