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Migration Period (X) Fine Arts (X)

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The Art of Writing

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

... the current S and R are both announced and re- peated unobtrusively, and by way of a grace-note that al- most inseparable group PVF is given entire.*... ...ning the prime ele- ments of language into phrases that shall be musical in the mouth; the task of weaving their argument into a texture of committed ... ...e will pardon me the epithets, a slovenly, base, untrue, and empty literature. Of that writer himself I am not speaking: he is diligent, clean, and pl... ...being tedious and inexpressive; and if you be very strong and honest, you may chance upon a masterpiece. A work of art is first cloudily conceived in ... ...the growth of their experience are marked by still more sweeping alterations in the manner of their art. So that criti- cism loves to dwell upon and d... ... ‘Thrawn Janet,’ and a first draft of ‘The Merry Men.’ I love my native air, but it does not love me; and the end of this delightful period was a cold...

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Hypotheses on Ulysses

By: Antonio Mercurio

...p to their necks as well as to risk their lives, while undertaking endless migrations. This too, perhaps, is a way of creating beauty and immortali... ... Sophia-analysis explores the existential unconscious from the intrauterine period up until adolescence, because that is where our greatest traumas, ... ...raumas sometimes becomes evident at birth and sometimes it incubates for a period of time, skipping over childhood. It then explodes in all its viol... ...FE AND OF WISDOM Homer created the poem the Odyssey in almost the same period that the Bible was written in the West and the teachings of Buddha... ... allows for continual fertilization and continual birthing, after a proper period of gestation has elapsed. This way of thinking can be embraced by ...

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By: Florentin Smaradanche

...liation After what has resulted from the debates about modernism, in that period of the impairing of sensitiveness, the insurgent and protesting spi... ...ocrisy of the conventionalism was Geo Bogza, prominent in the avant-garde period (2nd and 3rd decades), an insurgent nonconformist. He was the leade... ...d humor, the continuos quibbling make him go, from symbolism to the modern period with the speed of a comet, through the fields of a planetary attrac... ...directed toward a tedious praise of efficiency. The neoconformism of that period was not only an ostentation and a contest, but also a ferment of so... ...edly in the times of “those bright Romanians whom their country dispatches periodically in Europe: Tzara, Isou, and more recently, Cioran, Dinescu (t... ...ioned languages, an innovation that tells about the textual and contextual migration of movement. The Third International Anthology of Paradoxism (20...

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Introduction to N-Adaptive Fuzzy Models to Analyze Public Opinion on Aids

By: Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

...hese n-adaptive fuzzy models can analyze a problem using different models so one can get in one case the hidden pattern, in one case the maximum time period in some case output state vector for a given input vector and so on. So this new model has the capacity to analyze the problem in different angles, which can give multiple suggestions and solutions about the problem. T...

...BAM with illustration 20 1.3.1 Some basic concepts of BAM 22 1.3.2 Use of BAM Model to study the cause of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS and factors for migration 28 1.4 Introduction to Fuzzy Associative Memories (FAM) 35 Chapter Two ON A NEW CLASS OF N-ADAPTIVE FUZZY MODELS WITH ILLUSTRATIONS 2.1 On a new class of n-adaptive fuzzy models with illustrations 39 2.2 Some ...

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Fornander Collection of Hawaiian Antiquities and Folk-Lore. Vol. 6

By: Abraham Fornander

...d. Another woman, however, persisted, “You are pregnant. ” They each asked her, “How many months since you last menstruated?” “Two, since my menses period has passed. ” One of the women asked her, ‘What do you crave to eat?” “There is nothing that I long for. I try hard to eat."...

...od—Bathing by Jumpíing—Kite Flying—Surf-Riding—Dancing—Ko-nane—Cat's Cradle—The Puzzle—Game of Koi —Arrow-Slinging—Cock-Fighting -- 202 -- Source and Migration of the Polynesian Race -- 222 -- Traditional Hawaiian History -- 239 -- Hawaiian Origins: Comparative Traditions Viti—Fiji—New Zealand—Tonga Islands— Marquesas: -- 258 -- Legend of Hawaii-Loa -- 266 -- The Story of ...

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Information Technology Tales

By: Brad Bradford

... Scandinavia to Greece and almost touches the Black Sea. The eastward migration from the Black Sea left tongue-prints in Albanian, Armenian, Bal... ...ds. To qualify for his job, a scribe had to undergo a rigorous training period that included dictation and copying, reading, and chanting in uniso... ...d. Many of the Thousand and One Night Tales are set in Baghdad during this period. Islamic gathering of knowledge then moved west along the path of... ...mplishments, let‘s look to the times in which they are set. The medieval period (or Middle Ages) began about 500 AD with the fall of the Roman Empi... ...rastically after the breakdown of law and order in the first half of this period. The resulting unstable environment for trade, business, and indust... ...our or more oxen to pull it. In addition, the intellectual lethargy of the period slowed the rapid spread of new ideas. New planting system adopted ...

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Sartor Resartus the Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdr Ockh

By: Thomas Carlyle

...n our disquisitions on the Social Contract, on the Standard of Taste, on the Migrations of the Herring? Then, have we not a Doctrine of Rent, a Theory... ...t, in spite of the results it leads to, have continued dormant for indefinite periods. The Editor of these sheets, though otherwise boasting himself a ... ...t, few things have been more unexpected. Professor Teufels dr¨ ockh, at the period of our acquaintance with him, seemed to lead a quite still and sel... ...e to lecture, should occasion call; so ready to hold his peace for indefinite periods, should an enlightened Government consider that oc casion did no... ...aside; ink bottles alternated with bread crusts, coffee pots, tobacco boxes, Periodical Literature, and Bl¨ ucher Boots. Old Lieschen (Lisekin, ’Liza)... ...nown, by name and expectation, to the readers of these pages. To us, at that period, Herr Heuschrecke seemed one of those purse mouthed, crane necked,...

... question, How the apples were got in, presented difficulties. Why mention our disquisitions on the Social Contract, on the Standard of Taste, on the Migrations of the Herring? Then, have we not a Doctrine of Rent, a Theory of Value; Philosophies of Language, of History, of Pottery, of Apparitions, of Intoxicating Liquors? Man?s whole life and environment have been laid op...

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War and Peace

By: Leo Tolstoy, Graf

... the facts are in flat contradiction to such conjectures. During the whole period of the war not only was there no wish on the Russian side to draw th... ...s of a tooth, as straight and strong at sixty as at thirty. Soon after the migration to the “warm rivers,” in which he had taken part like the rest, D...

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Records: 1 - 8 of 8 - Pages: 

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